On 4th of December the topic of the feature chat was crossovers in X-files slash fiction.

Our five were rac, who wrote an XF/Highlander crossover series, BlueMohairbear who has written XF/Sentinel crossover,  The Riticulan Amanuesis, who's writing a Pretender/XF series, Lianne, who has written several crossovers, and Little Eva.


I've been writing fic for about four years now, slash for about three. Years ago, when I was young, I wrote Star Trek (TOS) fic, scratching it in stone tablets with a stylus. :-) But then RL happened, and it was many years before Highlander: The Series sucked  me online.  After the show was cancelled, I needed something to fill the empty spaces, and lo and behold, The X-Files awaited me! A new universe with unexplored vistas; even after all this time, I'm still enthralled with the characters. I also maintain The NetCafe site (mostly Highlander but some X-Files and Sentinel, also, and lots of great writers); and Requited, a site dedicated to Mulder/Skinner fic from some wonderful XFiles ladies, at the following addresses:

And lately, I've been completely consumed with getting the zine, "Wounded Heroes: Tales of the Big Guys" prepped and ready to print. It's a multi-fandom slash zine, with Skinner, Ellison, and MacLeod as the stars. If you're interested, see the website: http://netcafe.simplenet.com/main/woundedheroes.htm

rac's XF/HL xover is "The Weatherglass Series"


I'm 39, German, married. I'm a journalist. That's why my RL is so  bitchy and I haven't enough time to write all the slash stuff that's in my head. LOL. I normally write Skinner/Mulder, but also love them very much with Krycek  (as a threesome). I adore Skinner; I love those big, muscular, surly guys who are tigers at the outside and teddybears at the inside. LOL.

I still don't have an own website because I'm a dummy with html and all that stuff. Some of my stories can be found at my friend Jadzia's site at http://members.theglobe.com/ratboyx. I've been writing slash for about a year now, I think. Reading, for two years. Without my beta-goddess Sergeeva at my side, I make funny mistakes in English. ROFL. A friend of mine, who is an esoteric, once told me after a session that in my last life, I've been a gay man. ROFL. So maybe this is why m/m sex is so fascinating for me - memories of own lustful experience. ROFLMAO.

Blue Morhairbear's XF/TS crossover story is called "Detour", and it can be found at the Smiling Pectoral God Archive:

The Riticulan Amanuensis

The Riticulan Amanuensis has been watching the X Files from the beginning; the minute I saw Mulder, I said to myself that that fellow is a gay character. And when, some years later, I discovered slash, well...the rest, as they say, is history. I have been writing for years, but nothing every published - electronically or otherwise. I write mainly Krycek, but I have a Skinner in the works as well as a continuing XFiles/Pretender crossover series.

I also enjoy reading and watching X Files, Due South, Sentinal, Once a Thief, Stargate - What slash potential!" Page location: http://mace.virtualave.net/riticulan/

Riticulan's XF/Pretender xover is "Brothers by Choice"


I'm a 31 year-old Canadian software tester, for those who care about non-fandom backgrounds. I started reading gen fanfiction when I first got on the Internet, about 5 years ago, mostly Star Trek and X-Files. Then I slowly got sucked into adult, then slash fanfiction and never looked back. Then, after reading a particularly bad story and saying "I could do better than *that*"... Well, I decided to put my money where my mouth was.

Since then, I've written for more than a dozen fandoms. One of the most fun forms of fanfiction, as far as I'm concerned, is the crossover. There is so much to play with. Is Fraser a Sentinel? Are the Consortium and The Center connected? And why do certain characters look exactly the same <g>?

Currently I'm working on two crossover series. One is a Once A Thief/Kindred crossover and the other, New War, I affectionately refer to as 'the series that ate my life'. It started out X-Files/War of the Worlds, but has also included Beauty & the Beast, The Sentinel, Stargate SG-1, Highlander, The Pretender and more to come.

This series, and all my other fanfiction, can be found at  http://adult.dencity.com/lianne

Little Eva:

Okay, a short intro huh? Well, I live in the USA, I just turned 40 and I've been writing slash for 3 years. Most of my stories are here: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Keep/8613/littleeva.html So anyway, enjoy!

Continue to part 1 of the logs.