The BLTS Archive - Blood Fever: The Epidemic by Aimee ( --- And we wrap up this edition of BLTs posts with another new author. She's being silly right now, which is awfully fun, but she's also working on a new P/K ... and we all want lots and lots of P/K, right? So we'd better give the sweet child lots and lots of encouragement. --- I was watching the re-run of the episode "Blood Fever" last night and thinking that it's just not fair: ST:VOY characters never get to have sex! The other series' characters have sex: Kirk, Riker, Deanna, Worf and Dax, heck, even Picard, reserved as he is, got to do the horizontal mamba once in a while! But not on the good ship Voyager. "Darn," I said to myself. "They've *got* to be horny by now!" And then, when the amazing, cave-dwelling, now-you-see-us-now-you- don't aliens found out about B'Elanna's "chemical imbalance," they asked, "Is it contagious?" "Hmmm," I thought. What if it *was*? Thus was born "Blood Fever: The Epidemic." I intended for this to be a PWP, but it quickly mutated into an extremely silly bit o' fluff. It is *not*, by any means, meant to be taken seriously. This is my first fanfic story, so please be kind. If you haven't seen "Blood Fever" yet, go watch it before you read this story. My version is extremely jumpy and episodic and it leaves large chunks of the plot out; so if you haven't seen the show, this won't make much sense. DISCLAIMER: Paramount, UPN, etc own the show, the characters, the ship, the whole nine yards. I only own the frolicking and fooling around. Some of the dialogue in this story is taken directly from "Blood Fever." That dialogue belongs to the writers of the episode and not to me. All right. On with the story! --- B'Elanna left sickbay in a serious snit. First that geek Vorick refuses to take no for an answer and practically assaults her in Engineering, then the holocharacter-with-delusions-of-grandeur Doctor refuses to tell her what was wrong with the little pipsqueek! Something had to be wrong with him: Vulcans, logical creatures that they are, never pick fights with Klingons. _Oh, well. It's not my problem_, she thought, and headed for the bridge. --- "I've completed my preparations, Captain. As soon as you give the word, I'm ready to beam down to the planet and gather the gallacite," she concluded her report. "All right, Lieutenant, you have my permission to leave as soon as your team is assembled. And Lieutenant?" Janeway added as her Chief Engineer turned to leave. "You managed to prepare for this mission in record time. Good job, B'Elanna." She patted B'Elanna's arm. "Thank you, Captain." As B'Elanna left the bridge, the Captain absently rubbed her hand. It was tingling. --- In the transporter room, B'Elanna, always a get-up-and-go kind of person, was demonstrating an unusual amount of energy and enthusiam, even for her. Pointing out their route through the caves on the sensor map, she rattled off her directions all in one breath, then went on without a break. "Do you see any problem with that, Tom?" Taken off guard by the sudden question, for a moment Tom could only stutter. "Um . . . well, as long as we go slow and easy, we'll be fine." "Good. You all set, Neelix?" Neelix burbled. "I've got a laser drill, sample cases, geospectral analysis kit --" "In other words, you're ready." B'Elanna slapped the map for emphasis. "Let's go!" She strode off decisively, missing the speaking glance Tom and Neelix exchanged behind her. As they stepped onto the transporter pad, B'Elanna gave Neelix a comradely slap on the back. He smiled weakly up at her. --- Listening to Tom's voice over the commlink, the Captain felt a little giddy. Yeah, so B'Elanna bit Tom. Katherine had studied Klingon mating rituals in the Academy; she knew what that meant. There was no need for Tom to contact the ship just to brag about it. _Rubbing it in_. She scowled. On the other hand, good for B'Elanna! It was high time *somebody* on this ship got some! It had been *far* too long since she had . . . . Fingering her collar, she eyed Chakotay lustfully. Right. It was time to take action! "Tuvok! I want you to lead an away team down to the planet. We need to get Neelix to sickbay. Chakotay, I need to see you in my ready room." "Yes, Captain." As soon as the door to her ready room closed behind her, Katherine threw herself at Chakotay. Turning to face her, he said, "What did you want to see me abo -- mmmph!" There was a thud as they fell to the floor in a heap. Katherine landed on top, and quickly took advantage of this to straddle Chakotay's waist. She leaned forward and proceeded to kiss him senseless. --- Meanwhile, Tuvok and Harry had beamed down to the planet. They managed to rig a pulley system to hoist Neelix out of the cave and to the surface, where he could be beamed to Voyager. Harry helped Neelix into the harness and gave his shoulder a comforting pat before he signaled to the ensign waiting above. The ensign got the message and started pulling Neelix out. Thus freed, Tuvok, Tom, and Harry (scratching his palm where he'd touched Neelix) went in search of B'Elanna. --- Back on Voyager, Neelix was feeling decidedly strange. He wasn't in pain anymore; the Doctor had taken care of that. In fact, he felt rather . . . good. Just then, Kes came rushing into sickbay. "Neelix! Oh, Neelix, are you all right?" "Don't worry, sweetums, it was nothing serious. The Doctor fixed me right up. I'm fine." "Oh, I'm so glad," she cried, and embraced him fiercely. "Oh, really? Just how glad are you?" With one swift motion, Neelix pulled her into his lap and began to kiss her passionately. "Neelix, what are you . . . Neelix, the Doctor's right there . . . oh, Neelix," Kes sighed sensuously into his mouth and melted bonelessly against him. His hand found its way under her shirt and began to caress a particularly sensitive spot. "Ohhhh, Neelix." She knew she had said that already, but felt it was worth repeating. "Oh, Kes," gasped Neelix as Kes wrapped her legs around his waist. "Oh, brother," groaned the Doctor, and shut himself off. --- In the Captain's ready room, things weren't going exactly as Katherine had planned. Chakotay kept saying no! But Katherine Janeway wasn't one to be defeated so easily; she could out-stubborn the best of them. She presented her arguments calmly, rationally, and steadily until Chakotay was so aroused he could hardly see straight. "But, Katherine," he protested weakly as she licked his nipple. "Let's at least go to your quarters. We can't do this in your *ready room*, for God's sake!" "Why not?" she asked sensibly. "*I'm* certainly ready. And from the feel of things," she slipped a hand down the front of his pants, "so are you." "You got that right," he gasped, and quickly rolled over so he was on top. Katherine purred. --- Back underground, Harry and Tuvok had been separated from Tom and B'Elanna by the cave-in. Harry, like most of Voyager, was feeling the effects of Vorick's ponn farr. "Mr. Kim," huffed Tuvok. "May I remind you that while you dally here, Lieutenants Torres and Paris are missing? Kindly remove your hand from my ass and help me search for them." --- B'Elanna had Tom cornered. For such a notorious flirt, he was playing surprisingly hard to get. She kissed him lightly, seductively. "Just let it happen," she whispered throatily. And kissed him again. This time, he kissed her back. He pushed her slowly against the opposite wall, kissing her all the while. _Finally_, she thought. Then, amazingly, he pushed her away. "I hope someday you'll say that to me and mean it," he said. She frowned, and stepped away from him, considering. Then she ripped her tank top off in one quick motion. Tom's eyes bugged out. "On the other hand," he choked out, "who am I to doubt your sincerity?" He grabbed her waist and attached his mouth to the tip of her breast, flicking at the taut nipple with his tongue. "That's more -- ah! -- like it," she croaked. --- Eventually, all the crew made it safely back to Voyager, and the senior staff gathered for their daily meeting the next morning. Had anyone been in a condition to notice, it would have been a day to go down in history. Everyone at that table, bar none (even Tuvok!), wore a large, sleepy and, most of all, *satisfied* smile. The Captain looked at Tuvok and licked her lips in anticipation. _I can't wait until *he* goes into ponn farr_, she thought. Then she winked at Chakotay. --- The End