Authors - G

Authors are listed in alphabetical order by their FIRST names or by the first part of their names.

= eligible = pending = ineligible; please e-mail me.
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Bed and Breakfast 4: Striptease - 13K - R
Checking the Milk - 8K - PG
Devil's Kiss - 2K - R
Duckduckduck - 12K - R
End of Days - 4K - PG
In Bed With - 9K - NC-17
Magdalene - 12K - NC-17
Monochrome Tone Poem - 1K - G
Oh, Brother: A Translation - 3K - R
Oooh, Baby - 95K - NC-17 - with 21 other authors
Red Alert - 12K - NC-17
Somewhere Past Tulsa - 3K - PG
Stolen - 2K - PG
Storming the Bastille - 9K - NC-17
Taketh Away - 7K - G
Testimony in Absentia - 2K - G
The Truth is for Tomorrow - 10K - NC-17
Tsunami - 5K - PG-13
Valrhona - 5K - PG-13
Victorian - 2K - PG
Wetwired, or the Red-Green Colorblindness Blues - 8K - PG
Why Cucumbers are Better Than Mulder - 6K - PG-13
Wichita - 1K - R
Willem Dafoe Without a Shirt - 5K - PG


Backstreet Boys - 16K - NC-17
Heaven and Hell - 52K - NC-17
I Never Promised You A Rosegarden - 34K - PG-13
The Listener - 82K - NC-17
Reborn - 30K - R
Warrior - 85K - NC-17


Kicking - 28K - R
Risk Assessment - 18K - R
Timing - 22K - PG
Waking - 58K - PG-13

Gina Rain

Anonymous Family - 26K - PG-13
Curtain Up - 117K - R
Hundredth Day: Poetry Man - 22K - PG-13
Hundredth Day 2: Make My Life - 16K - PG-13
Hundredth Day 3: Flying Fig - 14K - PG-13
Mulder's Christmas Gala - 19K - PG-13
The South Shall Rise Again - 25K - NC-17
Stop Me - 18K - NC-17
Timing is Nothing - 33K - R
Uncle Walt's Monologue - 12K - PG


Belly of the Beast - 2K - PG
Iconoclasm - 6K - R
Insect in Amber - 3K - R
Is He Dreaming? - 10K - R
One Night in Bangkok - 55K - NC-17

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