The BLTS Archive - Ship Tales Where We Belong by Artemis ( --- Disclaimer: CBS-Paramount owns Star Trek. No infringement intended, no money being made. Feedback: Will write for feedback Beta: No beta I ran out of time. All mistakes are my own. Author's Note: Tales of the Ship for Roadstergal Archiving: My Place and ASC, ASCEML --- The Halloween party was in full swing when Malcolm popped into the gym. He told himself that he had to make an appearance for propriety's sake, and then he saw Major Hayes. The good major was poured into a black cat suit open to the navel with an orange chiffon scarf around his neck. It matched the mousse he had in his carefully coifed hair. He approached and asked, "May I have this dance?" Steven Hayes took in Lt. Reed at a glance. His costume was old-style Royal Navy dress whites. "Yes," he lisped as Malcolm led him onto the dance floor. //He can dance! // they thought at once. They caught each other's eyes and laughed. Their hips ground together. "Is that a phaser in your pocket or you glad to see me?" Reed purred. "Yes." Hayes replied with a lift of his eyebrow. It felt good to be in Reed's arms. It was heaven to be here like this. The next number was a polka. MACO Sally Ryde asked her boss for a dance. Reed headed for the door. He looked back at Steve. He wasn't ready for this night to end. So, he tucked his hat under his arm and marched back. He tapped Steve on the shoulder. Major Hayes turned with a huge smile on his painted lips. Sally backed away, her hands in good natured surrender. As "Up Where We Belong", played Malcolm carried Steve out of the gym to the cheers and whistles of the crew. --- The End