By heidi

There were days he felt like a puppet, made to play out a skit someone else had written.  He'd smile when needed, meet with people as arranged, and answer all questions in an appropriate manner.  Which, when he thought about it, was pretty ironic.  But it was needed, and he understood that.  They, as a group,  had chosen to lead this double life, and they had to do what was needed to protect it.

Today just happened to be one of those days, and it really kind of irritated him.  Almost made him mad.

He sat and watched as JC read over his check list making sure that he had packed all the necessary supplies for his mission.

JC's head was bowed, oblivious to all around him.  His hair flopped down around his face, a rarity, but indicative of the fact that he hadn't bothered styling it after showering, knowing that he would be wearing a hood later.

Joey wanted to reach out and run his fingers through that long hair, knowing how soft it would be without the various products holding it in place.  Loosing himself in thought, he continued to watch his friend pack, seeing himself get up, and stand before JC until his friend turned to look at him.

His hands reached forward, and began gliding through the sun streaked strands, pushing the curly hair back from the pretty face before he took hold of the mane, bringing JC's head forward, towards himself.

Stunned eyes melt into smiling ones as their mouths meet.

Feeling JC wrap his arms around his waist, strong hands settling on his back, he lowers his own, allowing his thumbs to rub along JC's jaw line before finally resting one hand behind the long neck, the other on a firm ass.  With careful movement, he lowers both of their bodies to the bed, his arm reaching out to brace them.

He smiles as he hears JC laugh at the resounding thunk his bag makes when they knock it from the bed.  Oblivious to the mess they make, he covers the lean body with his more solid one, and begins to move a little, creating a sweet friction between them.

"Joey."  The word is said softly, and Joey moans at hearing it.  Moving in again, he captures JC's lower lip between his teeth, he tongue teasing the slightly swollen flesh before shifting his mouth over the freshly shaven jaw.

JC's hands tug at his shirt, trying to pull the fabric up to allow his hands access to Joey's back.  Joey lifts himself slightly so that the material can be pushed up before desperate hands rip the material.  He takes the opportunity of their bodies being separated to remove JC's obnoxious sweater that he's wearing to be noticed before he'll change into the subdued blacks of the job.

Lying bare chested to one another, he begins the motion again, placing their covered cocks against each other.  Feeling the contact, JC's hips surge up, seeking further stimulation.  Joey reaches down and deftly opens the jeans his lover is wearing, pushing the material to the side.

"Joey."  He knows what the other man wants, and slides down his body so his knees hit the floor beside the bed.  With practiced ease, he lowers his mouth to JC's engorged cock, tracing the vein along the side with his tongue before taking the head into his mouth.  His senses are heady with the taste of JC's precum, that he barely hears his name being said once again.

With knowing hands he plays the low hanging balls, rolling and squeezing them as his mouth continues to worship JC, working the other man into a sexual frenzy.

Hearing his name yelled, he felt his own release.

His body is relaxed, draped casually over the chair.  Slowly, he opens his eyes to see JC's laughing ones looking down at him.  "Man, you must have quite an imagination.  I called your name several times."  JC's gaze swept over his body, amused by what he saw.  "You better get moving fast if you plan to change and still be on time for the interview."

As he stiffly stood, he grimaces at the wetness inside he pants.

Then there were the days where he only had himself to blame for pulling all the strings.

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