The BLTS Archive - Twinkle Twinkle by Amiroq. aka Gypzy ( --- Disclaimer: Paramount owns Star Trek. No infringement intended. Author's Note: This is the first story I've posted on ASC, but I have some work up at the KoaliTion Headquarters. I'm the Sister Who Is Neither Zeborah Nor Sasscat Bu-to-y, for those who were wondering. Thank you to: Kathryn Walters for challenging me to find K/T in every song she could name; Sasscat for posting this for me and suggesting the song. Archiving: ASC and the KTH. Anyone else, just ask. Feedback muy appreciated at kehlessa [at] (c) Amiroq. 1998 --- Twinkle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are. --- Talking to you earlier, a thought came to mind; if you aren't Klingon, if you aren't human, and you definitely aren't Vulcan or Bolian; what are you? --- Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. --- On shore leave, thinking about it, I looked up at the night sky and saw a tiny sparkle. I immediately realised what it was; Voyager, in low orbit. I thought of you, sitting in Engineering, tinkering with your machines. You're so beautiful, you outshine even the light of the stars. --- Twinkle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are. --- Lying in bed next to you, the answer came to me. You are who you are. It doesn't matter what your genetics are; it's what's inside that counts. --- The End