The BLTS Archive - Acronyms: VJB by ~allie ( --- DISCLAIMER: if you saw it on TV it's not mine. no infringement intended. no profit (damn) NOTE: This coulda, shoulda, woulda been a lot better if my muse (do I have one of them when writing silliness?) had let me figure out how to expand it but she wanted this one told like this.... --- I knew as soon as I looked at you that you were planning something, I just knew by the tiny glint in your eye and the slight smirk on your face which gave you away, however... I had no idea though that you were going to do that...! I had no idea that you were going to get on your knees and propose; not in front of everyone, not in front of every single member of the command staff in the briefing room of all places. I couldn't believe that you would to propose to ME. I was simply stunned into silence. You knew how I felt when Paris proposed to me, how vehemently I disposed of his romantic idea of committing myself to lifelong boredom and loneliness. I always thought it would be me who proposed to you. I couldn't look anywhere else except your cerulean blue eyes. You gazed at me with such undeserved adoration that I couldn't do anything else except say 'yes'. I stood there not only mortified but hot as Gre'thor as you stood there and told me that we would have more passion and perfection and 'Voq Je Bang' throughout our relationship whilst we travelled like ladies of the stars through the delta quadrant. All I could do was grin and think 'Voq Je Bang'; yeah, that sounds about right for making a long life together. --- The End