Authors - D

Authors are listed in alphabetical order by their FIRST names or by the first part of their names.

= eligible = pending = ineligible; please e-mail me.
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

What is This Love - 22K - PG-13

Dantzi Jean

Midnight in Moscow - 65K - R
My Love, My Enemy - 5K - PG


Blood Ties 10: A Dish Served Cold - 313K - PG-13
Feathers, Bones, and Shells - 3K - PG-13
Fragments - 9K - PG
Hang a Shining Star - 18K - PG-13
Stranger Than Fiction - 17K - PG
Trivia Pursuits - 23K - PG

Deslea R. Judd

About the Maimed - 4K - PG
Can't Outrun the Dark Man - 12K - PG
Christmas Reunions: St. Petersburg - 42K - PG
Christmas Reunions: Sydney - 30K - PG
Concessions Broken - 52K - R
Concessions Made - 28K - R
Dark Half - 7K - PG
Denial - 7K - PG-13
Johnny - 9K - PG
Little Girl Nevermore - 5K - PG
Not My Lover: Enigma Ch. 5 Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4 - 140K - NC-17
Power Play - 12K - NC-17
Signs of Life - 17K - PG
Something About the Way You Look Tonight - 9K - PG
Take Thy Only Hand in Mine - 3K - G
Trace a Random Star - 16K - R
Walk in Darkness, Not in Light - 14K - R
A Woman's Code - 9K - PG

Diana Battis

A One-Elf Caper - 12K - PG-13

Diandra Hollman

Ending a Parallel - 5K - PG-13
Improbability - 34K - NC-17 
Le Puceau -32K - NC-17
Qui se ressemble s'assemble - 8K - NC-17
A Sense of... - 137K - NC-17
Strength to Fight the Future - 24K - NC-17
Surrendering to Temptation - 48K - NC-17
Surrendering to Temptation II - 33K - NC-17
There's a Little Witch in Every Woman - 30K - R


Absolute Beginners - 150K - NC-17
Absolute Beginners 2 - 64K - NC-17
Absolute Beginners 3 - 34K - NC-17
Night Flight - 5K - NC-17
The Whole Catastrophe - Prologue - 55K - NC-17 - with dryad
The Whole Catastrophe Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7, Pt 8, Pt 9 - 236K - NC-17 - with dryad
The Whole Catastrophe - Epilogue - 7K - NC-17 - with dryad


Polly - 8K - PG
'Till Death Do Us Part - 14K

Dr. Ruthless

Stakeout - 8K - R - with Jennie


After the Future Pt 21, Pt 22, Pt 23 - WIP - PG-13
Class - 9K - PG
Dirty Little Secret Pt 1, Pt 2 - 53K - R
Exploring Something New Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6 - 126K - PG
Family Vacation - 48K - NC-17
Hellos 7 - 27K - PG
Hellos 8 - 21K - PG
Hellos 9 - 16K - PG
Holding Hands - 4K - PG
Hormonal Blues - 13K - PG-13
Kid Stuff - Facing Reality Pt 1, Pt 2 - 57K - R
Kid Stuff - Full Circle - 25K - R
Madness - 88K - R
Mistakes - 4K - R
No Worries - 25K - NC-17
Safe From Demons - 18K - PG-13
Self Confidence - 8K - R
Sleepless Night - 5K - NC-17
Tears - 5K - R
Teena's Secret - 10K - PG-13
Tuesday - 17K - PG-13
Visiting DC - 24K - PG
What a Difference a Year Makes Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5 - 163K - G

Donna Hartnett

Penance and Absolution - 6K - NC-17
Salvation - 5K - PG


All True Wealth - 20K - PG-13
Bored - 4K - G
Country of the Crepescule: Do You Like Our Owl? - 45K - PG-13
Incident at Quonochontaug - 69K - PG-13
A Penny on the Eye - 20K - PG-13
The Whole Catastrophe - Prologue - 55K - NC-17 - with diehard
The Whole Catastrophe Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7, Pt 8, Pt 9 - 236K - NC-17 - with diehard
The Whole Catastrophe - Epilogue - 7K - NC-17 - with diehard


Four Days in November - 16K - NC-17

D. W. Chong

Only in America - 9K - PG
The Ties That Bind Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7, Pt 8, Pt 9, Pt 10
Pt 11, Pt 12, Pt 13, Pt 14, Pt 15, Pt 16, Pt 17, Pt 18, Pt 19, Pt 20, Pt 21, Pt 22
Pt 23, Pt 24 - 533K - NC-17

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