Authors - M

Authors are listed in alphabetical order by their FIRST names or by the first part of their names.

= eligible = pending = ineligible; please e-mail me.
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

M. Edison
The Comfort of Friends - 28K
The First of Many - 10K
Genesis - 16K - PG
No Frickin' Way - 10K - PG
Pawns - 27K - PG-13
Shall Be Changed - 43K
This Can't Be Happening - 5K - PG
Worth the Price - 20K - PG


Last One Standing - 1.2M - R

Marcia Elena

Intersection - 7K - R
Perception - 4K - R
Restoration - 16K - PG-13


Black Hole - 7K - R
Left Standing - 3K - R
Left Standing Pt 1, Pt 2 - 45K - R
Not in the Brochure - 4K - PG
Of Showers and Secrets - 9K - PG
Something Blue - 4K - PG
Staying Late - 5K - R
Two Truths - 9K - PG
Willing Partner - 11K - PG
Zwischen und Nach - 17K - PG-13


Start As You Mean to Go On - 15K - PG


Devil Her Due - 3K - G
Diablita - 35K - PG-13
Diablita II Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4 - 65K - PG-13
Here Lies a Woman - 7K - PG-13
Here's To the Night - 8K - PG-13
Second Chances - 8K - PG
Visitation - 4K - PG
You Must Love Me - 6K - PG


Dreams of Flight - 2K - PG
Into Darkness - 2K - PG
Red - 2K - PG
Resurrection - 2K - G
Thread of Sanity - 2K - PG


And Then There Were Four - 8K - NC-17


Snow in Alabama - 23K - PG - with Tesla


Unlocking the Heart - 10K


Tell You a Secret - 4K - G
Untold - 10K


At the End of Desire - 24K - NC-17
Desiderium - 18K - R
Forbidding Mourning - 40K - R
Stone Knives and Bearskins - 25K - PG
Travertine Spring: Redemption - 175K - NC-17

Michele Lellouche

Once More Into the Breech - 20K - R

Michelle Kiefer

Christmas in California - 24K - PG-13
SBC - 137K - R - with TCS1121


Chip Off the Old Block Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4 - 109K - G
Little White Lie - 24K - NC-17
A Pearl Beyond Price - 20K - NC-17
Process of Elimination - 9K - NC-17
Process of Elimination: B&E - 10K - NC-17
Process of Elimination: Board FAQ - 15K - NC-17
Shakespirited - 80K - PG-13
Train Up a Man - 60K - NC-17
When He is Grown - 56K - NC-17
Wishing to Serve You - 113K - NC-17


Eve of the Half Moon - 8K - G
Origins - 24K - R


Benefaction - 28K - PG-13 - with Blackwood
Cluescrew - 31K - PG-13
Gabriel - 683K - NC-17
Julia - 593K - NC-17
Minya Minuet - 25K - PG-13
Pick-Up Game - 18K - PG-13
Six to Sex 1: The Chicken or the Egg? -  8K
Six to Sex 2: The Old Bait and Switch - 13K
Six to Sex 3: The Best Way to Generate Body Heat... - 28K
Six to Sex 4:  "Why, hello, Mr. Dreamsicle, it's a pleasure to meet you." - 11K
Six to Sex 5: A Kiss is Not Just a Kiss After All - 11K
Six to Sex 6:  Spontaneous Premeditation - 19K


Abandoned - 123K - PG-13
Any Other Day - 46K - R
Apart - 176K - PG-13
The Bar at the End of the Universe - 17K - PG-13
Bearing Gifts - 25K - PG-13
Betwixt and Between - 12K - PG
Beyond Words - 15K - NC-17
Brave New World - 17K - PG
Comfort & Joy - 19K - PG-13
Fractured Fairy Tale - 14K - PG
Free Time - 35K - R
Lock-out Time - 14K - PG
The Long Distance Love Series - 64K - NC-17
Scully's Journey 4: Trust - 20K - PG-13
Skinman 5 - 25K - PG-13
Skinman 6 - 34K - PG-13
A Special Gift - 12K - PG


Seeds Of Synchronicity - 545K - NC-17
Signs of Life - 109K - Rated NC-17

Mrs. Fish

Amenti - 134K - NC-17
Chimera - 22K - PG-13
Dear John - 13K - PG-13
Favorites - 3K - G
Outed - 11K - PG-13


The Heart O’ Gold Diaries: The Riches Of Happenstance - 153K - NC-17

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