Titles - L

= eligible = pending = ineligible; please e-mail me
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Lady Lazarus - 22K - PG-13 - Suture
La Estrella de la Mañana - 7K - PG - Kaleka
Last One Standing - 1.2M - R - mabtng
Last Scene - 4K - PG - Christine Leigh
Late - 13K - R - Lynn Saunders
Laundry - 5K - PG - Punk Maneuverability
Learning to Dance - 8K - PG-13 - Tasha
Left Standing - 3K - R - Maidenjedi
Left Standing Pt 1, Pt 2 - 45K - R - Maidenjedi
Le Puceau -32K - NC-17 - Diandra Hollman
Let Me Take You Home Tonight - 11K - R - SLS
The Letter - 17K - PG - Virtues & Vices
Letting Down Walls - 29K - PG-13 - L. M. Shard
Letting Go - 10K - G - L. M. Shard
Level 4 Boredom - 9K - G - CindyET
Life - 2K - PG - Eilan
The Life I Could Have Had - 16K - PG - Estrellita
Life With Mulder - 31K - PG-13 - Elsie
Light Moves - 130K - PG-13 - Jaime Lyn
The Lightning Room - 17K - PG-13 - Winter Baby
Like Me - 4K - PG - jeri
Like Minds - 5K - G - phileandforget
Linger - 13K - PG - coolbyrne
Lingering - 31K - PG - coolbyrne
Liquescent - 152K - PG - Susan Frankovich
The Listener - 82K - NC-17 - Gaby
Little Foxes, Five Year Itch, Part 1 - 20K - PG-13 - Laurel
Little Foxes, Five Year Itch, Part 2 - 16K - PG-13 - Laurel
Little Foxes, Five Year Itch, Part 3 - 32K - NC-17 - Laurel
Little Girl Nevermore - 5K - PG - Deslea R. Judd
Little White Lie - 24K - NC-17 - mimic117
Live Wires - 10K - Blackwood
Lock-out Time - 14K - PG - ML
Lone Wolf - 9K - G - Ewa
The Long Distance Love Series - 64K - NC-17 - ML
The Longest Shadow - 7K - PG - Winter Baby
The Longest Time (Trefoil 1) - 27K - R - L'il Gusty
Long Time No See - 47K - PG
Looking Into the Chrysalis - 7K - PG-13 - CindyET
Lost and Found - 144K - NC-17 - A. K. Naten
Love Among the Ruins - 125K - NC-17 - The Secret Squirrels
Love If You Only Knew - 10K - PG - Bobbi
Love in an Elevator - 25K - R - Agent Myers
Love is the Thread of Life - 91K - NC-17 - L. M. Shard
Love Lesson - 21K - NC-17 - RPCrazy
The Love of Partners - 5K - PG - Anastasia D. Alderson
Love on the Run - 99K - NC-17 - L. M. Shard
Lux Perpetua - 18K - PG - Lise Meitner
Lyrical Illusions - 218K - NC-17 - RPCrazy


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