Rock 'n Roll

by Amiroq

Disclaimer: Character theft? Me? Never!

Notes: This piece came about (no pun intended) in a chat between me and Debb, and as such it's dedicated to her.

(c) Amiroq. aka Gypzy, October 2001


Kathryn was beginning to hate bridge duty - Harry and Tom had been making goo-goo eyes at each other all shift, and she was beginning to get sick of it. The planets were a welcome distraction.

"Captain, the planets seem to be acting rather strangely," Harry reported.

"In what way?"

He paused awkwardly, then put an image on the viewscreen. The planets zipped around, thudded into each other, and shuddered with the impact. Then they remained there, shifting against each other rythmically.

"Ensign? Any explanation?"

"Yes, ma'am. They, uh, appear to be mating."

Kathryn blinked. Of all the things. . .


