Titles - C

= eligible = pending = ineligible; please e-mail me
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

The Call - 18K - PG - SLS
Calling Family - 5K - PG - Rotem Shahar
Can't Outrun the Dark Man - 12K - PG - Deslea R. Judd
Capital Offense - 134K - PG - Keleka
Captured - 12K - NC-17 - Lady Midath
Caroling (Magic Shell #5) - 10K - NC-17 - Wylfcynne
Cascade - 4K - PG-13 - Spooky's Girl
Cats and Dogs - 124K - NC-17 - RPCrazy
Caught - 17K - NC-17 - Lady Midath
Champagne Supernova - 189K - R - Rotem Shahar and Cathey Scully
A Chance For Love - 4K - R - Nikita
Chance Meeting - 8K - PG - TLynn
Charge - 18K - PG - Lilydale
Checking the Milk - 8K - PG - ga
Chega De Saudade (Strange Haven Epilogue) - 16K - PG - Rose Campion
Cherry Dreams - 5K - PG - banlu
Chicken Soup for a Special Agent's Soul - 43K - PG - Cerasi J.
Chimera - 22K - PG-13 - Mrs. Fish
Chip Off the Old Block Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4 - 109K - G - mimic117
Choke Hold - 18K - R - CindyET
Chosen - 22K - PG - coolbyrne
Christmas Day 2001, 4:20 p.m. - 4K - G - Forte
Christmas Dinner - 53K - PG-13 - Cerasi J.
Christmas in California - 24K - PG-13 - Michelle Kiefer
Christmas Reunions: St. Petersburg - 42K - PG - Deslea R. Judd
Christmas Reunions: Sydney - 30K - PG - Deslea R. Judd
Christmas Traditions - 27K - PG - KristenK2
Circle of Isolation - 6K - PG - Kelly Keil
Clarke House - 94K - R - Laura Castellano
Class - 9K - PG - Donna
Clemency - 44K - NC-17 - Tess (1) with Char Chaffin
Climb the Highest Mountain - 52K - NC-17 - Ursula
Cluescrew - 31K - PG-13 - Mish
Cockeyed Optimist - 21K - R - Tess (1)
The Color of Denial - 19K - NC-17 - Philiater
Comfort & Joy - 19K - PG-13 - ML
The Comfort of Friends - 28K - M. Edison
Common Sense - 2K - PG - Langleigh
Common Sense Be Damned - 2K - PG-13 - Langleigh
Compromised Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3 - 182K - NC-17 - Amazon X
Comrades Under the Gun Pt. 1, Pt. 2 - 23K - PG-13 - Sue
Communion - 4K - NC-17 - fran58
Complications - 25K - PG-13 - Cathey Scully
Conceivable - 9K - G - Elsie
Concessions Broken - 52K - R - Deslea R. Judd
Concessions Made - 28K - R - Deslea R. Judd
Confirmation (Soulmates 6) - 65K - NC-17 - Tiffany
Connected Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7, Pt 8, Pt 9, Pt 10, Pt 11, Pt 12 - 199K - R - Lovesfox
Consummation - 36K - NC-17 - RPCrazy
Contact - 2K - PG-13 - Cathey Scully
Contingencies - 23K - NC-17 - Noelle Leithe
Country of the Crepescule: Do You Like Our Owl? - 45K - PG-13 - dryad
The Cracked Bell - 6K - G - CindyET
A Crocodile Ate My Laptop! - 20K - G - Wylfcynne
Crossroads in Time Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3 - 50K - PG-13 - 50K - PG-13 - Avalon
The Crying of the Stones - 136K - NC-17 - Ursula
The Curse of Urticaria - 11K - PG-13 - CindyET
Curtain Up - 117K - R - Gina Rain


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