Fluent Gestures

by Amiroq

Disclaimer: Character theft? Me? Never!

Notes: The title was inspired by me listening to Placebo while writing. One of the lines in 'Teenage Angst' is "one fluent gesture, like stepping back in time".


It was strange. Tom had been terrified that admitting his feelings to Harry would ruin the friendship they already had, but if anything they were actually closer now. Harry was making an obvious effort to include him, and on the nights B'Elanna was working they would actually do things together, rather than sit on the couch talking about How Great Is B'Elanna. And while they hadn't really spoken about it, the sexual tension between them was obvious. Even Batehart had commented on it.

Of course, now that he was happier, B'Elanna wasn't. He'd seen it as soon as she realised what had happened: glares shot his way, touching-feeling between her and Harry when he was nearby, things like that. He didn't know what was up, maybe she felt threatened, and frankly, he didn't really care.

Things changed two weeks after The Declaration.

He really thought he should have heard about it from the highly efficient boon- deck grapevine, but it didn't turn out like that. Instead, Harry came to his quarters one evening, visibly upset. "Need some company?" he asked.

"No, but you look like you do. What happened I thought you had a date with B'Elanna tonight." Thought? He knew. He practically had Harry's schedule memorised.

"We broke up."

Tom could feel his heart bungee-jumping wildly inside his chest, trying to decide whether to be sad for Harry or happy for himself. Surprisingly, sad won - must be gravity's influence. He must be getting soft or something. "How come?"

"Actually, I did it. We had a fight, over… Well, nothing much really. I told her I didn't want to see her again."

He thought he could guess what the fight had been about, if it was something Har wouldn't talk about. B'Elanna was jealous, he'd figured that for a while. He hadn't thought it would come to this, though. "'S 'too bad," he said, thinking just the opposite. Okay, so maybe sad hadn't completely won out.


