Continued from part one.


<Host2> New Question Alert:

<Host4> I wonder about how authors see their characters. Are you always writing about the same Skinner or MUlder or, do you have kinda AU Skinners for every one of your stories?

<Rosalita> I think my Mulder and Skinner are usually the same in each story, with perhaps some slight variations. I'd have to ask my readers if they come across the same or different in each story.

<Rosalita> I try to keep them consistent, anyway.

<Guest5> I thought 'Another Life' was definately 'Mulder'

<Rosalita> Thanks, of the three guys, I find Mulder easiest to write. Skinner next, and Krycek the hardest.

<Guest5> Do you ever dabble in 'minor' characters? I personally find them easier to write than 'the big four'

<Rosalita> Krycek bothers me because I'm always afraid to assign him motives because I'm afraid that canon will screw it up.

<Rosalita> No, I think I had Frohike show up in one story, but other than that, I've stayed away from minor characters.

<Host1> How about original characters?

<Rosalita> Never written an original character, unless you count the humor stories and that character is me.

<Host1> Ah! A Rosa Sue!

<Rosalita> LOL!

<Host1> Ever been tempted to try writing an original character, though?

<Rosalita> I've been tempted to put Mulder into a relationship with an original character, just to see him interact with someone who is not involved in any way with the FBI or the consortium. I may do it someday.

<Host3> Do you think anyone outside the FBI would put up with him? :)

<Rosalita> Actually, that could be kind of fun. It would be neat to see this guy reacting to all the weirdness going on.

<Rosalita> Hmm. Probably not, but then again, this is fantasy.

<Host3> He'd really have to love Mulder, I think.

<Host3> Not that that's difficult ;-)

<Rosalita> Wouldn't be difficult at all. But how would he meet Mulder?

<Rosalita> I don't see Mulder picking up somebody in a bar, does anyone?

<Guest2> how about on a case... he does meet lots and lots of people

<Host3> Too paranoid, I think.

<Guest9> LOL... they could meet in an adult video store...

<Guest8> try a Mulder goes on vacation scenario -- it's worked before

<Rosalita> That might work or it could be somebody he meets in a grocery store or something mundane like that.

<Guest2> or make it charlie scully.... we haven't met him yet .... (evil grin)

<Rosalita> I'm really starting to like this idea.

<Host3> What about someone he meets peripherally at work, like a witness he questions?

<Rosalita> There is that. It's not as if Mulder wouldn't get involved with someone on a case. Witness "3"

<Host3> And it could be someone he questions but isn't really involved in the case, if you know what I mean.

<Guest8> Local law enforcement's also been interested in Mulder -- Det. White...

<Rosalita> Eeewww!

<Rosalita> <g>

* Host1 chuckles

<Guest8> now, now...

<Guest9> White... yeah!!! or Bambi????? ::ducks very fast:::

<Host1> Det. White could be a transvestite! <reaching>

<Rosalita> Her name is Bambi?

<Rosalita> There ya go, Host1.

<Guest8> you mean she wasn't?????

<Guest5> Babm=roach!girl

<Host1> LOL, KMS!

<Guest8> Hey... Mulder meets a cross-dressing Fed agent...

<Rosalita> She did look a little mannish, come to think of it.

<Guest2> named denise?

<Host2> Agent Denise??

<Guest9> Denise White....

<Host1> Oh, UnChuck should be here!!


<Host2> 4 New Question Alert:

<Host3> Tell us about your DD list. it's realtively new. How is it working.

<Rosalita> It's going great. We have 80 members and growing. It's a lot of fun and the members seem to really enjoy it.

<Rosalita> I never expected the response I got. I guess it was really high time for an adult DD list.

<Guest9> Are you talking about DD, his career, and so on in a more "earnest" way, or is there a lot of drooling, too?

<Host2> LOL

<Rosalita> Both. We drool, we talk serious, we drool some more.

<Host1> But the whole idea is, ADULT drooling!

<Host2> How many have joined the list up to date?

<Guest9> Sounds nice:-) But with 80 people on there, isn't there emails from hell, speaking of quantity?

<Host1> I have to ask, though - why makelist? Aren't there other list servers availablethat don't archive?

<Rosalita> We have 80 members as of right now.

* Host1 left all his makelist lists because of the archiving

<Rosalita> Believe it or not, we've had very few problems on the list so far.

<Rosalita> I went to Makelist because it was the only one I knew of that was free and actually worked.

* Host1 understands

<Guest9> Makelist seems okay.. I'm on mppb, and they use it, too.

<Host2> mppd kicked me twice, tho... for unknown reasons

<Rosalita> Had a few problems with makelist but nothing serious.

<Host2> Rosa - are there men on your list?

<Rosalita> I may have Host1.

<Rosalita> Host2: I think there are one or two guys on the list.

<Rosalita> Thanks for the URL, Guest5. I just bookmarked it.


<Host1> would you describe Mulder and Skinner in one sentence?

<Host3> Rosa, do you have any strong opinions, for or against slash writers using safe sex precautions in their stories?

<Host1> One sentence each, that is!

<Rosalita> Ack!! Ummm.

<Rosalita> Oh, one sentence each.

<Rosalita> Mulder is a contradiction in terms.

<Rosalita> Skinner is a surly pectoral god. <g>

<Host1> lol!

<Guest9> YESSSS!!!!

<Host3> Perfect!

<Host2> Oh yeah.... :)

<Host2> Rosa, we still have GS's question there... about safe sex precaution in stories...<Rosalita> For me it depends. I'm more of a stickler for safe sex betwen M & K than between M & Sk, only because you just never know where Krycek's been. I try for the boys to have safe sex, when it's feasible.

<Guest9> But then, we don't really know where Mulder has been, either... or Skinner (Remember the Avatar!)

<Rosalita> However, it's not always feasible. Like in "Confines." They were in a prison cell in Siberia, for god's sake. I just didn't think either of them would have a condom. It always amuses me in stories when M & K are having sex in the most unlikely of places and Krycek (It's always Krycek) whips out a condom.

<Host3> Ahh, so Skinner is faithful, as is Mulder?

<Rosalita> True, Walt.<Host2> You mean because M/Sk is more like a steady relationship and trust is part of it? Flings certainly suggests safe sex at anytime

* Host1 never noticed Krycek comes prepared

<Host1> No one ever mentions that 10% of condoms have holes in them. No such thing, really, as safe sex.

<Rosalita> Mulder: yes, that's how I see it. I rarely write M/Sk with a condom, for some reason. Unless it's a first time story, then I usually do.

<Guest9> LOL, they most likely got strip searched in Tunguska and the condoms were gone....

<Guest6> Krycek used to be a boy scout, I guess. But fiction is fiction, we have to look at it as that.

<Rosalita> True, Guest6. It's a fantasy so I don't feel like safe sex absolutely has to be there. I'll put it in if it works, and if it doesn't, I leave it out.

* Host2 does prefer a certain degree of reality check in all fiction, too. My humble opinion. So condoms are fine with me.

<Guest9> This condom question has some history in this room... it once popped up as "a piece of real life in fiction"...

<Guest9> And for myself, I just loved this in "Avatar".. the mentioning of Skinner using a condom.

<Host3> Well, it's a fact of life these days, isn't it?

<Guest9> Yes, GS.. thus I like to see it in stories, too. And to not use one, I see as a result of a long term relationship, and trust.


<Host2> New Question Alert:

<Host1> Q: Do you like writing the sex scenes in your stories? Are they always important, or do you sometimes feel like you have to put them in because they're expected?

<Rosalita> Exactly, Guest9.

<Rosalita> It's weird, In the beginning, I wrote stories around my sex scenes. Now I find myself trying to fit the sex scenes into the stories.

<Rosalita> Sometimes I really like writing them. Sometimes not. I really depends on the story. Sometimes they just flow and sometimes I have to drag the boys to bed kicking and screaming.

<Host3> Do you feel like there has to be a sex scene?

<Rosalita> But yes, I do think they're expected. I know I'm disappointed if I read a long story and there's no sex.

<Host3> Do you like writing the sex or is it difficult for you?

<Rosalita> A question: does anyone not care if there's a sex scene?

<Rosalita> It's hard. <vbeg>

<Rosalita> Very, very hard.

<Host1> I don't mind no sex scenes, really! Do your first ideas for stories ever come from envisioning the sex scenes?

<Host3> Well, I for one like sex scenes. But I don't always have to have one to enjoy the story.

<Guest9> Sex is nice.. I like it, otherwise I would not read slash or "het smut".. but it is not "the core" of a story.

<Rosalita> Qute a few of my stories have come from an idea for a sex scene.

<Guest10> IMHO!!! i don't read the slash for the sex actually..

<Host3> Sinner and Mulder under the Christmas tree, perhaps

<Host3> One of my favs

<Rosalita> Thanks. Yes, that was one of those.

<Host3> *Skinner* sorry freudian slip :)

<Guest9> I like it when sex in a story is something "just happening", because the time and place and feelings are right.. I can do without, if the plot is good and the angst gorgeous;-)


<Host2> Rosa: Do you have favorite sex technics ? In your stories, I mean ;)

<Rosalita> Agreed. I can do without sex in a story, but the story has to be otherwise very, very good.

<Rosalita> I love rimming, actually. Although I've never felt very comfortable writing it. And I prefer Mulder on the bottom.

<Guest9> I see sex in story as I see sex in RL, too... it's the icing on the cake:-)

<Guest10> in my opinion i agree with Skinner

<Host3> You prefer Mulder on the bottom, or Mulder prefers to be on the bottom :)

<Guest10> sex is the extra..the omg..look they finally decided to go ahead and do it..kinda feeling

<Rosalita> Well, it's my opinion that Mulder prefers the bottom, but I think some people would argue with that.

<Guest10> and it doesn't need to be anal all the time my opinion

<Host2> True, Guest10. It's quite a common opinion that anal is the real gay thing, which is not imo, too

* Guest9 agrees with guest10 and Mulder... "the hole" is just one of many places...

<Host3> So you don't see them as a switch Walt is always the top, Mulder alsway the bottom?

<Rosalita> I can see them switching. Just not in my stories. :-)

<Host2> I can see them playfully switch but Skinner would alway be a wee bit more top than Mulder could ever be, imo

<Rosalita> I don't see them switching very often.

* Host1 agrees totally

<Guest9> Yes, Host1... but not theee thing which must be.

<Host3> Well, I don't have a problem with it. If Mulder prefers to be bottom, who am I to suggest otherwise :)

* Host1 agrees very agreeable today!


<Host2> New Question Alert:

<Guest9> Question: Could it be that female writers pay so much attention to "anal" because this seems to be close to what they like??

<Rosalita> That's a definite possibility, Guest9.

<Host2> Q: Is realism in a sex scene important for you? Like, KY instead of spit, etc...

<Rosalita> Most sex for us ends up in intercourse, so we just think it must all be like that. :-)

<Rosalita> I try to make it realistic. I think about what they're going to use for lube, if the positions are physically possible, etc.

<Guest10> takes alot ALOT of spit in myopinion if ur a novice in analsex..

<Host1> Do you have "research" folks to ask for advice?

<Rosalita> I do, but I don't ask very often. It's really embarrassing. I usually just use what I've read in gay erotica and from web sites. :-)

<Guest9> ...and you had ball play in a story you still wrote as "Spookette"...

<Host1> Any special websites?

<Rosalita> I did? Which one?

<Guest9> I think it was Fox in the Sky...

<Rosalita> Websites: I found one the other by a gay man in which he explains how to perform various sex acts. Very informative site.

<Host1> URL!

<Host1> <g>

<Rosalita> Hmm. I'll have to go back and read it. I can't remember half of what I write. <Rosalita> Let me go see if I even have it bookmarked.

<Guest9> I heard from one female writer I know that she goes on "field trips"... to IRC rooms, as a man, to gain experience! I think that's pretty courageous, and very good regarding "research".

<Host2> It is indeed.

<Rosalita> I can't find it. I found it by following a link from somewhere. If you want the URL, email me at I'll try to find it and send out the addy.

<Rosalita> But, rocketmail is messing up right now. And I haven't gotten any mail in over 24 hours so it make be a couple of days.

<Rosalita> Found it. It's Patrick's How to Sex Guide.


<Host2> Q: How do female writers - please don't be offended - get the feeling right when writing about gay sex... Is this is mere technical act for you or do you get really stimulated by the scenes you write.

<Rosalita> I do get aroused by what I write. If I didn't, I figure I'm not doing it right. Hope that isn't too much information.

<Guest9> Host2, guest10... do you get aroused by slash stories??

<Guest9> As for myself... I certainly do:-)

<Rosalita> I'm glad to hear that. I know most women who like slash get aroused by it. I always wondered if the guys do, too.

<Guest6> I certainly do. Gotta admit it.

<Guest10> IMHO..very little of it excites me..cause alot of it..tends too be too harlequin

<Guest10> the sex..

<Host2> Very much. I have a very vivid imagination.

<Guest10> but some is very boner my opinion..

<Guest9> Guest6.. sorry to not have you mentioned there in the first place... but I am learining:-)

<Rosalita> Can I ask the guys here if they think my sex scenes are realistic? Don't worry if you think they're not. It won't hurt my feelings.

<Host3> The technical aspects Rosa?

<Guest9> So... you slashy ladies are doing quite fine!! "Boner making" should be one hell of a compliment;-)

<Rosalita> Yes, are the sex scenes in my stories realistic.

<Host2> I think they are, Rosa.

<Rosalita> Thank you, Mulder.

<Guest9> Yes, they are, Rosalita. If they were not, we would not like them that much:-)

<Host2> {{{{Rosa}}}}


<Host2> Rosa: What would be the greatest challenge to write?

<Rosalita> I'm thinking---smell the wood burning?

<Rosalita> Writing secondary character slash, I think. I admire those folks who can write Pendrell slash or Lone Gunmen slash.

<Rosalita> I don't think I could.

<Guest9> Krycek and Skinner are "secondaries", too, in that Moose and Squirrel show..;-)

<Rosalita> True. But in the slash world, they're main characters. :-)

<Guest9> CC has branded them.. YES, they fortunately are..!!

<Host2> Thank you, Rosalita, we had a splendid time "grilling you" <big grin> Thank you for being frank and elaborate with us!

<Rosalita> Thank you for having me and thanks to all those in the audience.

<Guest9> Thanks, Rosalita.. and thanks to the hosts, as always!!!

<Host1> Yes, Rosa, you were wonderful!

<Host2> Thank you, Rosa :)

<Host2>  Watch this space and our announcements for our next "grill-party" :)

<Guest10> keep up the great M/K Rosa!! ;-)

<Host2> Check out our official #TheAD'sOffice webpage:

<Rosalita> Thanks, everybody. Bye!


The End

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