The BLTS Archive - Culturally Specific Treatment by Ainzfern ( --- Disclaimer: Paramount owns STAR TREK ... etc and so on and so forth! My only pay here is personal joy. Archiving: Cool- if you want to- please let me know. Feedback: Yes please! I'm keen to see what you think of this pairing. --- "Quark to infirmary – We have a situation down here Doctor!" Bashir looked up from where he had been catching up on his Medical Journals with a vague expression of annoyance. "What's the matter, Quark? I hope it's a MEDICAL situation this time." Julian was still smarting from the last time Quark had insisted that the immediate attention of DS9's Chief Medical Officer had been required in his bar. The doctor had attended Quark's upon receiving the call only to find out that he'd been rather rudely set-up. Apparently Morn had imbibed a little more than usual and started bragging. The next thing anyone knew Quark had a book running on whether or not Morn could beat an enhanced Julian Bashir in an arm wrestle and had come up with the idea of tricking Julian into attending the impromptu sporting venue. After all – 'it's only a little bit of fun Doctor, no harm intended... you Federation types just can't take a joke' – Julian had been so incensed that he stormed right back out again and refused to talk to Quark for two days. It was only Quark's gracious offer of a free two hour Holo-adventure AND a grudging apology (when Major Kira, found out she had given the slippery little Ferengi a very detailed description of what would happen to him if he DIDN'T say sorry) that put an end to it. Quark's voice came back sounding slightly wounded and oh so sincere. "No kidding this time, Doctor Bashir," he insisted, "I need you down here." "Look Quark – you know I don't normally leave the infirmary – even during a late shift - unless it's an emergency!" Bashir responded firmly. "Doctor..." Quark rushed on, "This is a delicate situation... I can't talk too loud in case HE hears me and I am NOT about to attempt to suggest HE do anything he doesn't want to. I was just hoping you might be able to talk some sense into him is all." Intrigued despite himself, Bashir sighed. "All right Quark, I'm on my way – don't panic". Grabbing his med-kit and signaling to the night-nurse working in the outer office, he left the infirmary and headed toward the Promenade. As he strode quickly through the quiet station he wondered just what on earth he was walking into this time. When he reached Quark's Bar, the nervous Ferengi met him at the entrance. "Thank Latinum. You made it! " he exclaimed. "He's just through here," he continued as he led the young doctor into the dim interior. Across the room Bashir sighted General Martok. A Klingon picture of abject misery, sitting by himself at a corner table, a table that was littered with a half-dozen emptied goblets of Blood Wine. That the celebrated war hero was drinking alone was unusual enough, but what really made Bashir stare was the bloody head wound that the General was sporting across his ridged brow, untended and still slowly seeping thick, dark Klingon blood. "Good Grief," he murmured softly "Grief is right Doctor," Quark said out of the side of his mouth, "You've GOT to get him out of here...he's depressing the customers – besides you know what Klingons are like. Once they start on the Blood Wine, it's either mate or fight." Quark smirked and leaned closer to whisper conspiratorially in Bashir's ear. "Although from what I gather went on between The General and his wife tonight, I'd say that the first option is definitely out...and I want HIM out, before he starts breaking up the furniture." Bashir blinked in surprise. "How do you know that Lady Sirella and Martok had a falling out tonight?" he asked suspiciously. "Simple deduction, Doctor." Quark nodded towards the bleeding general. "That's a Klingon 'not tonight dear' if ever I saw one..." "Why didn't you contact Odo about this?" Bashir asked him quietly. "What? – and set Martok right off by accusing him of causing trouble? – No, thank you!" Quark shuddered. "That why I called you! Use that enhanced intelligence of yours and coax him OUT of here before anything starts...PLEASE!" Still feeling somehow like he'd been taken in again, Bashir squared his shoulders and approached the Klingon's table. The General's single eye lit up when he spotted the young human approaching. "Ah Doctor!" he raised his gravelly voice in greeting. "Have a seat! Drink with me!" he bellowed in a jovial tone. Bashir sat slowly, carefully assessing the Klingon in the dim light. His eye was definitely a little unfocused and Bashir judged NOT from the Blood Wine. He'd seen Martok down a virtual barrel of the stuff with little ill effect. It was the head wound that concerned him and his medical training kicked into overdrive. "General Martok," he greeted the older man. "I'm pleased at the invitation, but I'd much prefer to get you into the infirmary so that I can treat that head wound of yours." "Bah!" The Kling made a disgusted sound. "It's nothing! A minor scratch that will heal on it's own! Pay it no mind. Tell me instead how fares your evening, hmm? I've not seen much of you lately. Busy preparing for the Kal Hyah before the wedding I have no doubt... Ah! Glorious days I recall of my own preparations so many years back! Sirella was so magnificent, Doctor! She still is." His rambling speech revealed a great deal to the perceptive young man in front of him. The General made a frustrated noise and then continued, "Who can say what goes on in the head of a woman, Doctor...Can you? Eh?" He glared at the human challenging him. "It's a mystery to every man, General. Some things just aren't meant to understood, I think," he replied. Martok threw back head and laughed. "How right you are Doctor Bashir!.. Aargh," he hissed suddenly clutching at his wounded forehead in an uncharacteristic display of pain. Instantly Bashir was on his feet and gently examining the dazed Klingon. "Alright, General...Just exactly what did Sirella hit you with?' he demanded. "Bat'leth" Martok mumbled "A Bat'leth?!" Bashir repeated incredulously, "She could have killed you!" "No...s'wasn't ceremonial...wasn't that sharp," Martok insisted in his roughened voice "It didn't bloody have to be! General – your skull is fractured! I'm sorry, but I must insist that you accompany me to the Infirmary for treatment." Bashir didn't bother waiting for an answer, instead slipping his arm under the Klingon's shoulder and hoisting him to his feet. The very fact that the bigger man did not instantly start kicking Bashir up and down the Promenade for his impertinence worried him greatly – as it was an excellent indication of how truly ill the General was feeling. "Ops" Bashir called as he tapped him com badge with his long slender fingers. "Two to transport to Infirmary – Authorization Bashir Alpha." Moments later he had Martok seated on a bio bed in the private examination cubical at the back of the infirmary. Knowing how most Klingons felt about submitting to a doctor's ministrations, Julian knew he would receive far more cooperation if his patient wasn't worried about being spotted by any other Klingons wandering about near the Infirmary. As he worked on the General, administering a hypospray to help him metabolize the alcohol he'd earlier ingested and scanning, then treating the hairline fracture across his armored brow, Martok began to come back to himself. He watched the young human closely as he moved around the examination room, checking his patient's vital signs and recovery rate. As he sat there, Martok began to feel more than a little disappointed with the way his night had turned out. After so long away from Sirella he had naturally hoped for a softening of her countenance towards him – but it was not to be so on this occasion. Then to make matters worse, this well-meaning little human had denied him the chance to vent his frustrations properly by getting appropriately drunk and perhaps even indulging in a fight or two with some suitable opponent. As he wrestled with his thoughts, he found himself paying more and more attention to the doctor's movements about him. He had worked among humans for a long while now and had always considered them somewhat weak and delicate creatures – courageous enough for all of that - but still awfully prone to injury. His head tilted thoughtfully as he regarded the young man with a narrowed eye. This one was different... He had noticed that during their sojourn together in that damnable Dominion prison. The Doctor has endured some truly brutal treatment at times from the Jem'Hadar guards and had shown surprising resilience to pain and exhaustion. His slender, delicate appearance belied a supple strength. He would be a suitable conquest... Conquest?! Now just where in the name of Kahless had THAT come from?... Perhaps Sirella has delivered a mightier blow than he initially thought. Shaking his head, Martok attempted to clear the inappropriate image from his mind. But as the doctor leaned over him again to perform a final scan, the General's nostrils flared as he caught the delicate, warm scent of the young man. Bashir was obviously wearing some sort of fragrance or unguent (not a practice that was followed by Klingons - male or female) – but to the preternaturally sharp senses of a trained warrior, it failed to mask the natural smell of the human – a scent that was, to the Klingon in his current physical state, considerably more attractive and arousing. As the doctor turned back to the small desk to complete his diagnostic report he missed seeing the tension entering the Klingon's body. Martok's gaze drifted down the long lean back, taking in the firm buttocks and measuring the elegant straight length of the young human's legs. So different in form and color to his usual taste, and yet still so very alluring. The fact that he didn't seem to realize the effect he was having on the General only heightened his appeal. Pulling his lips back from his teeth slightly, Martok inhaled deeply in sharp bursts, tasting the scent of human on the air. Unbidden, images came to his mind's eye... long golden limbs and smooth soft skin – under him...impaled on him...writhing and twisting and clutching and screaming with lust and need... a burning sweat-drenched sexual animal. Ignorant of the turmoil roiling within the man behind him, Bashir was starting his standard end of consultation wind-up. "All-right... I think I can safely release you to your own devices now, General. Everything seems to be in ord...Whoa!.. what the?... Ohmigod!" Bashir's voice constricted into a shocked whisper as he felt two large, hot hands close over his upper arms. The grip increased slowly to near painful intensity as a low undulating rumble began so very close behind him. Bashir's heart lurched... he knew what that sound meant. He opened his mouth to protest only to find his ability for speech gone as Martok slid his right hand up to grasp the back of the doctor’s slender neck; thick fingers resting along the elegant jaw line, thumb curled at the nape. Inexorably, the young man's head was tilted sideways and back slightly, exposing an appealing length of smooth golden neck to the hungering Klingon. Julian tensed himself for the sharp pain of Martok's bite, but it never came. Instead the General leant close, his mouth almost touching the soft human skin, and simply sniffed at the human's flesh. Warm breath huffed rhythmically against Julian's skin sending shivers racing down his body. Slowly, as if savoring a rare delicacy, the Klingon moved from side to side, tilting the doctor's head back and forth as he breathed in deeply, inhaling the rising odors of fear coupled with desire – and all the while that low rumble which was felt as much as heard, continued to roll endlessly from his throat. Incredibly, Bashir found himself responding to Martok's cavalier treatment. The surprisingly sensual assault that the Klingon was subjecting his sensitive neck to was having an undeniable effect. Blood surged and pulsed in his loins, hardening him. He heard his own heart hammering wildly under his ribs and he knew, just KNEW that Martok could smell his arousal. If he were going to extricate himself from this situation, he would have to do so now. With an almost sorrowful cry, Bashir suddenly twisted lithely out of the preoccupied Klingon's grip, ending up facing him from several feet away with his hands out defensively, as if ready to ward off the expected rush. Panting hard, eyes wide and startled, hectic color darkening his burning cheeks, Bashir stared at his dangerous patient. Martok fought down his natural urge to lunge directly after the human, to pin him down and ruthlessly claim his prize. He knew, however, enough about humans to know that a move like that now would be completely misinterpreted – taken as a base act of aggression. Instead, Martok exerted an ironclad control and took two slow and deliberate steps sideways, leaving a clear run to the exit. It was the only card he had left in a deck that was stacked against him and the wily Klingon played it perfectly. Their eyes locked. The moment spun out, expanded... grew still. The air between them became thick with portent. "You must leave now, Doctor, or not at all," Martok stated simply. Bashir stared intently into the General's single expressive eye, seeing within his fierce intelligence and strength, coupled with an all-consuming lust that would no longer be denied. One way or another, Martok would have release this night. //No going back,// Julian thought wildly, //If I stay it means I'm going to let him... My God, can I do this?... I want to do this!...I don't think I can do this...// Slowly...precisely...his gaze never breaking from the General's, Bashir spoke. "Computer..." he said thickly, "Privacy lock examination cubicle. Authorization Bashir Alpha." The stasis broke...the Klingon pounced. In one smooth movement, the slender young doctor was picked up and literally slam-dunked onto his back across the desk. Growling now deeply in his chest, Martok fumbled briefly with the zipper tab at the neckband of Julian's uniform. When his thick fingers failed to move it in short enough order the frustrated Klingon snarled loudly – abandoning all pretenses of finesse and hooked his hand under the material. The massive shoulder bunched and with one sharp wrench, the cloth was ripped downwards from neck to crotch, exposing the smooth expanse of Julian's deep golden skin. The warm copper tones of that sleekly muscled chest and the smooth flat belly inflamed the Klingon even further. With a savage sound, he tore the rest of the human's clothing away, discarding the virtual rags onto the floor even as he roughly began unclasping the front of his own heavy leather and steel uniform. At the sight of the Klingon's solid, thick, fully aroused member, Julian suddenly sat up – effectively denying the General access to his body. "Wait...wait..." he began. The tone of Martok's snarls immediately turned vicious. Julian looked into the Klingon's face and saw death there and instinctively he reached up and stroked his hands over the General’s ridged brow. "It's OK...I'm not saying no... I won't say no...I just...I just need a moment is all," he whispered. Unaccustomed as he was to tender touches, the battle hardened warrior was momentarily halted by the feel of cool, gentle hands stroking his scarred and craggy face. Calming his passion – soothing the Klingon's strong urge to overpower and claim his human prize. Julian quickly stretched across to reach a small shelf next to the desk where he hooked his long fingers around a small bottle of simple, unscented lotion. Dispensing a liberal amount into his palms, he anointed the General's sex carefully, giving the dark heavy shaft the glistening sheen of polished mahogany. Big hands slipped under Julian's thighs and with a quick jerk, Martok had the young man back down on the desk again, knees pushed against his chest. Not wanting to harm the human, Martok began slowly, pushing against Julian's sensitive opening with care. But as the head of his penis entered the tight, hot passage he felt his control falter and leave him. With a long, deep stroke he sank himself up to the hilt in the doctor's body, bellowing in triumph – realizing with intense pleasure that the young human was enjoying this penetration, the slender hands gripping the edge of the desk to provide enough leverage so that the slim hips could lift up to match the Klingon's thrusts. As the rhythm increased, Julian lifted one hand to stroke his own aching sex, needing the stimulation, wanting to climb the peak with Martok. With a loud bark of negation, the General grabbed Julian's wrist and forced his hand back down onto the desktop. Julian's frustrated groan of protest was instantly cut off as he felt Martok take over, the large warm hand pumping him firmly. Having never had a human before, Martok was surprised for a moment at the intensity of Julian's response to this. The young man's slender hands re-doubled their grip on the edge of the desk. His long back arched as he slammed his hips up harder and harder, meeting the Klingon's quickening thrusts. Martok kept up the regular stroking of Julian pulsing member, his gaze riveted on the human's reactions. Julian's head thrashed back and forth, his eyes tightly scrunched shut, totally lost in sensation. In an uninhibited display of total abandon, his earlier moans became full-throated yells of pleasure as he shamelessly urged the General on. Once again, Martok was struck by this little human's innate attractiveness. Looking down on him like this, golden skin glistening with sweat, smooth chest rising and falling deeply, head flung back in complete surrender... It was one of the most powerfully erotic sights the hard-bitten Klingon has ever seen and it pushed him to the cusp of orgasm faster than he would have believed possible. He lost all control when the young human under him began convulsing wildly in his own peak. The doctor's cries becoming tinged with a note of desperation – unable now to form anything but nonsense sounds and half-sentences. "...oh...oh...yes...YES...oh General that's... that's just...oh my God...OH...MY...GOD!" The incredible sensation of Julian's supple body tightening and clutching rhythmically around Martok's sensitized shaft, while his surprisingly hot essence flowed out in pulsing bursts across the Klingon's fist, completely undid him. With a roar that practically shook the sound proof walls of the examination room, Martok succumbed to a powerful climax that ripped through his belly in violent bliss. He came over and over into Julian's tight heat... astounded... grateful even in his intense pleasure that the human was taking this from him. As the last of the paroxysms faded, Martok clutched at the desk on either side of Julian's head, hanging on and panting heavily as his legs momentarily threatened to fail. No words were spoken as the big man gently disengaged from the doctor's body. In silence they tidied themselves up, Julian replicating a fresh uniform whilst Martok carefully refastened his own clothing, each man lost in his private thoughts. As the Doctor escorted his patient back out into the main infirmary towards the exit he picked up the thread of his earlier speech. "You may experience a mild headache for a few hours, General, but the fracture healed well...I don't anticipate you having any problems attending Worf's Kal Hyah." His elegant voice betraying nothing more than professional concern. "I thank you, Doctor," Martok replied in turn. "You're very welcome," Julian inclined his head with a small smile. Martok moved to cross the exit way into the hall, but paused at the last moment. Stepping close to the doctor he spoke in low, soft voice that carried no further than their own ears. "You have given me a great gift on this night, Doctor," the older man said with surprising tenderness. "You are a creature of great sensuality – meant to be cherished. Make sure your next lover... is a worthy one." With that he nodded good night and strode away, leaving Julian to stare in wonder at his retreating back. As the doctor re-entered the Infirmary, the Bajoran night-nurse cast a curious glance in his direction. "Anything the matter, Doctor?" she enquired politely. "Oh, not at all..." Bashir assured her with a smile as he rather carefully sat down in front of his medical journals again, "...just dispensing a little culturally specific treatment." --- The End