Titles - D

= eligible = pending = ineligible; please e-mail me
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

The Dance - 18K - PG - Toniann
The Darkest Hour Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4 - 93K - NC-17 - Agent Myers
Dark Half - 7K - PG - Deslea R. Judd
Daydream Believer - 28K - R - Inluvwthfox
Daylight is a Long Way Off - 7K - R - Rachel Wilder
Dear John - 13K - PG-13 - Mrs. Fish
Dear Mulder - 11K - G - Elsie
Debriefing - 17K - PG-13 - Shan
Debrouiller Pt 1, Pt 2 - 100K - PG-13 - Tess (1)
Deep Play: Out of Bounds Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7, Pt 8 - 156K - NC-17 - Jeylan
Defining Moments - 3K - PG - Rhetta
Denial - 15K - R - Amazon X
Denial- 7K - PG-13 - Deslea R. Judd
Denial - 14K - PG-13 - Winter Baby
Dependance on the Unfamiliar - 61K - PG-13 - White Star 2
Descent - 16K - PG-13 - Rushlight
Desecrated - 16K - NC-17 - Piper Sargasso
Desiderium - 18K - R - MeridyM
Desires Unshadowed - 50K - NC-17 - Polly Bywater
Destination - 29K - Jolee Patkai
Devil Her Due - 3K - G - Mariann
Devil's Kiss - 2K - R - ga
Diablita - 35K - PG-13 - Mariann
Diablita II Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4 - 65K - PG-13 - Mariann
Didn't We Love - 43K - PG - Inluvwthfox
Die Standing Up - 39K - R - phileandforget
Dinky Dau - 22K - R - CindyET
Dirty Little Secret Pt 1, Pt 2 - 53K - R - Donna
The Discount - 8K - G - Elsie
Disquiet on the Western Front - 4K - PG-13 - Spooky's Girl
The Distressed Damsel - 16K - R - CindyET
Divulsum - 25K - PG-13 - Philiater
The Doggett/Scully Files: The Beginning Of the End - 52K - PG-13 - Cerasi J.
The Doggett/Scully Files: Escape - 40K - PG-13 - Cerasi J.
The Doggett/Scully Files: Sudden Death - 68K - PG-13 - Cerasi J.
Dolce Far Niente - 13K - NC-17 - Blackwood
Donnie Pfaster - Profile of a Fetishist - 16K - NC-17 - Piper Sargasso
Don't Leave Me - 35K - PG-13 - Cerasi J.
Don't Look Up - 23K - R - ArtemisX5
Don't Say a Word - 44K - NC-17 - Laurel
Doubt - 8K - PG - Lara Means
Down By the River - 24K - NC-17 - Val Adams
Dream Daze - 24K - PG - Jolee Patkai
Dreams of Flight - 2K - PG - Marlen
Driving to Montauk - 6K - G - Scifinerdgrl
Duckduckduck - 12K - R - ga


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