Title: Little Words
Author/pseudonym: Eagle Eye
Email address: crypt@citicom.com
Rating: G
Pairings: J/B
Status: NEW, Complete
Date: January 22, 1999
Archive: Sure
Archive author: Eagle Eye
Archive email address: crypt@citicom.com

Hi, everyone, this is my first FIC post to this list so if I do anything wrong PLEASE drop me a line and tell me. <G>

This is a short little ditty. <G>  Don't know WHERE it came from, but when the muse talks smart people listen<G>.  Here's hoping I can finish the several I have started NOW<G>.  Let's call this something to wet your whistle<G>.   Never fear, the others I'm currently working on DO have sex in them.

Disclaimer: I don't own them?  Are you sure?  Gosh Darnit, you could have let me BELIEVE I did.

Little Words by Eagle Eye

Home.  Seldom had a word come to mean so much.  He'd never known.  The child who'd lived life's adventure, going from place to place making new friends & meeting new people, was now the man who sat staring out at the bullpen lost in thought.  The man who'd just now come to understand how much such a little word could mean.  What **WAS** a home?  It wasn't a place; he'd been LOTS of places.  So it must be something else, like people--or maybe just one person.   A hand the gently squeezed his shoulder startling him from his thoughts.

"Ready to go home, Chief?"

Blair turned and looked up a Jim with a friendly smile.

"Yeah, I've been ready for a long time, Big Guy."

Blair stood, preparing to leave the bullpen.  The arm of the man who'd become friend...brother....lover...and more...his *home* wrapped about his back.

The End