Authors - L

Authors are listed in alphabetical order by their FIRST names or by the first part of their names.

= eligible = pending = ineligible; please e-mail me
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

L. M. Shard
Amun-Ra Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3 - 138K - NC-17
August 12th - 16K - PG
Heartbroken - 50K - NC-17
Island Exposure - 48K - R
John Doe Revisited - 30K - PG-13
Letting Down Walls - 29K - PG-13
Letting Go - 10K - G
Love is the Thread of Life - 95K - NC-17
Love on the Run - 99K - NC-17
Raining Sunshine - 3K - G
Through His Eyes - 11K - PG
Yearning For More - 35K - PG-13

Lady Midath

Blackbird Singing In the Dead of Night - 77K - NC-17
Captured - 12K - NC-17
Caught - 17K - NC-17
Past Tenses - 68K - NC-17
The Taming of the Rat - 60K - NC-17
Trapped - 21K - NC-17
The Trial - 78K - NC-17


Common Sense - 2K - PG
Common Sense Be Damned - 2K - PG-13

Lara Means

Doubt - 8K - PG
The Meeting - 5K - R
Sand Castles - 10K - PG
Sara Mulder Stories: Forward Momentum - 45K - R
Sara Mulder Stories: Resolution - 26K - PG
Smoke Signals - 2K - PG
To Absent Friends - 10K - PG
The View From the Outer Office - 5K - PG
The View From the Outer Office: Little Green Men - 7K - PG
The Wall - 2K - PG

Laura Castellano

Clarke House - 94K - R
Gethsemane (Recurring) - 333K - PG-13


Don't Say a Word - 44K - NC-17
Little Foxes, Five Year Itch, Part 1 - 20K - PG-13
Little Foxes, Five Year Itch, Part 2 - 16K - PG-13
Little Foxes, Five Year Itch, Part 3 - 32K - NC-17
Rainbow - 4K - R


Behaving Badly - 120K - NC-17

Leslie Sholly

Mother's Day Redux - 19K - PG-13

L'il Gusty

1013 (Trefoil 8)- 76K - R
Always Running - 57K - NC-17
Artificial Darkness - 25K - PG-13
Fidelity (Trefoil 7) - 76K - R
If You See Her (Trefoil 5) - 55K - R
Interlude: Mulder - 7K - PG
The Longest Time (Trefoil 1) - 27K - R
Next Step (Trefoil 4) - 164K - R
Phantom Pains (Trefoil 6) - 156K - R
Practice (Trefoil 2) - 47K - R
Purgatory (Trefoil 9) - 122K - R
Signs From God (Trefoil 3) - 141K - R
Survivors - 26K - PG-13


Charge - 18K - PG
No Dominion - 49K


Absence of Progress - 14K - PG-13
Before He Goes - 5K - PG
Faith of the Heart - 5K - PG
His Shirt - 5K - R
Strength of the Soul - 5K - PG

Lise Meitner

Lux Perpetua - 18K - PG

Little Red

Indiscretion - 67K - PG-13
Tight Enough - 26K - PG-13

Livia Balaban

Fox Versus the Volcano - 19K - PG
Hem Ben Ik - 174K - NC-17
M. Luder, King of "SETI Troopers" Fanfic - 85K - R
M. Luder, King of - 36K
Pillow Talk 1: Worth - 26K - PG-13
Pillow Talk 2: Origins - 32K - R


Biological Imperative - 55K - NC-17

Louise Wu

Exigency - 1473K - NC-17 - with Zoe Takashi


Connected Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7, Pt 8, Pt 9, Pt 10, Pt 11, Pt 12 - 199K - R
Rifts Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4 - 114K - R

Lynn Saunders

Always - 8K - NC-17
Late - 13K - R
Past the Point of No Return - 6K - PG-13
So Addictive - 17K - R


Tit For Tat - 64K - NC-17

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