Passing To the Future
By heidi

Part 1

Spring, 1989

The sum of two numbers is 2. If the smaller is 40% less than the larger, what is the larger number?

a) 7/6  b)3/2  c)7/5  d)6/5  e)5/4

Kevin worked feverishly, setting up his equation, rechecking the math then marking E on his score sheet.  Looking at his watch, he could see he only had about 15 minutes left.  Flipping through the booklet, he was relieved to notice there were only a few questions left. 

Taking a deep breath, he read the next question.


"Yo, Kevin.  How was the test?"

Tom Mollander jogged up to Kevin, slapping his friend on the back.

"I think I did good."  Adjusting his backpack more comfortably, he looked at the other teenager.  "There were a couple of questions that I stumbled over, but over all, I think I'll be happy with my results."

Tom laughed, shaking his head.  "Man, I still don't understand why you were so determined to take the S.A.T.  I mean, dude, you've got just about every college in the country panting over you.  I even think I saw a scout from the Cowboys at the final game of the season.  You don't need to be taking the S.A.T."

Kevin simply shook his head.  He had heard all the arguments before from friends who couldn't understand why he would choose studying over hanging out with them.  Grinning at his friend, "You know why."

"You are just so full of shit, man.  You're gonna be pro.  We all know that.  'The arm of a God.'  Even Sports Illustrated knows how good you are.  What do you need an actual education for?" 

"Because, when my career is over, I want something to fall back on.  I'm not going to be one of those old has-beens who has nothing better to do with their lives but attend card signings and such to make a living."

"Yeah, right.  Whatever.  Does this mean you'll have time for your friends now?"

Kevin grabbed hold of his friend in a headlock before giving him a noogie.  "You got it."


Kevin strolled through the house, heading purposely towards the kitchen.

"Kevin?  Is that you?  You got some more letters today.  I put them on the kitchen table."

"Thanks mom."

Rummaging around the fridge, he pulled out the makings for a couple of roast beef sandwiches before sitting at the table where letters from UCLA, Stanford, and Penn waited for him.

Carefully he opened the letter from UCLA, then the one from Stanford.  Skimming the letters, they were much like rest.  They offered full paying football scholarships, as well as acceptance into their business programs.

With nervous fingers, he picked up the letter from Penn.  This was the school he actually wanted to attend.  Again his friends thought he was.  In their minds, he should attend a school such as UCLA, which not only had a good business school but, more importantly, had one of the best football programs in the nation.  He could still hear Tom's latest comment, "Shit man, if they give you an offer, grab it.  They'll make you look good, increase your ranking in the draft."  But he wanted Penn.  Wharton, Penn's business school, was considered the number one business school in the nation, and not too far from home.

Opening the envelope, he read the letter and then reread it.

"Mom."  He ran out of the kitchen, food forgotten, the letter clenched in his hand.  "Mom."

His mother looked over the banister.  "Yes dear."

"Penn.  They've offered a full paying academic scholarship.  At Wharton.  I've been accepted."  Running up the stairs, he grabbed his mother before swinging her around a few times.  "I got what I wanted."

She smiled proudly at her youngest son, patting him lovingly on the chest.  "I think this calls for a celebration.  Go call your brothers."


Lexington Herald
July 12, 1989
Section C, Page 1

Star Quarterback Passes on Top Ranked Teams

Local football hero, and USA Today's top high school player, Kevin Richardson, announced today that he has chosen which college he will attend.  In an interesting turn of events, he has chosen a school with what would be considered an average football record, University of Pennsylvania.  "I'm thrilled to be attending Penn, and hope I can help their record," is all that Mr. Richardson had to say.

Part 2