Liamterra Liamterra by Jo B Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: none Keywords: M/Sk SLASH WIP Disclaimer: The X-Files characters are the property Chris Carter, 1013 productions and Fox Broadcasting. No money is being made from their use. Summary: AU. Mulder is abducted and carried through a gateway to another dimension, where magic is real and mythical creatures exist. Skinner follows, and the two men must make a new life for themselves while they search for a way back home. Authors Notes: This is a sequel to my story North Woods. Special thanks to my beta-readers Lyrical Soul, Helen and Nicole for the excellent job of beta-reading. Feedback is always welcome. Any constructive suggestions are appreciated. WARNING! This story contains explicit Sex/Romance between two men. Turn back now, if the subject matter offends you. Okay to Archive: MTA, DitB, Slashing Mulder, all others please ask first. Web site: http://www.slashingmuld Chapter 4 The Quest by Jo B Feronia Scully tensed. The howls, squeaks and chirping noises that filled the night time air suddenly quieted. Something wasn't right. She looked up toward Krycek to see if he noticed anything. To her utter terror, he spun around and aimed his large carbine straight at her. She thought, "Dear God, this is it. He's going to kill me." She reached for her gun as his large weapon fired and a loud angry roar sounded from behind her. Scully spun. Her eyes became huge saucers at the sight of the immense three-headed creature that came out of the water directly behind her. The three mouths were filled with razor-sharp teeth, and she could smell its hot, foul breath. Scully discovered her feet and ran toward Krycek, as the triple agent continued to pump lead into the huge beast, driving the hydra back with each powerful blast of the automatic carbine. Scully and the gunman retreated behind Krycek and joined him in firing at the hydra. Krycek had blown part of one of its heads off. The pain must have been too much for the creature--it quickly retreated back into the water, leaving a blood trail in its wake. "Come on, let's get moving! And, Scully, keep your eyes open!" Krycek growled. Frohike retrieved the glow stick that Krycek dropped and handed it back. "Thanks, Krycek," he said, as they quickly moved away from the bubbling and churning water. Five hours later, the sun rose, and they had their first good look at their surroundings. As far as their eyes could see, they were surrounded by swamp. Sunlight filtered through the overhead canopy of the moss covered trees. Colorful birds flew overhead, and strange tiny creatures swung from branch to branch. Scully stood at the edge of the swamp looking across to the other bank. "We're going to have to cross." Frohike shook his head. "No way! Dana, need I remind you that there is a really big creature with large teeth in the water?" "Frohike, it's only a hundred feet to the other bank, and we sure can't stay here. We need to keep moving straight ahead," Scully said, watching as Krycek scanned the bank. Krycek flagged her over. "Scully, I found a place we can cross. It doesn't look very deep here. I'd say only about two to four feet max." Through the sunlight filtered through the thick trees overhead, he could see the fish darting around the sandy bottom, congregating in the light. "Okay. We'll cross here. Once on the other side, we'll find a place to make camp," she said, bending down to take off her boots. Next her jeans, which she stuffed in her backpack next to the parka she'd removed earlier. She rolled up her T-shirt just beneath her bra, hoping that the water wouldn't get that deep. The backpack she balanced on her head to keep it completely out of the water. The men followed her lead. Byers blushed furiously as he stripped off his hiking boots and pants. Krycek had a difficult time removing his pants in front of the others. Not due to any modesty on his part, but because simple tasks took him longer with the use of only one arm. The others averted their eyes and tried not to watch him struggle. He finally removed his duster and wrapped his shoes and pants in it. He didn't have to worry about getting his backpack wet--it was waterproof, and the water wasn't that deep anyway. He smirked at Scully. At least it wasn't that deep if you were over six feet tall. They crossed the warm water single file, with Krycek taking the lead. Frohike was next. The short man frowned as the freezing water reached his nipples, then gasped, as his feet sunk into the gooey bottom, causing what he hoped was mud to seep between his toes. He should have taken his shirt off too, but he didn't want to cause Dana to swoon over his manly body. It was bad enough the way her eyes had stared lustfully at his package encased in his jockstrap. The woman wanted him. Scully was in the rear. No way was she going to have any of these men behind her. She probably should have kept her jeans on. The temperature was hot and they wouldn't have taken long to dry, but the water smelled bad and had a thin film of an oily substance on the surface. She didn't want to get that stuff on her clothes. Scully chewed on her lower lip as she looked at the back of Byers' head. It was always the quiet ones. She couldn't believe he was wearing purple bikini briefs under his tasteful L.L. Bean outfit. Frohike wearing a jock didn't surprise her nor did the giant Jerry Garcia face Langly had on his boxers. "Remember, Dana, you're doing this for Mulder and Skinner," she muttered under her breath. *** Kallen The palace at Anlon The lace drapes, billowed out into the room, as a chilly wind blew outside. A clap of thunder boomed, and Skinner woke at the sound. Shivering at the coolness of the room, he rubbed his hands down his arms. "A storm must be coming," he thought, as he watched the drapes flap wildly in the wind. He was lying close to the edge of the bed so he would not disturb his sick lover. He quickly climbed out of bed and rushed down the steps to close the doors leading in from the courtyard. The room had been stifling last night when he had opened the outer doors to cool it down. Mulder was still running a fever, and spent the night tossing and turning restlessly. Skinner walked back up the steps to the bed and sat beside his lover, lightly brushing the bangs from Mulder's forehead as he laid his palm over it, feeling the warm skin. Not so feverish this morning. Something was different about Mulder. Skinner's contemplation of his lover's face was interrupted as the bedroom door opened. "How is my patient this morning?" Healer Siarra asked, stepping into the room. Skinner looked down at the goblin, who was dressed in a long white robe, and carrying a canvas bag slung over his shoulder. "He had a rough night," Skinner said. Rising, he walked down the steps to retrieve his breeches. He was only wearing a small piece of fabric these goblins considered to be underwear. He smiled when he thought about how Fox's eyes lit up with desire the first time he saw how well it fit. The healer retrieved a bowl and filled it with water. He carried it up the steps to the bed and placed it on the night table. Mulder woke as Siarra was removing the poultice. "Hey, Doc. How am I doing?" he asked hoarsely. "You're past the critical point..." the healer paused. He could already see the slight change the harpy virus had caused in his patient. Like goblins, the harpies were hermaphrodites. Siarra decided not to tell his patient what might be in store for him several years down the road, as the virus slowly altered his system. No need to panic the human if the virus didn't have the same affect on him as it had on elves in the past. He had never known of a human who contracted the virus and lived. "You'll be up and around again in no time at all, Lord Fox." "I hope so, Healer Siarra." His voice was drowned out by another loud thunderclap outside. "Sir Skinner, bring your mate some water!" the healer ordered. Skinner was already in the process of pouring a goblet of water for Mulder. He added the mahogany-colored spice that the healer had given him yesterday, then carried it up to the bed. The healer had the poultice removed and was washing his lover's wound, which was no longer seeping yellow pus. Skinner helped Mulder into an upright position and held the goblet to his dry lips. After he drank his fill, Mulder smiled tiredly as Skinner lowered him back down. "Thanks." Skinner leaned down and kissed his brow. "My pleasure, Fox." Jahr came quietly into the room. The troll had bathed and was wearing a clean tunic. He had slept on a mat outside the door last night. The healer had not wanted the troll to sleep in the same room as his sick patient. "Do you feel up to eating this morning?" Skinner asked, staring down at his true love's tired face. Something was different...but Skinner still wasn't quite able to put his finger on it. "Maybe some broth. My stomach is still a little queasy." Skinner looked down the steps at their squire. "Jahr, can you go to the kitchen and get some broth for Fox?" Siarra looked down the steps. "Troll, bring some bread with the broth," the healer said, as he applied a new poultice to Mulder's shoulder. "At once, my Lords!" Jahr bowed and hurried out of the room. The cooks in the kitchen were more than happy to prepare a tray with broth, bread, cheese, fruit, and other delicacies for Anlon's heroes. Word of the two human's heroic exploits during battle had spread fast around the palace and the surrounding villages. Mulder gazed up into Walter's warm brown eyes. Despite the aches and pains he was feeling, Mulder was extremely happy. Walter's doting over him gave Mulder a warm feeling deep down. Scully used to mother him when he was injured, which always tended to irritate Mulder. He didn't want her to view him as weak and needy, unable to take care of himself. Scully was very closed off emotionally, so stoic and strong with her feelings under lock and key. At times, Mulder wondered if he had lost Scully's respect for openly showing his emotions in front of her. His partner didn't seem to have much respect for him the past few years. With Walter, it was the opposite. Mulder was pleased that Walter cared so much about him that his lover wanted to take care of him when he was ill. It didn't worry Mulder that Walter would view him as weak. That wasn't an issue in their relationship. He knew Walter viewed him as an equal, even if he hadn't in the past. They respected each other and were each able to let down their barriers in front of the other. At first, Walter had been averse to showing his feelings too openly in front of Mulder. Mulder knew it had taken a lot for Walter to finally open up to him in this way. But once he had, it had moved their relationship to a higher level. Mulder held onto Walter's hand as the healer finished bandaging his shoulder. Skinner's callused fingers squeezed it as he rubbed the rough pad of his thumb over the smooth flesh of Mulder's palm. Skinner suddenly realized what was different about his lover as he stared into Mulder's changeable eyes. The color appeared to be more vivid, beautiful swirls of green and gray with flecks of gold, and the crow's feet around his lover's eyes were gone. Fox looked slightly younger. "Healer Siarra. This Harpy virus that Fox has contracted, besides nearly killing him, are there any other side effects?" Skinner asked. "We do not really have a lot of data, Sir Skinner. So few have survived a Harpy attack, and not all Harpies carry the virus." "But the few who have survived?" "The virus causes male trolls to lose all their hair and grow breasts. With elves it enhances their features and..." the Healer stopped talking and looked down at Mulder then back up at Skinner. He couldn't tell them. They were humans and wouldn't be able to deal with the possibility. Besides, why worry them? The young human may not be any more affected than he was already. "What about humans?" Skinner asked. Siarra thought at least he'd be able to answer that question honestly. "The human kingdoms are in the deep southern regions of the realm, and Harpies never travel further than Kallen and Zaltaria. Very few humans have ever ventured into our kingdoms. As far as I know, no humans have ever contracted the virus from them...until now." "Ah, Healer Siarra? Please tell me I'm not going to grow breasts!" Mulder said anxiously, his eyes wide with dread. "Lord Fox, don't worry. The virus didn't cause male elves to grow breasts, only trolls." "Yeah, but you don't know what affect it might have on humans..." Mulder suddenly glanced up at Walter. "What made you ask if there are any other side effects to this virus?" "Fox, you look slightly younger...and uh, more beautiful," Skinner said. His fingers brushed lovingly through his lover's thick hair. "How young?" Mulder's hands reached up and touched his face. He didn't feel any different. Skinner smiled. "Not that young--about thirty. It's just that the few wrinkles that were starting to show around your eyes and forehead are gone." Mulder sighed with relief. "Walter, you had me worried." He lay back against the mattress and closed his eyes. The sound of rain pelting the ground outside was lulling him back to sleep. Mulder smiled as he felt Walter's lips pressed against his as his lover gave him a quick peck. "Go to sleep, Fox. I'll wake you when Jahr gets back with your broth." Skinner followed Siarra down the steps and to the door. "Healer Siarra. May I have a word with you?" "Of course, Sir Skinner." Siarra stood and waited. "In the hall, if you don't mind," Skinner said, opening the chamber door and stepping into the hallway. Siarra followed him and Skinner softly closed the door. "Healer Siarra, what other symptoms did the elves experience?" "Fox isn't an elf, he's human. It is not very likely that he'll experience similar changes." "If you don't tell me, I'll find out from someone else," Skinner said Irritated. Siarra sighed. The human was persistent. "It's been over sixty seasons since an elf was last infected. The virus caused them to become hermaphrodites." Skinner's eyes widened. "No. It isn't possible! They would have had to have grown female sex organs." He shook his head. "Healer Siarra, it's not possible for a virus to so drastically change a body!" "It didn't happen over night, Sir Skinner. The change took several years for the female reproductive organs to develop." Skinner sighed. "What sort of symptoms did the elves have during this change?" "They did not have any outward symptoms until their vagina started to form..." "Vagina?" Skinner felt a tightness in his chest and he leaned heavily against the wall for support. Fox would be devastated if this were to happen to him. Skinner resolved to tell Fox once his health had improved. He couldn't keep something like this from him. Even if it took several years before they knew for sure, he planned to use that time to reassure his lover that he'd love him no matter what, and they'd deal with this together. "Sir Skinner, do not look upon this as a curse. Goblins are the most advanced society in the realm. We don't have the same problems as races with two sexes. You refer to Fox as your mate. Wouldn't you like that to be true in the real sense of the word?" "I only want what's best for Fox and this isn't it! He's a human male and he would not be able to adjust to such a dramatic change to his body." "That's right he is human, and we don't know how the virus will affect humans..." Jahr came strolling down the hallway carrying a large tray laden with food, ending their conversation. Skinner opened the door to his bedchamber and let their squire in. Then he turned back to the goblin Healer. "Thank you, Healer Siarra. I would like to continue our conversation at some other time, if it is okay with you?" Siarra smiled softly. "It is, Sir Skinner. I know you still have a lot of questions." *** Feronia "GET THEM OFF! GET THEM OFF!" Frohike's shrieks filled the air as Krycek took a lighter and burned the six-inch long leeches off the older man's legs, stomach and chest. "Hold still, old man!" Krycek growled as he burned the final leech off Frohike's right buttock. Krycek then took care of himself, while Scully attended to Langly and Byers. Luckily, the parasites hadn't had enough time to really latch onto their prey, and let go when the flame touched their bodies. They lay withering on the moss covered ground. "I'm not an old man!" Frohike snapped. Touching one of the circular round marks on his stomach, he looked over at Scully. "Dana, can you apply some antiseptic cream to these bites, please?" Scully sighed as she removed the last leech from Byers' body. "Krycek, why don't you and John build a fire while I apply the antiseptic cream to everyone." "Can't we get dressed first, Dana?" Byers asked, blushing. He was beet red as he stood there dressed only in his wet, purple bikini briefs. They had stripped off the rest of their clothes when the first leech was discovered. Scully smiled; she was dressed only in a bra and panties. "After I apply the antiseptic cream." She looked over at Krycek who was trying to burn a leech off his lower back, but he wasn't quite able to reach it. "Here--let me get that for you," she said, taking the lighter away. Krycek stood nervously as Scully burned the leech off him. "Thanks, Scully." They were in a clearing away from the water. Krycek started to gather dry wood, while Byers made a ring on the ground with dozens of large stones. Scully in the meantime applied lotion to Frohike, Langly and herself. Then, she walked over to Byers and took care of his bite marks, while Langly and Frohike took his place building the fire. Krycek was last. Scully smoothed the antiseptic over his muscular, lean body. He was wearing skin- tight boxers that hugged his taut, round ass. Scully's hand shook slightly as she applied the cream to his inner thigh a mere inch from his groin. "Okay, you can get dressed now," she said, walking over to her backpack and pulling on her jeans and a T-shirt. Frohike dressed, then started pulling out supplies to make breakfast. He placed a skillet beside the fire. He took out a plastic bowl, a container of water, and a packet of blueberry pancake batter. He had enough packets for a week's worth of pancakes for the group. Their other supplies consisted of dry soup mixes, beans, jerky, and high protein energy bars. "We're going to have to find fresh water in the next few days," Byers said, holding up the swamp water sample he had tested. "We can't drink this even if we boil the hell out of it." "We can capture rain water," Langly suggested. Krycek snorted. "Only if it rains in the next few days, Blondie." "It's Langly!" the blonde gunman snapped. "Whatever," Krycek chuckled. He felt better with his clothes back in place and his carbine strapped reassuringly to his thigh. "Here. Try adding one of these tablets to your sample," he said, tossing Byers a pill bottle. "What is it?" Byers asked, shaking out a blue tablet. "A small invention cooked up by the consortium scientists for purifying water. One tablet will make even a gallon of saltwater drinkable. It also kills all harmful bacteria and contaminants," Krycek explained. "If that is true, this stuff would be worth a fortune," Byers said, dropping the tablet in the water sample. "Not necessarily. The chemicals used to make a single tablet cost twenty dollars. That bottle you're holding is worth two thousand dollars, and will only purify a hundred gallons of water." Krycek added another log to the fire as he watched Frohike flip the first pancakes onto a plate. "Dana, would you like a piece of jerky with your pancakes?" Frohike asked. "No. Just the pancakes," she said, walking over to sit on a log by the fire, taking the offered plate from Frohike. He passed her a small container of syrup. "We need to cover some ground before nightfall," Scully said. "We'll break camp after breakfast." *** Zaltaria The palace at Mei King Kiros held up the earring. The fine silver chains and diamonds sparkled in the sunlight. He had it designed for Fox. It would fit his small dainty ear perfectly. The diamond encrusted clip with the delicate silver chain would attach to the upper shell of Fox's ear and the fox shaped diamond would decorate his lobe. It was made using the finest quality gemstones in Zaltaria. They were worth a King's ransom in the other kingdoms. He placed the earring in a decorative silver box. Queen Zoe, from the kingdom of Feronia, sat watching him with amused gray eyes. The Elfin Queen had never seen the beautiful King of Zaltaria so hopelessly in love. She wanted to meet this mysterious human who had stolen her friend's heart. Kiros handed her the box. "Zoe, you will take this to my Fox? He will not accept it if he knows it's from me. However, if you gave it to him, he would be obligated to accept it out of courtesy to you and your kingdom." "Kiros, my friend, is it so important that he wear this bauble?" "Until I can claim him for my mate, I want to know that something of mine is a part of him." Kiros stood and walked to the railing to look out over the sparkling waters of the turquoise bay. "Zoe, he was injured in the battle with the harpies. It almost broke my hearts when he lay close to death and I could not go to him. You should have seen him in the battle! He was magnificent! Already, Kallen and Zaltaria bards are writing sonnets to him. It is Fox's destiny to become my mate and together we will reunite our divided kingdoms." Queen Zoe wasn't completely in the dark about this human. Her spies kept her well informed. "What about the human warrior mage -- Sir Skinner? He is also being immortalized in ballads." "He is of no consequence. Fox will be mine, and together we will raise a large, loving family." Zoe smiled. "I will take your present to this human. My ship sails at first light for Kallen." The tiny queen smoothed a wrinkled hand over her shimmering gown. "Kiros, Pyralis is expecting me. I wish you two would make peace. I miss the wild parties we had together in the olden days." Kiros laughed. "You corrupted us, Zoe! We were but infants in those days!" "You were quite entertaining children," the ancient elf smiled. Her face was finely etched with wrinkles. She was well over a thousand years older than the two goblin Kings. Kiros sighed. "I was a fool to allow my brother's love for a human to interfere with our relationship. I never understood what he saw in Jonathan until now." "Kiros, I will try to sow the seeds for a reconciliation between you both." "Thank you, Zoe." *** Kallen "Fox, do you feel up to going outside?" Skinner asked, taking the tray off his lover's lap and passing it to Jahr. "It is sunny and warm outside this afternoon. Fresh air would do you good." Mulder looked a hundred percent better than he did three days ago when they'd arrived back at the palace. "Yeah, I would like to get out of this bed." Mulder threw off the covers and swung his feet over the edge. He shakily tried to stand and nearly fell. Skinner was at his side in a heartbeat, wrapping his arm around Mulder's bare waist. "Let me help you, Fox." Skinner supported Mulder as they traversed the steps. "I'll be fine, Walter. My equilibrium is just a little out of whack." He looked down at his nakedness. "I can't go outside like this. Can you help me dress?" "Lord Fox, that's my job!" Jahr said, hurrying over with his arms full. He was carrying a soft gray tunic, breeches, hose, and boots. "So it is," Mulder grinned. Walter supported him while Jahr helped him dress. Then the troll slipped a pair of soft doeskin boots onto his feet. Mulder was steadier as they walked through the door leading out into the courtyard. He raised his face to the bright sun and sighed as its heat caressed his skin. Skinner led him across the cobblestone courtyard, then down a winding garden path to a bench in front of a fishpond. "This is nice, Walter." Mulder sat staring down at the koi swimming lazily around in the clear water. "I always wanted a house with a fishpond." "If we ever make it back, that is one wish I can make come true." Mulder chuckled. "Do you really picture us as suburban homeowners?" Skinner smiled and held his lover's hand. "I'm not much of an apartment dweller, Fox. Give me a house with a large yard any day." "Then why are you living in an apartment now?" "It was convenient after the divorce. A house would have been too big for just one person." Skinner looked at his lover nervously. "Fox, there is something I need to tell you." "Hmm?" "It's about this Harpy virus. Fox..." Skinner licked his lips nervously. "You need to keep in mind that what I'm about to tell you doesn't mean that you're going to be affected by the virus any more than you already are." Mulder didn't say anything. He looked at Skinner's worried face, and suddenly felt trepidation gnawing at his belly. His lover held his hand tighter. "Fox, the virus caused the elves who were infected to become hermaphrodites, like the goblins." Mulder looked at him speechless then started to laugh. "Oh God, Walter! You had me going there for a minute!" "Fox, I'm not joking. I had a couple of long talks with Siarra, and he said that it took several years, but the male elves grew female reproductive organs, and some even became pregnant and delivered healthy babies." Mulder shook his head. "That's not possible. They would have had to develop ovaries..." Skinner snorted. "Fox, you're the one person who should know that anything is possible." Mulder suddenly felt dizzy and leaned against his lover. "Walter, I'm not feeling well. Can you help me back to our room?" "Fox, I'm sorry. I should have waited a few more days before telling you this. Until you were feeling better." Skinner lifted Mulder off the bench and supported him as they walked back toward their room. Once they were back indoors, he helped Mulder up the steps to the bed. Mulder sighed and lay on the soft mattress. "Sorry I almost fainted on you." Mulder rolled onto his side with his back to his lover. He didn't want Walter to see the fear in his eyes. He was afraid that he was going to lose him. "Fox?" Skinner walked around to the other side of the bed and climbed onto the mattress. Mulder tried to face the other direction, but Skinner pulled him into his arms and held him. "Let me go! Dammit!" Mulder thrashed wildly, but Skinner only held him tighter. "Calm down, Fox." Mulder's struggles soon ceased. He was still too ill and had overtaxed himself. He started shaking against Skinner's chest as he broke down in sobs. "That's it, babe, let it out," Skinner murmured. "I-I don't want to lose you, Walter," he choked out. "You're not going to lose me, Fox. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you, not matter what." He kissed his lover's temple. "I love you, Fox. Don't ever forget that." "What if I change? How can you love a freak?" Skinner hugged him tighter. "One, we don't know if you're going to change and we probably won't know for several years. Two, even if you do change that doesn't make you a freak. You'll still be the same man I fell in love with, only with a new toy that I can play with." Skinner's hand caressed down Mulder back to his ass, where he squeezed the cheeks lovingly. "Oh God, I don't want a cunt! I don't have room for one!" Skinner stifled a chuckle. "Don't worry, Fox, it's not very likely you're going to change. Healer Siarra did say that the elf's anus shifted up three quarters of an inch to make room for the vagina." Mulder's eyebrows knitted together in thought. "Well, at least their balls wouldn't get crushed during sex." He covered his mouth and groaned. "Oh God, what am I saying!" "Don't worry about it. You're human. This virus probably won't affect you anymore than it already has." Skinner kissed him slowly. Mulder sighed against his lips and held onto him tightly. "I love you, Walter." *** Feronia Scully had never felt so dirty. Her arms and legs were riddled with insect bites and scratches. They had been walking through the swamp for nearly two weeks. She was beginning to believe Frohike's claim that this dimension was only one giant, foul- smelling swamp. Her eyes wandered over to Krycek. He was proving very useful. If it wasn't for his smug attitude, and the fact that he was a traitorous bastard, they might have become friends. Yesterday, he'd snared a couple of rabbits, which he'd skinned and gutted, then had Frohike grill for their dinner. The last of the food they brought with them ran out three days ago. It might have lasted longer if the swamp rats hadn't gotten into two of their backpacks. Frohike was still apologizing for falling asleep during guard duty. "Alex, we could try spearing some fish," Langly said hopefully, looking down into the murky water at the dark shadows darting around. His stomach growled hungrily as they walked across a log spanning the water. The two rabbits were good, but hardly enough for five people and that was last night. They were already into the afternoon. He was so hungry that he'd even eat one of those glowing blue serpents. Krycek held up his hand, then drew his carbine and took careful aim and fired. A stag barely visible behind some trees went down. "That should last us a few days. Come on, Blondie, you can help me carry it until we find a place to make camp." "It's Langly," the gunman grumbled, then his lips curled up in a slight smile at the prospect of fresh venison. "Whatever," Krycek said, smirking. He knew the blonde gunman no longer really minded being called Blondie. He was beginning to win, if not their loyalty, their respect. Scully, Frohike and Byers waited by the edge of the swamp as Langly and Krycek trudged through the thick brush to retrieve the carcass. Byers set his backpack and rifle down on top of a large rock. He turned back to talk to Scully, and didn't notice the rock sprout legs as it lifted up and walked into the water. The rock turtle carried the backpack and rifle into the deep waters. "Uh, John." "Not now, Melvin, I'm talking to Dana." "But, John..." "What?" "That rock just carried your stuff into the swamp," Frohike said. "Oh no!" Byers ran to the edge of the swamp just in time to see his possessions sink under the murky waters. "Why didn't you do something?" His scissors, shampoo, underwear, and nail clippers were in his backpack, not to mention the last of the glow sticks and some of the cooking utensils. "I-I wasn't sure at first if my eyes were seeing what they thought they were seeing. John, everything has been so blurry since yesterday. I think I might need a new eyeglasses prescription." "Maybe you should just pitch your glasses, Melvin!" Byers growled, staring out at the bubbles coming up from where his backpack and rifle had vanished. "I'm as blind as a bat without them. At least I can still see...well sort of..." "Let me see them! Maybe they need to be cleaned!" Byers snapped, holding out his hand. Frohike hesitantly took off his glasses and handed them over. Byers looked at them briefly then chucked them over his shoulder into the swamp. "You bastard!" Frohike growled and slammed into Byers. Soon the two men were rolling around in the mud. "Guys! Calm down! STOP!" Scully shouted. She had never seen this side of the usually unflappable Byers before. Krycek and Langly dropped the carcass and went to separate the two men. "Scully, I thought by now I'd be able to leave you alone with the children," Krycek quipped, holding Byers' in a headlock. "What's going on, Guys?" Langly asked, adjusting his glasses while keeping one hand on Frohike's chest. "He-he-he tossed my glasses into the swamp!" Frohike growled, his face red from exertion. "That wasn't very nice, John Boy," Krycek said. Byers struggled briefly, then relaxed. "He seemed to be able to see me well enough without them to hit me," he said, then calmly asked, "let me go, Alex." Frohike was about to launch into a verbal attack, when he looked around him for the first time. His eyes widened as he exclaimed, "Oh my... Oh my God! I can see!" "What are you talking about, man?" Langly asked. "I can see without my glasses! Better than I was able to see with them!" Frohike grinned. Langly, who had been having a similar problem the past few hours, took off his glasses and looked around. "Hey! You're not shitting us, man! This is great!" "It's not possible for your eyesight to just suddenly improve," Scully said, walking up to Frohike and looking in his eyes. "Impossible or not, I can see better than I have in years!" the little man said. Byers sighed. "Melvin, look...I'm sorry I threw your glasses in the swamp." "What for? It's not like I needed them." "I didn't know that at the time. It was a horrible thing for me to do." "So do you want to tell Blondie and me why you freaked out, John?" Krycek asked. "My backpack with all of my possessions is at the bottom of the swamp," he sighed. Krycek frowned. He'd been with them for almost two weeks and he would not have pegged any of the gunmen for being violent or stupid. "Why would Frohike throw your backpack in the swamp?" "He didn't. I set it on a rock, but the rock turned out to be some breed of turtle, or at least I assume it was, since Melvin was the only one who saw it move, and his eyesight wasn't very good at the time. He didn't even make an attempt to get it before it was already in the middle of the swamp. That was what we were arguing about." Krycek held up his hand. "Okay. Let's see if I got this right. Frohike sees a blurry shape walking into the swamp with your backpack on its back. He isn't able to see it well enough to determine if it is dangerous or not. However, you expected him to run down the creature and get your backpack back? Not very bright, John." "Well if you put it that way, no, it wasn't very bright. I just wished he would have said something sooner," Byers pouted. "I told you as soon as I saw it move, John. But you were too busy talking to the lovely Dana." Scully groaned. "Can we just give it a rest? Let's find an area to clean that deer before something carries it off, too! We'll leave what we can't use there, then search for an area a good distance away to set up camp." They had learned not to leave scraps of meat and bones around their camp site. The swamp's scavengers did not have a great fear of humans. "Yes, ma'am," Byers and Frohike replied in unison while Langly and Krycek went back to pick up the carcass. They headed for higher ground. *** Kallen The palace at Anlon The perfumed fragrances of the surrounding gardens soothed Mulder's senses. He was positioned on a stone bench staring into the small fishpond. This seemed to be the place for meditation and silent reflection. He had just finished practicing at the archery range and shot a perfect score. His shoulder was no longer bothering him. He watched a couple of pregnant goblins stroll down the garden path. It was a strange sight, seeing the swollen bellies on these goblins, who appeared more male than female, and realizing that there was a small life growing inside them. The sight repulsed and horrified Mulder. It never bothered him before Walter told him about the potential side effects of the virus. Now it scared him to death. It would be several long, agonizing years before they knew for sure. Unless they could make it back to their own world, where he could have tests done, and hopefully find a cure if necessary. He had to keep reminding himself that the virus didn't effect the trolls in this manner, so it might not affect him either. Skinner plopped down on the bench beside him and wrapped him in a bear hug, kissing him soundly. "Mm. Fox, King Pyralis is requesting our presence at a formal dinner he's having to celebrate the arrival of Queen Zoe. It seems this Queen has heard about our battle exploits and would like to meet us." "Formal? So we get to dress up in our finery," Mulder joked. "That means I'll get to see you in that little crushed velvet number." Skinner loved it when Mulder's eyes sparkled with mischief. It had taken his lover over two weeks to recover from the shoulder wound. Fox had been depressed about the possibility that the virus was still changing him. So, it pleased Skinner to see him in a good mood. "Well, I'm looking forward to seeing you in that black suede number," Skinner quipped. Mulder snickered as he stood. "God, can you imagine Scully's face if she were to see us now?" "After she stops laughing?" Mulder stood and smoothed his hands over Skinner's muscular chest, which was encased in a soft tunic. "Nah, I think she'll be jealous when she gets a good look at you, and realizes that you're mine and she can't touch." He grinned, leaned in and licked his lover's lips, then deepened it into a slow burning kiss. Skinner melted against him, encircling his arms around the lean, warm body. Their tongues danced for dominance, with Mulder winning out as he drank in his lover's essence. Skinner pulled back and murmured breathlessly, "Fox, let's go back to our bedchamber." "Do we have time?" "We'll make time," Skinner growled, grabbing his hand and hurrying him back to their bedchamber. Mulder had a hard time containing his delight. He loved this he- man side of Skinner. Once they entered their bedchamber, Skinner kissed Mulder hard and groped his ass, kneading his succulent buttocks. His hands moved around to his lover's chest and undid the fasteners on Mulder's tunic as he backed him up the steps to their bed. When Mulder tried to remove Skinner's tunic, his hands were slapped away, and Skinner reclaimed his mouth in a searing kiss. Mulder felt light-headed as Walter's large hands continued stripping him as he was walked backward to their bed with their lips locked firmly together. His larger lover only broke the kiss briefly to remove another article of his clothing and send it flying. Jahr ran around the room picking up the pieces of clothing that his Lord Walter tossed haphazardly over his shoulder. A tunic here, a hose there, a boot lying near the hearth...he bent and retrieved a pair of skimpy white underpants and became aroused. Jahr had been sexually excited a lot since becoming squire to these two incredible humans. He worshipped the ground his Lord Fox walked on, and wondered what it would be like to be so beautiful. Mulder groaned as Skinner pushed him down on the mattress, then started to lick and suck every inch of his flesh, starting with his toes. Skinner's tongue soon circled around his nipple, as a linen clad knee nudged Mulder's thighs apart, brushing his sacs. The younger man arched off the bed as his lover's teeth tugged on his nipple, then sucked it hungrily, before moving on to torture its twin. Mulder wrapped his long legs around the back of Skinner's muscular thighs and pulled him down on top of him. Skinner's body draped over Mulder's, his weight pressing down on the smaller man's groin. Mulder wiggled his hips, trying to rub his erection against the scratchy fabric of Skinner's tunic, while the larger man's mouth continued to suck contentedly against the warm tender flesh of his throat. Mulder moaned, still seeking the scratchiness of his lover's clothes, but Skinner's weight was pressing him into the mattress, making it impossible for him to move. His cock needed attention not his throat! Mulder tried to pull his lover's head up, but his hands slid off the bald scalp. "Dammit, Walter, you know you're driving me nuts! Just fuck me already!" Skinner chuckled against Mulder's throat as he ground his rock hard abs into his lover's rampant erection. "Didn't your mom ever tell you that patience is a virtue?" Mulder sighed and unwrapped his legs from Skinner's body. He shook his head sadly. "Did you have to bring up my mom, *now*, Walter?" "Ah... Sorry, Fox," Skinner murmured apologetically, looking up at his lover's sad face. Feeling guilty, he knew he had to make it up to Fox quickly, or the mood would be gone. He moved down the well toned body and took Fox's erection into his mouth. Mulder smirked as he stared down at his lover's bald head bobbing up and down, as his mouth worked his cock. Finally. He spread his legs further apart, allowing Walter better access. Mulder thought, "I should have gone into acting." Skinner lapped around the sensitive cock head. He was happy to see that his poor choice of words hadn't dampened Fox's arousal. Skinner closed his eyes and applied himself in earnest to sucking and blowing on the delicious head. Only removing his mouth long enough to wet a couple of fingers. Those he gently eased into his lover's tight ass, first one, then the other as he returned to devouring Fox's cock. His lover smelled and tasted delicious. Skinner's cock was harder than it had been in weeks. Mulder's hips thrust up into that incredible moist heat. He nearly came off the bed as Skinner nudged his prostate, while the other hand caressed his flat stomach, holding him still. Mulder was panting more heavily five minutes later when he finally came, shooting down Walter's throat. He was completely boneless as Walter's hands grasped his hips, pulling him up as he pushed his large cockhead past Mulder's sphincter. Mulder wrapped his legs around Walter's hips as the large cock opened him, pushing in deeper and deeper. Jahr stood across the room and watched them. As the weeks went by, his Lords became less and less inhibited about making love in his presence. He went about laying out their finest clothing for the banquet, while continuing to glance up the steps to the bed. Mulder moaned, as the bulbous head of Skinner's cock nudged his prostate. "Oooh God! So fucking good!" Sweat dripped off Walter's brow as he smiled down at his lover's passion-filled face. "Tonight you'll have to show me just how good it feels," he husked, as he slowly thrust in and out. "Oh...oooh, Walter, please...faster! Harder!" Skinner continued his slow thrusting, ignoring Mulder's requests. Mulder locked his long, toned legs tighter around Walter's waist. He suddenly rolled them over until he was straddling Skinner's hips and looking down into stunned brown eyes. Mulder smirked as he started to ride Walter's cock at the ravenous pace he desired. He knew that Walter was treating him with kid gloves because of his shoulder wound, but that was healed and it was time to take the gloves off. The feel of the rectal walls encasing around his cock, in addition to the sight of Fox's sexy disheveled body riding him, was too much for Skinner. He bucked wildly as he came screaming, pouring his release deep inside his lover's bowels. Mulder's calves squeezed the sides of Walter's hips, so he wouldn't be thrown off, as his lover thrashed about. Each movement sent a shock wave of pleasure straight to his prostate. When Walter finally lay boneless and sated on the mattress, Mulder continued to ride his cock to his own release. His come shot across the older man's chest and face. He crumpled onto Walter's body, resting his head against the muscular chest. Mulder smiled as his lover's powerful arms enfolded around him, holding him possessively. "I love you, Walter," he murmured, placing tender kisses on his lover's furry chest. Skinner sighed, kissing the top of Mulder's head. "We need to get ready now. We wouldn't want to keep Pyralis waiting." "Yeah," Mulder agreed as he eased slowly off Walter's cock, groaning as the head popped out. He climbed off the bed and offered Walter a hand up. "Your turn to be on the bottom tonight, big guy." "I just was, brat," Skinner growled and playfully slapped Mulder's ass as they walked down the steps. Mulder grinned over his shoulder at him. Jahr stepped up. "My Lords, I have your bath ready." "Thanks, Jahr," Mulder said, strolling across the room to the alcove. Skinner followed Mulder, watching his lover's luscious ass and felt himself stir with arousal again. It was going to be a long reception. *** Feronia "Do you hear that?" Scully asked. "Yeah. It sounds like breakers crashing against the shore," Krycek observed, switching direction toward the sound. The smell changed as they emerged from the swamp onto a rocky cliff, looking out over a vast sea. Off in the distance Scully spotted a sailing ship. "If we build a fire, we can signal them." "Scully, we know nothing about the people or creatures onboard that ship," Krycek warned. "We can't stay here," she said, looking out over the vast body of water. They had reached the end of the trail and it didn't lead anywhere. "Do you want to travel back through the swamp again in the opposite direction and hope that we find dry land?" She looked challengingly at him, then over at the gunmen. They were all in pitiful shape after their slow journey through the swamp. At times, they barely covered ten miles in a day. The men all had scruffy beards and oily hair. All their clothes were torn and in need of mending. Scully wasn't fairing any better. She wore her hair in a ponytail. Her scalp itched. Nearly every part of her body itched. They all smelled bad. "Maybe she's right, Alex. Intelligent, civilized life had to have built that ship," Byers said. "Okay, we'll build a signal fire. However, if I sense the slightest danger, it's back into the swamp immediately," Krycek said. Scully glared at him. The gunmen had started looking to Krycek for guidance over the past week. She was getting tired of him usurping her authority. "We retreat when I say we retreat and NOT BEFORE! Don't do anything unless I give the ORDER!" The gunmen stood staring at her in shock. "What are you waiting for? START BUILDING THE FIRE!" Scully growled, and the three men hurried to obey her. She could tell by the wind and the ship's course that it would pass close to their location in two hours. Krycek strolled up to her side and hissed, "Red, if I see any danger, I'm not waiting for your order to defend myself. The three geeks might trust you with their lives, but I don't!" He started to walk away and said over his shoulder. "Why don't you get off your high horse and help us with the fire." Scully gritted her teeth, she had been planning to. She cursed under her breath about rats, bastards, and Russians, as she collected the dry branches and carried them to the location Langly had chosen for the bonfire. "How much ammunition do you have left, Krycek?" she asked, after dumping another load of wood onto the five foot high pile. "Only two clips." He had ten clips when they started this quest. Scully sighed. "I only have six bullets left." She looked back out over the sea. The sailing ship was getting closer. "Light the fire." *** As Mulder and Skinner strolled toward the large banquet hall, pleasant sounds of music drifted down the hallway, accompanied by the sounds of people laughing and chatting. Both men felt self- conscious. They hadn't had a reason to wear the elegant garments that the tailor had made for them until now, so they'd never realized how much the garments would emphasize certain parts of their anatomy. "Try not to get excited, Walter," Mulder warned, as he patted Skinner's ass, which was clad in shiny, silky, black hose. The firm round buttocks were showing just below the too short, black, crushed velvet tunic. Skinner hissed and grabbed his wrist. "Dammit, Fox! Don't touch me there. This flimsy codpiece isn't going to be able to contain me if you cause me to get an erection! It's beyond me why the tailor couldn't have made it out of rawhide or steel like my other codpieces." "It's for show, not function." Mulder grinned, staring at the velvet codpiece in question. It was already straining to keep the large package it contained trapped. "At least yours is suede, Fox," he grumbled, while trying to avoid looking directly at his lover's groin-- and at his lover in general. Fox was drop-dead gorgeous and exuding more sex appeal than was natural. He'd lose it if he looked. They stepped into the banquet hall. Many of the guests stopped talking and looked at them. "Stay close, Fox," Skinner said, not recognizing the large contingent of elves filling the room, most of whom were looking at his lover with undisguised lust. It wasn't surprising that there wasn't a human among the many guests. The only human they had met since coming here was Jonathan. At the center of attention in the crowded room, was a petite matronly elf in a flowing gown of green chiffon and gemstones. The elf was talking with King Pyralis and Jonathan. The King met Skinner's eye and smiled, waving him and Mulder over. "Zoe, I'd like you to meet Sir Skinner and Lord Fox," Pyralis said as the two humans stopped at his side. "Walter, Fox, this is her Majesty Queen Zoe of Feronia." Skinner and Mulder bowed respectfully. "Your Majesty, it is a pleasure to meet you," Skinner said. Mulder smiled down at the elderly elf. She had an open and friendly face, and he could tell that in her youth she had been a stunning beauty. The Queen looked Mulder up and down. "My, my, no wonder Kiros is so bewitched by you, human. You are absolutely ravishing, my dear." She then turned her scrutiny on Skinner. "Hmm;;; my you're a big handsome man, are you not, Sir Skinner? Is your world filled with others like you and Fox?" Zoe pinched Skinner's butt as she leered up at his beet red face. Skinner was taken aback by the petite Queen's behavior. She was old enough to be his great-great-great grandmother and then some. "Ah, I-I..." "Zoe, you're embarrassing Sir Skinner," Pyralis admonished. "My apologies, Walter. Her Majesty is known throughout the realm for her tastes in younger males." Zoe's lilting laughter surprised Mulder and Skinner. "Oh, Pyralis my love, every male in the realm is younger than me, with the possible exception of Grand Mage Zendl and Mage Mo. And I'm not about to pursue either of them! They weren't even very attractive humans in their youth." Mulder recalled the Renny prospector Quth mentioning a Mage Zendl when they first arrived in Kallen. However, the little man didn't mention that Zendl was human. "Your Majesty, who is this Grand Mage Zendl? And where does he live?" "Zendl is the oldest living human mage. He and his followers live in Liamterra. It is a large island to the south on the Serrenian Sea..." Pyralis interrupted. "Zendl is a religious zealot. His prophecies have stirred up nothing but fear and angst amongst the non-human population of the realm for centuries! Religious orders have sprouted up among the humans, revolving around Zendl's prophecies. Their churches preach hatred and intolerance against the other races. They particularly hate goblins, whom they view as debauched and evil!" "Pyralis, please. Zendl has a good heart. I know you two have never seen eye to eye, but he wants what's best for his people and the realm," Zoe said softly, touching the King's arm. Mulder looked over to Jonathan, who stood quietly by his mate's side. His hand was soothingly rubbing Pyralis' back. "Sorry, Zoe." The King looked at Mulder and Skinner. "Be careful if you ever travel through the human kingdoms. Do not let their lies turn your hearts away from what is true and just." "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Fox is an expert at seeing through lies," Skinner said. "And Walter has always been a defender of justice," Mulder added, resting his hand on his lover's ass. Skinner quickly moved it up to his back, while hoping Fox wouldn't make some wisecrack about them donning their capes to fight for truth, justice, and the American way. He'd definitely would turn his lover over his knee if he did. Mulder's smirk told him that he was thinking just those thoughts. Queen Zoe interrupted. "Pyralis, I have a present for Lord Fox. To show my kingdom's gratitude for him saving your life." The Goblin King smiled. "Zoe, I also have tokens of my kingdom's appreciation to present to both Sir Skinner and Lord Fox. Let's us retire to the throne room for a formal ceremony." Mulder and Skinner exchanged worried glances. The last thing they wanted was to be the center of attention. Queen Zoe looped her hands through both of their arms. "Come along, children. If you're good, I'll allow you each to dance with me later." They allowed the five-foot queen to escort them into the throne room, where all the other guests had drifted. Mulder felt his stomach sink when he saw Healer Siarra standing beside the throne carrying his bag. What would Pyralis need Siarra's services for? He looked at Jonathan, who wore several earrings. Mulder knew from talking to Jonathan that he had the head of his penis pierced, too. The goblins were into piercing their bodies. Each area had a different significance. He wished he had studied just what each of the different parts of the body signified. "Sir Skinner, on behalf of my kingdom, for the heroism you displayed during the war with the harpies, I'd like to present you with a symbol of our utmost esteem." Pyralis opened the small box he was holding. Inside was a silver hoop with a large diamond mounted in the middle. "Healer Siarra, please do the honor." "Sir Skinner, please unfasten your tunic," Siarra said. Skinner's face turned a shade of gray as the Goblin pulled out a long needle from his bag. He couldn't insult the King by protesting in front of all of his subjects and the foreign dignitaries. So, he unfastened his tunic and stood with his bare chest exposed, standing absolutely still as his right nipple was pierced and the ring inserted through the hole. Skinner thought, at least it wasn't his ear. He'd be able to cover this up better when they made it back home. Siarra twisted the hoop up and down. "You must rotate the ring regularly so it doesn't scab over. The bleeding will stop shortly. I will give you something to keep it clean." Mulder was next and Pyralis presented him with an identical diamond hoop. He bit his lip as the needle pushed through the skin on either side of his nipple. After he had his tunic back in place the petite queen stepped forward. Queen Zoe said in a loud voice for all to hear. "Lord Fox, in honor of your heroics in saving the life of King Pyralis, Feronia's greatest friend and ally, I present you with a gift from my kingdom and her people." She held out her hand to her chancellor, who placed a silver box in it. She opened the box, showing everyone the intricate earring with the large fox-shaped diamond. A murmur ran through the guests. Pyralis' brows furrowed at the unusual gift. It was more of a gift that a father would give his beloved son, or a lover would give his chosen mate. The ear was the area on the body to publicly display a gift of a lover's affection. "Zoe, it is exquisite, but it is quite an unusual a gift to give to honor one's bravery." "Nonsense, Pyralis. Fox saved your life. My people and I love him for that and want to honor him with a token of our love and devotion to him. What better way than an earring to decorate his lobe and upper ear? All shall know throughout the land that he is loved by the people of Feronia. Healer Siarra, please assist me." Mulder exchanged pleading glances with Walter. Skinner reached out and took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. Short of causing embarrassment to King Pyralis and insulting Queen Zoe, there was nothing either of them could do. Mulder bit his lip as the needle poked through his lobe and the post inserted. The diamond encrusted clip was attached to his upper ear. He felt the strands of silver chains brush the length of his ear. They were attached to the post and the clip. "Lord Fox, for a human, you have a nice ears. It's too bad they aren't pointy." She touched his undecorated ear and smiled at Skinner. "Maybe Sir Skinner will someday decorate your other ear. It's a shame he hasn't done so already, or that you haven't shown your love by decorating his ear." "Zoe, they're humans. They don't have the same customs as us," Pyralis said. "It's a shame. The earring looks stunning on him don't you think?" the Queen asked. "Yes, quite. I still feel it was an unusual gift for you to give him," Pyralis said, and smiled reassuringly at both Skinner and Mulder. "Thanks--to both of you for your forbearance in respecting my people's customs. I know this has been very awkward and slightly painful for you. Now we can all return to celebrating Queen Zoe's arrival." The Queen smiled brightly. "Yes, and Sir Skinner has promised me a dance. Come along young man," she said grabbing his hand. "Ah, Your Majesty, I don't know how to do any of your dances," Skinner said. "Walter, call me Zoe. No need for formalities among friends. And I have a feeling that we shall become close friends. Now, the dance steps are quite simple. Just follow my lead and I'm sure you will catch on," the Queen said, as she whisked him into the banquet hall and out onto the dance floor. The other dancers parted, allowing them sole use of the dance floor. Mulder chuckled at the look on his lover's face. He felt a touch on his arm and turned, looking directly into Kedar's sapphire eyes. The prince had his snow white hair braided and woven with colorful beads. "Please dance with me, Fox," he said. "I don't really know the dance steps..." "I'll teach you..." the young prince said, grabbing Mulder's hand and steering him in the direction of Walter and Queen Zoe. Mulder sighed as he allowed Kedar to lead him. The young goblin's hand was warm and supple. He studied the pretty prince, taking in the earrings gracing his large pointed ears. "Kedar, your father made a comment that Queen Zoe's gift was not very appropriate. What did he mean by that?" They stopped out on the dance floor, and Kedar cautiously wrapped his arm around Mulder's waist. "Place your hand on my hip, Fox. Now just follow my steps." When they were moving to the music, Kedar took the time to answer Mulder's question. "Only family members give earrings as tokens of their affection and love. My earrings are from my fathers. When I find my life mate, we will have earrings designed for each other that will symbolize the love we have for one another. Queen Zoe has broken tradition by giving you such a splendid gift. But then, elves can be a flighty race, and often act impulsively." Kedar looked at the diamond adorning Fox's lobe. The fox's tail hung slightly below the lobe. He'd seen bigger diamonds, but none that were as exquisite as this one. "It is remarkable. I've never seen a diamond that was cut in such a fashion. The craftsmanship is remarkable. Queen Zoe must have employed the finest goblin gem cutter around. Fox, I'd say you are wearing the most priceless gem in the realm. Tomorrow, if you'd like, we can go down to my fathers' gem cutters and have the stone appraised." "Thanks, Kedar, but I'm not really into money and such," Mulder said, smiling softly. He could imagine Frohike's excitement if he ever saw the fox shaped diamond. Mulder found the music easy to dance to, and followed the Prince's lead without missing a step. If it weren't for his nipple hurting where the silver hoop was rubbing against his tunic, he might have even enjoyed dancing. Not to mention his ear felt hot and was throbbing. He glanced over at Walter. His lover was having a difficult time dancing with the tiny Queen. Mulder grinned. He would have to give Walter a back rub later. "Kedar, in three days, Walter and I will be heading for Fyre. He mentioned that you'll be joining us on our journey. Are you sure you really want to leave Anlon?" "Yes. I wish to see the world and learn to be more tolerant of the other races and their customs. I would also like to seek out a mate." He looked deeply into Mulder's eyes. "In you and Walter's company, we can easily go into the human kingdoms." He squeezed Mulder's hand and whispered into his ear, "I could never go to their kingdoms alone. They do not like goblins. Fox, I need you and Walter to protect me from those humans that would wish to do me harm. You both can help me search for a mate amongst their people." "Kedar, I have no idea what the humans are like in this realm. From what you and King Pyralis have said, I don't see them as being suitable material for finding a mate." Mulder guided Kedar to the edge of the dance floor. "There must be a goblin in Kallen who'd be perfect for you. Why must you set your sights on a human?" "I'm half human, Fox. I might not look it, but I am. I find myself more attracted to you than I've ever been to a goblin." Mulder wasn't looking forward to this trip. If the Queen of Fyre was able to help them get back through the gateway, they would be leaving this world and Prince Kedar behind. However, they couldn't leave if doing so placed Kedar's life in danger. "Kedar, I will help you as much as possible. Just don't set your hopes too high. I'd hate for you to be disappointed if you aren't able find a mate during our journey." The young goblin smiled and hugged Mulder. "I have a feeling deep within me that the man of my dreams is out there waiting for me to find him." *** Krycek had the scope of his carbine focused on the rowboats making their way through the choppy waves toward shore. Scully discovered a way down the rocky cliff to the small beach below, but they stayed above until they could evaluate their would be rescuers. Krycek let out a gasp as he had the first good look at the occupants of the rowboat. *** End of Chapter 4 - The Quest Coming soon - Chapter 5 -