Authors - R

Authors are listed in alphabetical order by their FIRST names or by the first part of their names.

= eligible = pending = ineligible; please e-mail me.
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Stuck in a Moment: An Exaiphnes Vignette - 2K - NC-17

Rachel Wilder

After Death - 9K - PG-13
Before the Marvel of this Night - 17K
Bus Number Thirty, Weekdays - 11K
Daylight is a Long Way Off - 7K - R
Everything's the Key - 21K
First Night - 6K - PG-13
If I Quit, They Win - 9K


Graveside Questions - 5K
One of the Damned - 10K - R


The Easiest Thing in the World Pt1, Pt2, Pt3 - 146K - NC-17
Relentless - 56K - NC-17
Southbound Train - 62K - NC-17
Spectacular - 13K - PG


B&E&D - 12K - R
Jocks - 20K - R
Maybe Mulder - 12K - R
Ono/Lennon - 8K - PG-13
The Source - 12K - R
Undercover - 90K - NC-17
Weather or Not - 20K - NC-17


Brainwashing for Dummies - 5K - PG-13
Defining Moments - 3K - PG
Hush - 2K - PG
I Need - 4K - PG
Just Strange - 10K - PG
Meeting Mulder - 3K - PG
Musings of a Phile - 3K - PG
Not a Three Hour Tour - 25K - PG
Our Happy Ending - 4K - PG
A Spelling Issue - 14K - PG-13
Telling Her Tale - 3K - PG
Trust Me - 10K - PG-13
Walking the Line - 4K - PG-13

Rose Campion

Alex Krycek and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - 4K - PG
An Ordinary Life - 44K - PG
As Good As it Gets - 8K - PG-13
Chega De Saudade (Strange Haven Epilogue) - 16K - PG
Falls Church Intermezzo - 36K - PG
Fox and Hound are Friends - 8K - PG-13
Fox and Hound Go Down a Hill - 4K - PG
No Ordinary Life - 16K - PG
Seven Year Itch Pt1a, Pt1b, Pt1c, Pt2a, Pt2b, Pt3a, Pt3b - 115K - R
Simple Gifts - 88K - PG-13
Strange Haven - 7K - PG-13
Strange Haven Prologue - 36K - PG
Three Day Fever - 28K - NC-17
The Twenty-One Day Plan - 380K - NC-17

Rotem Shahar

Calling Family - 5K - PG
Champagne Supernova - 189K - R - with Cathey Scully
First Impressions - 6K - PG
Half the World Away - 18K - R - with Cathey Scully
The Janitor - 3K - R
A Message - 3K - R
Shalom Haver: Changes - 3K - PG
Shalom Haver: Moving - 8K - PG
Stand By Me - 141K - R - with Cathey Scully
Up in Flames - 13K - PG
Wish You Were Here - 3K - G
You Are Not Alone - 3K - PG


Cats and Dogs - 124K - NC-17
Consummation - 36K - NC-17
Heart and Sweaty - 64K - NC-17
Heart on My Sleeve - 16K - NC-17
Heatwave - 124K - NC-17
Ice - 20K - NC-17
Kissing Restraint 101 - 13K - PG-13 with Scifinerdgrl
Love Lesson - 21K - NC-17
Lyrical Illusions - 218K - NC-17
Romancing the Egg - 66K - PG - with Scifinerdgrl
Twenty Questions - 166K - NC-17
Whispers of the Night - 96K - NC-17 - with Alycia


Descent - 16K - PG-13

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