Liamterra Liamterra by Jo B Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: none Keywords: M/Sk K/O SLASH WIP Disclaimer: The X-Files characters are the property Chris Carter, 1013 productions and Fox Broadcasting. No money is being made from their use. Summary: AU. Mulder is abducted and carried through a gateway to another universe, where magic is real and mythical creatures exist. Skinner follows, and the two men must make a new life for themselves while they search for a way back home. Authors Notes: This is a sequel to my story North Woods. Special thanks to my beta-readers Lyrical Soul, Helen and Nicole for the excellent job of beta-reading and help with the mariner's dialog. Feedback is always welcome. Any constructive suggestions are appreciated. WARNING! This story contains explicit Sex/Romance between two men. Turn back now, if the subject matter offends you. Okay to Archive: MTA, DitB, Slashing Mulder, all others please ask first. Web site: http://www.slashingmuld Chapter 5 The Voyage by Jo B Feronia "They're human," Krycek said, watching as the first rowboat finally reached the shore. He tensed as the mariners jumped out and dragged the boat onto the bank. Scully looked down on them from her hiding place. "They appear to be armed only with swords and clubs. I think we should take a chance." Krycek nodded his head in agreement. He hadn't been looking forward to retreating back into the swamps. He stood and waved his arm. "HELLO!" The mariners looked up at him and seemed to relax. "AHOY! WE SAW THY SIGNAL!" Krycek turned to Scully. "He speaks English. What are the odds of that?" "Krycek, that's a medieval merchant ship. Maybe they crossed through a gateway similar to the one we passed through. I bet Mulder would theorize that it was a gateway in the Bermuda Triangle," Scully said. "Who cares, Dana? I just hope they have food on them," Langly said wistfully. "Well, let's find out," Scully said, heading for the path leading down to the beach. She made sure her handgun was readily accessible. By the time they reached the bottom of the cliff, the second rowboat had come to shore. Six rough looking bearded mariners surrounded them. The best dressed among them stepped forward. His red beard had a ragged scar running from its shaggy mass up over his cheek and stopping just underneath his eye. "I am the Sexton's First Officer Linch. How dost thou come to be stranded upon these cliffs? Wast thou shipwrecked?" Linch looked the shabby group over. His eyes lingered the longest on Scully. Under all that grime, he could tell she was a fine looking woman, even though she was a bit too skinny. Her hair color was the same as his. "No, we came through the swamp..." Frohike started to explain, but Krycek elbowed him in the ribs. Linch looked at them suspiciously. "No man be fool-hardy enough to travel through the Great Feronia's swamps!" he growled, glaring at them distrustfully. Krycek licked his dry lips as he studied the mariners surrounding them. He could easily kill all six of them, but that would leave them stranded here. He needed to alleviate Linch's suspicion. "You must excuse my friend. He tends to lie a great deal. Our ship was swamped during a storm and everyone onboard drowned, except us. We've been stranded here for nearly a week," Krycek said. Linch stared at Frohike. He was taken aback by the man's old age. It was rare to see a human who lived to be this old, unless he was a mage. However, that didn't stop the first mate from leveling a threat at Frohike. "We have ways of dealing with liars. A quick swipe with a hot knife across the liar's tongue tends to stops the lies quite nicely." He then turned his attention back to studying the group. "Thy clothing be quite unusual. What is the name of thy ship and from whence did she hail?" Krycek didn't hesitate as he answered. "Our ship was the Foxworth and we sailed out of a tiny port of Annapolis. You probably don't recognize the name of our ship or the port. We are from a long ways away and are unfamiliar with these waters." He crossed his fingers that these men would not know the full extent of their world. That they would be as clueless as the sailors from true medieval times. Linch's eyes widened as he looked at the funny speaking strangers. "Art ye saying thou art from beyond the Great Ocean?" Bingo! "Yes. It took us forever to sail this far, only to have our ship sink, killing our friends and families," Krycek said sadly. Linch nodded in sympathy. "You and thy party art welcome to sail with us. We headeth to Frye on a trading mission. Ye shall all be expected to work for thy passage. Captain Manus dost not tolerate slackers. Thy woman can wash and mend our clothing, and help the cook in the galley." "Hey! I'm not his, or anyone's woman!" Scully growled. First mate Linch raised his eyebrows in surprise. It was unusual for a woman to speak without being properly addressed first. To address a lady was done only by the permission of the woman's guardian. He could tell by the way the redhead held herself straight and proud, that she came from noble stock. "Lady, didst thy husband or guardian die when thy ship sank? If that be the case, I would be most honored to act as thy guardian until we sail back to Balendin, where King Baldwin can choose a suitable husband for thee." Scully's face turned bright red as she glared at the hairy mariner. Krycek spoke quickly before she could respond. "The lady is my responsibility, as she is my dearly departed older brother's wife." Krycek gave Scully a measured look, daring her to say anything. Scully frowned, but held her tongue and allowed Krycek to speak for them. "The Lady Dana is still in shock from the tragedy, and will not abide another man to speak for her in her husband's stead." Krycek feigned sorrow, then looked at the first mate. "How far is this Frye?" Linch frowned staring between Krycek and Scully. "Thou would hath passed Frye to make it this far." "We are unfamiliar with the names of your lands, so even if we passed this Frye we would never have known it," Krycek said. "Frye is not our land. It belongeth to the Rennys. Their race is most skilled at producing fine leather-wear and other crafted items. We are going to Frye to trade vegetables and fruits for some of their fine leather boots and copper pots. 'Tis a four day voyage from here. We shall weigh anchor off a small fishing village, then make our way overland to Orla Glenn," Linch said as he motioned for them to climb into the rowboats. Scully and Krycek climbed onboard Linch's rowboat, as the three gunmen climbed into the other one. Krycek clutched his prosthesis to steady it as the swaying of the boat rubbed it painfully against his ruined stump. He'd thought about leaving the fake limb behind several times during the rough journey through the swamp. Blisters and sores had formed under the straps, and the plastic molded against his scarred stump. The electronic circuitry operating the arm had stopped working over a week ago, making it useless and cumbersome. Now that they were rescued, he would ask the gunmen to look at the prosthesis and see if they could repair it. *** Kellan Mulder lay with his head resting on Walter's shoulder and his arms wrapped around his lover's muscular torso. One leg was thrown over Walter's thigh and his groin was pressed against his hip. It was a hot and humid evening in Kellan, and Mulder was sweating profusely where his bare skin touched Walter's. Still, he relished the comfort and strength of Walter's strong reassuring body beneath his too much to move away. He nuzzled the larger man's neck with his nose, breathing in his musky scent. "Walter?" he purred. "Hmm," Skinner sighed quietly, rubbing Mulder's back in soothing circles. He was too sated to move. His whole body hummed pleasantly from being well and thoroughly fucked just moments ago. "I was just thinking about how lucky I am." "How's that, Fox?" "Kedar is still searching for his life mate, whom he may never find. I, on the other hand, have found mine." Mulder's finger traced a circle around Skinner's nipple, careful not to touch the tender flesh where the nipple ring pierced it. He smiled, remembering how he'd made Walter scream with need mere moments before, as his tongue teased the ring and the sensitive nipple. Skinner smiled, kissing his head. "So... do you want to exchange earrings?" he quipped. Mulder raised his head and glared at Skinner. "A simple wedding band will be fine, thank you very much. We're humans after all, not goblins." "Is your ear bothering you, Fox?" Skinner looked at the small fox-shaped diamond in his lover's earlobe. The upper clip and chains had been removed and set on the night table. "A little. Not as much as it did yesterday. My nipple hurts a lot worse," Mulder said, resting his head back on Walter's broad shoulder. He stroked up and down the taut flesh of Walter's side lovingly. "No wonder, Fox. You're laying on it. Why don't you sleep on your back or side?" "I prefer sleeping on you," Mulder murmured softly, snuggling closer. He placed tender kisses on the soft hot skin underneath his mouth. Skinner sighed contently and gave him a little squeeze. "We better get some sleep then. I'd like to get an early start for Frye in the morning." Jahr lay on his mat beside the unlit hearth listening to them. His stomach was aflutter with excitement. He'd never been to Southern Kallen, much less across the sea to one of the other kingdoms. He might have been scared, if it weren't for the fact that he'd be in the company of his two lords, both of whom he trusted to protect him. Jahr made a mental list of the items they would need for such a long journey. Then he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. *** The Sexton Captain Manus stared suspiciously at the five castaways. He didn't believe their story for a minute. No one had ever made the perilous journey of crossing the Great Ocean and lived to tell about it! He doubted that the short, skinny woman before him would have been capable of such a feat. The Captain looked at Scully critically, scratching his auburn beard. If she put on forty or so pounds she might not be a bad looking woman. When she first climbed onboard, the Sexton he mistook her for a boy. He would see that she received extra rations. The dark-haired man concerned the Captain. He noticed the man's left arm appeared to be lame. Captain Manus wouldn't waste food on a worthless cripple. If the man had not pulled his weight, he'd have him tossed over the side. He glared at Linch for even bringing the cripple back to his ship. "Linch, show them where to store their gear, then put them to work!" "At once, Captain!" Linch turned to Krycek and gestured with his hand. "This way. The Lady may sleep in the store room. It is small, but dry and comfortable." They were shown below deck. Linch opened a door leading through the galley and crossed to a small store room. "I shall have a mat and blankets brought up for thee to sleep upon, My Lady." Scully placed her backpack inside. "May I have some water and soap with which to wash up?" "We have a washbasin for washing the pots at the far end of the galley. You may use it before dinner." He stopped before a rotund man slaving away in front of a cast iron stove. "Tully, this be the Lady Dana. She is going to assist thee in preparing the meals. See to it that she be kept busy." "Yes, Mister Linch," the cook said, looking at the petite woman. "My, thou art a skinny thing. Don't worry, my dear, Tully will fatten thee up quite splendidly." Scully grimaced. The last thing she wanted was to be fattened up, but she was starving. "Mr. Linch, my friends and I haven't eaten anything in two days. Will it be possible if we are fed first, then put to work?" "My Lady, I shall get thy friends situated and instructed on their duties, then we shall be breaking for the noonday meal," Linch promised. He headed out of the galley, followed by Krycek and Byers. Langly stood next to Tully, looking in the pots and pans, openly drooling over the food. Frohike hit him on the arm. "Come on, Ringo. You heard the man! Work first, then we eat." Langly frowned, then quickly followed Frohike out the door. The room Linch showed them to smelled of sweat, shit, and other foul body odors. Hammocks were slung between the wooden support beams. The rough-hewn ceiling was so low that Krycek, Byers, and Langly had to stoop so they wouldn't hit their heads on the overhead beams. A single oil lamp provided the space with its only light. Even though the room was stuffy, Krycek still broke out in a cold sweat. He prayed that he wouldn't have a panic attack. It was the last thing he needed. He hadn't had one since Tunisia, when he was placed in the hole for two weeks. A few scraggly-looking men were snoring loudly from four of the twenty hammocks in the room. "We have a full crew, so there'll be but one hammock unoccupied in the evening. Ye can fight over it. The others will have to sleep on the floor," Linch said, stopping at a hammock that was hung in the dimmest corner. A rat leaped out from underneath the woven ropes and scurried quickly down a knothole in floor. The three gunmen jumped. Krycek paid it no notice. When he was in jail for the past year, he had become quite used to the large rodents, which sometimes provided his only source of meat for months. "We'll take turns sleeping on the hammock," Krycek said. "I call dibs on it tonight!" Frohike said. "Hey! Why do you get first dibs?" Langly grumbled. "Because I called it first, that's why. Besides I'm older than you!" "Oh, really good reasons...NOT!" Langly snorted. "Guys, quit fighting! You can have the hammock tomorrow night, Blondie!" Krycek barked. Being around these two was starting to try his patience. "If ye gents are done fighting, I shall show ye what thy duties be for the length of thy stay aboard the ship," Linch said. He leaned in and whispered to Krycek, "The Captain shall be watching thee closely. If thee dost not want to be thrown overboard, thee hadst better pull thy weight, and not let thy crippled arm interfere." Krycek bristled at Linch's statement. "I can more than pull my own weight!" "Good. See that thou dost!" *** Scully was busy mopping the galley floor. She had just finished eating the mutton stew that Tully had forced upon her. She had balked at the trencher he attempted to serve it to her in. It was a hard, stale piece of bread shaped like a bowl. It was obvious that it had been used many times before. Mold was growing inside and she noted a couple of worms in the hard rye. He attempted to tell her that it was still a good and sturdy trencher, demonstrating by pounding it against the side of the table. He finally gave in and produced an unused trencher from the pile of bread he had just baked. When the cook rang the dinner bell, the first shift of twelve sailors staggered down, taking seats at the long tables. The cook placed a basket of trenchers on the table. Each mariner grabbed one, along with a wooden spoon. Tully set a cast iron pot on the table and ladled the mutton stew into each of the mariner's rock-hard bread bowls. "Lady Dana, pour these men their noonday ration of ale," Tully said. Scully picked up the pitcher that Tully had filled earlier from a large wooden keg sitting on the counter. She looked around the table and wondered why there was only one tankard provided for every two sailors. First Officer Linch walked back into the galley accompanied by Krycek and the gunmen. They took a seat at the end of the table. Scully poured them some ale. "Thanks, Scully. But we're short two mugs," Frohike said. Linch frowned, looking at Frohike. "The men share the tankards," he said, grabbing a trencher from the basket. The guys copied him, flinching at the moldy bread. Krycek picked a roach out of his and flung it across the kitchen. Tully carried the kettle down to their end of the table and filled the bowls. "Why?" Frohike asked. Linch dug his spoon into the thick stew. "I do not know what life be like in your land. But here, tankards and silverware are a luxury. We do not have enough to go around to every man," he said, stuffing a gravy-soaked roll into his mouth. Langly belched, setting the empty tankard down on the table between him and Frohike. "Hey, Langly! You drank all of it!" Frohike growled. "Chill, man. Hey, Scully, can you refill our mug?" Langly asked. Everyone at the table became quiet, and stared with disbelief at the blonde gunman. Linch sighed. "Lad, let me explain rations to thee and thy friends. Only one tankard of ale or mulled wine is provided at each meal that two mariners share. If thy shipmate be a gluttonous harpy and drinks the whole tankard, then that be thy bad luck. If the Captain be in good spirits, he might permit a tankard of rum to be served at one of the meals. Thou shalt eat only what Tully places in front of thee. There are no extra helpings. Is that clear?" "I-uh, I guess it is," Langly said. "Sorry, Fro." "No problem, Langly. I'll just drink the tankard of whatever we're sharing tonight," Frohike said, digging into his meal." He made a face at the taste. It was clear that the meat was old. The spices only somewhat masked the spoiled taste. Krycek glared at the men watching him eat. At first he thought they were staring at him because of his arm. With the electronic circuitry no longer working, it really looked fake. However, he angrily realized that they were watching him with lust in their eyes, not unlike his fellow prisoners back in Tunisia. In the Tunisian prison, for safety's sake, he had to hook up with a more menacing inmate who was feared and respected among the other prisoners. The inmate provided him protection in return for sex. Unfortunately, the protection hadn't turned out quite like Krycek had intended. He ended up not only servicing Drake, but his buddies as well. Krycek shivered remembering the poker game where Drake had used him instead of money. If Drake lost a hand, the winner got to fuck him, or he had to give the man a blow job while the other inmates looked on. Unfortunately, Drake was a lousy poker player, and Krycek had been fucked raw, and had swallowed more come than he'd ever had in his life. The worst was the final pot. A bull-necked inmate nicknamed Red Dog put in three hundred pounds. He wouldn't settle for anything less than being able to fist Krycek if he won. A chill ran down Krycek's spine at the memory of the inmate's massive forearms. Never again would he allow himself to be placed in that type of situation. A large, muscular mariner sitting at the other end of the table spoke up suddenly. "Mister Linch, I have been thinking. Our cripple be quite comely and we have need of a whore," Seamus said. In one smooth motion, Krycek freed the carbine strapped to his thigh. He thought, //Fuck these morons!// A puzzled expression appeared on Seamus' face as the pretty bearded man pointed a strange-looking, carved club at him. Everyone jumped as the loud blast sounded, and a large hole appeared in Seamus' forehead, a half a second before the back of his head exploded, sending brain matter and bone splattering against the wall behind him. The mariner toppled backwards off the stool. "The next man who says anything about me becoming someone's bitch will get his fucking head blown off, too!" Krycek growled. "Magic!" several of the mariners muttered, moving away from the green-eyed man and their dead shipmate. The gunmen had stopped eating and looked toward the door as the Captain came running through it. "What was that noise?" he bellowed. Krycek slid off the bench and leveled the carbine at Captain Manus. "Captain, my friends and I have just decided to commandeer your ship. You will take us to Frye while we continue this trip in leisure. My friends and I will be using your cabin for the remainder of the voyage." "How dare thee threaten me, thou crippled, elf-skinned strumpet!" The Captain started to advance on Krycek, only to have his left hand blasted through at the wrist. The Captain started screaming in shock, holding up his left arm with his hand dangling from just sinewy ligaments and ruined flesh. Scully rushed over to help him. "Well, it looks like you're a crippled, elf-skinned strumpet now, too, Captain!" Krycek snarled. The Captain pulled away from Scully. "Witch! Keep thy foul hands away!" he howled, clutching his arm against his chest. "I'm a doctor. You're going to bleed to death if you don't let me help you," Scully said calmly, trying to reassure the distraught man. Linch climbed shakily to his feet, keeping one wary eye on Krycek and the other on his Captain. The rest of the mariners retreated to the far side of the galley, in an attempt to get as far away from Krycek as humanly possible. They were muttering, "Green-eyed demon." "Okay, thee art in charge, Mister Krycek. I need to help my Captain." Krycek nodded his head and motioned for Linch to assist Manus. He thought he should save them all from the ear splitting headache brought on by the Captain's wails by just blowing the man's head off. However, he didn't want to waste ammunition. Scully was glaring at him as she attempted to stop the bleeding. The Captain was going into shock. "What?" Krycek glared back. "He's the one who wanted to throw me overboard!" "He didn't though, did he?" "Scully, if you want to continue to work as a galley wench, that's fine with me. The boys and me are going to continue this trip in leisure. Isn't that right, guys?" "Ah-yeah, whatever you say, Alex," Frohike mumbled. "Shut up, Krycek," Scully growled as she tied a strip of fabric around the Captain's arm. "John, will you get me my medical kit from the storage room?" *** Kallen Jahr tightened the straps holding their gear on the horse. Earlier, to Jahr's embarrassment, his Lord Skinner had to help him stack their gear on the large pack horse. It was just too high for him to reach. They were taking five horses on their journey. One carried most of their supplies, including tents, which both his lords insisted on. Jahr looked up at the horse he was to ride. It was so much taller and broader than the hell hound he was used to riding. Unfortunately, he was not allowed to take his hound to Frye. Hell hounds were forbidden in any of the southern kingdoms. Jahr stood beside his horse and watched as Prince Kedar said farewell to his two fathers. Mulder and Skinner bowed respectfully to the King and his mate Jonathan. Then they went around to say goodbye to the many friends that they had made in Anlon and the surrounding village. The centaur Eachann elected to accompany them to Frye. He planned to visit his family who lived in the southern part of the Renny kingdom. Finally, after many long farewells, they were off, heading toward the seaport village of Sharlain. From there they would charter a ship to take them across the Morwenna Sea to Frye. Skinner and Mulder rode side by side for most of the day, following behind Prince Kedar and Eachann. Jahr was in the rear leading the pack horse. He maneuvered his horse awkwardly along the well-maintained cobblestone road. Mulder enjoyed the feel of the powerful animal between his thighs as it trotted down the road. He felt invigorated by the smell of the fresh air, and the warmth of the sun beating down on him. It was so good to finally be out exploring this new land. His mind drank in every detail, logging it all into his photographic memory for future examination. He noted several different types of birds and mammals that were unique to this world. Mulder glanced over at Walter. His lover was dressed in a brown leather riding outfit similar to his own. They both found the supple leather to be best for the long, hard journey. The only disadvantage was the laces holding their breeches on. The laces took longer to unfasten than either of them would have liked. Mulder thought he should have shown the tailor how a zipper worked. Throughout the day, Mulder glanced back frequently to make sure their young squire was okay. He knew that Jahr was not accustomed to horseback riding. His short legs had a hard time stretching over the horse's back. It was past five o'clock in the afternoon when Mulder glanced back once again and noticed that Jahr looked like he was in pain. Since leaving Anlon, they had only stopped once at one o'clock for lunch, and planned to ride until eight before making camp. Walter was dead set on getting to Frye as quickly as possible. Mulder wanted to take their time and explore, but he acquiesced to his lover's desire for speed. Mulder didn't want to embarrass Jahr by calling attention to the troll's discomfort, so instead he turned to his lover. "Walter, I'm exhausted. Do you mind if we make camp now? There's a nice looking lake down in that valley," he said, pointing about a mile to the southeast. Skinner looked at Fox, then glanced up at the sun shining brightly over head. "Fox, we still have at least four hours of daylight..." "We're not really in any hurry to be anywhere. It wouldn't kill us to stop early on our first day," Mulder argued, giving his lover his most irresistible pout. He knew Walter was a sucker when it came to his happiness. Skinner's mouth went dry and his cock twitched as he looked into Mulder's changeable eyes. He was enthralled with they way were picking up the many shades of green from the grassy hills, and the deep blue from the sky. Skinner cleared his throat. "Uh-hum." Then, he shouted up to the Prince and the centaur. "I think we should make camp down in the valley next to the lake!" Prince Kedar sighed, relieved. It was a hot day and the trail dust left him feeling dirty. A nice, refreshing dip in a cool lake was just what he desired. "Walter, you're reading my mind," he accused, looking back, smiling. His pearly-white teeth glowed in the harsh sunlight. "It's our first day of travel. I don't think we should push ourselves too hard," Skinner answered, slightly mesmerized by the beautiful prince. But, Fox's beauty transcended that of the goblin, and it was that which kept Skinner's eyes from focusing too long on Kedar. It took them eight minutes to reach the lake. Mulder swung down and went quickly back to help Jahr. The troll was having a difficult time dismounting from the horse. "I'm sorry, Lord Fox. You should have chosen a better squire," Jahr said sadly, as Mulder helped him to the ground. He leaned heavily against Mulder for support as his short legs nearly gave out on him. Mulder staggered slightly under the weight of the troll. Jahr might be short, but he was broad and extremely muscular. "Jahr, you have been an exceptional squire. You will eventually become used to riding a horse. Don't beat yourself up over it. Come on, I'll help you unpack, then you can help me with dinner," he said, ruffling Jahr's hair. Jahr smiled up at him with love and adoration. "Do you really think you can teach me how to cook?" he asked excitedly. "I think so, Jahr. You need to remember the most important part of cooking is washing your hands first, and trying not to get any hair in the food," Mulder answered, looking worriedly at the hairy troll. In the meantime, Skinner was busy unsaddling his and Mulder's horses when Eachann trotted over to help him. He was leading Prince Kedar's horse. Skinner still found the centaur's appearance disturbing. Eachann wasn't as large as their horses, but he was still a lot larger than a human male. He was dark brown with a long mane of brown hair trailing down his back. If it weren't for the fact that he was half-horse and half-man, Skinner might have found him attractive. It was the horse's body that repulsed Skinner. He tried not to look, but he could see the large, sheathed cock between the centaur's hindquarters. Skinner estimated the centaur weighed close to six hundred pounds, all of it muscle. They led the horses to the lake to drink. Neither spoke as they watched the animals lap up the cool water. After the horses had drunk their fill, they led them over to an area where the grass was tall, so they could graze. "How does it feel to be in love, Mage Skinner?" Eachann asked suddenly. Skinner didn't hesitate in his answer. "To love someone, and have that love returned is the most incredible feeling in the world. I love Fox with every fiber of my being, and he returns my love threefold." Skinner smiled softly. "I would like to find a female to love and start a family with. It is why I am returning to Frye," the centaur said. Skinner looked at the centaur curiously, and wondered if a female centaur would strut around naked as Eachann did. "What are female centaurs like?" he asked, watching his and Mulder's horse graze. Eachann frowned. "You really are from another world, are you not?" "Why?" Skinner looked up puzzled. "There are no female centaurs. We're all males." "You're hermaphrodites?" Eachann laughed. "No, Mage Skinner. We're male through and through." "Then what female were you talking about starting a family with?" Skinner looked at Mulder's mare and his eyebrows rose. "Surely you don't mean that you mate with horses?" Eachann became outraged, not believing Skinner would even consider such a thing. "No! Of course not! They're animals! We choose our mates from among elves or human females. All male children are born centaur, all female children are born to match their mother's race," he explained, trying to squelch his anger. "I can't see how that is possible. You're so much larger than female elves and humans. Mating with you would be..." "Painful." The centaur shrugged his shoulders. "We only mate at breeding time. Human females have become our preferred mates. They are a lot less fragile than elves and are less likely to die during childbirth." Skinner blanched. "Do females often die during childbirth?" "Too frequently. Giving birth to a centaur isn't easy. One in four elves will die. One in ten humans." Eachann looked sad. "I never knew my mother. She was an elf." "Why do you put these women through such an ordeal, if you know there is a great possibility that they will not survive? You should leave them alone!" Skinner snapped. The centaur glared at the human mage. "My people will become extinct without them to bear our children. Mage Skinner, human males do not show the same respect for their females as we do. We love and worship them and give them an equal hand in running our household and raising our children. Don't think my people callous, it pains us deeply when we lose a mate." He followed Skinner to the remaining horses. Skinner shook his head. "Even so, I would never touch Fox if there was a possibility that it might cause his death." Skinner unsaddled Jahr's horse while Eachann took care of their pack horse. Skinner glanced over at his lover and their squire, who were unpacking the cooking supplies and gathering wood for the fire. Mulder had allowed his hair to grow longer than he'd ever worn it before, after bowing to pressure from King Pyralis not to cut it. Goblins all wore their hair long and sometimes braided their silky locks with fabrics, beads, and precious metals. Skinner smiled. He liked this look on Mulder. His fingers itched to run through all that thick hair. Mulder looked up and met his eyes and smiled, then went back to arranging rocks in a circle. He looked so much younger and less troubled than Skinner had ever seen him. It was too bad they couldn't stay here. This world was so perfect for both of them. Eachann had been thinking about Skinner's words. "Mage Skinner, you cannot judge me or my people. You do not know us. When we arrive in Frye, come and spend some time at my village and get to know us before you judge us." Skinner nodded. "You're right, in that I do not understand you. After we meet with Queen Charmaine, Fox and I will be willing to spend some time at your village, if she isn't able to help us return to our world." Skinner was hoping that the Renny Queen would be their ticket out of this world. He did not want to see human females interacting with these centaurs. The whole concept was repugnant to him. On top of it all, he was concerned for Fox's welfare, and wanted to get his lover back to their world, so he could be examined by their top medical professionals. "Can you finish taking care of the horses? I want to start setting up the tents," Skinner said. The two tents they brought with them were only big enough to sleep in. Eachann and Jahr both preferred sleeping outdoors by the campfire. Skinner wasn't about to go through this long journey during which he and Mulder would have an audience every time they made love. Although Jahr's presence no longer bothered him, he didn't want the centaur or Price Kedar to watch. His loins were already heavy and aching to take his lover, to feel those incredibly long legs wrapped around his waist as he drove his cock deep inside Fox's lithe body. Skinner's attention was suddenly drawn to Prince Kedar. The Prince was bathing in the lake. For modesty's sake, the young goblin stayed out of sight of the others and kept his underpants on. He stood waist deep in the water as he washed the dirt from his flesh and hair. Regardless of the prince's modesty, Skinner still kept an eye on him. He used the second sight spell that Pyralis taught him. The spell allowed him to project his vision up to a mile in all directions. Over the past few weeks, Skinner used it quite a bit to keep track of Mulder. Since his lover's near death, Skinner was very protective of him, but he didn't want Mulder to know just how protective. So, he kept his spying and watchfulness a secret. His lover would never understand his need to know where he was at all times, and to be reassured that he was safe. Skinner watched as the young goblin climbed out of the water behind some bushes where his clothes were laid out carefully over a rock. Water glistened on his alabaster skin, so lovely and white even against the hot sun that threatened to darken it. Kedar turned around in the sunlight, allowing it to dry his flesh. He tilted his face up, stretching his body, embracing the heat like a lover. Skinner counted two piercings on one nipple, and noted that the prince's navel was also pierced. The water made the small, white underpants the prince was wearing, translucent, and for the first time Skinner got a really good look at the goblin's dual sex organs when Kedar bent to retrieve his breeches. Skinner blushed and turned away from the image, giving the beautiful prince a little privacy. He jumped when a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and a mouth nuzzled his neck from behind. "A penny for your thoughts?" Mulder whispered into his ear. "What?" Skinner turned around in his arms. "You're blushing and you seem to be lost in some deep fantasy," Mulder said. "Oh. It's nothing. I've been keeping an eye on Prince Kedar..." "Walter, you know most goblins are modest. How can you spy on him?" "King Pyralis asked me to protect his son. I can't do that unless I keep an eye on him at all times." Skinner covered Mulder's mouth with his, keeping his lover's protest in, then he moved on, his tongue swiped over that delectable mole as his lips followed a path to Mulder's earlobe. He nipped at the gem in Mulder's earlobe as he hugged him tight. "I'd rather be keeping an eye on you though," he murmured sultrily. Mulder narrowed his eyes. He knew Walter was trying to distract him. "You'd never use that second sight spell to spy on me, would you?" "Fox, I would never *spy* on you," Skinner said. Spying and keeping a watchful eye on his lover were two separate things as far as the he was concerned. "So, how is dinner coming?" "I'm still instructing Jahr on hygiene...I don't think we'll ever be able to eat anything he cooks without finding at least a few hairs in it," Mulder said, sighing and glancing back at their squire who was clumsily chopping vegetables for the stew. "Is it worth teaching him?" Skinner questioned, slowly stroking up and down Mulder's back. Mulder leaned into his heat. "Walter, he wants to learn, and I haven't the heart to tell him no." "Maybe if I helped with the cooking, it wouldn't be too bad," Skinner offered. Mulder bristled, pushing his lover away. "Walter, I wasn't planning for Jahr and me to do all of the cooking. I was counting on you and Prince Kedar to help." "Oh...but, Fox, you're so good at it," Skinner murmured, wrapping his arms around Mulder's lithe body again, pulling him back against his broad chest. "It's not going to work, Walter. Besides, you've already agreed to help with the cooking. You can prepare breakfast, since you like getting up early," Mulder said, smirking. "Brat," Skinner growled, nibbling on his earlobe once more. "I like making love to you in the morning. Maybe we should have Jahr or Kedar prepare breakfast. That would give us a little more time alone together." His hands went down to Mulder's ass, squeezing and kneading his leather-clad buttocks. He rubbed his cock back and forth against Mulder's getting the desired moan from his lover. Mulder arched his neck as Skinner started licking and sucking along its length. "Oh God, Walter. Yeah, right there. Oooh...yeah... Okay, Jahr can make breakfast...just...just keep him away from the jam." Eachann watched the two humans with a look of jealousy on his face. He didn't know why he was jealous. He wasn't attracted to men. However, he found himself being envious of these two humans and their relationship. He looked over at Kedar as the young prince made his way back to their campsite. The prince's face lit up with a smile as he caught sight of the two humans passionately kissing. Eachann shook his head in disgust and headed toward the lake. He, too, needed to have a cool bath. No one noticed the little fairy who perched on a flower to watch the two humans make out. *** Liamterra Grand Mage Zendl gazed into the waters of his reflection pool, watching the party make camp for the evening. Through Cy'Fira's eyes, he was able to watch the two humans and their companions. He had a difficult time hiding his excitement. Finally, their savior was heading away from Anlon and toward Liamterra. Only time would tell how Mage Skinner would bring them all back to Earth. *** Kallen The chirps of crickets and the hoots of owls were drowned out by the passion-filled cries coming from the small tent. Mulder howled, his voice carrying across the campsite. Jahr lay on top of his bedroll, smiling at the sound. His Lord Fox's pleasure-filled voice wrapped around him like a thick blanket on a cold night, soothing him as he closed his eyes. He was warmed by his two Lords' happiness. Eachann sifted uncomfortably. He was becoming aroused by the smell of sex and sounds emanating from the nearby tent. "Are they always so noisy?" he grumbled. "Lord Fox is always quite loud. My Lord Skinner is usually very thorough in pleasuring him. They're very much in love," Jahr said. "Mage Skinner doesn't strike me as being an overly passionate man," the centaur said. "Oh, you're wrong. Both my lords are the most passionate beings I have ever met. They care about each other's happiness above all else." "It must be very difficult to be around two self-centered humans," Eachann snared. Jahr sat up angrily. "They are not self-centered! My lords care about me and my feelings, too! I've never been with two beings as compassionate as they are! Now I suggest you take that comment back!" "Easy, Jahr. I didn't mean to upset you. It's just that you wait on them hand and foot...I only assumed that you are nothing more to them than a servant," Eachann replied nervously. Even being three times Jahr's size, he was scared as the angry troll stalked toward him. Jahr took several deep breathes to calm himself. "You know I'm their squire. Squires serve their lords as part of our training to become warriors. It builds character, and I could have no better lords to instruct me than Lord Fox and Lord Walter. It is my pleasure to serve them both in any way that I can." "Then you have my apologies for insulting your position. I did not understand the type of relationship a squire has to his Lord. Centaurs do not have squires." Jahr nodded and crawled back on top of his bedroll. "What are your people like, Eachann? I've never traveled beyond Kallen, and you're the only centaur I've met..." *** The sounds of talking and the snap and crackle of the camp fire drifted into the tent. Mulder was floating in blissful euphoria, coming down from the most incredible orgasm. The sticky feel of Walter's come seeping between his buttocks was more comforting than uncomfortable. Even the new bite mark on his shoulder didn't bother him. He turned his head slightly so he could capture Walter's lips in a sweet kiss. His lover was spooned behind him, holding him nestled against his chest. Walter's spent penis lay flaccid in the crease of his buttocks. "Love you," Mulder murmured. "Right back at you, Fox," Skinner said, caressing up and down Mulder's bare thigh and hip. "Let's try to get some sleep. I'd like to get an early start tomorrow." He pulled the blanket up over his and Mulder's bodies. "Let's not. Why don't we consider this our vacation and take our time?" Mulder asked, turning around in Skinner's arms so they lay face-to-face in the small confines of the tent. He reached out and cupped the side of his lover's stubbled cheek. "Fox, I want to get us back to our world as quickly as possible. I'm worried about you. The sooner we're home...the sooner we can have you examined by a doctor." "Walter, we don't need to rush. We have plenty of time. Besides, I feel better than I have in years. I want to explore a little as long as we're here." Mulder nibbled gently at his lips. Skinner moaned. "Okay, Fox. You know how much I love you, and if you want us to take our time and explore on our journey to Frye, I'm willing go along with your wishes. However, the minute we find a way back to our own world, we're leaving." Skinner rolled over on his back, pulling Mulder on top of him, holding him tightly. His hand stroked down Mulder's long back and caressed his buttocks. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Mulder moved down and caught Walter's nipple ring in his teeth and tugged gently. Skinner gasped as the sensation caused his penis to twitch. The nipple rings were proving to be highly erotic for both men. "Fox, don't..." Mulder swiped his tongue over the tortured nub. "I'm keeping mine when we get back home. The earring goes, nipple ring stays." Skinner chuckled. "That will really go over well during your next FBI physical." "Learn to live on the wild side, Walter." "Fox, we've just had mind blowing sex inside a tent in an alternate universe. Outside our tent are a centaur, a troll, and a goblin. Define 'learning to live on the wild side'?" "Doing it in your office at the Hoover building would be much wilder," Mulder replied, looking up at him through thick lashes. Skinner smiled. "I've always wanted to ream you over my desk." "Afterward, we can go down to the basement, where I get to return the favor." "You're on, Fox." *** The Sexton Krycek paced the length of the ship's deck, brandishing his carbine, as he glared at the frightened mariners. He paused at the railing and looked out over the ocean. The ship was rocking up and down on the rough seas. "God, Fox, where the hell are you?" he muttered. Three days on board this ship was getting to him. The food was awful. His scalp and beard itched. During their journey through the swamp, they had all been infected with head lice. Byers was down in the ship's galley trying to whip up a homemade remedy, which he claimed was an effective cure against the pesky critters. Krycek watched Scully as she made her way carefully across the pitching deck to him, nearly losing her balance a couple of times. He had struck a deal with the redhead, that if she protected his back, he'd allow the ship's Captain to remain in his cabin. Krycek couldn't trust the gunmen to stand guard while he slept. He needed Scully for that. She might be a cold-hearted bitch, but she was an excellent shot, and wouldn't fall asleep while on duty. "Krycek," she said. "Not that you'll care, but the Captain is doing better today." "You're right, Scully. I don't care." He met her eyes and added, "Linch said we'll be anchoring off the coast of Frye tomorrow morning. I suggest we prepare to leave...unless you want to remain on the ship?" "Krycek, I'm coming along. Just try not to kill anyone else. These Renny sound like peaceful folk and I'd like to get their help searching for Mulder and Skinner! If that is at all possible! We won't if you threaten or kill one of them!" Scully growled. The mariners all looked on in astonishment as the petite redhead yelled at the crazy, green-eyed demon. They held a collective breath to see what the demon would do to her. They were surprised when he smiled sweetly. "Scully, I'm well aware that we might need some allies in this universe. I have no intention of threatening or killing any of these Renny. Besides, from what Linch has said about them, they seem perfectly harmless. I really don't think people under four feet tall are going to be pose much of a threat. Now, be a good little agent and scamper below deck and help Byers," Krycek said sweetly, dismissing her with a wave of his hand. Scully scowled at him and stomped off. She would have stayed just to annoy him, but her scalp was itching like crazy and she hoped Byers had the mayonnaise mixed up. Scully couldn't help chuckling when she entered the galley to the sight of Langly, Frohike, and Byers with their heads and beards covered in mayo. "I take it that it's ready?" She quickly crossed over to the table. "Give it here--give it here," Scully said, reaching for the bowl. "Sorry, Dana, I didn't come to find you sooner, but I just finished mixing it..." Byers stopped talking as Scully started scooping mayonnaise on top of her head. "Dana, leave some for Alex. We don't have anymore eggs left to make another batch." Scully continued to scoop more of the mayo onto her head. "That is his tough luck." "No, Dana, it will be ours, if we contract lice again from him!" Byers snapped. "So leave some for him." "Damn. Sorry, John, you're right," Scully admitted and set the bowl back on the table. Nothing would have given her greater pleasure than to see Krycek suffer, but not at their expense. "So how long are we supposed to keep this stuff on?" "My grandmother made us kids leave it in all day," Byers said, picking the bowl up and leaving the galley. He found Krycek still standing guard over the ship's crew. "Alex, would you like me to put this in your hair for you?" He noted that it would be very difficult for Krycek to do it himself while holding the carbine. The assassin's empty sleeve hung uselessly at his side, since he had discarded the artificial arm. "Sure, John, if it's not too much bother." "It's no bother. What are friends for," Byers said softly, as he slopped the mayo into Krycek's sable locks. "You consider us friends?" Krycek asked. "Yeah. Alex, we would never have made it this far without your help." Byers paused as he applied more of the mayo. "I wish you and Dana would try to get along." Krycek snorted. "Not likely. She hates my guts! She's hated me from the moment we first met. She'll never cut me any slack, not after everything I've done! She'll never listen to my explanation for why I did what I did. Her abduction, Bill Mulder's death, her sister's death...everything is black and white to her." "Alex, you were a rookie agent who got caught up in the lies of the didn’t stand a chance. You killed Bill Mulder because he was going to spill the beans to his son. The moment he did, Mulder's life would have been worthless, except for as some lab rat. You didn't kill Melissa Scully," Byers said. Krycek stared at him in shock. In the six years that he had been running for his life and learning to become a player, he all but forgotten the naïve agent he used to be. He had no friends, no family that he could turn to for help. At least none that he wanted to place in danger by going to them. "How do you know all of this?" "After Scully was abducted, I took it upon myself to find out all I could about you. I tried to show Mulder what I uncovered, but he was too broken up over losing her that he couldn't or wouldn't listen. I'm sorry, Alex. I knew why you killed his father but never told him. Mulder takes on way too much guilt. It would have been too much for him to find out the only reason his father was killed was to protect him." Byers looked around for a rag to wipe his hands on. He found one used to polish the ship's woodwork. Krycek watched him and chewed on his bottom lip thoughtfully. He couldn't believe that this man considered him a friend. "Surely you don't think my blowing the Captain's hand off or killing that sailor was reasonable?" "You could have handled it differently." Byers looked around the deck at the rugged mariners. "You needed to make them afraid of you. You succeeded in doing that. They are too afraid to even blink in front of you." For the first time in years, Krycek felt a sense of relief. For once, someone didn't blame him for the mess his life had become, but understood. "Thanks, John." He holstered the carbine and held out his hand to the other man. Byers shook it firmly. "You're welcome, Alex. May I ask a personal favor from you?" "What?" "Please, try to get along with Dana. At least don't go out of your way to antagonize her." Krycek grinned. "You're taking away all my fun, John-boy. Okay, I'll try to hold my temper, but she just rubs me the wrong way." *** Kallen "Hold still, Walter," Mulder warned, holding his lover's chin in a firm grip as he scraped the straight-edged razor across his cheek to remove his morning stubble. "Fox, just be careful. That blade is sharp." The only mirror they brought with them had gotten smashed when one of the bundles fell off the pack horse. Now in order to remain cleanly shaven, they had to shave each other--or attempt to shave themselves by their reflection in the water. "I have yet to cut you even once. That's a far better record than you were having shaving yourself, or me for that matter," Mulder said, indicating the small nick on his chin. "It's not my fault your face is shaped funn...OUCH! Fox, don't squeeze my chin so hard--you're going to leave bruises." "Then don't make smart ass comments about the shape of face! Especially while I'm holding a straight edge against yours!" Mulder snapped. He took a deep breath and let it out. This was ridiculous, why was he letting Walter's comments irritate him? He leaned forward and kissed Walter's forehead. "Sweetheart, I'm sorry," he murmured. "Now hold still, I don't want to cut you." Skinner smiled, knowing that Fox was feeling guilty for hurting him and might be willing to make it up to him later. The razor scraped cautiously under his jaw. Neither man cared for the feel of stubble burn on their cheeks from their favorite activity -- long and leisurely kissing. Skinner loved the sensation of Mulder's lips on his and the feel of his lover's tongue as it explored his mouth. He loved kissing Mulder, even more than fucking him. The intimacy in that one act was far greater than any other contact that passed between them. Skinner got hard just thinking about those soft, plump lips. Mulder noticed the laces straining on his lover's pants as he moved away from Skinner to clean the razor off in the river. "Would you like me to give you a blow job before we break camp?" he asked, glancing up at Walter while washing the blade clean. Skinner watched him contentedly as Mulder dried and folded the blade and placed it and the gel back into his toiletry kit. Skinner rubbed across the hard organ inside his tight pants. Although a blow job sounded really good, he wanted something more...much more. "Hm, maybe when we break for lunch. What I could really use right now is for you to kiss me," he said, taking Mulder's hand and pulling him down on the rock beside him. Mulder smiled and wiped the remaining gel from Walter's face with his fingertips before leaning in and claiming his lips. He opened his mouth to accept Skinner's tongue as it pushed in to claim him. He closed his eyes as Skinner's arms wrapped around his body. After several minutes of conveying their total love and commitment to each other through this one act, Mulder pulled away breathlessly. "God, Walter...there is something so right about kissing you. It always gives me a warm, tingly sensation in the pit of my stomach...not to mention other extremities." "Ahem! If you two are quite finished wasting valuable travel time, we would like to get moving," Eachann said, frowning at the embracing humans. Skinner scowled up at the centaur. Eachann backed away as he felt the raw force the angry mage directed at him. "Walter, calm down," Mulder murmured, placing a hand on Skinner's chest and another on the side of his face. "Why are you getting so upset?" Skinner blinked, then met Mulder's eyes. "Sorry, Fox. He's just been getting on my nerves the past few days." Mulder looked concerned. He got along well with the centaur. He didn't know what the problem was between Walter and Eachann. "Walter, the two of you seem to be constantly taking jabs at each other lately. What's going on?" "Did you know that centaurs mate with human females?" "Yes. Eachann and I used to talk about his people often during our morning runs." "And you found nothing wrong with a creature that was half-horse mating with our women?" Skinner grumbled. "I never said that I didn't find anything wrong with it. But, Walter, this isn't our world, these aren't our people. Who are we to judge them?" "It's just not right, Fox. Look at can a woman possibly have sex willingly with such a creature?" Mulder looked over at Eachann, who was helping Jahr load their gear on top of the pack horse. He was having a hard time picturing a woman willingly being with such a creature, let alone the position that would be involved for them to mate. Shaking his head, he said, "Walter, let it go...there is nothing you or I can do about it." "I know, Fox. It just bugs me. I'll try to just concentrate on getting us to Frye, and back home," Skinner said, standing. He stooped to pick up his toiletry kit and carried it over to his horse. Mulder headed for his horse, which Jahr had saddled. He smiled at Prince Kedar, who was standing beside his horse waiting patiently. The prince mounted his horse in one smooth movement. Then he turned around in the saddle to look back at Mulder with a twinkle in his eyes. "Fox, watching you and Walter kiss is always enjoyable. It is another thing I'd like in a mate...he has to be a great kisser." *** Frye Krycek stood on shore and looked out across the turquoise waters at the merchant ship sailing away. His bowed lips pursed into a scowl. "At least we can finally kiss that rat-infested hell hole goodbye." Scully nodded her agreement. "It's too bad we couldn't convince Linch to guide us to this Renny city, Orla Glen. It looks like we're on our own again. Shall we see if we can get directions from that fishing village...?" "Orla Glen is a two week journey on horseback, young lady. Seeing as you don't have any horses it will probably take you a month or more." Scully spun at the sound of the voice. "Who are you?" she asked, staring at the chubby little woman who was barely three feet tall. The female Renny was carrying a bucket brimming with carrots and turnips. "I am Anny." "You're a Renny?" Krycek asked. "Indeed I am. I would have thought that is obvious." Anny looked the humans over carefully, wrinkling her nose at the smelly body odor emanating from them, then she focused back on Krycek. "You're pretty for a human male, even with the ratty beard and having only one arm. I do not know why human males all insist on being bearded. You'd look much more pleasing to the eye without those rat nests on your chin." Krycek was uncomfortably aware of the empty sleeve at his side. While they were onboard the ship he had angrily tossed his prosthetic arm over the side when the gunmen weren't able to repair the circuitry. He now stared down at the tiny woman, finding her comments more amusing than insulting. He chuckled, "Anny, I prefer to be clean shaven, but I didn't think to bring along a shaving kit on our journey." Anny laughed, clapping her hands. "Oh, a civilized human! What a novel concept. Do all of you prefer being cleanly shaven?" ", Ma'am, I like my beard," Byers said. He paused and scratched the scraggly tangled mess. "It usually looks a lot better than it does now. I-I lost my trimmer in the swamp..." "Well, don't worry about it, dear. Half of all Renny men have beards or mustaches, and most Renny women spend their lifetime trying to get them to shave," she said cheerfully. Scully interrupted. "Anny, we're searching for two friends of ours. We need to find someone who might be able to tell us if they've heard of them or advise us as to how we might go about searching for them," she said. "Oh, then going to Orla Glen to see Queen Charmaine is the perfect solution. She is the realm's greatest sorceress and will be able to divine your friend's location..." "Sorceress?" Scully sighed. She thought this tiny person might be able to help them. Apparently not. She stood there scowling. "Let Anny speak, Scully," Krycek said softly, his eyes bored into hers in warning. Here the petite agent thought he'd be the one to alienate the Renny, but she was doing a very good job of it herself. "What is her problem?" Anny asked, sensing the disgust and frustration coming from Scully. "She doesn't believe in magic," Langly said. "How can anyone not believe in magic? Even humans aren't that simple-minded." Anny looked the strangers over again. "You're not from our realm, are you? It is rumored that King Pyralis' mate is from a land faraway on the other side of the Northern Mountain Range." "We're from across the Great Ocean," Krycek replied, using the same lie that worked on Linch and the mariners. "Tell us about King Pyralis' mate, who is she, and who is King Pyralis?" "His mate is a he, not a she. Come with me. I have left a kettle of seafood stew simmering on the hearth. It will be burnt by the time I tell you all about the Goblin King and his mate. This is an invitation. I'd like you all to break bread with my family, if you'd be of a mind to do so." Langly's eyes lit up. "Food...real food? Not week-old, mutton stew?" "My man's one of the finest fishermen in Frye. He always keeps the children and me well-fed and there is more than enough for you and your friends." She led them through the woods and into the tiny fishing village. They had only walked a short distance into the village when they were surrounded by children, men, and women curious at the sight of humans in their village. Three little kids broke away from the crowd and clung onto Anny's skirt. "Who's the giants, Mamma?" "These are humans, children. They are going to be our guests for dinner." Krycek felt like he'd just crossed over the rainbow into Oz as he looked down at the tiny people surrounding them. Everything in the village was scaled to their small size. He was doubtful he'd be able to fit through the four foot high doorway on the cottage Anny had led them to. "Ergar, come out! We have company," she called through the doorway. "Anny, what's all the commotion?" A short, cleanly shaven man stepped out of the door, smoking a pipe. Ergar was only a few inches taller than his wife and had blonde hair and sea-weathered skin. Krycek noted that Ergar had smile lines around his blue eyes and mouth. It was clear to the triple agent that here was a man who enjoyed life and the company of those around him. "Mamma brought home humans, Pappa," the oldest girl chimed in. "Is that right, sweetness?" He ruffled his daughter's hair. "Nada, take the vegetables from your mamma and clean them for dinner. It looks like we're going to be having company. That is right, isn't it, Anny?" Ergar asked, looking up at the five humans staying close by his wife's side as the villagers pressed in on them. "Yes, Husband. I need to put more fish and lobsters into the stew. Entertain our guests until I return. They are interested in hearing about King Pyralis and his mate Jonathan," Anny said, then ducked into her home, she stuck her head out the window. "Serve them some of the spiced wine I made last week." "Yes, Anny." Ergar turned to the villagers. "Please friends, do not crowd our guests. You are making them nervous." The little man turned to Krycek and held out his hand. "As you could gather from my dearest wife's and my conversation...I am Ergar. These are our sons Paavo and Tait." "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ergar. I am Alex, and this is Dana, John, Melvin, and Ringo." Krycek did the introductions. He found himself warming to Ergar and his family. The little man didn't show any repulsion to his having only one arm. "We have a public house for entertaining our larger neighbors. We can talk and dine in there. I'm sure my friends and neighbors would love to hear all about your journey and why you have traveled to Frye," Ergar said, leading the way across the square to a large building with a nice six and a half foot high doorway leading into it. All the villagers followed, murmuring excitedly. They could tell that these humans were different from the mariners that occasionally stopped at their village. The tables in the public house were designed to accommodate people with up to a six foot frame. The chairs at the table were a mixture. Tall stools were designed for the Renny and shorter chairs designed for the taller races. Ergar turned his sons. "Boys, run home and collect your mamma's wine and some goblets." A blonde woman stepped forward. "Ergar, I have some freshly baked bread. I'll go home and get it," she said. "Thanks, Kirsten." The other villagers, sensing a party was in the works, all offered to supply food and drinks for the feast. There was nothing a Renny liked better than an excuse to have a party. After garnering a promise from Ergar that the humans wouldn't tell any stories until after they returned, they all left to prepare items for the festivities. The gunmen exchanged surprised glances. "Tell me I'm not dreaming?" Langly whispered. "You're not dreaming, Blondie," Krycek said. "Please, my friends, have a seat. You look tired," Ergar said. Indicating to a round table in the center of the room. Krycek took a seat at the table, making sure he had a clear view of the doorway and the front windows. "Ergar, you seem to trust us without knowing anything about us. Is that wise?" he asked as the little man climbed up on the stool between him and Scully. "My Anny is empathic, she is never wrong about people. She trusts you and that is good enough for me." Ergar sniffed. "You all could use a bath," he observed. Scully blushed. They had been lucky to get clean water to wash the mayonnaise out their hair on the ship. What she wouldn't give for a bar of soap and a clean pair of underwear. "Ergar, is there a place where we could pick up some soap and launder our clothes?" she asked. "Tomorrow is wash day. You can wash your men's clothes with the women folk then." Scully sighed, but held her tongue. Why couldn't this universe have been ruled by women? She looked across the table at Frohike, who was sniffing under his armpits. Frohike looked up and met her eyes. "We do smell pretty ripe, don't we?" Scully heaved another sigh. "Everything on that cursed ship smelled bad! Which masked just how bad we smell, so it wasn't noticeable...damn." She turned to Ergar. "Is there someplace that we can wash up? We'd hate to offend anyone." "We have an underground communal bathhouse located inside a cavern. The water is always hot and clean. It is filtered through the terrain." Ergar hopped off his stool. "I will show you all there." Langly sighed louder than Scully. "Do we have to?" He didn't want to miss any of the promised food. "C'mon, Langly. We don't want to offend our hosts," Byers said, standing He was looking forward to the chance to wash some of the filth from his body. The thought of a hot bath was really appealing. They hadn't bathed since they arrived in this universe. *** Kallen Skinner laughed as Mulder came up sputtering from underneath the water at the base of the waterfall. "Hey! No fair! You outweigh me!" Mulder complained. "You were the one who wanted to wrestle," Skinner chuckled, stepping under the waterfall. He allowed the cool water to cascade over his flesh. Mulder waded over to the rock and picked up a bar of soap. Their main reason for stopping was to bathe, but he was in a playful mood and talked Walter into going for a swim, which soon turned into a wrestling match. Mulder smiled as he used the soap to wash his hair as he waded back over to the waterfall and Walter. The woods and land around the pond were awash with colors, from the deep purple and yellow flowers to the red and green foliage. The fragrances were fresh and sweet. He stepped under the waterfall, allowing it to rinse the soap from his hair. Walter pulled him into the pocket of air behind the waterfall and kissed him. It was all Mulder could do to hang onto the bar of soap. "W-what was that for?" he asked breathlessly. "I love you! You're incredible! If I haven't told you so in a while!" Skinner shouted, barely being heard over the roar of the waterfall. Mulder blushed. He still couldn't believe how lucky he was to finally have his heart's desire as his lover and companion. How many fantasies had he had about Walter over the years? Mulder ran his hands up the large, firm muscles of Walter's biceps, then rested them on his broad shoulders. They were both muscular and toned from countless hours of sword practice, but Walter's muscles were much larger than his. "Walter, you know the feeling is mutual. I love you with all my heart and soul. You're my family." Skinner pulled him into an embrace, and murmured into his ear. "Fox, when we get to Orla Glen, let's immediately check into getting wedding bands made." "Shouldn't we wait until after we see Queen Charmaine? We might be able to get back home." "No. Fox, I'd like our wedding bands to come from this universe. Call me sentimental, but I really like the thought of keeping a part of this place in our lives even after we're back home. It would mean a lot to me." Mulder hugged him. "Walter, don't ever stop being sentimental. I love the idea of our wedding bands being made here." Skinner kissed him again then took the bar of soap from his hand. "Turn around, babe! I'll wash your back for you." *** Frye Scully washed her clothes in the bath along with her body. Now she stood out in the sunlight allowing them to dry. It felt wonderful to finally have clean hair and to be wearing clean underwear. "Dana, we should get back to the public house," Byers said. His stomach growled loudly. "I'm ready," she replied, following Byers back to the village. The others had hurried back almost an hour ago. "It was nice of Ergar to lend you his scissors and the other guys his razor." "These Renny are really nice people." Byers looked over at Scully as they walked side-by-side. "I'll help you with the laundry tomorrow. Alex is lending me a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, so I can wash my clothes." He only had the clothes on his back since the rock turtle carried everything he owned into the swamp. "Thanks, John. But I'm only washing *my* clothes. If the guys want theirs done, they're going to have to do their own wash." Byers grinned. "I figured as much, but Langly and Frohike are going to try to hand you their clothes to wash. Alex is planning on doing his own things." Scully rolled her eyes. "Do those two have a death wish? What's up with you and Krycek?" "What do you mean?" "You both seem friendlier toward each other." "Why shouldn't we be? We were never enemies, and he has saved our lives. Is it so strange that we've developed a friendship?" Scully stopped walking. "Yes. Since when?" "Officially, since the ship. Dana, Alex isn't evil...he's not really that bad. He's just a young man who got caught up in a conspiracy that was more than he could handle. He's proven himself to be a survivor in spite of everything he's been through. I think you should cut him a little slack..." "Not likely! The man is a murderer, a liar, and a traitor! He was old enough to know better. No one held a gun to his head to get him to participate..." "No, but they held Mulder's photograph in front of him. They knew he was fascinated by, and admired Mulder when he was at the academy. They also knew that Krycek is gay. They used that and his naiveté against him. Alex didn't participate in this to betray Mulder, he thought he was helping him...saving him. Dana, it wasn't until after you were abducted that Alex found out that he was in over his head, and didn't have a choice but to participate or die. He has since become a player. He still loves Mulder, which is why he is here. However, Mulder isn't the only reason he remains in the game. Alex wants to stop the pending invasion and will do whatever it takes." Scully let out a breath. "I don't like him and I don't trust him." "Dana, we're in this together. Please try to get along with Alex for Mulder's sake." "Great. The bastard wants to fuck my partner and I have to get along with him?" "That's not fair..." "I know," Scully sighed. "John, I've loved Mulder for years, but I've been too afraid to show him how I really feel. I'm jealous that someone else wants to intrude on what we share together. Deep down, I hate that Skinner and Mulder are lovers..." "Dana, Skinner makes Mulder happy. Isn't that what matters most? If anyone on this planet deserves a little happiness in his life, it's Mulder." "Why is everything always about Mulder? I am a part of this, too! I've been abducted, experimented sister has been murdered! What about me?" Byers looked at her with disgust. "Dana, Mulder has always placed you ahead of his own needs and desires. It nearly killed him when you were abducted. Then when he was told that he was the reason you had cancer, he came close to taking his life. You've never been able to show him the same respect. I'm sorry, Dana, but Mulder is my friend. He's never looked down upon us as being beneath him or rolled his eyes at any of our theories. He's always listened to us with an open mind...he is our one in a million!" Scully frowned. "Mulder would never try to kill himself...he's stronger than that!" "He's human, Dana. He carries around a lot of guilt, more than one man should be expected to carry. Luckily, he has Skinner in his life now. He's needed someone to love him unconditionally for a long time." "He's talked to you about his feelings?" Scully questioned. "Mulder hardly ever lets his walls down in front of us, but sometimes he needed someone he could talk to. He'd usually would show up at our door with a twelve pack and a couple pizzas." She was hurt that her partner would go to the gunmen instead of her. "We hardly ever talked about our feelings," Scully confessed. Was Byers right? Had she not shown Mulder the same respect he'd shown her? They arrived back at the public house. The party was loud and already in full swing as they wove their way through the crush of tiny people to the center table. Langly was chowing down on a large plate overflowing with food. "Hey, dudes. They have real stoneware dishes and we each get our own goblet," Langly said, between mouthfuls of fish, fruit, and cheese. Scully sat next to Ergar again. She was starving, but her appetite had been somewhat diminished by her and Byers' conversation. She looked over at Krycek, who, without his beard, looked younger and less menacing. "My dear, you must have some of my fruit salad," a tiny Renny female said, as she scooped some onto Scully's plate. Scully smiled at her. "Thank you, it looks delicious." "It is quite good. I collected the syrup for the dressing myself. I am, Frigga." "Hi, Frigga. Dana." "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dana. You have beautiful hair...I love the color." "Thanks. Is everyone always so friendly?" Scully asked, taking a forkful of the salad and moaning contently over how delicious it was. "We are always friendly to travelers in need. It would be bad karma not to help." "Aren't you afraid that you might be helping someone who's here to do you and your people harm?" Scully questioned. Ergar answered. "Dana, we might be small but we are quite capable of defending ourselves. Look around you. See those armed men over there? They are our town's constables. They are also mages. They've taken down men five times their size." "Ergar, I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just overwhelmed by the hospitality you and your people have shown us." "Dana, don't apologize. Anny told me that you and your friend are from across the Great Ocean. We must appear strange to you. Are there any Renny in your world?" he asked. "No. We have humans who are small like you, but not an entirely separate race." Scully leaned back as Anny set the kettle of delicious smelling stew on the table between her and Ergar. "Dana, I want you to sample my stew first." Anny and Ergar's daughter Nada placed a bowl on the table in front of Scully then went around the table and placing bowls in front of the others, as her mamma ladled a large portion into Scully's bowl. Scully took a deep breath. She'd never smelled anything so good. White, succulent chunks of lobster meat floated alongside shrimp, clams, white fish, scallops, carrots, potatoes and onions in a thick broth. She took a large spoonful and closed her eyes relishing the rich flavors. "Oh, Anny, this is beyond doubt the best stew I've ever tasted. There's white wine in the broth, isn't there?" Scully asked, taking another spoonful. "White wine and some of my secret spices," the little woman smiled broadly at the compliments. Ergar climbed off his stool and helped his wife climb up on it, then he served the rest of their guests the stew. Krycek was subdued as he looked around him. He graciously accepted the food the Renny offered him, but felt that he wasn't deserving of their care and attention. Who was he to take from these good people's hospitality? He looked up and met Anny's eyes. The little woman patted him on his back. "You are a good man, Alex. Don't berate yourself," she said, smiling softly. "I don't feel like a good man, Anny." "You have a greatness inside you, Alex, that I haven't seen in another being before. You have such a potential for good. Let your inner spirit guide you in will not lead you astray." Krycek smiled. For some strange reason he trusted this tiny woman's instincts. He'd never followed his heart, he had always allowed his mind to lead him. "I will try to follow your suggestions, Anny." *** Kallen Seaport town of Sharlain Mulder glanced nervously around him. The smells and activities were maddening. It seemed like forever since he was in the midst of so many people going about their business. This seemed worse than DC during rush hour. One hand stayed on the hilt of his sword as his eyes scanned the crowded streets of the large seaport town. Most of the populous were Goblins. Mulder noted many other races, including several humans. All eyes looked upon him appraisingly, some with undisguised lust. Mulder felt Skinner's presence at his side, like an iron shield as they rode their horses down the center of the paved road. This town was so different from Anlon, which was closely protected under Pyralis' watchful eyes. Sharlain was open to commerce from all parts of the realm. It was boisterous and harbored some of the realms most corruptible influences. Goblins dressed in military uniforms patrolled the streets. They stopped short when they noticed Prince Kedar and bowed respectfully. Beside the obvious stares he and Kedar were getting, Mulder noted that Walter was getting quite a few strange looks as well from the few humans along the main street. Some even prostrated themselves in the dirt as their horses trotted past them. They finally stopped in front of an inn. A troll rushed out to take their horses to a nearby stable to feed and groom them. Mulder hesitated in front of the inn's noisy doorway. Inside was a crush of beings drinking and eating in the downstairs pub. It was only Walter's arm around his waist that guided him inside... *** End of Chapter 5 - The Voyage Coming soon - Chapter 6 -