The BLTS Archive - On A Bridge Thirteenth in the Cherry Blossom Suite by Artemis ( --- Disclaimer: CBS-Paramount owns Star Trek. No infringement intended, no money being made. Feedback: Will write for feedback Beta: No beta. All mistakes are my own. Author's Note: Iddy's "Sex on a Bridge" Story can be any length, with any het characters, on any bridge. Archiving: My Place and THFFF --- Sulu slammed his fist on the dashboard. "Two hours! Control says due to solar flares; traffic is grounded for two hours! I'm sorry, Junebug. Looks like we're stuck." "At least we have a terrific view." She sighed, looking out at San Francisco Bay between the pylons of the Golden Gate Bridge. "I know what I'd rather be looking at," Sulu purred, nuzzling her neck. "Oooh, Hik, you know what that does to me." "Well, we do have two hours. . . " "And this buggy does have autopilot." They blacked out the windows and made mad, passionate love sixty-seven meters in the air. --- The End