Title: More Little Words
Author/pseudonym: Eagle Eye
Email address:
Rating: G
Pairings: J/B

Status: Complete
Date: 1-31-99
Archive: yes
Archive author: Yes
Archive email address: Yes
Series/Sequel: Yes
Author's website:

Hey, Guys, well since I didn't know where the first one came from I
really have NO idea why the muse seems locked on this little group of
stories<G>. I think I have yet another one knocking around in my head<G>.
Simon is demanding equal time. I'd like to thank Becky Brewster for the Beta
job and per the requests of Eriker {this IS Jim's POV} and Virg, {Yes, it's
longer} here's another installment<G>. Hope you guys enjoy.

Disclaimer: We ALL want them. We ALL can't have them. We ALL know why.

More Little Words
By Eagle Eye

NEED. Seldom had a word seemed so alien. The man who, even as a child hadn't
ever needed someone, was just now pushing 40 and discovering what that word
meant. Discovering the joy and fulfillment of needing someone, of having
someone need you. These were the thoughts that coursed through Jim
Ellison's head as he sat gazing out into the bullpen from his captain's
office, not paying much attention to the captain or the murder case they
were supposed to be working on. Instead Jim's thoughts and eyes were locked
on the still form of his lover seated at his desk. How had one person
succeeded where so many had failed and taught the unbendable Jim Ellison how
to bend, how to need? He did need him. Should he wake up tomorrow to find
that he had lost his hyperactive senses, Jim Ellison would still need Blair
Sandburg...just to be. He realized with a start that he was fine, no better
than fine, with that. The realization that he needed his Guide caused a
warm sensation to emanate through his body, a sensation that he liked.

"Jim," Simon Bank's voice interrupted his thoughts, "are you with me here?"

"Yeah, sorry, Simon," Jim said, tearing his gaze from the bullpen and
searching the file in front of him. "Where were we?"

Simon followed Jim's gaze to the bullpen, spotted the equally
enraptured Sandburg and sighed, rubbing his fingers along the bridge of his
nose under his glasses.

"Why don't we just quit for today and pick this up first thing tomorrow
morning? Go get your partner and then the both of you get out of here."

Not having to be told twice, Jim gathered his files and left the captain's
office with a wave. He quietly approached his desk, not wanting to startle
his young lover sitting there. He felt the slight jump as his hand gently
squeezed his partner's shoulder.

"Ready to go home, Chief?''

The warm smile that greeted him when Blair turned and looked up ignited the
warm sensation again and lit a smile on Jim's face as well.

"Yeah, I've been ready for a long time, Big Guy."

As Blair stood preparing to leave the bullpen, Jim paused to thank whomever
had seen fit to make this gifted young man *need* him as well. Jim wrapped
his arm around the man who'd become friend...brother...lover...and more as
they left the bullpen together and headed home.

*~**~*~**~*~**~*~**~*~**~*~**~*~THE END~*~**~*~**~*~**~*~**~*~**~*~**~*