The BLTS Archive- Winning Hand: Games Lovers Play by AdmiralTAG ( and Astra ( --- Third in the Winning Hand series Another Astra/AdmiralTAG collaboration, but this one (surprise, surprise) is not a resident in our House of Angst. Humor, parody, just plain ol' silliness--you tel us! As always, feedback is craved. We're begging. (No, we're not on our knees, but hey, ya never know...). Standard disclaimer: Paramount owns the whole deck and we won't play with it. Wanna bet? ;-) --- "So we're agreed on this?" Jean-Luc asked. "Right." Beverly sounded reluctant--very reluctant. "Well, then we'd best start." "Right." She trailed her fingertips up the length of his inner thigh. "Beverly! We agreed to start tonight." "And we will." Her hands busied themselves, trying to tempt him, convince him. "We'll start--in five minutes." He gave a low chuckle. "Five minutes?" "All right--ten." He turned her over onto her back, a hand running along the side of her body. "An hour." "I should be so lucky." "You will be..." --- The next morning, Picard called Riker into the Ready Room. "Number One, we've received new instructions from Starfleet. In an hour we will be taking aboard a passenger whom I thought you might like to greet." Will pretended innocence, though this mission had been his own idea. "Sir?" "Ambassador Odan." "I see. And we will be taking--her, is it still?--where?" "The Klingon Homeworld. She will be mediating a dispute between Qo'noS and one of the planets along the border." Will knew all this. It was he who had alerted Headquarters to watch for travel requests from the Trill ambassador and try to assign them to the Enterprise. Nothing like having an old lover appear to keep a woman from pursuing a new one. The only remaining question was how Picard would react to the woman's presence. Now that he was a she, would the captain still be as jealous as before? "Why not send Beverly to greet the ambassador? After all, they were..." "Are you questioning my orders, Commander?" The last time he had felt such waves of anger rolling off the captain in his direction had been when he hosted the Odan symbiont, when he and Beverly had sat, sprawled rather, on the couch in this room, when Beverly had sat there, in front of the man he was ordered to keep away from her, sat in front of Picard with her hand stroking Will Riker's inner thigh. He had thought, then, that if the symbiont hadn't come close to killing him, Picard would gladly have volunteered for the job. Will had always thought it took a great deal of graciousness on Picard's part never to blame Will for hosting Beverly's lover, for making it obvious that the night before Beverly had been in his bed, he in her...Don't think of that, Will. It will only distract you from your mission. Riker returned to the bridge. Odan was finally returning, and he had to plot how the woman could fit into his plans. He would use her, as he had used so many over the years, to further his own ambitions. At least Odan would enjoy being used, unlike all the others he had hurt. When this was over, when his command was secure, he would have to find some means of recompense. After seeing Odan to her quarters, Will asked her if there was anyplace she'd like to go. She knew the way he thought almost as well as he did--after all, she had been him for two days. "No," Odan said, "I don't think I will stop by sickbay. There really isn't much point." Riker stroked his beard. This wasn't going to be as easy as he had thought. "You have nothing to say to Beverly?" "I don't think Dr. Beverly has anything to say to me," she replied. "Then you don't know her as well as you claimed to, Odan." Odan bit her lower lip, a mannerism which must have been Kareel's, since he didn't remember doing that when he was Odan. She started for the door and stopped. Will nodded, and she left the quarters. The next time Will saw Odan, she was being brought to the bridge by Beverly. They walked just a bit too close to each other, leaned just a touch into each other's space. Picard was glaring at the women. Riker smiled--things couldn't have gone better. "I thought I had assigned the Ambassador to you, Commander Riker." It was amazing that the bridge crew didn't sprout icicles; the temperature on the bridge dropped below freezing from the tone of the captain's voice. "You assigned me to greet Ambassador Odan," Riker tried to brazen it out. "Which I did. After I got her settled, I returned here, sir." "May we speak in your Ready Room, Captain," Odan interrupted. Picard consented, and the two walked across the bridge. Beverly's eyes followed them, and Deanna's eyes widened at the sudden blast of lust eminating from the doctor. She stared at Beverly, and Riker, seeing the expressions on both women's faces, smiled. Things were going his way. A half hour later, Picard escorted Odan to the turbolift. Beverly hurried to join her guest, touching the Trill's arm lightly as they stepped off the bridge. That night, Will dreamed of his own command. It was a sweet dream, and seemed once again within his reach. Just to be certain, he asked the computer for Ambassador Odan's whereabout. "Ambassador Odan is in Dr. Beverly Crusher's quarters." "How long has she been there?" "4.5 hours." --- The trip to Qo'noS was a short one, and the reason Odan hitched a ride on the Enterprise was a mystery known only to Will Riker. The ambassador would brief the morning staff meeting more as a courtesy than anything else. Odan slid into the room with seconds to spare, and Beverly rushed in at 0700 hours exactly. "I missed you at breakfast," Picard whispered, but Riker managed to catch the exchange. "I had an emergency," Beverly answered, with a distracted air. Riker remembered that air quite well, but forced his mind away from recollection and back to the conversation he was not supposed to be overhearing. "Lunch?" "Odan." "Beverly!" Picard protested, then relented. "Dinner?" "Tonight?" Riker knew that the Enterprise was scheduled to reach the Klingon homeworld at 2100 that night. "Bring Odan. If you must." From the tone of his voice, Riker guessed that only a woman so in the grasp of passion as to be oblivious would consent. Beverly smiled. "That would be lovely. We'll see you tonight, then." It was all Riker could do to keep from getting up, going to the replicator, and getting himself the fourth pip he was earning. The meeting began. After making her presentation, Odan left, and both Picard and Crusher stared after her, albeit with very different expressions on their faces. When Riker went to check in on Beverly later in the day, he found Odan in the CMO's office, locked in a sotto voce, intense discussion. A single red rose was in a vase on the doctor's desk. At 2055 the Enterprise reached orbit around Qo'noS. At 2056, Riker went to meet Odan and Beverly in Transporter Room Three. The transporter chief was standing outside the room. "They said they wanted some privacy," she informed the first officer. He strode into the room, and caught Odan placing a delicate kiss on the inside of Beverly's wrist. "I will never forget you, Dr. Beverly," she said. Riker cleared his throat, and the two women separated. Odan mounted the transporter pad, keeping her eyes on Beverly the whole time, as the doctor's were on her. Riker handled the transport himself, watching the two women watching each other. He suddenly realized, watching these two beautiful women whom he had known so intimately, how long it had been since he'd allowed himself to get close to anyone. After the transport was complete, he took himself to Ten-Foward with his trombone, looking for a pretty young ensign to assuage his lonliness. In Picard's quarters, Beverly and Jean-Luc were sharing a cup of tea. "How did your visit with Odan go?" he asked. "It was wonderful. It made me remember why I fell in love with Odan in the first place." Beverly took a sip of her tea. "Oh?" "Stop being so jealous!" She raised the cup of tea to his lips, and he took a drink. "Besides, it was your idea for me to spend all my time with Odan, and lay Riker a false trail." "I know, but...You didn't...Did you?" "When would we have had time?" Beverly asked. "I was here last night so she could sleep in my bed and fool Riker. Poor fool, he checked on her whereabouts, but never thought to ask where I was." She giggled, then continued. "We spent all day in Sickbay, talking, in case Riker came looking. And after dinner we stood in the transporter room, waiting to impress Riker with our kiss." "So two beautiful women spent all their time together trying to outwit one Commander?" "You know we did--your conversation with her before she came aboard only confirmed things she suspected when Will hosted her. She was not at all happy at having, even unwittingly, been a party to a plot to hurt me. She was only too happy to get a piece of our revenge, even if it meant pretending to be my lover again." "Poor woman," Jean-Luc sighed dramatically before returning to the previous topic of discussion. "Two women devoting all that thought to one man. I should be so lucky." Beverly leaned across to deposit their teacup on the nightstand. Her bare breasts brushed against Jean-Luc's chest. "You'll just have to make do with one woman." "I don't think I could handle more than just you." Afterwards, Beverly lay beneath him, caressing his back, her hands slipping lower. "Besides, we wouldn't have." It took Jean-Luc a while to realize that she was picking up the thread of an earlier conversation. "You wouldn't have made love? Because of me?" he asked, rolling onto his side. She laughed. "You are arrogant, aren't you? No, not because of you, not really. Did you know that Kareel is Odan's first female host? She's finding she quite likes the attentions of men. Oh, of course she still loves me, but she was more interested in giving me a running commentary on the attributes of the male crewmembers. She says that Geordi's cute, in a 'younger brother' sort of way, that Data's just too mechanical to move naturally in bed, and Will could stand to lose a few kilo." "Did she..." She could hear his unspoken question. "Uh-huh." She took pity on his masculine curiosity. "And she says you have the most incredible ass she's seen in 300 years." Beside her, Picard began to preen. "Don't get so worked up over it, Jean-Luc--it's not like she's been checking men out for that long." He frowned, and Beverly's eyes gleamed. "Besides, she says your bulge is even better than your butt." "Beverly!" She shrugged. "I can't help what my former lovers think." "Speaking of which, what do we do next to Commander Riker?" he asked, but got no reponse. Beverly was too busy demonstrating that Odan wasn't the only woman who could appreciate a well built man... --- The End