Liamterra chapter 2 Liamterra Jo B Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: none Keywords: M/Sk SLASH WIP Disclaimer: The X-Files characters are the property Chris Carter, 1013 productions and Fox Broadcasting. No money is being made from their use. Summary: AU. Mulder is abducted and carried through a gateway to another dimension, where magic is real and mythical creatures exist. Skinner follows, and the two men must make a new life for themselves while they search for a way back home. Authors Notes: This is a sequel to my story North Woods. Special thanks to my beta-readers Lyrical Soul, Nicole, and Dawn for the excellent job of beta-reading. Feedback is always welcome. Any constructive suggestions are appreciated. WARNING! This story contains explicit Sex/Romance between two men. Turn back now, if the subject matter offends you. Okay to Archive: MTA, DitB, Slashing Mulder, all others please ask first. Web site: http://www.slashingmuld Chapter 2 Mage Skinner by Jo B Kallen The palace at Anlon "No, you need to free your mind and let your heart and inner spirit guide you! Call on the powers of the air!" King Pyralis barked. They had been at it all morning. Although, he could sense tremendous energy emanating from the large human, Skinner hadn't even succeeded at moving a small rock. Skinner stood naked in the courtyard of the palace. He was shivering as the cold wind stung his flesh. And the frozen granite was painful against the soles of his bare feet. Pyralis said he wanted Skinner to feel the elements against his naked flesh, but five hours in the freezing temperatures were having a negative impact on him. "It is useless! N-no way can I move a rock with my mind! It's freezing out here! I can't even feel my dick! Can we go inside now?" Pyralis was at his wit's end. Any first level apprentice would have been able to move that rock by now. "Fine, Sir Skinner. If you want to call it quits we shall. However, I shall be giving Fox to my brother Kiros, since it is obvious that you cannot protect him from the predators who would want to claim him." "No one touches Fox!" Skinner's eyes flashed dangerously. Without thinking, he fixed his gaze on the hated rock. Instead of moving, the rock exploded into a thousand tiny pieces. His eyes widened in shock as he realized what he had just done. "Well, does that mean you don't wish to call it quits?" Pyralis' eyes sparked with delight. Destroying the rock the way Skinner had just done was a talent only a mage of the second level could accomplish. "No. I don't want to call it quits," Skinner said, stunned. "Fine, we shall commence again after the noonday meal. I'm sure your mate will wish to prepare a hot bath for you before we dine," Pyralis said. "Thank you for your patience, Your Majesty." "You're welcome, Sir Skinner." Skinner turned and limped back inside the palace. Mulder was waiting for him just inside with a heavy woolen cloak, which he wrapped around Skinner's cold, tired body. "Walter, are you all right?" "I-I'm f-f-fine, Fox," Skinner said shivering. "I b-blew up a rock...can you believe it?" Mulder grinned softly, he had been worried about his lover getting hypothermia; it was comforting to see that he was all right. "Yeah. I always knew you'd be good at blowing up things. C'mon, big guy, I'll run you a hot bath." Skinner started chuckling. "What?" "King Pyralis said, you'd give me a hot bath." "Walter, you just spent five hours out in the freezing cold with only your thoughts to keep you warm! Of course I'm going to run you a hot bath!" Mulder snapped. "I don't know what the point was to your freezing your nuts off! Except to give those elves, Relyo and Zeyro, a cheap thrill!" Mulder was not happy. The two elves had stood in front of the window overlooking the courtyard and made all sorts of appreciative comments about *his* lover's body and size. "Fox, you're jealous!" Skinner's eyebrows arched up in disbelief. Mulder glared at him. "You're my lover, Walter, and I don't appreciate anyone ogling you! So, yes I'm jealous!" The agent pushed him up against the wall and kissed him long and hard, much to the amusement of the few servants outside their room. Ending the kiss Mulder growled, "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Walter Skinner, and I won't allow anyone to ever come between us! Got it!" "Yeah. Got it." Skinner grinned brightly; his whole being was a tingle from his lover's declaration of love. It was beyond him how he could have waited nearly seven years to tell Mulder how he felt about him. "Fox, no one will ever come between us. You have my word on that. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you." Mulder grinned sheepishly. "Come on, Walter. I'll run you that bath. Jonathan said the noonday meal will be ready in a half- hour. He offered to have it sent to our room, if you're not feeling up to eating in the main hall?" "If you don't mind, I'd rather to eat in the dining hall. We need to find out as much as we can about these people, and we can't do that by hiding in our room." Mulder knelt and turned on the tap, starting the tub filling, he added just a touch of bath oil. He didn't want Walter smelling too good. Skinner watched him with amusement. He wasn't used to someone doting on him. His eyes wandered around the room and landed on a pile of heavy, black leather garments and chain mail stacked on a table by the door. He walked over and picked up a mail coif from off the top of the pile and examined it. It was chain mail meant to be worn over the head. The coif covered the back of the head, neck, ears, and forehead, with an opening for the wearer's face. Skinner set it down and picked up a black steal codpiece. Laying next to it was a pair of gauntlets, and a pair of black boots. "Fox, what is all this stuff?" "Those are my warrior's threads! Cool aren't they? Prince Kedar is going to teach me how to fight with a sword and shield this afternoon. The elves promised to teach me how to shoot a bow and arrow," Mulder said, grinning up at Skinner's stunned expression. "Fox, I don't know. Sword fighting can be awfully dangerous if you don't know what you're doing," Skinner said, touching the quilted leather tunic and leggings. "That's why I'm getting training. We'll need to be able to protect ourselves in this world, and I don't think Pyralis is going to give you back your rifle any time soon. Besides you were almost out of ammo anyway." Mulder walked over and took the cloak off Skinner. "Sir Skinner, your bath awaits," he said, bowing. Skinner rolled his eyes. He didn't like the idea of Kedar teaching his lover how to fight, but he agreed that they needed to be able to defend themselves. "You're right, Fox, we'll both need weapon's training," he said, lowering his cold body into the hot water. He sighed in contentment as the heat soaked into his cold flesh and closed his eyes. Mulder watched him with a warm smile on his face. *** Zaltaria The palace at Mei King Kiros waited impatiently for his brother to answer his summons. After an hour his face appeared in the reflection pool. "Dear brother, what is it that you want?" Pyralis asked. "Okay, Pyralis, you win. I'll do it," Kiros said, holding his head proudly. It took a lot for him to agree to his brother's demands. However, his desire for the beautiful human outweighed his pride and dignity. "You'll do what?" Pyralis smiled. King Kiros wanted to scream at his brother's smug expression. Instead he recited the demands Pyralis had made to him in order to win Fox. "Present myself before you and your life mate in chains, prostrate myself at both your feet, and beg forgiveness for killing your son. Then I'll go through the three perils..." Pyralis smiled sweetly. "Oh that...sorry, dear brother, but that offer is no longer available. I've grown quite fond of Fox and Sir Skinner..." "That's not possible! You've only had them for a day!" Pyralis smirked. "How long did it take you to fall in love with Fox, dearest Kiros?" Kiros frowned and sighed. "Point taken." He had fallen for Fox within mere moments of gazing upon his face and hearing his sweet voice. "What can I do to convince you to give him to me?" "You aren't listening, Kiros. You cannot have him. Fox is under my personal protection." "You know this means war, Pyralis!" Pyralis chuckled. "We've been at war since our fathers died, so what else is new? I'll see you in Kali, brother!" He shouted as his image disappeared. Kiros closed his eyes against the pain in his hearts. He couldn't lose Fox not now that he was so close to having him. If he must, he would assemble the largest army this realm had ever beheld and attack Kallen. He'd kill everyone in his brother's accursed kingdom if that was what it took to claim his love. *** Kallen The palace at Anlon King Pyralis took of sip of the spiced wine. "Fox, Jonathan was telling me that Kedar is going to give you weapons training?" he said. "Yes, Your Majesty. He was kind enough to offer your son's services, and supply me with the appropriate clothing." Pyralis didn't miss the starry-eyed looks Kedar was giving Mulder. This wouldn't do, the King thought. He looked down the table at the other goblins they were all besotted with Fox. His eyes finally rested on his champion troll. "Fox, I think it is best that Weapon's Master Tor taught you how to fight." Mulder's eyes followed the King's down the table to the ugly troll who had his chest puffed out with pride that his King would chose him to train the pretty human. Mulder shuddered, at the prospect of being alone with the creature. The troll's head was immense, his nose alone was almost the size of Mulder's head. Its hands were over-sized and looked like they could crush granite. Prince Kedar stood and left the dining hall in a huff. King Pyralis was about to order a guard to bring his son back when Jonathan's hand on his arm stopped him. "Let him go, Pyralis. He cannot help what his hearts feels," Jonathan said softly. "I will speak with him later," Pyralis said. Skinner turned to Zeyro and asked, "What is Feronia like?" Zeyro was more than happy to answer the sexy human's question about his home. "It is a large kingdom, much larger than Kallen. It is mostly forests, rivers, and mountains, and is plentiful with wild game, and fruit and nut trees. Our capital is Grania Glen; it has the biggest marketplace in the realm, where you can find almost anything for sale. Queen Zoe has ruled our kingdom for nearly two thousand years. She is believed to be the oldest elf alive," he prattled on excitedly... Mulder was only half-listening. His eyes kept wandering around the table at the other guests who seemed to be mainly focused on him, like they had been yesterday. When he met their eyes, they would smile at him and tip their mugs in a salute. Only Tor the troll was paying more attention to his meal than he was to Mulder. Maybe the King's choice of Tor as his fighting instructor was a good one. Mulder just needed to overcome his fear of trolls. Tor belched then set his mug down and stood. "Come... Tor begins your training, Lord Fox." Mulder looked down at his half-finished meal and sighed, pushing his chair back. He rose to follow Tor. Skinner's hand on his arm stopped him. "Do you want me to come along?" Skinner asked. "No. You have your mage training this afternoon," Mulder said, leaning down. He kissed Skinner softly on the lips, then turned to follow the troll out of the dining hall. The two elves also abandoned the rest of their meal. They wanted to watch Fox's training. "Master Tor, don't you think it would help Fox's focus if he were to practice in the nude?" Relyo asked. Mulder glared back at the elf and continued following Tor toward his and Walter's bedroom. "No," the troll said, his voice serious. "We don't want Lord Fox to lose any important body parts. It is best that he practices in full armor." Tor turned back to Mulder as they reached his room. "I will inspect the armor that his Royal Highness has given you." Tor frowned as he examined the light weight chain mail. "This will allow you to move agilely in combat, but it will not stop a thrust of the sword or a well-placed arrow. I prefer plated armor, but you are lithe and would do well with the chain mail. I shall first teach you how to protect yourself with your shield, then how to hold your sword." The troll paused looking him up and down. "I think you would do well with throwing knives, too." Mulder nodded looking down at the stocky troll. It was obvious that the creature knew his stuff. "I'd appreciate anything that you could teach me, Master Tor." The troll grew more serious. "You need a squire. Has His Highness chosen one for you yet?" Mulder shook his head. "I don't think that would be necessary. I'm quite capable of getting dressed by myself." "All knights require a squire. Tor recommends his son Jahr. It will be good training for him to serve one of the nobility. That is, if you'll accept him as your squire? Most humans are prejudiced against trolls," Tor said, watching Mulder closely. "I'm not a noble..." "But you are. You carry yourself with more poise and grace than any of the human nobility that Tor has ever lain eyes on. Jahr would be honored to serve you," the troll said. Zeyro interrupted, with a twinkle in his eyes. "I can find you many elves who would be more than willing to act as your squire, *Lord* Fox." Mulder rolled his eyes, he could just imagine what he'd be in for with an elf as his squire. Not wanting to offend Tor, he said, "That is all right, Zeyro. I think Master Tor's son, Jahr will work fine as my squire." Tor smiled or at least as close as a troll could come to smiling. "I will have Jahr accompany you back to your quarters this evening. He will be quite comfortable sleeping in front of the hearth." Not giving Mulder any chance to reply he went on. "Don your armor and meet me down at the training grounds." Tor turned and stomped out of the room. "Wait!" Mulder looked at the two elves nervously. "What did he mean sleep in front of the hearth?" he asked. "*Lord* Fox, you just acquired yourself a squire and a title. It is your responsibility to see that he is fed and given a comfortable place to sleep. Most squires sleep in their master's room so they are able to attend to their master's every need," Zeyro explained. "Oh, shit. Walter is going to kill me," Mulder moaned. Relyo chuckled. "Don't be silly. Sir Skinner loves you too much for him to take your life." Mulder glared at Relyo. "If you two wouldn't mind leaving, I would like to get changed," he growled, having just about enough of the two small elves. "He's a bit grumpy, isn't he, Relyo?" Zeyro asked as the two elves strolled out of the room together. "Humans are a moody race," Relyo said, following him. *** Skinner was having greater luck casting spells and moving objects with his mind this afternoon than he had been that morning. Blowing up the rock had freed something within him that had been in the way of him using his mage powers. Pyralis had taught him a couple of incantations that would be useful when he and Fox were on their own. King Pyralis picked up a square leather pouch with a long strap attached to it and handed it to Skinner. "This is your spell book, Sir Skinner. In it, you will record all of the spells I've taught you, and any you may learn throughout your lifetime. The strength of a mage is what is written in the pages of his spell book." Skinner pulled the heavy book out of the pouch. It was hundreds of pages long and they were all blank. "What are the symbols on the front cover?" His finger traced the designs. "Those are the four elements: earth, water, fire, and air. I'll teach you the powers of all of them. You'll need to learn them if you are to become a great mage." Pyralis looked toward the west. "The sun is setting, Sir Skinner; it is time that we call it a day." "Thank you for your instruction, Your Majesty," Skinner said, bowing. "Jonathan and I would like to invite you and your mate for a drink in our chambers after the main meal this evening," the King said. "We'd be honored, Your Majesty." Skinner bowed again and waited for the King to depart before he walked toward the palace. His genitals swayed between his muscular thighs as he strolled quickly across cold the courtyard. He wasn't as cold as he had been this morning. One of the lessons this afternoon was a spell that would keep him warm. Skinner was disappointed when he walked through the door that Fox hadn't been there to greet him like he had been this morning. Instead Zeyro stood there with a cloak. "You are one well-endowed human, Sir Skinner," the elf leered. "I can't for the life of me see how the pretty Fox can painlessly accommodate someone as large as yourself." Skinner blushed as he wrapped the cloak around his large frame. "You wouldn't happen to know where Fox is?" "He's still practicing shield techniques with Master Tor," Zeyro said, looking past Skinner outside as the sun dipped below the horizon line. "He should be coming inside now. Master Tor never instructs once the sun has set." Skinner hurried back to their bed chambers, making it there ahead of Mulder. The torches on the walls were already lit. He set his spell book on the desk by the window, then rushed to start the bath water, taking time to light the candles on the ledge of the tub. Skinner went to a cabinet and pulled out the bottle of honeyed wine and goblets he had discovered there this morning. He carried those back to the bathtub with him. The bedroom door opened and Skinner turned to face it, smiling as his lover walked into the room. His smile faded as he took in Fox's totally exhausted face and slumped body. Then his eyes fell on a young troll who was carrying a large shield and some chain mail. "Fox?" Skinner said, setting the wine and goblets down by the tub. He rushed to his lover's side. "God, Walter, every inch of my body aches. Who'd have thought learning to use a shield properly would be such hard work?" Mulder groaned. "My Lord, may Jahr help you off with your boots and clothes?" Jahr asked. Skinner glared at the squat little troll. Mulder touched Skinner's arm in warning. "Be nice," he whispered, then turned to Jahr. "Jahr, this is Sir Skinner, my life partner. Walter, this is Jahr my squire. He's sorta going to be living with us..." "WHAT!?" Mulder elbowed Skinner in the ribs. "Be nice!" he hissed. "Jahr, you may help me with my boots." Jahr set Mulder's mail coif and gauntlets down on the table, then stood the heavy shield against the wall. Mulder lifted his foot, and the young troll straddled his leg. He pulled the boot off, setting it aside and did the same with the other. In the meantime, Mulder unclasped the chain mail, slid it off, and handed it to Jahr. The troll was too short to help him remove it. Skinner stood in the nude, watching his lover slowly strip with the help of the troll. Mulder had looked magnificent in the chain mail, black leather boots and the black-quilted leather tunic. He thought his lover looked like an ancient warrior King more so than a mere knight. Something about the way his beautiful lover carried himself was extremely regal. Skinner tried to pinpoint what it was, but he decided it was the overall package, not just one feature. "Walter, don't you think you should turn the water off?" Mulder's voice pulled Skinner out of the trance he had fallen into and the large man looked back toward the bathtub. He swore, and to Mulder's amazement, used his mage powers to turn the water off. "Slick trick, big guy," Mulder said, groaning as he removed the last of his warrior garb from his battered body. "It's easy once you get the hang of it." Skinner grinned. Then his grin turned into a frown. A large bruise covered his lover's right shoulder and another purple mass was spreading over his upper thigh. "Do you think I might be able to learn?" Mulder asked wistfully. "I'm not sure if it is a learned talent or one that you are born with," Skinner answered distractedly, holding his hand out to Mulder who limped over and took it. "You're sore aren't you, baby?" Skinner touched some bruises that ran up the length of Mulder's left arm. "Walter, I hurt in places that I never even knew I had," Mulder sighed as his lover helped him into the hot bath. "Master Tor is Jahr's father," he said, sinking into the water up to his chin. Jahr looked around the opulent bedroom. He had never been in a room more elegant. "My Lord, would you like Jahr to give you a massage after your bath?" Mulder smiled at the ugly little troll. He had lost his fear of the creatures as throughout the afternoon Jahr's father had relentlessly taught him how to defend himself against any sword blow with the shield. "Jahr, I'm fine for tonight. Why don't you get yourself settled in by the hearth." Jahr bowed, "Thank you, My Lord." "You've picked up this Lord and squire routine pretty quickly, Fox." Skinner observed. "Not really, Walter," Mulder said, moaning as Skinner started to massage his stiff muscles. "Jonathan came out to see how my training was going and he filled me in on how to treat a squire." Mulder smiled. "Jahr is really sweet, isn't he?" Skinner leaned forward and whispered in Mulder's ear. "He the ugliest thing I've ever seen. How are we going to have sex with him sleeping across the room?" "Looks aren't everything," Mulder said, glancing over at Jahr who was unfolding his bedroll. "Walter, I asked Jonathan for a screen, but I think we may have to get used to an audience. Once we are on the road, there will be hardly any privacy." "He's not coming with us, Fox!" "I don't want to argue, Walter," Mulder sighed tiredly, resting his head on Skinner's chest. "Tell me about your training? Like how you got this bruise," Skinner asked, placing a hot washcloth over the bruise on Mulder's shoulder. "A centaur did that..." "You fought a centaur?" Skinner growled. "I didn't really fight him. He had a wooden sword and I only had a shield. Tor needed someone taller to teach me some of the moves. The centaur's name is Eachann. He is from Feronia, the same kingdom as the elves, Relyo and Zeyro. I wouldn't mind going there; it sounds like an interesting kingdom." Skinner leaned back and pulled Mulder up onto his lap. "I thought we were going to Frye to ask for Queen Charmaine's help in getting back home? Are you saying that you want to explore first?" Mulder wiggled against the hard muscle pressing into his ass. He turned sideways so he could rest his head against Skinner's shoulder. "It's not everyday that an opportunity to explore an alternate dimension gets dropped in our laps." "Don't forget that you have a crazy goblin king after your ass, Fox. I think our main priority should be finding a way to get back to our dimension..." Skinner's fingers stroked Mulder's nipples, and he bent down and kissed the side of Mulder's head. "We can explore as we search for a way back home." Mulder sighed contentedly, his finger's combing through Skinner's chest hairs. "Walter, we have to get ready for the evening meal." "If you rather skip it..." "No. It's important that we go. Besides, I never got to finish lunch...I'm starving!" Skinner's hand crept down and he started caressing Mulder's ass. "I have a different hunger, Fox," he purred, as his finger probed his lover's anus. The bath oils had made their skin smooth and supple, so his finger easily slid inside. Skinner spent several minutes finger fucking his lover, listening to Mulder's breathing grow shallow. Skinner pulled his finger out as Mulder turned and straddled him. "Do you want me to feed your hunger, babe?" Mulder purred huskily. "Yeah, babe, feed me," Skinner sighed. Mulder reached behind him, grabbed Skinner's stiff cock, and positioned the head against his aching opening. He looked into his lover's brown eyes as he bore down, grimacing slightly as the cockhead popped past his sphincter muscle. Mulder closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Skinner's as he sank down on the thick shaft until his ass rested against his lover's full sacs. He stayed that way for several long minutes, enjoying the feeling of being filled, and delighting in the sound of his lover's moans in his ear. He placed his legs on the sides of Skinner's thighs and wrapped his arms around the broad shoulders. "Fox,'re killing me..." Skinner's hips were pushing up, trying to get some friction going against his sheathed cock. Mulder chuckled. "Patience, grasshopper." He pulled slightly off the large man's cock and sank back down. Skinner sighed appreciatively. The water splashed up over the sides of the bathtub onto the marble floor. Skinner's fingers went around Mulder's hips, and he helped his lover as he rose and sank back down again. They started to pick up speed and momentum with Skinner now thrusting up to meet Mulder each time the younger man sank down. Mulder let out a loud cry as Skinner's cock bumped against his prostate. It didn't take long before Mulder's cock was spurting white come between their bodies. Skinner came moments later, just as Mulder's orgasm was dying down. "Hmm, that was nice," Mulder sighed, closing his eyes and resting his head against Skinner's warm chest. He didn't want to pull off his lover's cock just yet. He was soothed by its presence inside of him, they were as one this way. Skinner's arms wrapped around Mulder, holding him close as he too, closed his eyes. They stayed that way until the water started to cool. When Skinner opened his eyes again, he was startled to find Jahr staring down at them, his beady eyes wide with curiosity. "Jahr, it's not polite to stare," Skinner said calmly. "Jahr apologizes, Sir Skinner. Would you like Jahr to clean the mess you made?" he asked, indicating the wet floor and burned out candles around the bathtub. "Yes," Skinner said, nudging Fox awake. Mulder grumbled, then sat up straight. He was still straddling Skinner's lap with his lover's penis still sheathed inside him. He didn't remember falling asleep. Mulder leaned down and kissed Skinner then slowly pulled off his cock. A loud grunt from behind him startled him, and he whipped around to see Jahr with his mouth wide open, watching him. "Jahr, it's not polite to stare," Mulder said, echoing Skinner's words. "Jahr begs his Lords' forgiveness," the troll said, bowing. Mulder stood and stepped out of the bathtub grabbing a towel. "You're forgiven, Jahr, just don't let it happen again." He smiled slightly at the young troll's attempts not to stare at him. Skinner climbed out of the tub after him, and the two men quickly dried and dressed. Jonathan had found a tunic, breeches, and hose that would fit Skinner's large frame, until Isaac the tailor could complete Skinner's and Mulder's new garments. To Mulder's delight and amusement, his lover's clothes were a rich purple with gold buttons. When selecting fabric from the samples Isaac had brought, Skinner had insisted on the boring gray, dark blue, and black fabrics. Mulder was thrilled to see his lover in a loud color. Skinner brushed his hand over the soft velvet fabric of his tunic, secretly enjoying how the satin lining felt against his skin. He gazed at his image in the mirror and thought he cut a fine figure, even if he was blurry. Skinner had been having difficulty seeing through his glasses over the past day. He took them off and cleaned the lenses with a soft cloth and placed them back on, but the image was still blurred. Skinner looked around the room baffled; it was all blurry and out of focus. Could his eyesight have gotten worse? He pulled his glasses off, worried, and glanced over at Mulder, who was sorting through their meager possessions. He was about to call to his lover and tell him about his worsening eyesight, when he realized that he could see Mulder clearly without his glasses. He looked back at his image in the mirror, which was also clear. "Fox, is it possible for a person's vision to improve overnight?" "Not that I know of, why?" Mulder looked up at him. He stood and carried an intricately woven silver choker over to the desk. "It's the damnedest thing, but I can see better without my glasses," Skinner said, setting his glasses on the desk next to his spell book. He sat in the chair and picked up the fountain pen and opened the bottle of ink. He was going to record the spells he had learned this afternoon. He looked at the object his lover was fiddling with. "What are you doing with that?" Mulder exposed a small wire. "It's a tracking device, Walter. Colonel Henderson had intended to use it to find me after I was abducted through the gateway." "What do you intend to do with it now?" "Nothing. I thought, if anyone from our world does find their way through the gateway, they'd be able to find us if I kept the device on me." Mulder looked closely at his lover. "Walter, I liked how you looked in glasses. This is going to take some getting used to." Skinner frowned. "You don't like how I look now?" Mulder bent down and kissed him softly on the lips. "I love how you look. You're as handsome as ever. Just different. Actually, Walter, you look quite a bit younger without your glasses." "Thanks, babe. You're good for my ego." Skinner opened the book and dipped the pen into the ink. Mulder watched him as he started to write some strange words down on the page. "Walter, what are you doing?" "This is my spell book. I'm suppose to record all the spells that I learn throughout my life in it. King Pyralis says a mage's strength is tied to their spell book." "You've already learned to cast some spells?" Mulder asked, intrigued. "Yeah. Watch." Skinner turned to the hearth. The fire had turned to embers, he recited an incantation and a bright blue blaze erupted inside the hearth. "Wow!" Mulder walked across the room to the hearth and stared at the fire. "What's fueling it?" "Nothing. It is mage fire. It will last about an hour before it flickers out," Skinner said, "and I learned a spell for finding fresh water." "You have been busy. Are you sure I couldn't learn to cast spells?" Mulder asked wistfully. "I could ask King Pyralis if it is possible that you might have some ability." Jahr walked timidly across the room, looking nervously at the mage fire inside the hearth. Of all the intelligent life in the realm, trolls were the only group that did not have any mages among their people. "My Lord, Jahr is done cleaning. Is there anything else that you have for Jahr to do?" "We are going down for the evening meal shortly. You may attend to our needs there, then have your dinner with the other squires." Mulder had watched the squires who had been present at the two previous meals. They had served their masters, and when done had taken a seat at the servant's table to eat. "Thank you, My Lord," Jahr said, bowing. He was enjoying the time he had been spending with the pretty human. Jahr had been terrified at first when his father told him that he had squired him to a human. Humans hated and feared trolls. However, when he met Lord Fox, he was no longer terrified. Jahr saw only kindness within his new Lord's multi-colored eyes, and he got a warm feeling listening to his Lord's musical voice. Jahr wanted to serve and please his new Lord. The other human, Sir Skinner, frightened Jahr a little, but he could sense gentleness within this human, too. Skinner was cleaning his pen and putting it away when the dinner bell chimed throughout the palace. It was only their second dinner here, and already they were falling in with the daily routine. Jahr followed a respectable distance behind his two Lords. He held his head proudly when he walked into the palace's main dining hall. The royal table ran the length of the room. At the head sat the King and his life mate. Sitting on the King's right was his eldest son, Kedar, and next to him were all the other princes. The seat next to the King's life mate was open, and to Jahr's amazement, his Lord Fox sat there with Sir Skinner sitting to his left. Jahr hurried to fill their mugs with honeyed-wine. He stood behind their chairs and made sure they had only the best meats and sweetest cakes. Mulder turned and smiled at Jahr. "Jahr, Sir Skinner and I are pleased with your service. Go and enjoy your meal with the other squires." Jahr was the only troll at the squire's table. All of the other squires were goblins or elves, they looked at him with envy. "How did one so ugly become a squire to one of the most beautiful creatures in the realm?" the goblin Kiaran asked. The whole palace had been abuzz with gossip about the mysterious humans. Most of the gossip said they were both royalty from some foreign kingdom beyond the great ocean. Jahr looked timidly down at his meal. "My father is Lord Fox's weapon's instructor." "Someone like Lord Fox should have an experienced squire to attend to his needs," Kiaran stated rudely. "Shut up, Kiaran," Calyr said. He was an elf and squire to Sir Relyo who was also his uncle. "What is your name, troll?" "Jahr." Calyr smiled at the timid troll. "Your father is King Pyralis' champion troll. You must be very proud of him. If you are as dedicated to duty as your father, I can see why you were chosen for such an esteemed position as squire to Lord Fox." Jahr sat up straighter. "I wish to do my father and my family proud. It is an honor serving Lord Fox; he is a kind master." Calyr licked his lips as he glanced over at Mulder. "It must be a joy to help him undress and touch his warm flesh..." Jahr blushed thinking back on the intimate scene he'd witnessed between his two masters. "We must not talk about such things." "Why not? We are all friends here. We like to discuss our lords. You take my lord Relyo...he is an awful cheat at cards," Calyr said. Jahr shook his head. "It is not proper to gossip." Calyr looked over to the main table at Mulder again. "I bet he has a beautiful body... and sacs as ripe as two sweet plums..." Jahr's eyes flashed dangerously as he growled, "Do not talk about my Lord in such a manner!" The elf backed off. The timid troll was more than capable of snapping his neck with one hand. "I didn't mean any offense, Jahr." Jahr backed down, and went back to quietly eating his meal. *** The Lone Gunmen's headquarters Scully sipped from the cup of tea Byers had brought her. She watched as the three men ran the results of the black ops surveillance of Long Lake, Minnesota through their equipment. She sighed tiredly, "Guys, it is getting late. If you find anything... could you please contact me?" "Sure, Dana. Don't worry. We'll find a way to get Mulder and A.D. Skinner back," Byers said. Scully grabbed her bag and walked despairingly down the steep staircase. She glanced up and down the dark deserted street, before walking quickly to her car and sliding behind the wheel. She started the engine and drove off, never seeing the man lurking in the alleyway across the street from the gunmen's headquarters. Krycek stepped out from the shadows, and stared up at the windows. Illuminated by the glow of the computer monitors. "Mulder, what have you gotten yourself into now?" he grumbled. Krycek had been in a foreign prison for the past year and had only just broken out. He had headed directly for Washington D.C., the only thought on his mind was to see Mulder again, if only to catch a glimpse of him through his apartment window. To his horror, he had discovered that Mulder had been abducted by the black ops and then a bigfoot had carried the man he had secretly lusted after for the past six years, through a gateway into another dimension. The worst part, he found out that Walter Skinner had followed Mulder through the gateway and the two men were lovers. He should have killed Skinner with the nanocytes when he had the chance. He sighed. If the gunmen did find a way through the gateway, he would go and bring Mulder back himself. *** Kallen The palace at Anlon Mulder crawled under the covers and laid carefully on the cool crisp sheets. His whole body ached. The bumps and bruises from his earlier training were making themselves known. Skinner climbed into bed behind him and molded himself to Mulder's body. "Would you like me to rub some more liniment onto your bruises, babe?" he whispered. "No. I'll be fine. I've had worse bruises in my life. Just hold me," Mulder murmured tiredly, scooting back into Skinner's arms. Skinner kissed his shoulder. "What are you practicing tomorrow?" "More shield practice. Master Tor said he might let me hold a wooden sword," Mulder chuckled. Skinner smiled against his back. Wooden swords. He had been worried about his lover's safety at the hands of a troll, but he now saw that Master Tor was taking great care with his student's safety. "Good night, Fox. I love you." "Love you too, big guy," Mulder murmured and drifted off to sleep. Jahr laid in front of the hearth listening to his two lords. He was happy. He had secretly enjoyed the envy on the faces of the other squires that he was Lord Fox's squire. Meeting his father's proud, approving eyes during the evening meal caused his heart to soar. He waited until both his lords' breathing indicated that they were asleep before he closed his eyes and joined them in slumber. *** Kallen The palace at Anlon Five days later. Mulder deflected the sword blow with his shield. Then with surprising agility, he spun and flipped backward over his stunned opponent's head, delivering a death blow. Or what would have been a death blow if their sword blades weren't covered by rubber protectors. Tor clapped loudly. "Very good, Lord Fox. You are a natural swordsman. Tor was right not to insist on your wearing the heavy armor. Tor has never seen anyone perform such a move as you just did." Mulder smiled. "It was a little something I learned from watching Xena." It didn't hurt that the gravity was less in this dimension allowing him to jump higher than back on Earth, he thought. However, he noticed that though the creatures in this dimension seemed to be denser in mass, they weren't able to perform similar feats. It made him feel sort of superhuman. "This Xena must have been a powerful warrior," Tor said. Mulder chuckled, but didn't have the heart to tell him that she was just a television actor. Tor wouldn't have understood anyway. "I think we shall spend a little time this afternoon with the throwing knives." The troll motioned for his assistants to set up the target. Mulder was getting very good with the knives. He had always been a top shot in the FBI, and didn't find throwing knives or shooting a bow and arrow to be that much harder. Skinner and King Pyralis quietly entered the training grounds. Skinner was, for once, fully clothed. Pyralis no longer thought it necessary for his apprentice to practice in the nude. They stood and watched as Mulder threw four daggers into the center of the target in a perfect formation. "He is good," Pyralis observed. "Fox has always been good at hitting a target," Skinner said, admiring his lover. "Master Tor," the King called. "Your Majesty," Tor said, bowing deeply. "Mage Skinner is in need of weapon's training. I would like you to train him in the afternoon." He raised a hand when Tor was about to protest that he had Fox in the afternoons. "You will be training Fox in the morning, but he will be spending his afternoons hunting with me and my men." Skinner was now the one who protested. "Your Majesty, my mate doesn't enjoy hunting animals for sport." "We don't hunt for sport, Sir Skinner. All of our kills are sent to the kitchens where they are prepared to feed the household." The King looked the large human in the eye. "This will be good training for Fox. He will learn to ride a war horse and kill from its back. To be honest, Sir Skinner, I had my doubts about your mate's ability to become a warrior. But he has shown extraordinary skills that have even amazed Master Tor." *** Balendin The palace at Fergal King Baldwin accepted the sealed letter from the elf Ango, one of Grand Mage Zendl's apprentices. He broke the seal and unfurled the document. His breath caught as he read it, and he turned to his Queen. "Cali, the time of the prophesy is at hand." The Queen's eyes widened in surprise. "I've never thought it would happen in our lifetime, my love." She looked up at the marble slab that had the prophesy carved into it above the throne room's doorway. ~ Out of the starlight, the savior shall step. Brave and strong and tall. His bald scalp shining with the light of a thousand stars as he does battle against the evil infecting the lands. At his side, a mighty warrior prince blessed by the Gods in face and wisdom. His beauty will melt men's hearts and make the fair ladies swoon. Along his quest, the savior shall be joined by the three wise men, a lady of fire, and a cunning green-eyed thief. Together, they will free the people of the realm from the cruel tyranny and fear enslaving them. Opening a brave new world, with peace and contentment for all. ~ "Do you think it could really be him this time, my husband?" Queen Cali asked. Throughout the centuries imposters have come forward with shaven heads claiming to be the savior of the legend. But a few nights in the dungeon usually had stubble growing back on their scalps. True baldness was almost unheard of in the realm. The temple priests all shaved their scalps in worship of the prophesized savior. In addition, some of the nobility had followed suit throughout the centuries, with dreams and fantasies that maybe they were really the savior of legend. "Grand Mage Zendl says that it is he, and that the warrior prince is with him," the King replied, stroking his blond beard thoughtfully. "Where is the savior now?" Cali asked anxiously. Baldwin reached out and took the petite hand of his blond-haired queen. "He is staying at the palace in Anlon." "Oh my, not with the Goblin King Pyralis," the Queen gasped. "My husband, you must go and rescue him! The goblins will kill him if they find out who he really is!" "Cali, my army isn't strong enough to fight the goblins. If this is the true savior, he will find his own way here, and the warrior prince will keep them both safe," the King said. The King's steward stepped into the throne room, bowing deeply, he announced, "My King, Sheriff Raghnall seeks an audience with you." "Show him in," the King said. A stout man with graying blond hair tied back in a ponytail, and dressed in black stormed into the throne room. His black cloak furled out behind him. He was followed by two brutish guardsmen who were dragging a badly beaten man in irons. "My King, I seek your decree in placing this poacher to death!" Baldwin gave an indifferent glance at the bloodied peasant, befouling his throne room. "Just what was he poaching?" "He poached a rabbit!" the Sheriff growled. The peasant cried out, "Please, My King, have mercy I have a family to feed..." "Quiet, peasant!" the Sheriff barked, hitting him with a riding crop. The King looked angrily at the peasant. "You know the penalty for poaching is death, yet you did it anyway! Raghnall, hang him inside a crow's cage along the main road as an example to other peasants who dare forget their place and steal from their King!" "Please, mercy!" the peasant cried loudly. Queen Cali covered her ears. "For heaven sakes, Sheriff Raghnall, cut out his tongue!" "At once, My Queen." Sheriff Raghnall turned to his guards. "Do it!" One guard forced the man's mouth open, then the other reached in and yanked his tongue out and sliced it off with a sharp blade with practiced skill. He tossed it into the fire blazing in the hearth. The Queen turned back to her husband as the peasant was dragged out. "We must make plans to properly greet our savior once he arrives in our kingdom. Just think, dear husband. Shortly, the realm will be free of the goblins, elves, and other monsters infesting it, and we shall be free from their cruel tyranny forever." "Yes, my sweet wife, then our kingdom will prosper, like it has been prophesized." The King smiled, watching as a servant cleaned up the blood left behind on the floor by the peasant. *** Liamterra Mage Mo looked into the reflection pool inside his brother's keep. Unlike his, it was a large room with plenty of light coming in through the windows. Mo preferred his smaller dingy room. The light hurt his eyes, and he squinted as he watched the images in the water. "The pretty Fox is turning into a fine warrior. Soon he'll be able to best the greatest knights in the realm." Grand Mage Zendl looked at the image of Mulder on horseback, riding along side King Pyralis, and smiled. "He already can, Mo. I just wish Cy'Lyarian would spend more time following our savior, Mage Skinner, than the pretty Fox." Mo smiled. "Cy'Lyarian is infatuated with the pretty Fox. Maybe you should make him tiny for a night as a reward to our little Faerie for good service." Zendl frowned. "Mo, he belongs to Mage Skinner. I will not take the chance of offending him. If I did, we might never get back home to Earth." Mo rolled his eyes, it was a long standing argument between them what the last line of the prophesy meant. Zendl thought, 'Opening a brave new world with peace and contentment for all' meant the gateway to Earth would be opened. He didn't agree. "Very well, Zendl, we will treat the pretty Fox with reverence." "Thank you, brother." *** End of Chapter 2 - Mage Skinner Chapter 3 - Death from Above and Below