Liamterra Liamterra Jo B Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: none Keywords: M/Sk SLASH Disclaimer: The X-Files characters are the property Chris Carter, 1013 productions and Fox Broadcasting. No money is being made from their use. Summary: AU sequel to North Woods. Mulder is abducted and carried through a gateway to another dimension where magic is real and mythical creatures exist. Skinner follows and the two men must make a new life for themselves while they search for a way back home. Authors Notes: This is a sequel to my story North Woods. Special thanks to my beta-readers Nicole, Laurie, Cerulean Blue, and Dawn for the great beta job. Feedback is always welcome. Any constructive suggestions are appreciated. WARNING! This story contains explicit Sex/Romance between two men. Turn back now, if the subject matter offends you. Okay to Archive: MTA, DitB, Slashing Mulder, all others please ask first. Web site: http://www.parkers- *** Chapter 1 Kallen by Jo B Zaltrania The palace at Mei King Kiros' pale face stared back at him from the calm waters of the reflection pool. His feathery, black hair danced in the cold breeze coming in from the opened window, getting tangled briefly in the gold and silver jewelry that adorned his pointed ears. As he swirled a manicured nail in circles in the clear water, blue sparks of energy shot out of his fingertip, rippling across the surface until the water glowed with an eerie light. Suddenly an image appeared. The image was of the Earth as seen through the eyes of one of his servants, that of the magnus, the creature that the Earth dwellers referred to as Bigfoot. Through them, he could see this amazing land beyond his dimension. He had been saddened by the deaths of two of his servants, struck down by the thunder-sticks wielded by the human mages who ruled that strange land. His brother Pyralis had found love with one of these humans. Kiros had always hated humans and didn't see what the attraction was. They had humans on their own world, but none had ever appealed to him. They were, for the most part, a crude and unwashed race. Few among them were learned; only the human mages did the goblins consider to be close to their equals. Pyralis' human mate had become a conflict between him and his brother. Because Pyralis' dared to love a human, the two brothers had become bitter enemies. Kiros refused to accept Pyralis' mate into the family. It had led to a long and continuing war between their two kingdoms, in the process of which one of Pyralis' sons was killed. And now, ironically, Kiros had fallen in love with a human, too. He hadn't meant for it to happen. At first he had just been curious about these Earth humans. Kiros thought back to that first stirring of interest he had for these creatures. Weeks ago he had directed the magnus to bring him the human male that had first caught his interest. Even though his hatred for humans was well-known within the realm, Kiros' curiosity had been piqued. Unlike the slow-witted human his brother had taken for a mate, this human was somewhat attractive and seemed civilized and intelligent. He wanted to study this human and perhaps learn more about it. However, the magnus had bungled its attempt to abduct the human, killing two other humans who had gotten in its way. Kiros had had a hard time controlling the magnus across the dimension, and it ended up tearing the clothes off the human and had come close to ravishing him. Unfortunately, it had lost the man and its life at the hands of the human mages before it could cross the gateway into Kallen. Now the male was lost to him forever. However, it turned out to be no great loss, due to the fact that another male with a beauty that Kiros had never before seen in a human, or a goblin for that matter, had captured his eye. Kiros had his servants leave tributes to the brown-haired beauty, in hopes of winning his favor. Unlike the other male who he had only wanted to study, this exquisite creature he wanted to possess - both heart and soul. However, it appeared this human male had other suitors, as was the wont of one so beautiful. Kiros had felt a rage stirring within his breast whenever he had laid eyes upon one of these men. He had been close to ordering the magnus just to seize the beauty and bring him to Zaltaria without courting him further. However, he couldn't risk his servants again. The humans were now on guard against the magnus. So instead, he had sent his trolls and wyverns to retrieve the beauty. He hated using trolls; they were such a violent, unreliable race. Unfortunately, the humans had used magic to defeat his trolls and wyverns. His prize, the lovely Fox, was lost. He had thought he had lost him forever, but now Kiros looked with undisguised love at his heart's desire bound between two posts. He didn't have to wonder if it was a trap, he knew it was. Kiros had employed Cy'Wnila, a Maian faerie, to search for any signs of his beautiful human. She had spied upon the other humans who had set up the strange metal objects throughout the woods. The Goblin King was just about to call Cy'Wnila home when the humans returned, carrying his beautiful Fox. He watched as they tied his limp body between two posts on a raised wooden platform. It seemed that the humans were taunting him with the beauty. Kiros wanted to kill them for mistreating the object of his desire, and at the same time, he was pleased that they were foolish enough to put Fox within his reach. After they had left, he sent his magnus through the gateway to retrieve his sweet love. The king breathed a sigh of relief when the magnus snatched Fox from the platform and carried him unchallenged through the gateway. *** Kallen Maga Mountain range Cold wind buffeted Mulder's body as he was carried protectively nestled against the foul-smelling beast's chest. He was lost, tears of anger and despair welled up in his eyes. His struggles were fruitless against the Bigfoot. Just when he had finally found love and happiness, it was ripped away, like so much else had been in his life. His world was shattered by the thought that he would never see Walter again. Suddenly he found himself, falling, flying out of the creature's arms as the beast was struck suddenly from behind. The agent agilely rolled down the snow-covered hill away from the toppling beast, who crashed down coming close to crushing him. A loud enraged roar bellowed from the Bigfoot as it turned to face its attacker, only to have its skull split open by the butt of the rifle carried by an equally-enraged Walter Skinner. The bigfoot crashed back to the ground. It weakly tried to regain its footing when its skull exploded in a gush of blood, bone, and brain matter. Skinner stood over it, holding the smoking rifle. Mulder stared up at Skinner in shock and disbelief. He had never seen the bone-chilling look of rage that graced his handsome lover's face, a look that would have had even him quivering in his boots if it were directed at him. "Walter?" he whispered softly. Skinner turned from surveying the dead creature to his shivering lover. Snow clung to Mulder's chestnut hair and soaked through the thin silk shirt. "Fox! My God!" he said, sinking to his knees and pulling Mulder into his arms. "I thought I'd lost you." "M-me too, Walter." Mulder's teeth were clattering as he fiercely hugged Skinner back. He closed his eyes and buried his face in the side of his lover's neck, breathing in his rich musky scent. Skinner pulled away and took off his leather jacket and helped Mulder into it. It was a loose fit on Mulder's slighter frame. "We need to get out of here..." Skinner frowned when he noticed his lover's bare feet and reached for the laces on his hiking boots. Mulder's hand stopped him. "Walter, my feet are bigger than yours." He held onto Walter's arm as he stood, the cold snow biting into his feet. "We appear to be in the mountains. If we head down, we might reach a warmer climate." "Maybe we should try to find the gateway?" "It's no longer there," Mulder said, looking toward the spot up the hill where the Bigfoot's and Skinner's footprints suddenly appeared in the snow. No other tracks were anywhere around the prints. Skinner was concerned. They were both underdressed for this climate, but the temperature, while cold, wasn't too far below freezing. If they stopped occasionally to build a fire to warm themselves, they might just make it. However, Mulder's feet would definitely get frostbite. No way would he be able to walk off the mountain barefooted. "I'll carry you piggyback," Skinner said. "I'm too heavy." "Fox, I bench-press more than your weight daily! Now quit being a stubborn fool!" Skinner shoved the rifle at him. "Here take the rifle and hop on!" Skinner growled. Not about to continue arguing with Mulder, he turned his back on his lover and bent slightly. Mulder saw it was useless to argue with Skinner, once his lover had his mind made up. So he slung the rifle over his back and did as ordered. He wrapped his arms around Skinner's neck from behind and hopped up on his back, wrapping his thighs around his lover's narrow hips. Skinner's hands came underneath Mulder's leather- clad thighs, easily handling his weight. Then the larger man started off awkwardly down the snow-covered slope. *** Dana Scully had the military unit placed under arrest for kidnapping a Federal agent. She then had all the data from the tracking and monitoring devices seized. She would find her partner and boss, if it took her the rest of her life. *** Mulder felt guilty as Skinner huffed and puffed his way down the side of the mountain. They had been traveling for over an hour now and didn't seem to be getting any closer to the bottom. Both men were wet and cold and tired. The snow had started falling, making it hard to see more than fifty feet in front of them. "That doesn't seem like the most practical method of travel, if you ask me!" The gravelly voice startled Skinner and Mulder. Skinner spun around looking for its owner, nearly spilling Mulder onto the ground in the process. "Show yourself!" "I'm right in front of you, human! If you'd bother looking down!" Skinner blinked the snow from his lashes as he looked toward the sound of the voice. Under the shelter of a tree stood a little man. He couldn't have been much more than three feet tall. He was almost impossible to see against the white winter landscape, dressed as he was, head to toe in white furs. The only color was his bright red beard and his sparkling blue eyes that peered up at Skinner from within the depths of his white furry hood. "Who are you?" Skinner asked cautiously. The little man bowed in greeting and said pleasantly, "The name is Quth. I'm from the kingdom of Frye, and the most loyal subject of Queen Charmaine. And you and your pretty friend would be?" Skinner was pleasantly taken by the man's openness and friendly demeanor. "I'm Walter Skinner and this is Fox Mulder..." Mulder interrupted, looking suspiciously down at Quth from over Walter's shoulder. "How is it that we can understand you? I wouldn't have dreamt English would be spoken here?" Quth chuckled. "I figured from your appearance that you weren't from around here, friend. As for us understanding each other's language, countless generations ago, long before my birth mind you, the Grand Mage Zendl cast a spell over the lands, allowing all the races to understand each other's spoken tongue. He had hoped to promote goodwill and peace among the various warring races and tribes making up our lands. It didn't quite work --" The little man stopped talking when he noticed that both humans were shivering and appeared on the brink of collapse. "Follow me. I have a cave nearby that I use when I'm up in the mountains prospecting for gold. You'll be able to warm yourselves and rest. Fox Mulder, I will make you something to wear on your feet. It would be a shame if you lost your toes." Skinner sighed gratefully, looking down at the little man. "We'll be in your debt, Quth, for any help you can give us." "You owe me nothing, Walter Skinner. If I did not offer assistance to a traveler in need, I would be disgracing the blessed name of my Queen." Quth led them through the tree-covered hills and passed some boulders then into a pleasantly warm cave. The entrance was a tight squeeze so Mulder had to slide off Skinner's back in order for them to make it through the narrow opening. Mulder limped over to a small fire blazing in an open pit in the center of the cave. The smoke snaked up and exited through a small tunnel near the ceiling. The agent noted that there were many possessions scattered around the small space. It appeared to be well-lived in and comfortable. Skinner followed Mulder and knelt at his feet, lifting one cold foot onto his leg and examining it. "It looks good," he said, massaging the foot. "I was worried that you might have gotten frostbite." "Hardly, not with you carrying me for the past hour," Mulder said smiling. His eyes were still taking in the small cave, he noted a hole in the wall with steam rising out of it. Quth followed his eyes, he smiled as he laid a couple more logs on the fire. "It's not very big, but it is comfortable and provides shelter from the cold and protection against the magnus. The entrance is too small for them to fit through. Over there, through that hole, is a heated underground pool, along its banks I grow delicious mushrooms, potatoes, and turnips. I spend most of the winter here." Quth placed a barrier in front of the cave's entrance as he talked. He then opened one of the sacks piled up against the caverns wall and pulled out a loaf of bread and some cheese. "Come, sit and warm yourselves. It isn't often that I have company," he said, as he passed the food to Mulder and Skinner. The two human's towered over him. He then produced a clay jug filled with water and handed that to Skinner. Mulder settled on a wooden log, spreading his feet out toward the fire. "Quth, what are the magnus?" he asked as he nibbled on the pungent cheese. Skinner sat close beside him. They watched as the tiny man removed his fur coat and boots, setting them aside. Quth had a powerful muscular body encased in a coarse brown fabric. "The magnus are very large, biped predators in these mountains. Normally they keep to themselves, but occasionally they will attack travelers on orders from the goblins. We're in Kallen, it is the kingdom of the Goblin King Pyralis..." Quth stopped talking as he noticed Mulder pale visibly. "Are you feeling all right, Fox Mulder?" "Y-yes. Quth, what happens to the travelers the magnus attack?" Quth looked at him baffled. "They are robbed and often times killed. Why, have you encountered a magnus?" "Yeah. One brought me to these mountains...we came through ..." Mulder didn't know how to explain the gateway to the little man. "...we're from a land a long ways from here." Skinner put a comforting arm around Mulder's shoulders, pulling him close. "Quth, would these goblins ever abduct a human" Quth looked between both humans, his eyes growing wide with understanding as he gazed upon Mulder's face. "Very seldom do the goblins go outside their own race for a mate or even a sexual partner. The few times they have were usually with elves, but there have been a couple of rare occasions that they have found a human who was sexually appealing to them. King Pyralis' life-mate is a human named Jonathan, they have had many beautiful sons together." "Jonathan?" "Fox, it can't possibly be Jonathan Mora! He'd be in his eighties." "Quth, do you know how old this Jonathan is?" "He and King Pyralis have been together for a very long time. I'm not sure of his exact age or if your measurement of time would be the same as mine." "It could be him, Walter." Skinner was baffled. "Quth, you say they have children together. How is that possible? Isn't King Pyralis a male, too?" The little man set his tools aside. He had been stitching up leather forming a pair boots for Mulder. "All goblins are hermaphrodites. Their race only has one sex." "So then you're saying that this King Pyralis gave birth to his and Jonathan's children?" Skinner said in amazement. "Did their children resemble goblins or humans?" "They were a mixture, some were goblins and others were human in appearance, but from what I heard, they were all hermaphrodites." "Do you think it could be possible that this King Pyralis wants Fox for the same reason he took Jonathan?" Skinner asked. Quth shook his head. "No! Absolutely not! Goblins mate for life. They always die at the exact same moment that their mate dies and visa versa. It's not physically possible for King Pyralis to have two mates, even if he wanted to. If it is he who is after your companion then he just wants him for sex. No children are ever conceived from such a union." He held a thick piece of leather up to Mulder's bare foot and marked its outline with a charred stick from the fire. The little man then started cutting the shape out with his knife. Skinner was terrified at the thought of some creature wanting his lover for sex. "We need to find a way back to our own world. Quth, do you know of anyone who would be able to help us?" "I know a few trackers and explorers. They might be able to help you, if you came over the mountains. Unless you came by sea, then I know one sea captain, but I doubt he'd be willing to attempt a voyage as far as where you're obviously from." He watched as Mulder took off the leather jacket and laid it over the log. Mulder pulled at his wet silk shirt. "Do you have a blanket that we could borrow?" He looked at his lover's wet T-shirt and soaked black jeans. "We would like to get out of these wet clothes and allow them to dry." Quth set aside his knife and walked over to another sack. He pulled out a thick blanket and carried it back to Mulder. "Thank you," Mulder said. "Quth, I don't think trackers, explorers, or sea captains will be able to get us back to where we're from. Have you ever heard stories or myths about of a gateway between different worlds?" The little man looked at him puzzled. "You may want to talk to my Queen. She is a sorceress and would know about such things. Me...I'm just a humble Renny prospector." "Would you be able to take us to meet her?" Skinner asked, as he laid his wet T-shirt over a rock in front of the fire, then he started tugging off his jeans. He didn't think they'd be able to get back through the gateway without help. "Yes. I think it would be for the best if I did." He looked between the two men, Skinner dressed only in his underwear and Mulder totally naked except for the fine woven silver collar around his neck. The pretty human was shaking out the blanket. Quth could see why a goblin would be after one so beautiful. He turned back to Skinner. "We're in goblin territory. If they are after your companion, then we need to get him out of this land at once." "When do you think we can leave?" Skinner asked. "At first light. It will take us several weeks to travel through Kallen to Sharlain. We'll want to avoid the main roads. Sharlain is a town on the Morwenna Sea. We can hire a ship to take us across to Frye." "How long will it take us to reach Frye?" "It is only a six day journey, then another week to reach the palace." Quth was using an awl to punch holes through the thick leather sole. He stopped and picked up Skinner's hiking boot and examined it. "Your craftsmen do fine work. You'd make a lot of gold if you sold such wears at the marketplaces in our land." Skinner sat next to the fire beside Mulder and got under the small blanket it barely wrapped around their two bodies. "Are you going to be all right, Fox?" Mulder smiled. He leaned into Skinner's warmth and wrapped both arms around him. "I'll be fine as long as we're together. You wouldn't believe how frightened I was that I had lost you forever." "I had the same fear. Fox, I really don't remember how I got away from Henderson and through the gateway, but I'm glad I did." Skinner tenderly kissed Mulder's lips. "I love you." He pulled the blanket tighter around them. Quth alternated between sewing and watching the two humans. "Why don't you two turn in? The sand is softest on that side of the cave." "That's a good idea. C'mon, Fox." *** Zaltrania The palace at Mei King Kiros had watched the bald mage kill the magnus. He had never before seen one of the large creatures overpowered by a smaller opponent. If he was going to get his Fox, this large human would have to be dealt with. It was good that humans didn't mate for life like goblins. Otherwise, Fox would die when he killed his lover. He only had to find them. Kiros touched the minds of his servants and sent them forth to search out the Fox and the bald mage. He had to be careful that he didn't alert his brother Pyralis. Or else, Pyralis would interfere out of spite. His brother still blamed him for the death of his son. *** Kallen Three days later Prince Kedar and his two younger brothers Prince Daniel and Prince Saridan were tracking a stag through the deep snow. When they bumped into Quth and his two companions coming out of the mountains. "Renny dog!" Kedar snarled at Quth. "This land belongs to my father King Pyralis! Why are you trespassing?" Mulder peered out from beneath the fur shroud he had wrapped around his body and head. It concealed his features. The sight of his first goblin surprised him. The creature was absolutely beautiful. It had a flowing mane of pure white hair, the color almost matched its flawless alabaster skin. The young goblin had high cheekbones and a straight nose, and his pointed ears were bedecked in jewels. Mulder guessed the goblin was a couple inches taller than he was. Next to him stood an even younger goblin similar in appearance, and next to him, to Mulder's surprise, was a being who was almost the spitting image of Jonathan Mora, except for his pointed ears. This must be one of King Pyralis' and Jonathan's sons, he thought. Quth bowed respectfully. "Prince Kedar, I pay your father a yearly tribute for the right to prospect these mountains." "He has not informed me of that. We shall see if that is true, Renny! You and your two companions will accompany us back to Anlon!" Kedar growled. Skinner clutched his rifle in his hands and stepped forward. "We're not going anywhere with you! Let us pass peacefully!" The large human took Kedar by surprise. No one had ever dared to speak to him in such a manner before! He found the man's appearance unusual even for a human. The man was wearing a garment that he had never seen the likes of before, and he wore a strange object over his eyes. Only the fur cap was familiar. "How dare you speak to a royal Prince of Kallen in such a manner!" Kedar snarled, drawing his sword. Skinner pointed the rifle at Kedar's chest, his eyes blazed angrily. "How dare you threaten an Assistant Director of the FBI! Now, let us pass peacefully or I'll shoot! The choice is yours!" Kedar looked at the object in the man's hand dubiously as he raised his sword. Their human father had told them stories about rifles. Skinner heard a loud roar from behind him. He spun, dropping to one knee, he shot and killed a bigfoot charging out of the woods at them. He then swung the rifle back on the three startled princes. All of a sudden, out of the woods from the opposite direction rode two dozen armed goblins on horseback. At their lead was a goblin dressed in elegant furs wearing a crown on his head. Mulder moved closer to Skinner as the goblins surrounded them. He was awed by their grace and beauty, but at the same time he was terrified for his lover's life and his own welfare. Pyralis, the Goblin King, placed his horse between Skinner and his sons. "Drop your weapon," he ordered. Skinner's jaw clenched as he focused on the king and the armed goblins surrounding them. "Walter, do as he says," Mulder said, placing a hand on Skinner's arm, not wanting his lover to lose his life needlessly. Skinner sighed and dropped the rifle. "Sorry, Fox." The King looked over at the dead bigfoot and wondered why it had attacked them. He stared back down at the small Renny and the two humans. At least he assumed they were both human. One had his head and body wrapped in a fur shroud, so it was impossible to tell. Pyralis reached out and yanked the shroud off Mulder. A surprised murmur ran through his men as the King gazed into a pair of the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. The human was exquisite, like a fine work of art. "What is your name?" he asked, reaching out to touch Mulder's lightly whiskered cheek. Skinner pushed his lover behind him. "Keep your hands off him!" "You are starting to try my patience, human!" Pyralis barked and turned his attention back to Mulder. "However, I can understand why you would be so protective of this one. If I weren't already mated I would claim him for myself," he said softly. Mulder looked questioningly up at the King. "Then you weren't responsible for bringing me here?" "No. Why would I..." Pyralis' eyes widened as he took in the humans' strange garments. "You came through the gateway?" Skinner frowned. "Yes, but not willingly. Fox was kidnapped by a bigfoot. We had assumed it was sent by a goblin. But if you aren't responsible then who is?" he asked, looking suspiciously at the other goblins surrounding them. The king looked perplexed. "Only my younger brother and I have the power to control the gateway. But it couldn't have been Kiros, he hates humans..." He stopped and looked thoughtfully down at pretty human, who now had his arms wrapped protectively around the larger human's waist. The two men must be lovers, he thought. Pyralis smiled slyly. Could it be possible that Kiros had developed a taste for humans? Or maybe this one, pretty human in particular? He and his brother had been at war since he had chosen a human for his life-mate. The war had cost Pyralis a son, and he still wanted to avenge William's death. If Kiros were responsible for bringing the human through the gateway, he would make his brother come crawling to him for forgiveness, then he'd collect his pound of flesh for his son's murder. "You will both be my guests at Anlon," Pyralis said pleasantly. "Father, this human threatened my life," Prince Kedar protested. His eyes kept traveling to Mulder. Pyralis looked down from his mount at his son. "Kedar, these humans are from the same land as your father and are not yet familiar with our laws and customs. You and your brothers will treat them with respect while they are guests in my kingdom." "Yes, Father." The goblin prince lowered his eyes respectfully. Pyralis turned back to Skinner and Mulder. "I am King Pyralis. You will address me as Your Majesty. Now, I asked for your names?" Mulder raised his chin and looked the Goblin King in the eye. "I am Fox Mulder and this is *mate* Walter Skinner." He wanted to use a term that had importance to these goblins, that would convey that he was not available. "Mate? You're both human males...he cannot be your mate, only a human female can be," Pyralis said, then leered appreciatively at Mulder, adding, "or a goblin." Skinner pulled Mulder closer. He didn't want these goblins to have any doubt that he and Mulder were together. "Your Majesty, on our world two males who have a loving and committed relationship together can and do consider themselves as mates regardless that we cannot have children." "Interesting. My Jonathan would never agree with such a statement, and he is from your world." Mulder squeezed Skinner's hand. "With all due respect, Your Majesty. Your Jonathan was from a time in our world where two men loving each other was hidden behind closed doors. Men of his time would never show affection for each other in public. Even in our time some men still keep their relationships hidden from friends, family, and co-workers." "How do you know my Jonathan?" "We've met his wife and son," Skinner said. "Ah, Emily. This son you speak of, he would be slightly older than Kedar, mine and Jonathan's first born." The King smiled down at the young goblin standing by his horse. Mulder looked at the son in amazement. Goblins must age slower, he thought, because Kedar didn't look any older than twenty-five. Then he looked closely at the King, who didn't look much over thirty himself. "Henry Mora looks considerably older than Prince Kedar," he said. "This is all very interesting, Fox. We shall discuss this further at the palace, you appear cold and tired." The King smiled noticing how the cold temperature had the young man's nipples pressing against the black silken fabric of his shirt. He handed the shroud back to Mulder then turned to one of his men. "Osto, surrender your mount to Sir Skinner and his mate." Pyralis had learned the proper use of Earth's names and titles from Jonathan. He deemed Sir to be appropriate for a warrior mage. Fox Mulder had him puzzled. While his lover clearly had magical powers and the demeanor and strength of a warrior, Fox had a different energy about him that Pyralis had never before seen. The two humans would be fascinating to watch. Osto dismounted and handed the reins of his horse over to Skinner. To the astonishment of the goblins, the human mounted the horse with poise and grace then reached down to give his mate a hand up. Mulder passed the fur shroud up to Skinner. Then easily settled in the saddle behind him. Taking the fur back he wrapped it around his cold body. Skinner looked around for Quth to thank him. However, the Renny was nowhere to be seen. *** Zaltrania Palace at Mei Goblins took cover and trolls scrambled to find a safe place to hide as their king went on a rampage. They had only seen him this angry once. It was on the day his beloved older brother had taken a human for a mate. Now the King was cursing said brother for getting in the way of King Kiros' own desire for a human mate. Kiros' gray eyes flashed with anger as he looked around at the broken pottery, statues and the scorch marks on the stone walls caused by his temper tantrum. He couldn't help himself. He had had several more magnus waiting in the woods, ready to snatch the beautiful Fox when Pyralis and his soldiers had arrived. Kiros watched helplessly as his brother took Fox away from him. He walked back over to the reflection pool and cast his pale white hand above its surface, soon a face appeared. Similar to his own, with large heavily lashed eyes, high cheekbones and pale ivory skin, but instead of jet black hair and gray eyes, the image had white hair and icy blue eyes. The beautiful image smiled at him and spoke. "Kiros, my dear brother. How's life? Have you found yourself a life-mate yet?" Kiros glared angrily at the mocking face. "Pyralis, you have something that belongs to me." "Do I, dear brother? What could I possibly have that you would want?" "You'd be wise not to anger me, Pyralis!" "Or you'll what? Kill another one of my sons?" "I demand you turn Fox over to me!" "Why? What could you possibly want with a human? According to you, they are an unclean and a dim-witted race." "He is different. But you would know that just by looking at him." Kiros tried to keep his temper in check. "Yes, grace, beauty, and intelligence. He's perfect, is he not?" "Send him to me, Brother." "I'm sorry, Dear Brother. I'm so enjoying his company," Pyralis leered suggestively. "If you touch him, I'll kill you!" "Like you killed William?" The King of Kallen snapped. "Besides, Fox is hardly a virgin, he has a male lover." "A human lover. He has never been with a goblin lover, which makes him still a virgin in my eyes," Kiros said evenly. "Maybe so, but I'm not giving him to you." Kiros' patience ended. "Name your price, Pyralis!" King Pyralis became suddenly serious. "I want you to present yourself in my throne room bound in chains. You will then prostrate yourself before my mate and I, where you shall beg my Jonathan's forgiveness for taking the life of our son. Then you will go through the three perils like any other common criminal. If you survive, all will be forgiven between us and you may have Fox Mulder." Kiros paled. In their history only two goblins had ever survived the three perils. There had to be an easier way to get Fox away from Pyralis. "I'll leave you to consider it, Kiros. Don't take too long...I might withdraw the offer." His brother's image vanished from the pool, leaving Kiros alone to contemplate his options. Kiros sadly wandered through the empty rooms of his palace. He had searched most of his life for a suitable mate. His desire to have children was growing stronger as the years passed. He was currently the same age Pyralis had been when his brother had taken Jonathan as a life mate. Now that Kiros had finally found a suitable mate, who ironically turned out to be human, he was unable to have him. The love he was feeling for this human was a great conflict within his hearts. Was this how Pyralis felt about his human mate? Kiros saw in his heart of hearts that he had been wrong to stand against his brother and the love of his life. He sat on a cushion covered bench in front of a large window that looked out over the tranquil bay and watched the ships sail into port. *** Kallen The palace at Anlon Jonathan set his beer stein on the marble table. It had been too long since he'd seen a fellow human from his own world. He'd met humans from this world. They had treated him with reverence as if he were some special oddity to be admired and respected, but not to touch or converse with. It was nice having someone he could talk to again. Mulder couldn't help staring at Jonathan. The man looked as young as he did in the photograph taken of him sixty years ago. The agent wondered if time ran slower here. He was worried at what that might mean. Mulder didn't want to find, when he and Walter finally returned to their own world, that instead of a few days passing it had been a few months or years? "Your Highness, do you know how long you've been here?" Jonathan knew exactly what Mulder was getting at. He had been amazed that as the years passed, he remained youthful looking. "I've kept track of the years, Mulder. Time passes the same here as it does back on Earth. They have four seasons, at least in Kallen, we're further north than the other kingdoms. They very seldom see snow across the sea in the southern lands. We're nearing the end of winter. Kallen is beautiful in the spring..." He stopped talking as a small boy climbed up on his lap and looked shyly at Mulder and Skinner. "Cute boy," Skinner said, smiling at the little goblin prince. "Lylerob. He's our youngest," Jonathan said, kissing the top of the boy's head. Unlike a human child, Lylerob had pointed ears and skin was nearly as white as the cold snow outside the window. Mulder smiled, then tried to steer Jonathan back on the topic of time. "So how long have you been here?" "Sixty years. I know, I don't look eighty-four." He grinned. "For some reason people here can live longer." "How do they handle over-population?" Skinner asked. "Wars, famines, plagues, predators, storms...take your pick. While they can live hundreds of years most die before they reach fifty. Only the nobility and mages live long, healthy lives." Mulder took a sip of his beer, glancing over at Skinner. He would enjoy spending hundreds of years with the man. He reluctantly pulled his eyes away and turned back to their host. "Your Highness, have you ever heard of anyone else from our dimension being here?" "Yes. According to Pyralis, humans aren't originally from this world. They were brought here as slaves around eighteen hundred years ago. Then, some of them developed mage powers, and over the centuries, they rose up against their captors. The slavers no longer abduct humans from Earth. However, occasionally an Earth human will stumble through a gateway and end up here..." "What about ships or airplanes?" Mulder asked excitedly. Jonathan thought for a moment. "I heard a rumor of an unidentifiable flying object seen streaking across the sky and crashing into the great Nenetan ocean." "Didn't anyone try to find the object?" "Mulder, this world is very primitive and dangerous. No one has ever crossed the ocean and returned. Sea serpents and monsters really do exist here." Jonathan set his son on the floor. "Lylerob, tell Sammy I want to see him." The little boy grinned and scampered off as his father turned back to his guests. Skinner leaned forward. "King Pyralis mentioned that he and his brother were the only ones who can control the gateway..." "They control the gateway that you came through. It is the only one on goblin-controlled lands. I've been told that there are two other gateways on this world. During severe lightning storms, they can activate on their own without the need for mage power." "Where are the other two gateways located?" Skinner asked. "I have no idea. There are very few people who do. Most of this world's populace knows nothing about them. The only reason I know is that I've traveled through one three times." "What about the slavers? They used the gateway to abduct humans from our world..." Pyralis walked in on the last part of their conversation. "The slavers are from Kali, it is the subterranean home of the undead and cursed. No one from our kingdoms goes there of their own freewill. We no longer have any dealings with them." "So then, one of the gateways would be located there," Mulder reasoned. Pyralis smiled at him. "Yes." "Your Majesty, would you please return us to our own world?" Mulder asked. "No. The inhabitants of your world have grown too powerful and dangerous. We cannot chance them learning about the gateway or our world," the King said, taking a seat on the settee with his mate. "Kiros should never have brought you here." Jonathan gasped. "It was Kiros who brought them through the gateway?" "Yes, my beloved. It seems that my brother has developed a deep attraction to Fox." Jonathan looked sadly over at his two fellow humans. Kiros was the one who had helped him escape back to Earth the first time, not out of compassion, but out of hatred. After a year, Jonathan found that he could not stay away any longer. He needed to return to Pyralis. The goblin prince literally had stolen his heart, that portion of his soul that allowed him to feel love and happiness. Pyralis had known he was returning and had been waiting at the gateway for him. They had traveled back together. Pyralis' and Kiros' father, the Goblin King Peropol, had given his blessing on their becoming life-mates. A decade later King Peropol was dead, and his sons became kings of a divided kingdom. "You must send them back home, Pyralis. Kiros could never love a human," Jonathan said. "He could learn," Pyralis said, looking at Mulder. Skinner stood abruptly. His eyes flashing menacingly. "He will never get the chance to learn! If he comes anywhere near Fox, I will kill him!" His rage was accompanied by a loud thunderclap outside. Jonathan started, looking toward the window, but it was a bright sunny day outside. He looked up at Skinner surprised. "You're a mage," he said. Skinner pulled his angry eyes off Pyralis and looked at Jonathan. "What?" "You're a mage. Isn't he, Pyralis?" "Yes. And if he doesn't learn to control his temper, he will be a dead mage!" the King threatened. "Then stop talking about Fox as if he is yours to do with as you will!" Jonathan scolded. Pyralis smiled at his usually timid mate. Before he could respond, a young boy ran into the room who looked the spitting image of his human father. "Father, Lylerob said you wanted to see me?" Samuel said. "Yes, Sammy. I need you to ride to the village and bring Isaac back with you. Tell him to bring his finest fabrics and boots. I want him to outfit our guests with some more suitable clothing," Jonathan said enthusiastically. Pyralis was having second thoughts about the deal he had offered to his brother. He had never before seen his Jonathan more alive or excited than he was right now. These two humans were like a tonic to him. Mulder had moved closer to Skinner and whispered in his ear. "They think you caused the thunderclap outside...did you?" "Fox, are you crazy? I didn't cause that thunderclap!" Skinner snorted. Jonathan looked up at him and smiled. "You did, Walter. Don't scoff at it. You have mage powers, like my Pyralis." Jonathan laced his fingers through his lover's hand affectionately. "I don't believe it. It's impossible!" Skinner protested. "It's true, Walter. You'll teach him, won't you, Pyralis?" Jonathan asked. The King raised his lover's hand to his lips and kissed it. "For you, my love." He looked up at Skinner. "You are an unusual human, Sir Skinner. I will teach you to control and use your mage powers for the safety of your mate and others you may come in contact with. It wouldn't do for you to lose your temper and wipe out an entire village by accident." *** Liamterra Grand Mage Zendl watched as the images from Pyralis' court faded away in the gentle waters of the reflection pool. He old eyes sparkled warmly upon his apprentices. "The time of the prophecy is at hand," he said, scratching his thick gray beard. "Already, Master?" Ola asked excitedly. "Yes, Ola," he said, walking across the room to his desk. His four apprentices looked on as he quickly scrawled out three separate notes, sealing each with wax with his insignia. "Take these to Kings Baldwin, Xavier, and Talon." "Do you wish all of us to go?" Liva whined. "Yes." "It will take us weeks to reach King Talon's castle. Couldn't you send the notes with the Fairy Cy'Fira?" Liva complained. Zendl loved Liva. She was an excellent student, but she sometimes was far too lazy. "Liva, this is vital to the lives of all humans in the realm. Do you really want to place it in the hands of a Fairy?" "No, Master Zendl," she said blushing. "Good. Now off with you all then!" The four hurried out of the chamber leaving the mage alone to his thoughts. He walked to the window and stared out at the emerald hills and sparkling lake. Liamterra was beautiful, but he still longed for the valleys of his home back on Earth. He had been here over eighteen hundred years. He toiled long and hard as a slave in his early years, before discovering how to use his mage powers to defeat the slavers and win himself and fellow humans their freedom. Only his mage brother Mo was still alive from that early time. Countless generations had been born and died over the centuries, and the memory of Earth had become a long forgotten dream. It still lived on in his heart though. Now the vision he had over a millenium ago was coming true. The savior of his people had arrived and soon they would all be going back home. Zendl pulled on his robe and headed out to tell his mage brothers the news. *** Kallen The palace at Anlon Mulder walked across the white marble floor, through the arched columns toward the wall of windows. The windows over looked a snow-covered mountain range. He leaned up against a marble column that supported the high ceiling and gazed out the floor to ceiling pane of glass. Mulder was awed by the beauty of the scene beyond. He turned around and took in the rest of the large bedroom. The bed was on a raised platform with several steps leading up to it. A fire was blazing in an open hearth on the other side of room. His lover stood in an alcove looking at a sunken tub surrounded by colorful bottles of shampoo, oils, bath salts, candles, and flowers. Skinner grinned, looking at Mulder. "This sure beats sleeping in a snow bank and bathing with melted snow." "Yeah, it's beautiful...but it still isn't home. Walter, we need to figure out a way to get back through the gateway. It's obvious that King Pyralis isn't going to help us. Maybe Quth's Queen Charmaine could or knows someone who could help." Skinner walked over to him and wrapped his arms around Mulder's lean body from behind and kissed the nape of his neck. "Maybe Jonathan will convince Pyralis to send us home." Mulder leaned tiredly against Walter's chest. "I wouldn't hold my breath. I think our best option is to allow Pyralis to train you to be a mage, then escape once the weather is warmer and make our way to Fyre." "Fox, that's ridiculous! I don't have magical powers," Skinner grumbled, hugging Mulder tighter. "But I do agree we should at least wait until the weather is more suitable for travel. We might be able to learn more about this land in the meantime." "Okay, it's a plan. We'll stay, but we need to be prepared to leave at a moment's notice. I suggest we start stockpiling supplies the first chance we get." Mulder couldn't help pushing his butt against the hard bulge in his lover's pants as his arms folded over the top of Skinner's, where the large man had them wrapped lovingly around his waist. "Hmm, that bed looks inviting. Jonathan did say we should rest before dinner...," he said, turning around in Skinner's arms and encircling his arms around his lover's neck. He captured Skinner's lips in a deep kiss. Their whisker stubble scraped as his tongue probed the hot recesses of the delicious mouth. "Mmm," Skinner moaned, sucking on Mulder's tongue. His hands trailed down his younger lover's back to grope and squeeze his round buttocks. Not breaking the kiss, Mulder lowered his hands from Skinner's neck to his waist and pulled the black T-shirt out of his lover's jeans, dragging it upward. They broke the kiss as Mulder pulled the T-shirt over Skinner's head and let it drop on the marble floor. Mulder's hands went to Skinner's muscular, furry chest, caressing up the length, thumbing the nipples and squeezing the pectoral muscles. He smiled brightly, looking directly into his lover's bemused brown eyes. "You're mine, Walter Sergei Skinner. Don't you ever forget it," he growled, lowering his mouth to a nipple, he kissed it sweetly before sucking and nipping it. "Oooh God, yes! Yours and only yours, Fox!" he groaned, cupping the back of Mulder's head and holding him to his chest. "I love you so fucking much!" Mulder chuckled as he moved to the other nipple and soon had it a hard pebble to match the other one. He spent countless minutes worshiping his lover's broad chest with swipes of his tongue and sucking marks into the tender flesh. Before long he licked his way down to the waistband of Skinner's jeans, which had become unbearably tight on the larger man. He unbuttoned the top button and pulled down the zipper. Skinner sighed as his organ was freed from its tight confines and then from the exquisite feel of his lover's lips on his cockhead. He tossed his head back and moaned as Mulder's tongue licked around the head like a child enjoying a ice cream cone on a hot summer day. His lover's long fingers moved up and down his hard, veined shaft. Mulder cupped the heavy sacs encased in Skinner's white briefs, feeling the intense desire within from five days of unfulfilled need. He pulled his lips off the head of Skinner's cock. "I want you to come inside me, Walter. I fear you won't be able to control yourself if we continued." Skinner feared as much, too. He reached down and quickly yanked Mulder to his feet and started stripping his lover of his silk shirt and leather pants. Moments later, both naked men stumbled up the steps toward the bed. *** Liamterra When Zendl entered Mage Mo's keep, he found his brother sitting in front of his circular six-foot reflection pool drinking cheap wine and masturbating. The room was dingy and poorly lit, and smelling of foul body odor. The only light came from small vertical slits running along the wall at seven foot intervals near the top of the twenty foot ceiling. An unmade cot took up one corner and a hearth with a small table and chairs took up another. "Brother," Zendl greeted. He walked over to see what had the little man so aroused. "Zendl, he is a pretty fox, isn't he?" the little man asked, jerking his cock faster and harder in time with the image in the reflection pool of the two men fucking. "MO! You're spying on our savior and his lover!" Mage Mo gave one final pull on his cock and thick strings of come spurted out and into the still waters in the pool. He sagged back in his chair breathing heavily. "He can save me anytime," he said. Zendl groaned, shaking his head in disgust. Then he watched as the images in the pool reached their own consecutive orgasms. "It isn't proper to be spying on them!" the Grand Mage said. "You're the one who has a faerie spying on Pyralis' court. What fun is having a spy if you can't get some pleasure out of it? Besides if you don't like it then you should call Cy'Lyarian home," Mo said, tucking himself back into his tights and pulling down his tunic. The little man reached for a wedge of cheese and was about to take a bite when he remembered his manners and held it out to Zendl. "Would you like a bite?" The Grand Mage looked at the grubby hand that just moments before had been stroking his brother's penis. "No...I'll pass." "Your loss," Mage Mo replied, taking a bite. "It's excellent cheese." Zendl pulled over a chair. "So you knew that he was the one from the prophesy before you watched them have sex?" "Zendl, I'm as old as you are. I might not be as powerful a mage, but I'm far better than most. Of course I knew who he was." "You're a dirty old man, Mo," Zendl sighed. Mo shrugged. "I never said I wasn't." *** Kallen The palace at Anlon Mulder turned around in Skinner's arms and rested his head on his lover's broad chest, his fingers played with Skinner's chest hairs. "Walter?" "Hmm?" "I have this weird feeling that we're being watched." Skinner glanced around the empty room. "You're being paranoid, Fox." "Old habits," Mulder sighed. Skinner kissed the top of his head. "Do you want to take a bath before dinner?" "Sure. Jonathan said the tailor will take our measurements after dinner," Mulder said as he rolled off Walter and climbed out of bed. He walked down the steps and over to the bathtub. "I think you'd look quite fetching in a pair of purple tights and a matching leather tunic, Walter." His eyes sparkled with mischief at his lover's scowl. Skinner laughed sarcastically. "Ha-ha-ha, very funny, brat." Then a slow grin spread across his lips, and he leered. "You're forgetting, Fox, if I have to wear tights then you do, too." "Nope, not necessarily. Tights seem to be the dress of the nobility and mages, Sir Skinner, or would that be Mage Skinner? Either way, I'm neither, so I can get off wearing breeches and a oversized shirt," Mulder teased. Kneeling next to the bathtub and turning on the faucet, his smile broadened. "Running water," he sighed happily, watching the water fill the tub. He picked up a bottle and sniffed its contents, then selected another bottle of scented oils and sniffed it. He finally selected one and poured it into the water filling the tub. Skinner hated how observant Mulder could be over something as trivial as how the different creatures they had encounter were dressed. However, he wasn't about to admit his lover might be right. "You don't know that, Fox. But even if it were true, if I have to wear tights then you're going to be wearing them, too." Skinner knelt next to Mulder and stroked his thigh. "You'd look spectacular in tights and a too short tunic," he grinned. "Get your mind out of the gutter!" Mulder snickered. "Have you thought about what we're going to do if we can't get back home?" he asked, standing and stepping down into the scented water. "I don't want to consider that possibility, Fox." Skinner joined him in the large tub sinking down to his neck in the hot water. Mulder turned and knelt between Skinner's parted thighs. He ran a soapy washcloth over his lover's muscular chest. "Walter, we need to consider the possibility. We might never get back home." Skinner sighed. "What do you think we should do?" "I think we should find out more about the other humans who live in this dimension. Then we'll need to find a way to earn a living. Hmm, I wonder if being a mage pays well?" Mulder mused. Skinner stilled Mulder's hand, then reached behind his lover's neck and pulled his head down so he could kiss those full lips. Ending the kiss, he looked into Mulder's dazed hazel eyes. "So, you expect me to be the breadwinner? What will you being doing while I'm working?" "I-I don't know. Maybe I'll be your manager," Mulder smirked. "Or maybe you can cook and clean for me," Skinner quipped. Then he quickly closed his eyes as a soapy washcloth smacked into his face. He peered at Mulder's indignant expression and roared with laughter. Skinner grabbed Mulder's wrists when his lover tried to hit him and pulled the younger man down into his lap, holding his struggling body until Mulder stilled and Skinner's own laughter petered out. "Okay, babe, I'll help with the cleaning...but you are going to do most of the cooking, only because as you well know, I can't cook." Mulder looked at him then grinned sheepishly. "Hopefully, we'll have a place to call home here, but I'm not holding my breath." He picked up a razor that was in a cup next to the tub, using some gel he found next to it on Walter's cheeks he started to shave his lover. "I wonder if other places in this dimension have plumbing and the luxuries of this place." "Ahem!" Mulder and Skinner turned toward the sound of the voice clearing. Jonathan stood there smiling down at them. "The answer is no. The Goblin kingdoms are more advanced than the other kingdoms. Most towns and villages in the southern realms have never seen indoor plumbing," he said, watching the two men closely. He'd never seen human males who were in love before. "Dinner is going to be ready in twenty minutes. Mulder, I put some of my old clothes on the bed for you. We're the same size. Sorry, Walter, you'll have to wait until Isaac can make you a suitable outfit." "Ah...thanks, Your Highness," Mulder said nervously, his eyes taking in the tailored and extremely short tunic Jonathan wore and the dark blue hose. He jumped as Skinner's hand wrapped around his penis under the water. "I'm sure, you'll look beautiful in whatever garment His Highness has brought for you, Fox," Skinner chuckled, and whispered, "No matter what color the *tights* may be." "Thanks, Walter," Mulder grumbled, rolling his eyes. "I'm sure this Isaac fellow will make you something similar." Jonathan watched them for a few more seconds before quietly slipping out of the room. Before he had fallen in love with Pyralis, seeing two men together in such an intimate manner would have been appalling to him. Now Jonathan found his two guests' intimacy endearing. He hoped that they would remain in Anlon, but Mulder and Skinner seemed the type who wouldn't be happy unless they were exploring and learning about their new world. After Jonathan left, Skinner quickly shaved Mulder, then they climbed out of the bath and dried themselves. Mulder walked up the steps to the bed to see what Jonathan had brought him to wear. He held up a pair of dark brown tights by two fingers in disgust. Karma was getting back at him for teasing Walter. He glared at his lover when Walter snickered. He looked down the steps to where his leather pants were in a twisted pile. They were stained and ripped from their hard journey not suitable for wearing to a dinner party. Another object on the bed caught his eye, at first he didn't know what it was, then he blushed as he realized it was a codpiece. "Walter, am I suppose to wear this on the outside or the inside of the tights?" he asked dangling the hard leather cup by its strings. "I think that is suppose to be worn on the inside," Skinner said, pulling back on his briefs. He watched as Mulder clumsily put on the codpiece and adjusted the straps to fit him. "It's rather small," Mulder complained. "You're rather large, Fox." Skinner grinned. "Just don't get an erection and you'll be fine." "No problem there, I'll probably never get an erection while wearing this getup." Mulder sat on the bed and pulled on the brown tights. Skinner watched, trying not to drool as his lover pulled the hose up his incredibly long legs. Damn. Mulder might not get an erection in that getup, but Skinner was having a hard time pulling up the zipper to his jeans as his cock swelled with unconcealed desire. Mulder then picked up the plain brown leather tunic and pulled it on over his head. It barely covered his groin and ass, he felt like he was wearing a miniskirt. God, if Scully or the Gunmen ever saw him in this getup, he'd never live it down. The soft doeskin boots were a couple sizes too small. "Walter, I think these would fit you," he said, walking down the steps and handing them to his lover then he looked around for the rough pair of boots Quth had made for him. They weren't as nice as the doeskin ones, but they kept his feet warm. There was a knock on the door and before either man could answer it Prince Kedar came strolling in. He stopped and stared long and hard at Mulder. "M-my father sent me to escort you to dinner," he said, blushing at the desire he felt for the beautiful human, swelling hotly inside his hose. Mulder looked over at Skinner. "Are you ready, Walter?" "Yeah, Fox," Skinner said, lacing up his hiking boots. He had placed the other pair of boots in the wardrobe. Mulder felt self-conscious as they followed Prince Kedar down the wide corridors to the dining hall. The palace was airy and luxurious, all white marble and crystal. All heads turned to look at him as he passed, and Mulder started to feel self-conscious. All noise inside the dining hall died upon their entering. Mulder swallowed as he noticed several trolls at the large table, a couple of elves and to his and Skinner's absolute amazement, a centaur. The trolls were the total opposite of the beautiful goblins at the table. They had squat muscular bodies with enormous heads, and were dressed in black leather armor. The goblins nobility were silks, satins, and furs. Their warriors were dressed in shiny chain mail that draped their long muscular bodies exquisitely. King Pyralis stood and smiled broadly. It didn't pass his notice the interest his guests were showing in the appearance of the two humans. "May I present, Sir Skinner and his beautiful mate, Fox." Mulder groaned, feeling even more self-conscious and like a piece of property. He tugged at the bottom of the tunic, trying to pull it lower. Skinner placed his hand on Mulder's lower back and guided him over to the two empty chairs at the table. Mulder slid into the chair next to Jonathan while Skinner sat on his left, next to one of the elves. The elf smiled at Skinner and looked over at Mulder who was trying to pull the tunic down, which had crept up when he sat. The elf puzzled at the term mate...could this human be a hermaphrodite? "Your mate is very beautiful, Sir Skinner. I am Zeyro, and this is my brother Relyo, we're from the kingdom of Feronia," Zeryro said, introducing himself and his companion, he was a good foot shorter than Skinner and very slender. He reached for the bottle of wine as he spoke and started filling Skinner's goblet. "Which kingdom are you and your mate from? Your clothes and faces aren't familiar..." "Fox and Walter are from my world," Jonathan said. All of the realm knew that Jonathan wasn't from any the human kingdoms within the realm, but from a land beyond. "Oh that would explain the strange garments Sir Skinner is wearing, and how clean and pleasant smelling they are," Relyo said, leaning over his brother for a better look at the two humans. Skinner picked up the empty goblet in front of Mulder and held it out for Zeryro to fill. "Yes, Fox and I are not from this realm, so you'll have to excuse us for not being familiar with your kingdoms or your customs." Mulder's head was awhirl as he looked across the table at the goblins, trolls, and the centaur all watching him with undisguised lust. He look over to a trio of musicians in the corner of the dining room playing a soulful melody on a harp and lutes. He then glanced at the two elves. "We'd like to learn all about your realm and the different races that inhabit it," he said, accepting the wine from his lover. He took a tentative sip, finding it delicious. "Fox, it would be our pleasure to instruct you and Sir Skinner on our customs and the different kingdoms within the realm," Zeryro said, excited at the prospect of spending time with these humans. He found them both sexually appealing. Mulder leaned back as a servant placed a bowl of soup in front of him. His stomach growled as he got a whiff of that fragrant broth. He glanced around the table and watched as the other dinner guests picked the bowls up and sipped from them. He followed suit, closing his eyes and enjoying the salty, rich flavor as it flowed over his tongue and down his throat. The diced pieces of vegetables he drank down without needing to chew. He quickly emptied the bowl. Mulder licked his lips and opened his eyes as he set the empty bowl back on the table and found everyone staring at him. He shrugged his shoulder. "Hey, I was hungry." Jonathan smiled, and motioned for a servant. "Bring Fox another bowl of soup." The servant hurried and complied, setting another bowl of steaming soup in front of Mulder. Mulder took his time sipping this one, as he listened to the conversation around the table. Soon a plate with a slice of spiced meat pie was placed in front of him. He set the bowl aside and picked up a fork. Cinnamon and nutmeg stood out as the main spices in the dish. As he ate, enjoying the flavorful treat, the servants came back carrying platters filled with meats and vegetables and laid them on the table in front of the diners. Skinner leaned over and whispered in Mulder's ear. "At least we won't go hungry." "No. It doesn't look like we will," Mulder agreed. He shifted his fork to his other hand and reached under the table and squeezed his lover's denim-clad thigh. "Eat up, big guy, you'll need your strength for later," he whispered, his hand caressing up to Skinner's groin before pulling away. Skinner smiled at the promise of later. He then stabbed several slices of venison off one of the platters. Filling a plate for himself and Mulder, he scooped some potatoes and a rice dish onto each, thinking that at least the food in this dimension was similar to their own. "Eat up, Fox, you'll need your strength for later, too," Skinner promised, pushing the empty pie plate out of the way and setting the new plate in front of his lover. Pyralis had been watching the obvious love and adoration the two humans had for each other. He also noticed how his other guests at the table were watching Fox. "Sir Skinner, we shall commence with your mage training at first light. I think it is important that you learn to defend yourself and your mate." "Thank you, Your Majesty," Skinner said, although he didn't believe for one moment that he had any magical powers. *** "Cousin," Cy'Lyarian said, sitting cross-legged inside a crevice in the wall as Cy'Wnila flew in and joined her. "Greetings, Cousin Cy'Lyarian. Are you still working for Grand Mage Zendl?" Cy'Wnila asked. The shimmering fabric of her short dress sparkled, matching her iridescent wings as she stood inside the crevice with the light shining on her from behind. "Yes, and I take it you're still working for King Kiros," the other faerie said, moving over so her cousin could sit beside her. "Yes. Kiros is in's so sweet," Cy'Wnila purred happily. "To the human named Fox?" Cy'Lyarian inquired, she had overheard the conversation between Pyralis and Jonathan. "Yes. He's pretty for a human, don't you think?" Cy'Wnila giggled lightly, enjoying her cousin's company. "Yes. King Kiros should find someone else to love, Fox is deeply in love with that large bald human." "The mage?" Cy'Wnila asked, looking down at Skinner. "Yes, Cousin." "Kiros will kill him if he stands in his way of claiming Fox's heart." "Couldn't King Kiros find someone else? Fox and Walter love each other, it's not right for the King to separate them." "Cy'Lyarian, Kiros has been searching for nearly his entire life for a life-mate. Now that he has found him, Kiros will never give him up." "Cousin, I hope that he doesn't get his hands on Fox," Cy'Lyarian said sadly as they watched the dinner party below. *** End of Chapter 1 - Kellan