The BLTS Archive - Simple Second in the Cherry Blossom Suite by Artemis ( --- Disclaimer: Paramount/Viacom own Star Trek. No infringement intended, no money being made. Author's Note: This is set before Rand leaves for Tech School. Thank you to Amy for the beta. Criticism is not welcome, but will be tolerated. Archive: My place & TOS HET FAN FIC FORUM! --- Janice was late for lunch. There was so much to do before she could leave her captain in another yeoman's hands. When she got to their table, Hikaru wasn't't there. Instead, she found a tray containing a sprig of cherry blossoms in a crystal vase and a hand written note: In space, there's no life You bring air, light and gladness Will you marry me? She collapsed into her seat, doing her best not to cry out loud and furiously nodding her head. Janice took out her stylus and on the back of a menu card wrote: Light years away I'll be My heart is ever with you Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! She left it on the tray and took the spring and note. After she left the dining hall, all assembled let out a collective breath and cheered. --- The End