Liamterra 7 Liamterra Jo B Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: none Keywords: M/Sk K/O SLASH WIP Disclaimer: The X-Files characters are the property Chris Carter, 1013 productions and Fox Broadcasting. No money is being made from their use. Summary: AU. Mulder is abducted and carried through a gateway to another dimension, where magic is real and mythical creatures exist. Skinner follows, and the two men must make a new life for themselves while they search for a way back home. Authors Notes: This is a sequel to my story North Woods. Special thanks to my beta-readers Nicole and Lyrical Soul for an incredible job of fixing all of my mistakes. Feedback is always welcome. Any constructive suggestions are appreciated. WARNING! This story contains explicit Sex/Romance between two men. Turn back now, if the subject matter offends you. Okay to Archive: MTA, DitB, Slashing Mulder, all others please ask first. Web site: *** Chapter 7 Storm By Jo B The air sizzled with the smell of ozone and saltwater as the ship pitched and bobbed on the turbulent sea with thunder booming loudly overhead. Mulder crouched on the rough hardwood floor facing the wall in the corner of their tiny cabin. Their infant daughter was cradled protectively in his arms, while the heavy press of Skinner's broad chest against his back shielded them. The ship crashed down as another wave crested and broke. Skinner's body kept them from being thrown across the cabin as the larger man's fingers clenched, white knuckled, in the grooves of the wood planking for purchase. The ship's timbers creaked ominously, followed by a loud snap. Seconds later, something heavy hit overhead, causing wood splinters and dirt to fall on them. Skinner choked on the dust that invaded his throat and stung his eyes, but still didn't move from his protective crouch. "Walter, do something! The ship can't withstand much more!" Mulder shouted above the roar of both storms--the one outside, and the one in his arms. Fear for his family's safety encompassed Skinner's whole being as the ship bounced violently on the swelling waves. His eyes became distant, and he unconsciously started chanting a spell beneath his breath. A spell that came from deep within his soul. One that even the realm's mightiest mages had no power to perform --for doing so would bring them sure death. Within seconds, the ship stopped pitching, and all became unnaturally still. Mulder was breathing heavily as he pushed back against Skinner's heavy body, trying to turn around. "Walter? What did you do? What happened to the storm? Walter?" Skinner toppled off him, landing in a heap on the floor. "Walter! JAHR, GET IN HERE!" he shouted, cradling the crying baby in one arm and turning his unconscious lover with the other. Mulder gasped at how ashen and still Walter's face appeared as he felt desperately for a pulse. Jahr came into the room on shaky legs. He had a gash above his eyebrow that was seeping green, caustic blood. "STOP! Stay there, Jahr!" Mulder ordered, forgetting Skinner for a second. "Your blood might harm the baby." Prince Kedar pushed past Jahr. He had a streak of mud across his pale, smooth cheek, and his garments were dirty and disheveled. He immediately went to take the infant from his friend. "Go help your mate, Fox." "Kedar, Walter did something that stopped the you have any idea what?" Mulder cradled his lover's body against his. To his relief, he felt the strong beating of Walter's heart. He wiped the sweat and dirt away from Walter's brow with his sleeve. "Fox, he didn't stop the storm. No mage has the power to control storms. He did something equally impressive, though." Kedar rocked the crying infant until she started to quiet. He smiled at her, feeling a longing in his life to start a family. "What did he do?" Mulder asked. Something was nagging at him about the stillness that was all around them -- even the air didn't smell right. Kedar looked down at Mulder. "He teleported the entire ship away from the storm to safety." The Prince went back to staring at the infant, the top of her forehead. "You're such a pretty little thing, aren't you?" he cooed. "Kedar, is Walter going to be all right? How come he's unconscious?" Mulder held Skinner protectively in his arms. "It requires a lot of energy to perform the type of magic your mate just performed. It would have killed any other mage." "Killed them? How?" "It would have drained off their life force, leaving them without enough energy to keep their hearts beating. Walter's life force is the strongest that I've ever seen. He is destined to be one of the realm's most powerful mages. That is, if he lives long enough to gain control over his powers." Kedar pulled a cloth diaper from among the debris strewn across the cabin's floor. "Fox, your daughter needs her diaper changed," he said, shaking out the dirt and wood splinters, then looking around for a place to change her. Mulder sighed. "I washed all of her diapers before the storm. It looks like I'm going to be cleaning them again." His attention refocused on their squire swaying in the doorway. "Jahr, how are you feeling? I didn't mean to ignore you. If you can give me a second to get Walter comfortable, I'll attend to your wounds." "Lord Fox, don't worry about me. I'm fine. We trolls are fast healers." Jahr glanced around the cabin. "I'm going to find some fresh water. I'll be back." Mulder looked down as Walter groaned and his eyes flickered open. "Hey, how are you feeling?" "Fox, did you get the license plate number of the truck that hit me?" Mulder grinned and leaned down, kissing Skinner sweetly on the lips. "I love you. I wish I could make you feel better." Skinner smiled softly. "Just your being here makes me feel a hundred percent better. Did the storm stop?" Mulder's eyes widened with surprise. "Walter, don't you remember what you did?" "No. What did I do?" "Kedar said you teleported the ship and us to safety." "That's ridiculous, Fox. Let me up," Skinner growled, pulling away from Mulder and climbing shakily to his feet. He felt disoriented. He didn't want to believe that he had blanked out again. Mulder stood quickly, ready to catch Skinner if he fell. "It's not ridiculous. You were chanting then everything became still." Skinner looked at him uncertainly. "I'm going up on deck to check our current position," he said, staggering for the door. "Wait, I'll come with you," Mulder shouted, running after him. He nearly slammed into Skinner's back as his lover stopped suddenly. The sky above them was bright cerulean blue and cloudless. It took Mulder only a second to figure out what had Skinner frozen in place. "Shit!" he exclaimed. Looking around, he frowned at the unfamiliar surroundings. He strode past the stunned goblin sailors to the railing. There was no sign of water in any direction. The ship was resting in a middle of an open field surrounded by woods. "Fox, tell me I didn't do this," Skinner said in a strained voice. "Walter, you saved our lives." "I don't remember! Why I don't remember?" Mulder was quickly at Skinner's side, embracing his distressed lover. "You saved our lives. That's what matters most. We'll figure out why you're unable to remember." His finger's caressed Skinner's bald scalp where it rested on Mulder's shoulder. Skinner raised his head and looked sadly into Mulder's eyes. "I don't like not being in control of my own actions. What if I were to hurt you or Storm? I wouldn't be able to go on living if I were to ever harm you, Fox." "You're not going to hurt either of us. Walter, your subconscious seems more bent on protecting than harming. C'mon, we need to gather our things together and see about getting off this ship," Mulder said. Skinner sighed, and with a final look around, followed Mulder back to their cabin. Prince Kedar had finished changing Storm's diaper and was sitting with her on the bed. "Where do you want the soiled diaper?" he asked. Mulder looked around at their possessions strewn across the cabin. "Just leave it on the bed. I'll take care of it as soon as I can locate the dirty diaper bag. Kedar, we're going to gather our things together and leave the ship. We seem to be in the middle of a forest." "We're in Frye," Kedar informed them. "How can you be so sure?" Mulder asked. "Queen Charmaine has contacted me telepathically. She's sending her soldiers to meet and escort us to Orla Glen. Thanks to Walter, we're not too far from her palace." Kedar placed the infant in Skinner's arms. Eachann stood in the doorway. "That's good news for the sake of your daughter, Mage Skinner. Both your goats died during the storm. The horses faired better, but one has a broken leg and will have to be put down." "Shit," Mulder sighed. "Kedar, can you ask Queen Charmaine to send some fresh milk with her soldiers for Stor..." He stopped talking as a bottle of milk appeared in his hand. Mulder and Skinner gasped. Kedar smirked, getting slight satisfaction from his friends' stunned expressions. "The Renny Queen is a powerful sorceress, and she's very fond of children." Skinner smiled. "I'm looking forward to meeting Queen Charmaine." "Walter, give your daughter to Fox and help me get our horses off the ship," Kedar said. Skinner gently placed the infant in Mulder's arms and rushed to help Kedar with the horses. They were going to have to use their magic to float the horses from the ship's hold to the ground below. "We'll need to cover their eyes, so they aren't spooked," Skinner said. Mulder watched as they left, cradling Storm in the crook of his arm. He looked down at her small sleeping face. "Let's see if I can find your basket among this mess." He set the bottle down and looked around until he found her basket. It was overturned, but the blankets were still inside. He inspected them closely to make sure that nothing harmful had gotten inside, then he placed her in the basket and set it on the bed. Then he gathered their possessions and packed them in their bag. By the time he finished, Storm was awake, crying to be fed. "Okay, Storm, I have your bottle right here," he said, picking up the bottle. He tasted the milk to make sure it was drinkable before he placed the nipple against her pink lips. Skinner and Jahr strolled into the cabin a few minutes later. Jahr went to gather up their bags. "We have the horses off the ship," Skinner said, sitting on the bed next to Mulder. "Fox, I'm sorry, but Eachann had to put down your horse. She's the one that had the broken leg." Mulder looked at him sadly. King Pyralis had given him that horse when Mulder started going on hunts with him. "Couldn't we have put a cast on it?" "Sorry, Fox, it was too badly mangled...ending her suffering was more humane." Skinner rubbed his back soothingly. "If we were back in our world something could have been done. Walter, I want to go home," Mulder murmured, not looking up from feeding their daughter. "I do, too. Finish feeding Storm so we can get off this ship." *** Frye The gravel and twigs crunched beneath the five weary travelers' boots as they made their way along a winding path. The high- pitched screeches of flying lizards and sweet musical calls of exotic birds echoed over their heads in the branches of tall trees on either side of the path. A sweet floral fragrance floated on the breeze, from beds of flowers growing in the surrounding woods. One young man swore as another small pebble made its way into a hole in the sole of his boot. Krycek sat on the nearest log and pulled off his boot, shaking out the pebble. The others paused and waited for him. They tried not to stare as he masterfully pulled back on the boot with one hand and fastened its bindings. Quth sat on his pony, staring at his human companions. They looked tired and worn. Their clothes were in need of mending again. "Do not lose heart, my friends. We will be in Orla Glen in three days." "Thank God," Scully said. Nearly two weeks on foot was wearing on her nerves. She'd kill for a hot bubble bath and a soft mattress. Hopefully, Orla Glen would have accommodations for humans. "Which God are you thanking?" Quth asked as they continued down the path. Scully looked up at him. "Quth, there is only one true God; he encompasses all." "What a strange notion—only one god. You humans do have strange religious beliefs." "What do you mean?" Byers asked. "They used to build temples to the gods of Love, War, Wisdom, Fertility, and Health. Their temples now lay in ruins. The humans now spend their time building temples and worshiping a god who has no name or function, only a promise that he will free them and enrich their pockets or some such thing." Quth shook his head at such a notion. "What started such a belief?" Scully asked. "Grand Mage Zendl had a vision many centuries ago about this deity coming in human form to free his people. It is a prophecy all humans blindly follow." "They dropped all their old beliefs because some old man had a vision?" Frohike asked, walking quickly to keep up. He didn't have the same endurance as his friends. "He isn't just any old man. Zendl is the realm's most powerful sorcerer. He's had other visions that have come true, but this prophecy of his has strained relations with the other races of the realm for generations." "How so?" Krycek asked. "Most humans believe that this god of theirs will destroy and enslave the other races, making them the only dominant race left in the realm. I don't believe it, but some of my people do. It causes a great deal of stress for them." "They shouldn't let it bother them. It is clearly an old man's fantasy," Scully said. "Maybe so, Dana. But what if it isn't?" Quth said. *** Mulder stared up in amazement at the goblin warship. It was wedged between two large boulders, which held it upright, preventing it from toppling over. It was clear by the damage to its structure that it had been mere moments away from breaking apart. If it hadn't been for Walter, they'd all be dead. He looked around at the lush greenery surrounding them. This was a beautiful tropical land. He walked over and sank on the ground next to his lover, who had their daughter on a soft cloth and was changing her diaper again. Mulder smiled. Walter looked so magnificent. His skin had taken on a dark honey color, and his muscles swelled against the tight confines of his leather breeches and tunic. Skinner glanced up and met his eyes. "What, Fox?" "I want to lick every hot, sweaty inch of your body." Looking down, Mulder's eyes sparkled with delight at the reaction his words had on his lover. Skinner felt his penis stir and his pulse increase. "Damn. Only you could get a rise out of me in the middle of changing a poopy diaper." Mulder licked his lips as his gaze traveled over Walter's body. "Just looking at you makes me hotter than hell. Walter, I truly never loved anyone before you. My heart, body, and soul belong to you." A lump rose in Skinner's throat and a tear formed in his eye. "Fuck. Fox, when we get home I plan on spending the first week making love to you." "Good. I intend to hold you to that promise." Mulder settled down on his side of the blanket to wait. His hand caressed their daughter lovingly. The Queen's soldiers showed up two hours before sunset. Mulder looked in wonder at the tiny Renny men. Quth was the only Renny he had ever met, and to be faced with twenty similar-sized men garbed in leather and armor, riding ponies was amazing. By their stance, Mulder knew that although these men were under four feet in height, they were warriors and quite capable of defending their kingdom. They all stared in awe at the enormous ship, stranded miles from the nearest body of water. A formable looking Renny stepped forward. "Prince Kedar, I am Captain Cletus. My Queen has commanded me to escort you and your party back to the palace. She has special rooms set aside for your use, and clean clothes and diapers for the infant." The captain looked over at Skinner who had Storm strapped in a pouch against his chest. "Thank you, Captain. Walter, Fox, let's depart." Skinner swung up on his horse, his hand protectively on the baby's back. He waited for Mulder to mount behind him. "I hope this means we'll have some help washing her diapers," Mulder muttered as he settled on the horse behind Skinner. His arms wrapped around his lover's waist, when he touched their daughter, he quickly moved his hands back to Walter's hips. He didn't want to chance harming her during their journey by accidentally holding too tightly to her instead of Walter. "Fox, it's hasn't been that bad. Besides, I've changed and fed her more times than you have." "Maybe so, but I've gotten stuck washing her diapers almost ten to one and milking the goats three to one." "What did you expect? She's an infant. My sisters' kids all pooped, peed, and fed a lot in the first two months. It will get better as she gets older," Skinner said, following behind the Queen's soldiers. He loved the feel of Fox pressed firmly up against his back and Fox’s thighs touching his. Mulder kissed the back of Skinner's neck and rested his chin on the larger man’s shoulder. "I love you, Walter, and I'll learn to love Storm. Just give me a little time to adjust." "I'm sorry for placing you in this situation. If it's any consolation, I would have given her up if you insisted." "I would never have asked such a thing. She needs our protection. Walter, one of the reasons I fell in love with you was for your sense of honor and compassion. I just need time to adjust to being a...ah...Dad." Skinner grinned as Mulder stumbled over those word. He reached down and patted Mulder's leg. "I've seen you around kids, Fox, you'll be an excellent Dad. Thanks for agreeing to raise her with me. It really means a lot to me." They rode the next hour in silence, with Mulder occasionally pointing out some unusual creature in the woods or trees. It soon became too dark to see anything in the dense foliage. They stopped once when Storm started crying to be changed. Afterward, she was happy and content in the warm sling against Skinner's chest. It was two hours later that the party rode into Orla Glen. The city spanned for miles. In its center was a large, fairytale palace, with high towers reaching up toward the dual full moons. Mulder marveled at the shops, homes, and taverns. Most had doorways too low for a normal-sized human to walk through. He noted a few establishments that appeared to be meant to accommodate the realm's taller races. Gas torches were lit the length of the main street, illuminating the building, while casting the side streets and alleys in shadows. Mulder was looking forward to exploring this city in the daylight. His whole body was tingling with anticipation of the sights that awaited him. Mulder took a deep breath, savoring the aroma of meals being cooked, and smoke from fireplaces and stoves. "God, Walter. Have you ever imagined anyplace like this?" "It's different," Skinner said tiredly. He was still exhausted from exerting so much energy teleporting the ship and crew. He guided his horse through the high-arched gate of the palace, where they were met instantly by Renny grooms. They took the horses and ponies. The goblin sailors were lead away to the servants quarters. Prince Kedar strolled over to Mulder and Skinner. "Walter, you look awful," he observed. "Nothing that a good night's rest won't cure," Skinner murmured as a yawn escaped his lips. "In a real bed," Mulder added, taking Storm from his tired lover. She was whimpering hungrily. He knew it was only a matter of time before the whimpers turned into loud cries. They followed the Renny soldiers into the palace. Mulder noted that the palace was designed to accommodate the taller races, in addition to the Renny. It was late enough in the evening that only a handful of servants were still about. The Renny Captain escorted them through wide hallways to a suite of rooms set aside for foreign dignitaries. It was a nice suite, consisting of a large central room, with chairs and a sofa, then broke off into six smaller bedrooms. While they weren't as opulent as the guest quarters at Pyralis' palace, they were still quite splendid. "I hope you'll be comfortable here. You can choose one of the six bedrooms. Queen Charmaine expects you to dine with her in the morning," the Captain said, turning to leave. Mulder stopped the Renny captain before he had a chance to get through the doorway. Storm's whimpers had turned to hungry wails. "Captain Cletus, my daughter could use a fresh bottle of milk." "So she could, young man," said a soft female voice from the open doorway. "Your Majesty!" Captain Cletus gasped, bowing deeply. Mulder turned toward the lilting voice. A middle-aged Renny female in a gold satin dressing gown strolled across the threshold and over to his side. The Queen waved her petite jeweled hand and a small rocking chair appeared. She sat, and instantly, a baby bottle appeared. "Don't just stand there with your mouth hanging open, young man, hand me the baby," the tiny Queen ordered. Mulder closed his mouth and placed the baby in the Queen's arms. "Oh, she is such a beauty." The Queen smiled at the baby and started rocking as she fed her. She then looked Mulder over closely. "You and Mage Skinner's reputations have proceeded you, Lord Fox. It's not every day that one meets a human whose beauty has bewitched the mighty King Kiros, charmed King Pyralis, and enchanted Queen Zoe." Mulder blushed. "Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty," he said, bowing nervously. The Queen smiled and continued rocking as she fed the baby. "I'm sorry that I won't be able to return you both to your world." Skinner was quietly listening along with Prince Kedar. He was stunned that this tiny creature was the powerful Queen Charmaine. "Your Majesty, you knew the reason we came to see you?" "Isn't it obvious? You wanted my help in returning through the gateway to your world. Sadly, I have no power over the gateways, Mage Skinner. Only the Goblin Kings and Necromancer Adrian are able to open them." "Ah, where can we find Necromancer Adrian?" Skinner asked. "You can't. He rules the realm of the dead, and it is not a place for the living to go traipsing about," she said. "We need to find a way back to our own world, Your Majesty," Skinner said anxiously. "Fox's life is in danger here!" Kedar placed a comforting hand on Skinner's forearm. "Walter, I'll try to talk my father into sending you home. But first, you must assist me in meeting the human nobility. I need to find a mate." Skinner sighed, "Okay, Kedar. It looks like Fox and I have no choice." The Queen looked at the two males. Such a contrast in appearance. The goblin prince had white hair and sapphire eyes. The large human was bald, with unusual rich, brown eyes. Something about Mage Skinner's appearance was important, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. Charmaine finished feeding Storm, and turned her over on her stomach rubbing her back gently. "There are clean diapers in your bedroom, along with a bassinet for your daughter. The baths are located in the subterranean part of the palace. Captain Cletus will show you to the private bathing area set aside for foreign dignitaries. You're welcome to stay here as long as you want. I will enjoy hearing about this world of yours." Queen Charmaine passed the baby back to Mulder. "Your daughter has an interesting birthmark over her heart. It will be of great importance down the road. Guard her well, Lord Fox and Mage Skinner." Mulder knew the mark she was referring to. It was in the shape of serpent. "Thank you for welcoming us into your Kingdom, Your Majesty." She smiled at him. "We will talk more at breakfast, Lord Fox. "Have a good night's rest." She left the room, and the tiny rocking chair disappeared. Mulder looked over at Skinner, who was swaying tiredly on his feet. "I guess our room is the one with the bassinet," he said, entering each bedroom until he found the one with the bassinet. "Jahr, please set our bags in this room, then you may retire for the night." He grabbed a diaper from the changing table next to the bassinet and deftly changed Storm's diaper as Walter shrugged out of his clothes. Jahr laid out their robes and hung up their fine garments in the armoire. He left quietly, closing the bedroom door. "God, Fox, I can barely keep my eyes open," Skinner sighed, sitting naked on the bed. "Get under the blankets. I'll join you in a minute." Mulder placed Storm in the bassinet and covered her with a blanket. "She'll be hungry again in a few hours," Skinner mumbled, pulling down the bedcovers and sliding into the incredible cool softness. "I'll take care of her tonight. You just sleep..." Mulder stopped talking as Skinner's gentle snores reached his ears. "Well, Storm, it's just the two of us tonight." Mulder looked down at the tiny face and kissed the top of her forehead. "Sleep well." Mulder stripped off the dusty clothing and used the chamber pot. He washed up in the basin before climbing into bed next to Walter. Mulder cuddled close to his lover's warm body, and spent the next half hour thinking about all that had happened to them today, before finally drifting off to sleep. *** Quth returned to the table where his human friends waited. He signaled for the barkeep to bring them each a tankard of ale. He had chosen a tavern in town that catered to both Renny and the realm's larger races. Scully and the Gunmen stared wide-eyed at three centaurs who were standing at the bar drinking. Frohike's eyes followed their tails that swished back and fourth as they spoke with each other. "Wow, I thought I'd seen everything." Besides them, all the other bar patrons were both Rennys and elves. Other than the centaurs, Krycek, Langly, and Byers were the tallest beings in the tavern. Quth pulled his pipe from his pocket as he climbed up on the high stool. "I sent a message to Queen Charmaine through one of her guards, who happens to be my cousin. It will probably be a few days before she'll be able to meet with us." Scully pulled her eyes off the centaurs and focused on the Renny. "Quth, is there a possibility we can find beds for the night and a place to bathe?" she asked. She was feeling tired and grimy, and didn't even want to think how badly she smelled. "I'm sorry, Dana. I just don't have the funds to pay for rooms, but I can scrape up enough so you and the others can use the communal baths." Quth was saddened that he was unable to provide more help for his human friends. Byers noted the sadness in the Quth's eyes. "Hey, Quth, don't worry about it. You've been a tremendous help." "Yeah, man, we couldn't have made it this far without you," Langly added. "Hopefully, your Queen will help us find Mulder," Krycek said, wishing his tracking device was still working. He'd be able to tell if Mulder was within a hundred miles of them. A mere two hundred feet away, Mulder carried Storm as he and Walter explored the Renny city. They had been in Orla Glen for four days, and were well-rested from their disastrous sea voyage. The description Mulder had for the city was quaint and whimsical. The streets were cobblestone, and the buildings were stone and brick, with brightly painted gingerbread molding. Most of the doorways were only five feet high, making shopping at some of these places impossible. However, they did find plenty of establishments catering to the realm's larger races, and the outside merchant carts held their interest for most of the afternoon. Mulder was dressed in a fine forest green tunic, which was a nice blend of brocade and velvet. His forest green breeches matched perfectly, as did his hose and suede ankle boots. A floor length cape was tied around his neck, fastened with an expensive diamond broach -- a gift from Queen Charmaine. His silky chestnut hair was tied back with a silver clip, while his bangs hung freely over his high brow. Walter was dressed similarly, but in midnight blue, and he wore a floppy hat, covering his bald head. Passerby's heads turned to admire the two dashing humans. Skinner had a pouch containing money strapped to his belt, along with his sword. King Pyralis had given them gold and silver coins as payment for being his son's protectors. So, they spent the afternoon at the merchant carts that lined the main street, purchasing items for their daughter and themselves. Jahr followed behind them with Eachann, carrying their purchases. "Fox, Walter!" Prince Kedar shouted, waving and striding down the road toward them. He looked magnificent, dressed in burgundy satin and silver. Jewels sparked from his ears and hair. Three young goblins from the local embassy followed behind him like love-struck puppies. Rennies stopped on the street to watch the unusual group. It wasn't often in the realm that one would see humans and goblins together, let alone in the company of a troll and a centaur. Mulder smiled at the four goblins. "Kedar, Walter and I were just talking about stopping for an ale. Would you care to join us?" he said, pausing in front of a tavern. Prince Kedar smiled brightly. "Fox, my friend, are you still trying to get me to rub elbows with the lower class?" Mulder shifted the infant into a more comfortable position in his arms and shook his head. "No. I'm hot and my feet are killing me. An ale in a dark pub would be a welcomed rest." Kedar looked at the noisy, smoke-filled tavern. "It's not a very healthy place to take a baby into." "Don't worry, I'll use my magic to keep the smoke away from her," Skinner said confidently, strolling toward the door. He entered ahead of Fox and Kedar, scanning the dimly lit interior for a table, and any threat to his family. His eyes passed over a ragged looking group of mostly humans sitting in the far corner. The table next to theirs was empty. Krycek looked up to see why the pub had suddenly gone quiet. His eyes widened as he saw the two richly dressed humans in the doorway. It took his mind a moment to realize he was staring at Skinner and Mulder. "Shit," he said as they strolled in the direction of his table. Scully turned to see what had Krycek suddenly tongue-tied. "MULDER!" she shrieked, jumping to her feet. Mulder spun toward the sound of Scully's voice, and was confronted by his partner and three friends rushing toward him. "Scully! Guys! How the hell did you get here?" "Man, it's so fucking good to see you again, Mulder!" Frohike said. "Who's the babe?" Mulder glanced down at Storm, who he was holding protectively. "This is Storm, Walter's and my daughter. Now answer my question. How did you get here?" "Yeah, how?" Skinner asked, moving closer to Mulder and wrapping his arm around his lover's waist. Scully looked questioningly at the baby in Mulder's arms, then up at Skinner. "Chuck Burk found a way to create a gateway in his laboratory. Now that we found you, we can go back together." "Mulder," Krycek said softly. Mulder's eyes flashed with anger, noticing his long time enemy for the first time. "What's he doing here?" Byers stepped in front of Krycek. "Mulder, we would all be dead if Alex hadn't been along to help us." Scully gasped, pulling Mulder's attention away from Krycek. "Mulder, there's a troll and a centaur behind you." Mulder glanced at his partner, then behind him. "Oh, this is Jahr. He's our squire. The centaur is Eachann, he lives in a village south of here." Mulder figured he might as well get the introductions out of the way. "Scully, I'd also like you to meet Prince Kedar of the royal house of Kallen," he said, turning back to look at the goblin Prince. But Kedar wasn't paying attention. He was staring, awestruck, at Krycek. Kedar moved closer to Mulder. "Fox, who's the green-eyed beauty?" he whispered in Mulder's ear. "Kedar, he's a murderous thief and assassin," Mulder hissed under his breath. "Fox, introduce me to him," Kedar hissed back. "No!" "Yes!" "Kedar, he's bad news!" "Fox, I command you!" Mulder sighed. "Alex Krycek, I'd like to introduce you to Prince Kedar." "It's a pleasure to meet you, Alex," Kedar said, holding out his hand as Walter had instructed him on how humans from his world greeted on another. "Yeah, whatever," Krycek muttered, ignoring the offered hand, and moving closer to Mulder. "Mulder, we have some unfinished business to discuss," he said, shooting an angry look at Skinner. "Unfinished business? Krycek, you're full of it! We have nothing to discuss!" "C'mon, Mulder, I really need to talk to you in private." Krycek thought he'd be able to sway Mulder if he got him alone. He'd always been able to get Mulder to go along with him in the past. No matter how much the agent protested, he was always able to get beneath Mulder's skin. "There is nothing you need to say to me that can't be said in front of Walter." Krycek moved closer and whispered in Mulder's ear. "I can give you positive proof that aliens do exist. Proof you can take to the press. No one would doubt you." His lips brushed against Mulder's ear. "No one." Mulder stepped back as if burned. "Tell me another tale, Krycek! How gullible do you think I am? You killed my father!" "I saved your life, Mulder. Ask Byers." Prince Kedar listened intently to their conversation, his eyes taking in the empty left sleeve on Krycek's coat. He thought he should be repulsed by the human's missing limb, but every time he glanced at Krycek's face, and those sweet pink, bowed lips, his heart melted. The human was mysterious and deadly. "Look, Krycek. Mulder doesn't want anything from you! Stay away from him!" Skinner growled. Krycek hand rested on the grip of his carbine. "How about your life, Skinner? Those nanocytes still infect your blood..." "ENOUGH!" Scully shouted. Everyone turned and stared at Scully. "Let's just give it a rest! We'll have plenty of time to fight and argue as we travel back to the gateway. Mulder, unfortunately, we do owe Krycek our lives. So, let's try to get along for now," she said. Her eyes kept wandering from the diamond fox-shaped earring Mulder was wearing to the baby in his arms. She noticed that both Mulder and Skinner had changed considerably in the months they'd been missing. They appeared to be in top physical shape. The garments they were wearing must have cost a small fortune. They each wore swords strapped around their slim waists. "Sorry, Scully," Mulder said, swaying with the baby, who had begun to fuss. "How far is this gateway?" "Over a month's journey from here. It's located in the Great Feronia Swamp," Scully replied. Her eyes traveled back to the baby. "You traveled through the Great Feronia Swamp and lived?" Kedar asked, amazed. "Thanks to, Alex," Byers said. Prince Kedar looked long and hard at Krycek. He knew his instincts about this human were correct. The man might be missing an arm, but he was a warrior through and through. He might make a perfect mate. "Alex, I'd like to hear all about your travels through the swamp." Krycek looked the pretty, pointy-eared goblin over. He wondered if he could use this creature to get on Mulder's good side. Mulder and... it seemed close. "Sure, Prince Kedar, anything you'd like..." "Just Kedar, Alex." Krycek noticed the looks of envy and anger in the eyes of the other goblins. He wondered what that was about. Storm started crying, and everyone looked at Mulder, who looked back at Jahr. "Jahr, pass me Storm's bag." Jahr set the packages he was carrying on the table, then removed the pouch he had slung over his shoulder. "What's wrong with her?" Scully asked. "She needs her diaper changed." Mulder lifted Storm away from his body and showed Scully the wet spot on his velvet tunic. "Unfortunately, they only have leaky cloth diapers in this universe." "Fox, I'll change her," Skinner offered, taking the baby tenderly from Mulder. Scully watched as Skinner deftly removed his cloak, while cradling the crying infant in the crook of his arm. He spread the cloak on the table and laid the infant on top of it. Then, he skillfully went about changing her diaper. Jahr had retrieved a wet dishrag from the barkeep, which Skinner used to clean her before powdering her bottom and putting on a clean diaper. Scully couldn't help but admire Skinner's pronounced muscles on his bare arms. She then went back to staring longingly at the infant with the fine red hair. "Can I hold her?" she asked wistfully, as Skinner wrapped Storm in the soft blanket. Skinner's eyes met Scully's. He took in her filthy clothes and unwashed hair. "Scully, why don't we see about getting you and the guys back to the palace first, so you can all bathe and put on some clean clothes. Then you can hold Storm all you want. Okay?" Scully blushed, looking down at her outfit. She smiled self- consciously. "I'm a mess, aren't I? A bath and a clean outfit would be wonderful." Eachann watched the redheaded female with more than a passing interest. She appeared to be a sturdy female who might be able to endure giving birth to many centaurs and human infants in the years to come. He had finally found his mate. Of course, Mage Skinner would never allow him to lay claim to the human female, so he'd have to steal her away the first chance he got. *** Zaltaria King Kiros paced back and forth in his throne room. He had lost contact with the Faerie Cy'Wnila five days ago. She had been his eyes and ears in keeping watch over Fox. Now he was left wondering if Fox was still alive. He had intended for the ship that was carrying his future mate to be met by several Dendroids when it docked. They were to snatch the pretty human, and carry him across Frye to one of Kiros' own warships on the opposite coast. He now had an army of mercenaries-- both goblin and the realm's other races-- looking for any sign of Fox on sea and throughout the realm. "My King, I have good news about your future mate's whereabouts," Chamberlain Baltasar said breathlessly, running into the throne room. "Out with it, Baltasar!" "He's alive and well, and staying at Queen Charmaine's palace. It seems that Mage Skinner teleported the Kallen warship and its crew to dry land thirty-five miles outside of Orla Glen, just seconds before the ship would have broken up in the storm." Kiros smiled. The fear and worry from the past five days rolling off him like water on a duck. "I'll contact Cy'Scylla and have her go and keep an eye on him," Kiros said. Cy'Scylla was one of the faeries living in Frye who was loyal to him. He would use the reflection pool to make contact with her. "Baltasar, have the warships standing by on the coast of Frye. I will have Fox brought to them as soon as possible. Warn them, Baltasar. Fox is to be treated with respect and tenderness. If he is harmed, heads will roll!" *** Frye The bath had revitalized Scully. She sniffed the back of her hand, smelling the pleasant, perfumed scent of the floral fragrance soap she bathed with. One of the Queen's handmaidens retrieved some clothing from the city for her. Scully pulled on the tights and the short blue silk dress. It barely covered her ass, and the front was low cut. She looked over at the tiny Renny handmaiden who was assisting her. "Pia, is this what human females are wearing here?" Pia giggled. "No. Human females usually wear long dresses that cover even their ankles. The garment you have on is what female elves wear. I was unable to find any human garments in the city. I did pick up a some elfin travel clothes that are in your room. They are less revealing, but not nearly as fun." Scully looked down at herself and smiled. Maybe Mulder would notice her for once. She shook her head. Who was she kidding? She had started wearing tighter and sexier outfits at work, and he never even raised an eyebrow. Face it, he's in love with Walter Skinner. She frowned, thinking about the infant. How could two men expect to raise a little girl? What were they thinking? "Is something wrong, Lady Dana?" Pia asked. "No. Yes. Pia, I'm unable to have children, and seeing Mulder and Skinner with an infant is really hard. I'm not sure how I can describe how it makes me feel." "I'm so sorry, Lady Dana. It must be an awful feeling to be barren." Scully looked sadly at her. "Pia, you couldn't begin to imagine how awful." She pulled herself together, thinking about the soft bed that awaited her upstairs. "I'm tired. Can we head back to the guest quarters? " "Of course, Lady." *** Zaltaria Sighing happily, King Kiros gazed into the reflection pool, pleased at the image of his Fox.. It had been nearly a week since he last gazed upon that beautiful face. He watched in amazement as Mulder tenderly bathed the human infant. Then, a short redheaded female entered the room and walked over to Fox... "Mulder, do you need any help?" Scully asked. She had tried to lay down to take a nap, but she was too wound up. Mulder looked up at her and chuckled. "Wow, Scully, that's a new look for you. You'll give Frohike a heart attack dressing like that." Scully rolled her eyes. "You're a fine one to talk about new looks. If those breeches were any tighter, they'd be painted on. And what's with the earring and ponytail? Are you going for the rogue pirate look?" Mulder grinned. "Not exactly. Grab that towel. You can dry her while I explain the look." Scully picked up the towel and he placed the baby in it. Storm kicked her legs and cooed. Scully pressed a kiss on her forehead and carried her over to the bed and sat. "You're such a pretty little thing." Mulder watched her. He hoped that Walter would allow her to have Storm once they got back home. He couldn't find the nerve to ask Walter yet. "Scully, goblins have a thing about cutting their hair. If you noticed Prince Kedar's hair, it hangs to his waist when it's unbraided. They only cut their bangs. This earring was a gift from Queen Zoe of Feronia. It would be considered an insult to her and her people if I was to remove it." "Okay, I can understand the earring. But, you're not a goblin. Why would they care if you cut your hair?" Scully asked, cuddling the baby against her breast. "Walter and I were living at King Pyralis' palace for several months. We tried to follow their customs out of respect," Mulder said, taking a diaper off the shelf. "Do you want to diaper her?" "Sure. You're not living there now. Why don't you get it cut?" Mulder blushed. "Walter kind of likes it long. Don't worry, once we get home I'll get it cut." "What happened to your face?" Scully asked suddenly, placing the baby on the bed then unfolding the towel. "What do you mean?" "You look younger, and that scar you on your forehead is gone." "Oh. I almost forgot about that. I suffered from a serious virus that nearly killed me. Instead of killing me, it healed all of my scars and removed my wrinkles..." Mulder said hesitantly. "Mulder, you're keeping something from me. What?" "This virus affects various races differently. Male elves who contracted the virus eventually changed into hermaphrodites. Male trolls grew breasts. No one is sure how the virus will affect a human male, since all humans that ever contracted it died..." "This virus is still affecting your health?" Scully's voice was laced with concern. "We don't know for sure. That's one of the reasons we're anxious to get back to our universe. I need to have tests done to find out." "What's the other reason?" Scully asked, fastening the diaper on Storm. "Pampers." "Mulder!" Scully arched a dainty eyebrow. Mulder chuckled, then grew serious. " I'm being pursued by a Goblin King, who, for some reason, wants me to be his mate. At least that's what King Pyralis told Walter and me." "You're serious? Have you seen this goblin? How much of a threat is he?" "I haven't seen him, and I seriously don't think he's after me any longer. Besides, why would he want me when he surrounded by beautiful goblins? Walter is more concerned about it than I am..." Kiros smiled at his Fox's image, running a long fingernail over the water lovingly. "My Fox, can you really be that naïve about your beauty and appeal? When you are finally here with me, only the sweetest of wines shall ever pass those full pink lips. Only the finest foods shall you eat. Only the most expensive jewels and clothing will adorn your body. I will give you everything beyond your wildest dreams, my love." Scully looked relieved. "That's good. It's going to be a hard enough journey getting to the gateway without having to worry about being pursued by an army of goblins." Scully gazed down at the baby. "Are you and Skinner really thinking about keeping her?" "Yes, Agent Scully," Skinner voice sounded from the doorway. "When we get back, Fox and I are going to get married, then we will legally adopt Storm." He walked over, wrapped his arms around Mulder's waist from behind and kissed his cheek. "We love each other." Mulder sighed and leaned back into Skinner's embrace, turning his head to capture Skinner's lips with his. Scully watched, transfixed as the kiss deepened. She watched the way Skinner's arms tightened and his hips moved in unconscious thrusting motions against her partner's ass. She blushed, but couldn't look away. When their lips finally parted, she saw the look of pure love and devotion in their eyes. "Love you," Mulder whispered, barely loud enough for Scully to hear. Skinner's arms tightened even more, and he buried his face in Mulder's hair, breathing in deeply. "I love you more." Scully cleared her throat, "If you'd like some time alone, I'd be happy to take Storm to my room for an hour or two." Both men looked at her, stunned. In their passion, they had forgotten she was in the room. "Ah, sure, Scully, if you don't mind?" Mulder blushed, hoping that his erection wasn't too obvious. Scully lifted Storm off the bed and carried her toward the door. She paused in the doorway, an amused smile gracing her lips as she looked back at them. "Mulder, you really should get a pair of looser fitting pants. Those must really be uncomfortable—considering." Scully let her eyes roam lower, then wander back up to Mulder's beet red face. She giggled and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. Mulder closed his eyes. "Shit. She's never going to let me live this down." He relaxed into Skinner's arms and relished the heat and strength of the hard body pressed against his from behind. He felt Walter's erection pressing into the crease between his buttocks. Walter's large fingers stroked over his nipples and squeezed them through the soft velvet until they were hard nubs. Mulder moaned, chewing on his lower lip, his head laid back on his lover's shoulder. Walter unfastened the binding on his tunic while gently nipping along Mulder's throat. Walter stepped back, pulling the soft tunic off Mulder's shoulders, letting it drop to the floor, revealing the hard-toned muscles. He embraced Mulder again from behind, running his fingers over Mulder's chest and lightly brushing over the sparse smattering of hair. He toyed with the nipple ring. Mulder arched his neck, reaching back with his arms over his shoulders to grasp the back of Walter's head. Walter chucked as Mulder's hands slipped off his bald scalp. "Not much of a purchase is there, babe?" "I love your head--every slippery, lumpy, bumpy bit of it," Mulder quipped. "Are you saying that I have a lumpy head?" Skinner stroked down Mulder's bare sides tickling him as he went. Mulder let out a bark of laughter and tried unsuccessfully to squirm away. Skinner tickled him more intensely. "HA-HAA-HHA! Please, S-STOP! Y-your head's p-perfect! N-no lumps! No bumps!" Mulder cried out between fits of laughter. Skinner stopped tickling him and pushed him down on the bed. He straddled his thighs, looking down at that delicious flushed face as he reached between his lover's parted thighs and squeezed the hard erection through his breeches. "Scully's right, your pants are too tight," he growled, unlacing the ties and reaching in to free Mulder's penis. "Look who's talking," Mulder said breathlessly, loving the feel of the soft, down-filled mattress beneath his back and his lover's hard body above him. "I want you to fuck me," Skinner said, stroking Mulder's penis while lovingly gazing into his eyes. Mulder reached up and undid the ties on Skinner's pants. "Get naked then." "You first," Skinner growled, climbing off Mulder and yanking off his lover's boots, hose, breeches, and finally the skimpy underwear. He held them up to his nose and sniffed his lover's musky scent. "I'm no fashion expert, but I think we could make some serious money if we marketed these when we get back." Mulder looked at the garment Skinner held in his hands. "You might be right. They are comfortable, and I can see the appeal for both men and women. But, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing them in the FBI gym locker room or on a field assignment, considering how often I end up in the hospital." "I like them better than your boxers or my briefs." Skinner chuckled, dropping the underwear on the pile of clothes on the floor. Then, he started shrugging off his clothes; never taking his eyes off Mulder, beautifully spread out on the bed. When he dropped the last article of clothing on the floor, his lover's voice whispered breathlessly. When Walter dropped the last item of clothing on the floor, Mulder's husky, "Don't move," sent a shiver down his spine. Mulder slid off the bed and walked over to Skinner. The marble floor was cool beneath his bare soles, raising goosebumps across his flesh. He stopped when he was standing nose to nose with Skinner, gazing deeply into the larger man's eyes. Skinner stayed perfectly still as Mulder's hands caressed his chest, combing through his thick chest hairs. He could feel the heat from Mulder's body, as those long fingers teased his nipples, and tugged gently on the nipple ring. The fingers then smoothed over his shoulders, locking behind his neck to pull their bodies tightly together. Hot. He was hard as granite at this point. Mulder leered at him hungrily, which only made his cock ache and throb even more. Mulder tilted his head to capture Skinner's lips in a slow, deep, impassioned kiss. Skinner's arms automatically wrapped around Mulder's back, holding him in a steel embrace as he opened his mouth to accept Mulder's probing tongue. He sucked on it greedily as their lips pressed roughly together. Skinner felt a dampness against his hip from his lover's cock, and a lazy trail of precum was painted across his flesh as Mulder humped against him, deepening the kiss. They were breathless when the kiss finally ended. Skinner pressed his groin against Mulder and husked, "In me now." "On your back, lover," Mulder said, pushing Skinner back to the bed. Mulder grabbed the small crock of grease from the table as Skinner positioned his body on the center of the bed. His cock was a steel rod standing upright and purple against his belly. He didn't dare touch it at this point. To do so would cause it to erupt. Skinner breathed in sharply as Mulder settled between his parted thighs and place a pillow beneath his hips. "You know how much I love you...don't you, Walter?" Mulder said as he spread the lubricant in the crease between Skinner's buttocks, slowly inserting a finger Skinner's voice was gentle as he gazed lovingly at Mulder's face. He still had a hard time believing after all the years of lusting after the beautiful agent that Mulder actually loved him. "Oh yeah, but I love hearing you say the words, Fox." He positioned his calves on Mulder's shoulders. "I love you from the very depth of my soul, Walter," Mulder replied softly, turning his head and kissing his lover's hairy leg. He positioned his cock and pushed into his lover's tight heat. He usually preferred being on the bottom with Walter. He loved giving himself up completely to Walter's control and dominance. Just being able to allow someone else to take the reins and love him for a change was a blessing that he couldn't get enough of. Since Samantha disappeared he'd been mostly on his own. His parents were too wrapped up in their own grief to give a damn about his needs. With Walter, he was finally able to allow someone else to take care of him. However, that didn't mean that he didn't enjoy being on top with Walter on occasion. He was sure that as soon as the novelty of being cherished and loved wore off, their sex life would become more fifty-fifty. He watched Walter's face for any sign of discomfort as he thrust into him. Skinner hips pushed back in time with his thrusts. His hands clenched tightly at the bedcovers as the force of the thrusts filled him and made his whole body tingle with pleasure. He wanted more. He wanted to feel this long after they parted. "Harder, Fox!" Mulder's eyes burned with a undeniable passion as he increase the length and force of his thrusts. The bed bounced under the intensity of their coupling, and sweat dripped off Mulder's forehead. "God, you feel so fucking good!" he purred. His thrusts started to become erratic as he felt himself close to coming. He reached for Walter's erection and started to stroke it in time with his thrusts. "Come for me, stud!" Skinner cried out as milky come spurted from his cock and his muscles contracted on the hard rod up his rectum. He floated on an endorphin high as he gazed up into two glistening pools of hazel. He watched his lover's face contort into pleasure as he poured out his release. Skinner opened his arms to Mulder just as the he collapsed into them, and buried his face into the crock of Skinner's neck. They lay there in the warmth of each other's arms. *** Krycek lifted his face up to the flow of water pouring over his head. He held his breath and closed his eyes as the cool water flowed over him. This was the closest he'd come to a shower in over a month. He'd still kill for a hot shower, but just having the rush of water cascading over him was enough for now. He grabbed the bar of soap, his thoughts turning to Mulder. He soaped his chest, trailing his hand lower, running it under his balls. With a groan, he dropped the soap in the water so he could free his hand to jerk off to the image of pouty lips, expressive eyes, and a lanky toned body. He recalled everything about Mulder as his hand caressed his swollen flesh. One of his favorite memories was the way Mulder smelled. Considering all of the changes he had seen in Mulder, his scent remained the same. Krycek's hand moved faster over his shaft as his mind recreated Mulder's scent. He could never get enough of that delicious aroma. It seemed so real, he erupted into the warm water. After he got his breathing under control he stepped away from the waterfall, which was located in a distant corner of the subterranean bathing area. The temperature of the pool varied from warm on one side to pleasantly hot on the other. On the far side of the pool, sitting on the bench where Krycek had left his clothes, was Prince Kedar. Krycek met the prince's bright blue eyes and frowned. He had purposely waited until the Gunmen were done bathing before stripping and stepping into the pool himself. They all had to wait for Scully to use the chamber first. He didn't like displaying his deformity in front of others if he could help it. Kedar smiled. "Alex, please excuse my intrusion upon your bathing time. I will leave if my presence makes you uncomfortable. I just stopped down to drop off some clean garments for you to wear." The Prince didn't want to leave. Although by nature, Goblins were modest about bathing in front of anyone except their mates. He was hoping that as a human, Alex would share Fox's and Walter's lack of modesty. Krycek noted that his clothes were missing. "Where are my things?" he asked, strolling self-consciously up the hand-carved stone steps and out of the pool. He held his head high, not wanting to show this strange creature that he was nervous. "They were beyond filthy and beyond mending. I had the servants dispose of them," Kedar said. "You had no right to make that decision for me!" Kedar just smiled softly and held up a towel for Krycek. "Would you like me to dry you?" He couldn't stop his eyes from traveling over every curve and line on Krycek's body, stopping on the stump. Krycek reddened under the goblin's intense scrutiny and he turned slightly, hiding his deformity. "I'm capable of drying myself," he growled, grabbing the towel. "I didn't mean to offend you, Alex. I just assumed it would be easier and quicker for me to dry you than..." "I don't need any help! I'm not an invalid!" Krycek turned his back on the Prince as he struggled to dry himself with one hand. It was so much easier with his mechanical prosthesis. He couldn't wait to get back home so he could have a new one fitted. "I wouldn't be interested in you, Alex, if I thought you were an invalid." Krycek looked over his shoulder at pretty goblin. "What do you mean by interested?" "I find you to be extremely beautiful, courageous, and mysterious. I would like to get to know you better." Krycek frowned, then tossed him the towel. "If you wouldn't mind, I could use some help drying my back." He was still determined to use this creature to get to Mulder. So, he decided to play along and try to get on Kedar's good side. "Maybe we could help each other get what we want," he said. Kedar blushed as he started drying Krycek's long back and curved buttocks. He was getting highly aroused standing this close to the human. He couldn't remember anyone ever affecting him this way. "Tell me what it is that you want, Alex?" "Fox Mulder." "Fox? What do you mean?" Kedar felt his heart sink and his ire rise. "I've wanted him for years. If you help me seduce him away from Skinner, I'll owe you a large favor in return," Krycek replied, walking over to the pile of clothing. Kedar couldn't contain his outrage. "No! How could you ask such a thing! Fox's heart belongs to Walter! They are mates!" "Fox doesn't belong to baldy!" "Alex, no one, not even the most powerful mages could ever turn Fox's heart away from Walter!" The Prince could see that Alex needed to be taught some manners and respect. "Fine, then I don't believe we have anything further to discuss!" Krycek snapped, picking up the skimpy pair of underpants from the top of the pile. He frowned as he turned them around trying to figure out how they were to be worn. "Wrong, Alex, we have plenty to discuss! Just not how to destroy Fox's and Walter's love for each other!" Kedar wasn't one to be put off once he made up his mind to have something, and he had made up his mind about Alex Krycek. Krycek pulled on the underwear and adjusted himself inside the tight pouch. "Are all goblins as bossy as you?" "I'm a royal prince. It is my birthright to be shown respect, especially from those in lesser stations." "Like myself?" Krycek asked. He had succeeded in pulling on the breeches but was unable to lace them shut. "Damn!" He looked contritely over at Kedar. "Can you?" "It would be my pleasure." Kedar fingers trembled slightly as he grasped the bindings and laced them shut. His fingers were unable to avoid touching the swell of Alex's sex. "Something tells me there are few people, even in your own world, who you show respect for." Krycek snorted. "You told me you'd leave if your presence made me uncomfortable. It does, so scram!" "No. You're lying, Alex. You didn't appear uncomfortable when you were buck-naked in front of me a little while ago, so I think I will stay and continue talking to you." Kedar sat on the bench and watched as Krycek angrily pulled on the doeskin tunic. "How did you lose your arm?" Kedar asked. Krycek continued dressing ignoring the question. "You're behaving pretty childishly, Alex." "Fuck off!" "Are you always so well-mannered?" Krycek glared at him as he pulled on the ankle boots. Then, he stormed for the exit, only to have the iron doors slam shut before he could leave. "You're not leaving until you talk to me. I asked you a question. How did you lose your arm?" Krycek tugged at the door then spun around surprised. "Did you make the doors close?" "Yes." "How?" "I'm a first level mage." "Could I learn?" "Sorry, I don't sense any power coming from you. But then, I'm not an expert," Kedar said, standing and walking over to Krycek. "Why don't you want to tell me how you lost your arm?" he asked softly. Krycek sighed. "I don't like thinking about it. The whole situation was because of my own stupidity and lack of judgment." "Why don't we go upstairs to the sitting room and share a glass of spiced wine. Then you can tell me all about your stupidity," Kedar murmured, touching the side of Alex's freshly shaved cheek. "You're so beautiful, Alex. It makes my heart ache to see you so sad." Looking into Kedar's bright sapphire eyes and breathing in his scent was making Krycek incredibly horny. He swallowed nervously as he felt a stirring in his groin. The creature was beautiful, Krycek admitted that much. "Okay, fine, whatever. I could use a drink. Do you have anything stronger than wine?" It was apparent to Krycek that he wasn't going to be able to shake Kedar unless he decked him, and somehow he didn't think punching out a royal prince would be advisable. "We can have the servants bring us a bottle of grog," the Prince said, smiling softly as the doors opened, then he placed his hand on Krycek's lower back to steer him through it. "Don't touch me!" Krycek shrugged Kedar's hand off as they climbed the winding stone staircase up to the main level of the palace. Kedar only smiled. "Alex, you're lovely when you're angry. Your eyes turn the deepest shade of green and your face flushes so prettily. I'd never seen green eyes before I met Fox, but his eyes don't always stay green, unlike yours. I think you would look beautiful with emeralds decorating your ears and braided through your hair." The Prince reached out and touched Krycek's short hair. "Why do humans cut their hair so short?" he sighed, shaking his head. "We'll just have to allow it to grow out." 'We'll have to allow it to grow?' Krycek mouthed, rolling his eyes. "I like my hair short." "Alex, you need to learn to give a little in a relationship," Kedar said, flagging down a servant. "What relationship?" Krycek shouted indignantly, startling the servant. Kedar ignored Krycek and addressed the servant. "We'd like a bottle of your finest grog brought to our sitting room." After the servant rushed off, Kedar turned back to Krycek. "Our relationship, Alex. I've already decided that I want you for my mate." "WHAT?" "I will abide by the proper amount of time to court you and present you with tokens of my love. But, when the leaves change on the trees in Kallen, we shall be joined as one in the bonding ceremony, and be declared mates for life." Kedar smiled. "Come along, my love, we shall discuss our future together and your past in the sitting room." "I'm not marrying you!" Krycek followed Kedar, glaring daggers into his back. He wasn't about to have anyone dictate his future and order him around! He had enough of that with CGB Spender. They arrived back at their guest quarters before Krycek realized he had been following meekly behind Kedar. So he stormed into the room ahead of the Prince. "Hey, Alex, nice threads!" Frohike chuckled. He was sitting on a chair in front of the only window in the room, wearing green garments that reminded Krycek of Robin Hood. "At least I don't look like a green toad," Krycek quipped. Kedar smiled charmingly at Frohike. "Sir Melvin isn't it? If you'd be so kind as to find someplace else to be. Alex and I would like some time alone to develop our relationship." Frohike eyes widened, then he smirked at Krycek as he stood and strolled for the bedroom he was to share with Langly. "No problemo, Prince. I'll be happy to leave you two lovebirds alone." Krycek spun around to confront the Prince. "Kedar, get one thing through your thick skull! We are not having a relationship! I am not going to be your mate! I do not want you to court me!" "Please be seated, Alex," Kedar said calmly as he sat on a loveseat. He patted the seat next to him. "You don't get it!" Krycek growled. "No, Alex, I get everything that I want." Krycek stormed over to the window and looked out. He needed to get his temper under control. He couldn't allow the creature to get under his skin. He watched Scully wander through the gardens with the centaur Eachann following and talking to her. Scully didn't appear happy. Krycek started talking slowly as he watched the scene outside. "I'm my own man, Kedar. I will be leaving here shortly with my frie...acquaintances. So, I suggest you find someone else to pursue." "I don't want anyone else. You are what I've been searching for all my life, Alex." Krycek's eyes widened and he spun away from the window. "Fuck!" He ran over to Mulder's and Skinner's bedroom. "Get out here now!" he shouted as he pounded on the door. "What is it, Krycek!" Mulder growled, opening the door. The baby started crying in the room behind him. "That centaur friend of yours just grabbed Scully! Come on! We might be able to catch him!" "Oh, shit!" Mulder looked over at Frohike and Langly, who had rushed out of their room when Krycek started shouting. "Guys, watch Storm for me!" he said, grabbing his sword and running out the door after Krycek and Kedar. Walter was downstairs speaking with Queen Charmaine about her knowledge of sorcery, and unfortunately, there was no time for Mulder to get him. They made it out of the palace to the gardens, but Scully and Eachann were no where in sight. "This way," Krycek shouted, looking at the hoof prints in the soft soil. They headed toward the surrounding city. As Kedar followed Mulder and Krycek into the city, he used telepathy to alert the Queen of the problem. They ran through the city streets with Krycek skillfully tracking Eachann's hoof prints even on the cobblestone road. The centaur was headed for the woods on the south side of the city. The trail disappeared on the outskirts of town, and they spent the next hour searching the woods around Orla Glen before picking up Eachann's trail again. Skinner and several of the palace soldiers showed up to help with the search. They followed the trail for the next two hours. When it disappeared suddenly, they broke into two teams. Skinner led the Queen's soldiers in one direction, while Mulder, Kedar, and Krycek headed off in the opposite direction. Mulder paused suddenly near a brook. The hairs on the back of his neck were standing on end. He scanned the woods around him for any threat to himself or his companions. "What's wrong, Fox?" Kedar asked, stopping with Krycek to look back at Mulder. "There's something watching us." "Eachann?" "No." Mulder shook his head, and before he could say more, the tree he was standing beside reached down and snatched him up with its limbs. To Krycek and Kedar's horror, it fled through the woods at an incredible speed, faster than the fastest stallion in Kedar's father's stables. Too quickly for human or goblin to give chase on foot. "Skinner! You'd better get your ass over here!" Krycek shouted. Skinner was searching the woods several hundred feet to their left. He came running with the Renny soldiers. "What is it, Krycek?" He stopped and looked around. "Where's Fox?" Krycek shook his head -- dazed. "I don't know. A fucking tree grabbed him and took off." "What?" "Walter, it was a dendroid," Kedar said. "What's a dendroid?" "A dendriod is a sentient being in the form of a tree. They are hundreds of years old, few in number, and very seldom seen. Most people believe them to be only myth." "What would it want with Fox? These Dendroids aren't carnivorous, are they?" Skinner asked anxiously, forcing himself to breathe as his heart raced. "No. My guess is that it was sent to abduct Fox. Dendriod usually avoid contact with anyone outside of their race," Kedar said. "Who would have sent it?" Skinner felt his world crumbling around him. "My guess would be King Kiros. He has many servants throughout the realm, even among the Dendroids." Skinner swallowed. "I'm going back to the palace and get a horse to track this Dendroid." "I'll go with you!" Krycek said. "No! Krycek, you and Kedar need to rescue Scully!" Kedar nodded his head in agreement. "Make haste, Walter, the Dendroid is most likely headed for the sea! You need to catch it before it turns Fox over to King Kiros' forces!" he shouted as Skinner turned and sprinted through the woods. "Kedar, you take the Renny soldiers and rescue Scully. I'm going after Fox, too," Krycek said. He turned to follow Skinner, but Kedar grabbed his arm. "No, he doesn't need your interference. It is best that you come with me to rescue the Lady Dana first. Afterwards, we'll go together to rescue Fox, if Walter doesn't have him back by then." "Get you fucking hands off me!" Krycek growled. "No." "Let go, or I won't be the only one with one arm!" "We're wasting time, Alex. You're coming with me, if I have to use a binding spell on you." Krycek kicked out at Kedar, but he wasn't prepared for the speed and grace with which the Prince moved. Before he knew it, Kedar had him on his belly on the ground, with his arm twisted behind his back. Krycek continued to struggle even with his arm painful restrained. Kedar whispered a few words that Krycek barely heard. He suddenly felt strange, and no longer had the desire to continue fighting Kedar. Prince Kedar helped Krycek to his feet, his long elegant white fingers brushing the dirt off Krycek's cheek as he murmured lovingly, "Now, my beauty, I think we'll go together and rescue the Lady Dana. You will follow me and do as I command. When you come to your senses and start behaving civilly, I will remove the binding spell. Until then, you are mine to control." Kedar hated using his mage powers this way. He didn't want to control this man in such a manner. However, Alex left him no choice. He wasn't about to let Alex out of his sight, not when he had finally found him. Krycek loathed the way he felt. The last time he was violated in such a manner was by the black oil. Although this wasn't nearly as bad as when it claimed possession of his body, he was still powerless. He followed several feet behind Kedar -- subserviently. He knew the Prince was purposely trying to put him in his place. Kedar sighed, looking back. He wanted an equal relationship with Alex, like Walter had with Fox. He held his hand out, beckoning. "Come, Alex, walk beside me." Captain Cletus stopped in the path. "He appears to be heading in the direction of his village on the other side of Frye. We're going to have to go back and get our ponies. We'll never catch him at this rate." "Fine, Captain, we'll go back and get our mounts. Come along, my love," Kedar said, taking Alex's hand in his, leading him back in the direction of the city. *** Skinner's whole being was in turmoil. He couldn't believe that Fox had been taken from him. He'd made a point of being protectively near to his lover since the harpy virus nearly killed him. This afternoon as they tracked Eachann was the first time he hadn't used his mage powers to keep a watchful eye on Fox. It was his fault Fox was taken -- he let his guard down. No way could he go on living without him. Not after experiencing what true bliss was like with him. Skinner had never experienced a deeper love in his life. Without Fox by his side, a gaping chasm now existed where his heart was. Jahr and the gunmen rode beside him as they made their way back to where the Dendroid had snatched Fox. They attempted to follow its trail. Queen Charmaine had taken charge of Storm. She promised to raise Storm as her own if anything were to happen to Skinner and Mulder. "Don't worry, Walter, we will get him back," Frohike said softly. "Melvin, there is no other option for me. Maybe you and the guys should consider carefully before following me. I won't be coming back without Fox," Skinner said, his eyes distant and pained as if a part of him was missing. "Man, we came this far to find you and Mulder. We're not about to go back without you guys," Langly said. Byers placed his hand on Skinner's forearm. "Mulder's our friend. He's been our biggest supporter through the years. We will do whatever it takes to help you get him back." "Even if it means death?" Skinner questioned. "Yes! We're not afraid to die!" Frohike answered with bravado, and the other two men nodded in agreement. Skinner nodded, he was too upset to speak. He turned and guided his horse along the trail that the dendroid had taken. *** Mulder wasn't able to move a muscle. Vines were wrapped around his body, binding him face down from a enormous limb high up on the tree. He kept his eyes tightly closed since he had gotten dizzy looking down at the ground rushing beneath the hundred foot tall tree at an unbelievable speed. "What do you want with me?" he asked. A whispering voice sounded with the tone of a thousand rustling leaves. "We bring you to the Goblin King." Mulder was surprised to receive an answer to his question. He didn't know where on the tree the voice originated. "What are you?" "We are Dendroid." "Why are you bringing me to the Goblin King?" "He commands us and we obey." "Please, let me go! I do not wish to be taken anywhere!" "We obey the Goblin King." Mulder fingertips brushed the top of the hilt of his sword. If he could get it unsheathed, he just might be able to cut through the vines. He tried for over an hour before finally giving up, exhausted. His muscles ached from the effort. At each try to free himself, the vines tightened to hold him more securely. He would just have to wait for the Dendroid to reach its destination, then attempt escape once it let him down. *** End of Chapter 7 - Storm Coming soon -Chapter 8 - The Search