Knight Time in the Realm- Part 4/4 FEEDBACK NOTE: DiAnn passed away in her sleep on August 23, 2000. Xanthe has set up a Book of Condolences at: Please take a moment and sign the book if you enjoyed this story. Rating: NC17 - SLASH/ language Category: AU / Fantasy / Discipline / m/m Slash Warning: Mulder / Skinner Slash. If you don't like this kind of thing, or you are underage, go somewhere else . . . Please! I don't want to hear from you and I don't want to hear from your Mama. Spoiler: As was pointed out to me, this thing is loaded. Enter at your own risk. Summary: Alternate Universe - Kings and palaces and handsome soldiers for hire. Disclaimer: I do not, nor ever will, own Mulder, Scully, Skinner, Krycek or anyone else from the X-Files. I am borrowing them without permission and am obviously not receiving money for this stuff. We all know who they really belong to, CC, Fox and lots of other people but again, not me. There has been so much AU written lately and I love it all. So if this reminds you a story you wrote, please take is as a compliment because I mean it as such. Special thanks to Nicole who corrects my commas, asks all the right questions, and demands exacting explanations. Chapter 10 Knight Time in the Realm By DiAnn Realm of Meridiem Resistance Headquarters "This is all my fault." The prince stared around the large cavern which had now become a combination strategy room and overflow for the hospital. Sick and injured warriors covered every inch of the floor. Most were sleeping peacefully, thanks to a drought made by Dana but several were awake and moaning softly. They didn't know that each of their pain filled pleas tore their prince apart. "You're not responsible, peasant boy, Spender did this." Prince Fox looked up into the eyes of Sir Walter. "I could have . . ." "Could have what? Given up your crown without a fight? Gone to the Isle of Marvinya to live out your days in exile while your people suffered and died under Spender's rule? Betrayed your country and yourself?" "No! I . . .I just . . ." "Feel each of their wounds yourself, and would gladly suffer their pain for them if you could? I know. They know too. That's why they fight this war. Sir Spender pays his knights well for their loyalty . . ." "With my gold." The prince interjected bitterly. "Yes, with your gold. But your warriors fight because their cause is just." "Many have died for this so-called just cause." The prince whispered to his big military instructor. "As Dana says you have done so many times before." "Please no talk of that past life thing today. Dana's stories are fascinating, but truth be told, they give me a headache." "Even the one where we were shipwrecked, and spent that lifetime as the only inhabitants of a tropical island paradise, eating sweet, exotic fruits and making love on the white sand in the moonlight. As I recall you were a bit insatiable after she told us that story." "Yes, I did like that tale until she got to the part where you decided that we were deliberately marooned there as part of an evil conspiracy, built a huge bonfire to signal passing ships and burned down half the island." "She said it grew back eventually." The prince pouted. "She also said I kept your bottom so hot you couldn't sit down for a month for that little trick." "A bully in every lifetime. You must be so proud." "And you must think you need a good tanning before breakfast today. You're lucky I don't upend you right here. Give these men something to remember besides their war injuries. I swear you are the . . ." "Uh, my lord?" The little boy eyed the big knight who was shouting at his prince. Mulder was more than ready for a change of subject. "Royce, am I glad to see you." Sir Walter chuckled as he looked down at the small boy standing wide - eyed in front of them. "I just bet you are, peasant boy. We'll continue this discussion in our chambers this evening, Prince Fox. You can count on it." Smiling again as the prince winced. "Now if you both will excuse me, I'll be getting back to my duties." Mulder took a few moments to watch the big, handsome man walk away. The prince turned his attention back to Royce. "Why does Sir Walter call you 'peasant boy', my lord?" "When we met for the first time I wasn't dressed as a prince, so now he uses the term to remind me that he still thinks of me as someone he can sp . ..well, he uses that name to keep me humble." "A humble prince? Most odd, my lord. And the sorceress Dana, why does she call you Alainn?" "Uh well," the prince blushed to the roots of his hair. "It's from the ancient language of her ancestors. It means . . .well, it means 'beautiful'. She calls Sir Walter, 'Sliabh. That means 'mountain'." Royce giggled. "Men aren't called beautiful, that's supposed to be for women, but she's right about Sir Walter. He is as big as a mountain." "And twice as inflexible, Royce. So anyway, I'm glad to see you, it's been a while. Is Lady Marcella keeping you busy with your lessons?" "Yes, my lord, but I still don't see what reading has to do with being a good soldier," the boy sulked. "And I don't like that book you brought for me from the palace when you retrieved the maps. It's hard to read and mushy, too. All nothing but pretty, whining princes and timid, swooning ladies." Royce suddenly realized he was speaking to one of those princes. "Oh sorry, my lord, I didn't mean that you whine! Well, only around Sir Walter." "Sir Walter could make anybody whine." Mulder chucked at the boy's reddened face. "The Shakes-Pear Chronicles are some of the greatest stories ever told, Royce. At one time, those tomes were reserved only for the children of royalty. I've even heard it said that the original copies came from the Before Time, saved from the great fires by the forefathers of the Holy DisCol Warrior Monks themselves. Our written and oral language is based on those ancient works, although some scholars say the spoken language is no longer recognizable as such. You should feel honored to study that book." "Yes, my lord." The boy didn't feel honored in the least, he still didn't think he needed to know how to read to be a royal guard and protect King Fox. "But they aren't even realistic. All they have in them are humans, no elves or dwarfs or anybody. Why would Mr. Shakes- Pear write stories with just humans in them?" "There are still some realms, Royce, where only one race lives and doesn't even know the others exist. And some species are frightened by certain humans, and hide from them. Sir Walter, with all his travels to fight in foreign lands, didn't want to believe that other than humans existed until he came to Meridiem and was forced to deal with them, and them with him." "Well, I'm sure he does scare most everyone to death." The boy agreed as he squatted down on the hard, stone floor of the cave. Mulder followed him, sitting cross-legged in front of the boy. He liked talking to Royce. The boy was very intelligent, and the prince desperately needed a little diversion from his own morose thoughts right now. "Where did the elves come from, my lord?" Royce stared at him with big inquisitive eyes, realizing that he had stumbled upon the price when he had time to tell him one of his wonderful stories. Royce loved it when that happened. "Well," the prince smiled at the little boy. "I can only tell you the story that the Sorceress Dana told me when I asked her that same question. In the Before Time everyone was human. There were no dwarfs, elves, or dragons, only humans. When the Nuvega invaded the land they released the plagerbees. Except the plagerbees weren't harmless like they are now. They carried a terrible disease. Dana says that they still carry that disease but everyone is immune to it now." "That's silly, my lord, the plagerbees are good. They make the sweet- golden that I put on my porridge every morning." "I'm just telling you what Dana told me, Royce, but I have to say, I think she knows what really happened in the Before Time. So, do you want to hear the story or not?" "I'm sorry, my lord, I want to hear. Please tell me." Mulder smiled at the eager little boy. "As I was saying, the plagerbees were dangerous in the Before Time. The disease they carried spread quickly throughout the land, killing most of the human population. And some of the people who were spared from the plagerbee stings, died in the great fires that followed the invasion. But the people who survived were not susceptible to the plagerbee stings. Many of them stayed human, but many others were effected in a different way. They changed into elves, dwarfs, dragons, big foot and all the other creatures of the realm. Sorceress Dana says that they turned into their true selves. That what was in their hearts became what they looked like on the outside." "So when Mr. Shakes-Pear was writing his stories everyone human?" Royce asked skeptically. "They were only human on the outside, Royce. Dana says that their true hearts were species that had lived long before but had learned to conceal themselves in human guise. The plague of the Nuvega brought their true natures to the forefront." "And they all lived together, happily ever after?" The prince chuckled, "Not quite. They all learned to live together to a certain extent because there was so much else to worry about other than the color of their neighbor's skin or the shape of his ears. All the advances the people had made, all they had learned, all they had become, their very way of life was lost. The world started over." "Were the Nuvega human as well in the Before Time?" "No," the prince hesitated. "I don't quite understand this myself. Dana says that the Nevega launched their attack from a realm that lies in the direction of the sitting sun. It was called Nevada in the Before Time. That's how they got their name but I get the feeling from Dana that they originally came from somewhere else, I'm just not sure where." "Do you believe Sorceress Dana, my lord?" "I trust her word with my life, Royce, as should you." "Yes, my lord. I think I'll go read some more of those stories now. I want to know what it was like in the Before Time. Do you think Sorceress Dana would tell me more about it someday?" Mulder rose gracefully to his feet. "Yes, I'm sure when this war is over, she will have time to tell you all about the Before Time. There are a few things I'd like to know myself so maybe we can get her to tell both of us. Now run along, I expect to be able to discuss those pretty, whining princes with you later." Royce blushed as he turned to leave, then impulsively threw his arms around the prince's waist and hugged him tightly. Mulder watched the small boy scamper away, and felt the sting of tears in the back of his eyes. His mother, Queen Christeena, would have demanded the boy's head for such disregard of a royal person. Prince Fox, Dragon Slayer, Truth Seeker, and rightful King of the Realm of Meridiem, thought it might be one of the nicest things that had ever happened to him. The prince saw one of the runners come in with news of the war. The man looked exhausted as he stepped carefully around the sleeping bodies of the downed warriors. The prince took a deep breath and stepped forward, hoping the news would be good this time. The man had stopped to talk to Frohike but came to immediate attention when the prince approached. "What is it, loyal warrior?" Mulder asked, not liking the expression on the warrior's soot-covered face. "DisCol Warrior Monks, sire. They ride from the direction of the palace and are headed in our direction. They will be here before nightfall." "No! I don't want anyone coming to our headquarters. Frohike go find Sir Walter, we need to intercept the monks and find out what they want. Some of them are very powerful magicians, and are supposedly dedicated to peace but I don't trust them." The runner looked shocked. "But King Fox, the DisCol Monks are the most powerful men on earth. It's said that they are direct descendants of the saviors of the people in the Before Time." "Sorceress Dana says that's true. The last great battle was fought in a place called the District-Columbia, and the human leaders of that battle formed the holy order to protect and lead the people. I just fear that many of the monks have become drunk on their own power and have lost sight of their higher purpose." "That is treason, sire!" "Perhaps, but I am the heir apparent for the Realm of Meridiem and I trust no one with my people's lives. Perhaps they come to help us regain the throne but we must find out before we kneel before them." "Well said, Prince Fox." Sir Walter strolled into the war room, the picture of a confident and capable warrior. "We leave at once." He grabbed the prince's arm as they made their way out to their horses, giving him an affectionate squeeze. "You make me proud, peasant boy." And as disturbed as he was by this new development, the prince couldn't remember the last time a comment had made him feel so good. * * * Realm of Meridiem King's Highway Prince Fox rode between Sir Walter and Alex. They had circled around to take the King's Highway instead of the route usually taken to reach the caves. They hoped to intercept the monks before they reached the road that would take them directly into the Enorus Mountains and the secret headquarters. The prince's thoughts were on the holy order of DisCol Monks. They were powerful men and women to be sure, but he had heard stories brought to The Three, that made him doubt their goodness of heart. They were the ultimate voice for all of the realms, and disputes between kings were brought before them for settlement. The Three believed that those with the most gold in their pockets saw the lion's share of the justice. "I can see their dust now," Alex commented. "We should be upon them shortly." "Why have those dwarf runners not gotten back to us with a report on how many warrior monks we face today?" Sir Walter looked around him worriedly, his senses alert to danger. "I have to agree that it's too quiet." Mulder shifted uneasily in his saddle. "We should have been joined by the advance scout by this time, if not the entire Dwarf army." "Do you think they already know where the cave is located, peasant boy?" "It's very possible, Sir Walter, the DisCol Monks are powerful magicians, and my fear is that they would have little trouble finding our headquarters. My only hope is that they have no interest in its location or have enough honor left to not disclose such valuable information to our enemies." The DisCol Warrior Monks were a sight to behold. Riding three abreast in brightly colored silks, their silver armor gleaming in the noonday sun. Even their horses, prancing restlessly under them, were adorned with bits of streaming cloth and jingling silver harness. They numbered at least thirty men, all large of build and powerful in stature. There could be little doubt that these men felt they had the power to control kings. Sir Walter glanced over at his prince. "I should have made you wear that body armor. I've gotten soft with you, peasant boy." Mulder and Alex exchanged a pointed look, their butts were still sore from the strapping Sir Walter had delivered to both of them just last night. "Sir Walter, armor is no protection against DisCol Monks. You know that." The prince strained his eyes to catch a glimpse of the approaching monks. "I still don't like this." Skinner growled. "We should have brought an army with us." "We don't have enough army to spare without giving up valuable ground on the battlefields. The DisCol Monks were allied with my father, perhaps they will help his son regain the throne." There was a rustle from a nearby bush. Sir Walter made the mistake of reaching for his sword instead of his foolhardy prince. He found himself scrambling down from his huge horse in desperate pursuit of the young man who had leaped from his own mount and sprinted toward whatever was concealed in that brush. Sir Walter crashed through the foliage, like an elephant parting the jungle, to find the prince gently cradling the head of a wounded dwarf warrior. "King Fox," the dwarf ignored the prince's request that he save his strength. "You are in danger my true king. The monks have . . .Sir Spender with them." The prince took off his own warm cloak and lay it gently over the injured dwarf. "You rest here, Driscoll." But the little warrior never heard the words, he was already unconscious in his prince's arms. "We must go back to the caves and defend you from there, peasant boy." Sir Walter pulled frantically on Fox's arm. Then they heard Alex scream. Sir Walter was a large man, muscular and strong. He outweighed the prince by several stone and had always been able to physically manhandle the younger man when necessary. This time, he found himself unable to stop the prince as he scrambled from the shelter of the woods, with the speed and agility of his namesake, to confront Alex's attacker. They came upon the road to find Alex, sword raised to attack, frozen in his saddle. The DisCol Monks sat silently facing him. "What have you done to him?" The prince demanded. His eyes drawn to where Sir Spender sat atop his horse, a smirk upon his creased and wrinkled face. The leader of the monks rode slowly forward, the merry tinkling of his horse's harness the only sound in the silent forest. When he reached the prince and Sir Walter, he pulled back his face plate to reveal cruel blue eyes in a pale, freckled face. "I am William Scully, II, DisCol Warrior Monk, Direct Descent of the Saviors of the World, and the Ruler of Kings. You will hear me, Prince Fox, and obey." "I am King Fox of Meridiem, Truth Seeker, Dragon Slayer and Sole Heir to the House of Mulder. I answer to no one except my subjects. You show your true nature by the company you keep, monk." "Sir Spender has told us of your betrayal to the memory of your father, my little traitor prince. We have come to understand that King William did not trust you with his kingdom and gave you over for training to his loyal council Sir Spender, now the ephemeral King of Meridiem. You have left his care and turned his subjects against him. You will end this war at once and return with King Spender to the castle where you will be under his sole control until a time that he personally deems you are ready to assume your rightful role as king." William Scully smiled evilly, "Should such a time ever come." "I've heard of you, William Scully." The prince stared defiantly into the face of the powerful warrior monk. "You plotted to murder your own sister, Melissa, only to gain more power within the DisCol order for yourself. You're a heartless and cruel man who cares for little but exerting control over the lives of others. You are a disgrace to the principals set forth by your forefathers." "And you are a prince in need of sound discipline. I think King Spender will meet those needs quite nicely. Take these prisoners back to the castle." Both the prince and Sir Walter drew their swords, back to back as the monks spread into a circle around them. "Give it up, little prince." William Scully smirked. "I hope you aren't expecting any help from those dwarf warriors of yours. They were so easily defeated." Sir Walter raised his sword, prepared to rush the warrior monks now advancing on his prince. He instantly froze in place, sword still held high above his head. "Let him go!" The prince lowered his own sword as he reached for the bewitched knight. "I'll go with you, just let Sir Walter and Alex go. It's me you want." "I think not, Fox." Sir Spender spoke for the first time. "You will be much more compliant under my strap if I have your two 'friends' held captive in my dungeon. Take all of them back to the palace." The bodies of Sir Walter and Alex were loaded into a prison wagon at the back of the procession. As the monks started to push the prince in to join his two inanimate companions, Sir Spender stopped them. "No, strip him and give him to me so that he may sit on my horse with me. I will do the commoners good to see their prince, naked and captive. I am their king and they had best get used to it." The monks seemed amused as the prince struggled to retain his clothing but all too soon he stood naked before them. They tied the prince's hands behind his back, then lifted him up to sit shivering in the saddle in front of Sir Spender. The prince tried desperately to keep some distance between his back and the old man's chest but Sir Spender would have none of that. He grabbed the prince's balls in one bony hand, and squeezing painfully, maneuvered the prince back until his bare bottom rested completely on the pretender king's lap. "Get used to this, Fox. You won't be wearing clothing again, and I do so want your subjects to see what has become of their pretty little prince. Soon no one will be at all surprised to see you riding naked in front of me or lying across my saddle with your well-beaten bottom on display for all to see. You will never be alone again. If you aren't busy entertaining me in my private chambers, you will be publicly and humiliatingly displayed like the pretty, insignificant ornamentation you have become. You belong to me now, Fox, and there is nothing anyone will be able to do about it." The evil man reached around and pinched a sensitive nipple. "Now I want you to lie back against me while I re-acquaint myself with your beautiful body. If you give me any resistance, little prince, I'll have your friends back there flogged before your very eyes." The prince could not stop the fat tears that ran down his face as parchment-dry hands intimately explored his body. * * * Royal Palace Dungeon "I distinctly said that I would go first." "Will you just let me through?" The snitch finally expelled its bulbous body through the tiny opening that led to the secret passageways. They wrinkled their noses at the stench that met them upon entering the dungeon. "Great Prophet almightily, what died down here?" "Us, if you don't shut up, old man." Mr. X snarled at his other self. "It is a wise man who plunderth not the putrid or the vile." "Don't start with that shit, old man. We have to find Sir Walter so just shut up and keep your eyes open. I want to get out of here before one of Spender's dark knights finds us." "I'm over here." The snitch lumbered over to stand in front of the iron cell holding the captive knight. "Oh, you smell bad." Deep Throat pointed out fussily. "You'd smell bad too if you'd been held down here for a week. How is Prince Fox? Is he all right? Have they hurt him? Have you seen him?" "Yeah, we've seen him." Mr. X said angrily. "He looks bad. Spender never lets him out of his sight. We've been told that the prince spends his nights hanging from the ceiling in Sir Spender's chambers." "Have they . . . have they hurt him?" "Well," Deep Throat whispered confidentially. "I heard that Sir Spender tried to rape him but another arrow came out of nowhere, and killed one of his evil knights who was watching. Spender hasn't had the nerve to try again but I'm sure he will soon. And of course, he's whipped the prince repeatedly. I think he quite enjoys taking his strap to him." The snitch took an involuntary step back as the knight's face reddened with rage. "Where's Krycek?" Mr. X asked as he looked around at the other cells. "I don't know. They took him above stairs. I'm afraid he might be entertaining the dark knights." Sir Walter let his head hang for a moment. "We need to help him." "They're too well fortified, Sir Walter. We'll have to wait for a better time. The Sorceress Dana is still free, she'll find a way to come for you. I'm sure of it." "Besides, the prince isn't here right now anyway." Deep Throat flinched back once more as a big hand reached through the iron bars to grab his wrist. "Not here? Where is he?" "It's . . .it's said that Sir Spender took him on a tour to each village in the realm. The prince is to be displayed in the center of the hamlet and publicly whipped. Sir Spender hopes if the people see what has become of their beautiful and brave prince, they will become so demoralized that they will stop fighting and bow to Spender's authority." "Spender's authority, my ass! Someday I'll kill that old bastard with my bare hands. How goes the war?" "The people of Meridiem still fight valiantly, but Sir Spender has amassed such an army that I fear that once the people see his might and the fate of Prince Fox, they will indeed give up hope." "We must save the prince. He is the key to winning this blasted war. Can you get out of the palace and find the sorceress?" "No," Mr. X shook his head sadly. "We've tried. All the secret passages out of the courtyard have been found and sealed." Sir Walter suddenly looked up at the snitch. "Fox can contact his subjects. I'm not sure how he does it . . .some kind of weird mind thing but . . .I've seen him do it." "He's too weak, Sir Walter. Haven't you noticed that he's been silent for almost a full day now?" "Uh-hum," Deep Throat tapped his other self on the shoulder. "Don't you remember, Prince Fox doesn't talk to Sir Walter like that?" "Yeah, but this is different!" "What do you mean, doesn't like that? Like what?" "Prince Fox does have the ability to talk to any subject in his realm with his mind. He never let you hear him because he was afraid it would scare you." "That little shit thinks he could a Supreme Royal Knight of Meridiem? Are you telling me that he had the ability to let me know where the hell he was at any given time, but he was afraid he would me? When I get my hands on that aggravating little peasant boy, I'll . . ." "Save it, sir knight. I doubt that after this tour of each village, our prince will be in any shape to go over your knee, no matter how well deserved." "We have to save him." Sir Walter whispered as his eyes burned. He hated it when the stale air in the dungeon made his eyes water like this. * * * Realm of Meridiem Village of Higdon Mass The prince felt big, rough hands pull him down from where he lay sprawled, face down, across Sir Spender's saddle. This was the third village they had stopped at today, and the prince's body hurt from hair to toenails. He heard the sound of a scuffle, loud voices and hard fists hitting soft flesh, somewhere a woman was crying. Fox tried to see what was happening but it was so hard to even lift his head now. At the other villages he had begged the people not to resist what was happening. He didn't want any of his subjects to be killed trying to save him. He tried to muster the energy necessary to resist as he was dragged across the dusty ground, his neck and wrists shoved through the openings of the stocks that occupied the center of the village. There were more shouts of protest and cries of pain. The prince looked up to see one of the villagers standing in front of him, tears staining down the man's weather-beaten cheeks. "Tell them . . .not to risk life . . .for me. Save fight for Mer . ..Meridiem. Ah-h-h-h!" Spender's leather strap has lashed out, catching the prince in the small of his back. "Quiet, boy." Sir Spender, self proclaimed King of Meridiem, looked around at his unwilling subjects. "I have brought my pretty new slave here today so that you may see him punished for his arrogance and disobedience to me, his king. Learn well, peasants, that this same fate not befall you." Sir Spender shook out his strap and turned back to the hapless prince. "This slave is to receive twelve lashes for thinking himself too good to be my slave and six additional for refusing to obey my commands and look to my pleasure. Colonel Henderson, you will count each stroke so that our deserving little slave shall not be slighted." The black strip of leather flew forward with a resounding smack against the unprotected flesh in its arching path. The prince gasped as he felt yet another stripe of fire across his abused backside. He also felt his neck and wrists bruise as he jerked in the heavy oak stocks. At the last two villages he had been tied with his arms stretched up to a tree limb. In some ways that had been better. "One." Came the deep, amused voice of Sir Spender's big military officer. The lash struck again, still against his reddened bottom. The prince sobbed once and then bit down on his bottom lip to still any further outburst. There were several of his subjects sobbing now and he didn't want to upset them any more than they already were. "Two. Perhaps a little harder, sire. He doesn't seem to be reacting properly." The next stripe burned across the back of his naked thighs and the prince howled in pain. Another angry protest from the onlookers, and again the sound of a big fist punishing the peasant who would dare to object. "Three." "Ah-h-h-h-h!" "Four. Much better, my king." The strap moved from shoulders to thighs until twelve hard, painful strokes had been administered. The last six were applied full force, all falling on the prince's already well-punished backside. Fox was hardly aware when he was released from the stocks, carried to Sir Spender's horse and lain, red bottom up, across the pretender's saddle. Sir Spender wrapped a possessive hand around the prince's waist, feeling the warmed flesh of his back through his own silk garments. Plaintive sobbing could still be heard from the peasants of Higdon Mass as the royal procession left the village in the direction of their next destination, and Prince Fox's next public whipping. * * * Royal Palace Dungeon Sir Walter looked up as Alex Krycek was shoved harshly back into the cell to land in a heap on the cold, filthy floor. Sir Walter ran to his side, gently cradling his head in his large hands. With just a little assistance, Alex managed to sit up rubbing at a large bruise that covered most of one jaw. "What happened? Did . . .did they . . . rape you?" "No. But not because they didn't want to. Sir Arnold had me trussed up like a turkey ready for the bake ovens. I think he felt that raping me would be almost as good as taking the prince. But as soon as he got ready to take his pleasure, arrows rained down out of nowhere. It was amazing, Walter. Those dark knights were dropping like flies and not one arrow, not one, even came near me." "Did they catch the archer?" "No where to be found," Alex marveled. "Damnest thing I ever saw." "How are you feeling, boy?" A loud booming voice sounded from just outside the cell. Walter looked at the stranger standing before them. He knew he had never seen this knight before but he looked familiar somehow. Sir Walter turned to Alex and was immediately concerned to see the younger man standing pale and shaking. "Alex, what wro . . .?" "Grandfather?" "Of course it's me, my boy. Don't tell me you don't recognize your old pa, it hasn't been that long, Alexi." The big strong-looking knight stepped through the iron bars just as an overjoyed Alex threw himself into the mans waiting arms. "But . . .but, old pa, you're dead. Sir Spender killed you. I saw him do it with my own eyes, but no one would believe me. Well except for Fox, of course, but then, no one would believe him either. We tried to make it right, old pa, we really did." "I know what you tried to do, that's why I'm here, boy. King Aaron and your father got a ride out of here but I stayed around in case they captured you or Prince Fox. I can't do much about that madman is doing but he'll not be rapin' my boys if I have a say in the matter." "So you're the archer, old pa?" Alex asked with pride and excitement. "Uh, well . . . no boy, it isn't me, or your father, for that matter. The ones who defend you and Fox with their bows have more power than any mere ghost could ever hope to possess." Vlagimir Krycek turned heavily lashed, green eyes on Skinner. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you face to face, Sir Walter. King Aaron is quite impressed with you. I can't tell you how much I appreciate how you've watched out for Alex and Fox for us. They always were a handful. What one didn't think of, the other did." Sir Walter could only nod his head at the gregarious ghost. He turned back to Alex. "So, Alexi, what do we do now? I heard that a messenger had been dispatched to find Spender. The DisCol Monks are ordering the pretender king back to the castle. Seems there are some of the Mulder family jewels missing. Seems Spender promised it to them in exchange for their support. Leave it to those monks to be more interested in obtaining wealth than serving true justice." Sir Walter was still in shock. Not only was Vlagimir a ghost, but he had not shut up once since he had materialized in the dungeon. He was beginning to see where Alex got his gift for gab. Although, truth be told, it wasn't that Alex talked a lot, it was just when he did, he could persuade Fox to do almost anything. "Sir Walter?" The knight looked around to see the elf, Max Fenig standing behind the ghost of Alex's grandfather. "Max? What's wrong? Did you see Prince Fox?" "No sir, not yet. I didn't know Sir Spender had taken the prince with him on his tour of the villages until today. Uh . . .I'll watch for his return." "Well you're not watching very well if you're standing down here, now are you, boy?" Mr. X admonished the trembling elf. "You're my tool." "Humph!" Replied Deep Throat. "You wouldn't know what to do with a descent tool if you had one." "More than you would, old man. You don't know me. No one knows how to use a good tool the way I do!" "Cast your stick upon the waters and seethe if it floats." Deep Throat said wisely, while everyone in the dungeon looked at him in bewilderment. "It's and old Centurion proverb," he said defensively. "Or maybe it wasn't cast you stick, perhaps it was cast your dic . . ." "Well, uh, yeah," Sir Walter interjected just in time. "Max, just be . . ." A loud whispering sound came from the dark end of the dungeon. Both Alex and Sir Walter tensed, "Hide, both of you." Alex whispered. "That could be one of the dark knights." As Max and the snitch tried to disappear into the shadows of the dungeon, the voices grew louder. "I told you this wasn't the right way." "Yes it is, and besides what did you expect me to do, stop and ask a dark knight for directions? Just stop pulling on my tunic like that. Sir Walter has got to be down here somewhere, we'll find him." "Will you two just shut up and keep your eyes open. I swear . . ." The Three came stumbling around the corner, Langly holding tightly to the bottom of Frohike's tunic as they made their way through the dark and filthy dungeon. "Oh great," Alex sneered. "Just what we needed in our darkest hour, The Jesters Three." "Shut up, Krycek." Frohike scowled at the man who only smirked back at him. "We snuck in with the supply wagons," Byers straightened his shoulders proudly. "We're here to help the prince." "Yeah," Frohike agreed. "But we've decided to just let you rot down here, Krycek." "What's going on? You guys having a party of something? Hey, why wasn't I invited." Eddie VanBlundht sauntered around the corner. "You need me, I'm great at picking up chicks." "Of course. Of course we do." Max assured him timidly. "Chickens can be very difficult to catch. Fast little devils sometimes, and we could all use a good chicken dinner about now." "No, elf boy," Eddie rolled his eyes at Max. "I'm good at making women well . . .you know, sleep with me." "Humph!" Alex snorted, earning himself another glare, this one from Eddie. "Oh . . .uh, sure . . .I knew that." Max face flushed a bright red causing Eddie to snicker at him. "Geez," Alex mourned. "This just keeps getting better and better." "You!" Sir Walter shouted, scaring everyone who was standing anywhere near his cell. "I know you! I thought I told you to stay away from Fox." Eddie made a great show of looking at the faces that surrounded him. "Well I don't see your little royal brat here, now do I?" Not even attempting to hide his sarcasm from the big, incarcerated knight. Sir Walter actually growled at Eddie, causing everyone to take another step back from him. "How are all of you people getting in here and yet you tell me no one can get out." "It's always easier to get in somewhere than to get back out." Frohike said wisely. "You can just ask Prince Fox about that. Just last month he . . . " Alex glanced worriedly at the big, angry knight. "Uh, this might not be the best time to bring that up, Frohike." "Bring what up?" Sir Walter snarled, far beyond exasperation at this point. Just then they heard a key turning in the outer lock. They all hurried into the empty cells, all but whistling up at the ceiling trying desperately to look like they all belonged there. A lone jailer appeared carrying two bowls of gruel. He stopped short when he saw all the inhabitants in the dungeon. "Hey, they told me two prisoners. I'm going to have to go back for more gruel." Mr. X lowered his head to sniff suspiciously at one of the bowls. "You don't need to bother." He said, raising his head as he made a face at the repugnant food. "A man cannot soar with the hookbills if he eateth swill with the swine." Deep Throat added to clear everything up quite nicely. "Hey, what're you calling swill, mister, this is our best gruel." Sir Walter fixed the jailer with best scowl. "Take it away, we don't want any of Spender's charity." The jailer looked around at the large number of prisoners. "Nobody wants any gruel?" "Well if nobody else wants it, I'll take it," Eddie grabbed a bowl, while Alex made a disgusted face. "I might try a little myself," Max offered. "Do you have any pecan bread to go with it?" "Uh no, but I might be able to find you some holy wafers, those monks brought crates of that stuff with them. That an that strange blue wine they like so much." Sir Walter's head snapped up. "What kind of strange wine?" The jailer looked like he was burning just about every brain cell he had left to come up with the name. "It was dwarf . . .no not dwarf . . .elf! Yeah elf wine, sunrise or sunset or something like that." "Uh, they aren't supposed to have that." Max stuttered. "It's against the rules to even make twilight, and anyone caught in it in their possession can be put to death." "Whose dumb rule is that?" Alex asked. "It's a common sense rule, Alex." Skinner glared at him. "Elfin twilight can destroy the minds of anyone other than the elves. Everyone knows that." "Well, I drink it all the time and my mind is fine. And so does Eddie and he's not . . . okay, so maybe it isn't good for everyone, but it didn't hurt Prince Fox any, now did it?" "You gave elfin twilight to our king?" Mr. X blustered, glaring at Alex. "Well yeah," Alex admitted. "I wanted to see if it would uh, you know, loosen him up a little." "A wise man knoweth when to keepeth out of the pants of kings," Deep Throat threw his own chastising glare at Alex. "No matter how pretty they may bethe." "That's the first thing you've ever said that actually made sense, old man." Mr. X complimented his other self. "Thank you." Deep Throat accepted the long overdue compliment graciously. "Are you guys saying you gave that poison to Prince Fox?" The jailer asked. "Why?" Alex snarled at him suspiciously. "What do you care about the prince?" "As far as I'm concerned, he isn't a prince anymore, he's my king. Do you mean to harm him?" "What's your name, jailer?" Sir Walter asked as he gave the little man his most intimidating stare. "Gustov, sir knight. And I repeat, do you wish harm to my king?" Sir Walter and Alex exchanged interested glances. The knight turned back to the now distrustful jailer. "We are friends of Prince Fox, and wish to see him sit on his throne once more. Tell me, Gustov, are there others in the castle who share your feeling about the prince?" "There are many of us, my lord. Prince Fox was always kind and generous to the peasants. He treated us as equals and listened when we spoke. We fear Sir Spender, and wish to see our rightful king regain his crown." Sir Walter rubbed his chin as he thought about this. "Consider yourself one of us, Gustov. You now hold Prince Fox's life in your hands. Will you betray your future king and his loyal followers?" "Never, my lord." Gustov went down on one leg, bowing his head. "Rise, Gustov. The prince will have no kneeling at his name until he has regained his throne and freed his people from the imposter king. You need to discretely speak with the other servants in the castle. We must know exactly how many of the servants we can count as loyal to the prince." Yes, my lord." The little jailor, his new assignment making his heart thud joyfully in his chest. Perhaps there was hope for his people at last. "Gustov, unlock this door." Alex demanded impatiently. Alex smiled as the jailor stepped back nervously. "Don't worry, friend, we won't go running up to attack Sir Arnold of Caspion in his sleep. Although I must admit I would like a few minutes alone with that man. No one will know that we are free, until that is, Prince Fox is back in the castle and we are ready to attack. But in the mean time, I have some kegs of elfin twilight to steal. I think a little blue wine would be just the thing to raise our standard of living down here." "Alex, be careful. We can't very well regain the palace with a bunch of brain dead warriors, now can we?" Alex only chuckled at him, "You worry too much. Why don't you just save all that obsessive need to protect and control for your brat prince." "You'll think obsessive, you little . . ." The jailor smiled happily as he turned the ancient, rusty key in the lock. Sir Walter and Alex Krycek were free men once more. * * * Realm of Meridiem Human Village of Coleiga The Lady Diana stood in the shadows and watched as a battered Prince Fox was lifted down from his perch in front of Sir Spender. She smiled to herself. It was nice to see one of the men who had betrayed her paying so dearly for his sins. She crept a little closer, hoping to get a better look without catching the eye of Spender. She didn't trust him not to try to kill her. Not after he had locked her in that dreadful dungeon with that other riffraff. Someday she would make the old man pay but today was not the time. Today she wanted to watch Fox scream at the end of a strap. The people of Coleiga protested mightily as the naked young prince was tied dangling from a sturdy tree branch. Once again Fox tried to rouse himself enough to warn his people to bide their time. To not die for such a worthless cause as saving a deposed prince. Meridiem needed its people if it was going to survive. Lady Diana watched in disgust as the prince struggled to turn his body around to face his faithful subjects. "Stop!" The prince but whispered as all magically quieted and everyone strained to hear the words of their rightful king. "You will not try to stop what happens here today. This is my destiny but your destiny lies in fighting for Meridiem. Ah-h-h-h-h!" Sir Spender let the strap fly again, catching the prince in the same spot on his upper chest. Both sensitive nipples taking the brunt of the lash. The wicked strip of leather landed again, this time on the prince's stomach, forcing him to turn. To put his back to the lash and protect his more vulnerable front. All was deathly quiet in Coleiga as the lash landed again and again on the prince's already abused body. Finally the young prince hung limply, his entire weight on his bruised and bleeding wrists. "Stop! You're killing him!" Someone begged, close to a sob. "No, keep going. Make him pay!" Diana put a hand to her own mouth, appalled that she had voiced her thoughts aloud. Sir Spender's sharp eyes turned toward her, pinning her into the shadows which she tried to use to conceal her existence from him. "You!" He screamed. "You betrayed m . . ." "Your majesty!" A dark knight came thundering into the village, his eyes growing wide at the condition of the prince of Meridiem. "What is it?" Sir Spender snapped, his eyes never leaving Diana's face. "You must return to the castle at once, sire. The Holy Order of DisCol Warrior Monks have need of your wise council. It is most urgent!" "I see," Sir Spender puffed up like a proud rooster. "Oh the trials of ruling a kingdom! Sir John, cut my young friend down and put him on my horse. We ride for the royal palace at once." Sir Spender turned back to the woman hiding in the shadows. He smiled evilly as he turned to the good people of Coleiga. Good hardworking farmers, ignorant and superstitious. "Did you know," Sir Spender's voice hissed and slithered like a snake. "That the woman who lives among you is really an evil witch. She is responsible for what had befallen your beautiful young prince. And tell me, have you not had crops to fail and babies to fall ill while she has been among you?" The men and women of Coleiga turned to stare at Lady Diana. They couldn't really remember any sick babies but surely there had been some. And of course the crops could always be better. They had found an outlet for their anger over their prince. "A witch! Burn her!" "No, tear her limb from limb and bury her in unholy ground." "No, a stake. We have to drive a stave through her heart. Catch her." Fox raised himself from his slumped position over the neck of the tall war-horse, his blistered flesh taking his weight as he sat up in the saddle. "No, stop! Don't do this." Sir Spender pulled himself up to sit behind the swaying prince. "Save your breath, my beautiful slave. She's getting just what she deserves." As they rode away, the hysterical shouts of the commoners and Lady Diana's piercing screams rang in the prince's ears. * * * Royal Palace Dungeon "Why is it so clean down here all of the sudden?" Sir Walter looked around at the sparkling dungeon. Just about everyone, including the ghost of King Aaron, had moved from the caves to this dungeon. They were just fortunate that neither Sir Spender or his dark knights would lower themselves to come down to the disreputable place. "It's the damned brownies," Alex growled. "You can't lay anything down without one of them dusting, scrubbing or scouring it. Max said that now they're all busy making new shoes for everybody." "Well, at least they're doing something useful, Alex. The dwarfs are bored and have started fighting amongst themselves, or anybody else they can bait into taking a swing at them. And those dragons singed the hair on an entire battalion of bigfoot yesterday. And I don't even want to tell you what the fairies have been up to with the royal guards. If we can't storm the castle soon, there's going to be a war down here." "Sir Walter!" Skinner looked up to see Frohike running toward him. "Frohike, can you be a little louder? I'm not sure they heard you in Aspan Mia and you know how the brownies hate to be left out." Alex sneered at the little man. "Shut up, Alex." "Yeah, shut up." Lucy Householder agreed. "You don't know anything about brownies." "I know they have short little legs and foul dispositions, now don't I?" Alex sneered as he eyed the tiny little brownie pointedly. "Will everyone just stop this constant bickering." Sir Walter shouted above the din. "I'm getting to the point I don't want to hear a word out of any of you." "Fine," Frohike sulked. "I won't bother telling you that Prince Fox has been brought back to the palace." "What?" Skinner grabbed the little man's collar, practically lifting him off the floor. "Fox is back? Do you know where he's being held?" "Uh, yeah - well - kinda'." "What does 'kinda' mean exactly?" "He's been suspended from the ceiling in the Spender's chambers again. My sources say he looks to be in pretty bad shape. Spender was true to his word, and dragged him from village to village, whipping him in front of his subjects." Frohike looked up in time to see the intense pain reflected in Sir Walter's face. "I also heard he was very brave. You can be proud of him." "I would have been proud of him if he had screamed his head off." Sir Walter wiped a hand across his eyes. "We need to get him out of there." "Well," Frohike beamed. "I think now is the time. William Scully, who has tormented the prince unmercifully, has been ordered back to the District. He and his monks are leaving at first light tomorrow morning." Sir Walter turned to the beings gathered in the dungeon. "We move to take the palace at dawn. Spread the word." * * * Royal Palace Sir Spender Private Chambers The Holy DisCol Monk, William Scully, sat drinking his favorite elfin twilight and watching the man who swung slowly to and fro from the ceiling of the chamber. The prince's long arms were stretched high above his head, with his toes barely touching the cold marble floor. His head rested on his own chest, and had not moved since he had been put in bondage. Even beyond exhaustion, beaten and battered the prince was still a handsome man. William walked over to the suffering prince, running a hand down his lightly-furred chest and over one smooth hip. "You always were beautiful, Fox. Would you like me to let you down from there. You look uncomfortable." "N . . .no, stay away from me. I . . .I don't ne . . .need your help." The monk's big hand scraped across a red, raw buttock, making the prince flinch in his bonds. "Are you sure about that, Fox? You seem to be losing your strength at an alarming rate. Tell you what, I'll let you down for a while, give you some water, maybe let you rest a little. Spender doesn't need to know. I've got just what you need to make you feel a whole lot better, Fox." "Don't want any . . .anything from you." "Still the little prude, I see. You know, I have a lot of special powers. I would be a much better master for you than Spender ever would. How about I show you what will become of you when that old man can't protect you any longer? I don't think you'll like it Fox." William Scully snapped his fingers and a being appeared before them. The prince tried to focus on the apparition but it swam before his eyes. "Grandfather?" Fox almost sobbed out the name. "No Fox, this isn't a ghost for heaven's sake. It's just someone who wants to get to know you better." William Scully turned as the gargoyle who still looked a little stunned by his rapid transport from a battlefield to a bed chamber. "This is Bill Patterson, Fox. He's had quite the crush on you since he first lay eyes on you at one of the field camps. I think it's time you two got acquainted, don't you?" "No, keep . . .keep that thing away from me!" Fox tried to pull back from the grotesque beast who was quickly overcoming his shock, and was reacting to the exciting smell coming off the pretty human. Prince Fox gagged as the beast's rancid breath washed across his face. The creature ran a clawed, heavily veined hand over the prince's shuddering body. "So pretty." It grunted. "My people hate humans but you're different, I couldn't take my eyes off you. So sweet and pretty." The gargoyle literally purred as it moved its ugly face down to sniff at the prince's soft, fragrant hair. "I disguised myself as a human. I was supposed to kill you but you spoke to me. Asked me if I was all right. I couldn't make myself kill you after that. I don't want to kill you now, I want to own you, to consume you. I will control you completely and bend you to my will. I will be your master, sweet prince, and you will serve me willingly. And you will never be free to leave me. Never." The prince gagged again as Patterson licked him with his rough, wet tongue. The prince shuddered in revulsion. "So," William Scully asked. "What will it be, you sorry excuse for a prince, Patterson or myself? When I leave this castle tomorrow morning, your protection from that gargoyle will be gone. He's tasted your flesh now, and nothing will stop him after that. Gargoyles are very well endowed, he'll tear you apart, Fox, but never let you have the mercy of death." "No-o-o-o!" The prince moaned. "Please, keep him away from me." Fox shivered as Patterson ran a scaled hand across his nipples. The rough hand moved down to grab his cock in an iron-like grip. "Hu . . .hurts! Leave me alone!" William came back into the prince's line of vision. "I can make him stop, little prince. I can make him go away again. All you have to do is ask me to take you down." "N . . .no!" The cold, reptilian hand felt like it was reaching inside his chest to pull his beating heart out of his shuddering body. The prince screamed. Then screamed again as the gargoyle's attack continued. Then suddenly, it stopped. He heard a scream of pure animal fury, and then he felt himself being released from his bound and stretched position. "I knew you'd see the light, Fox." The monk cooed at him. "I did . . .didn't ask to be released." "Of course you did. I clearly heard you." Fox looked beyond William's shoulder to see his grandfather standing there, smiling at him encouragingly. He heard the beloved voice in his head, 'trust me, Fox'. Mulder smiled back at the man who had given him his good-looks and, more importantly, his courage. The prince nodded at his ancestor. "Good. Now I'm going to make you feel real good." William Scully pulled the prince up and carried him over to a sturdy table. He draped the young man across it face down, ignoring his pleas for a glass of water. "You'll get your water, Fox, but only after I get what I want." William Scully was not a kind man. He had been raised to know his place as the master of kings, and he believed himself to be just that. He had ignored his teachers when they spoke of duty and responsibility of power, preferring instead to believe himself to be above mortal men. To be a god. The monk hastily removed his codpiece, stroking his own erection. He thought briefly that he should use some sort of oil to make this easier for the prince, but then discarded the idea as too much bother. Fox would heal in time. He ran his hands over the prince's long, lean body. The skin was so soft and smooth. The muscles hard and firm underneath. He shoved one finger deep inside the hot, tightness of the prince ignoring the man's pained cry. "Shut up, Fox, you're only getting what all the pretty boys like you crave and deserve. You're just a common slave, no I take that back, you're a very uncommon slave, but a slave nonetheless. You'd better learn to just lay back and enjoy it. I have a feeling that looking the way you do, you're going to be getting a lot of this sort of treatment." Mulder bit down on his bottom lip until he tasted his own blood, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. Someday . . .someday he would kill William Scully, DisCol Monk or not. He shut his eyes tightly as another blunt finger joined the one already penetrating his unprepared body. Then the fingers were gone and the prince could feel another type of hardness poised to enter his body. He tried desperately to relax. Sir Walter had always told him that if he relaxed everything would be easier. Of course, the ways Sir Walter used to relax him turned his body to a quivering blob of jelly so he hadn't had much practice relaxing on his own. He took a deep breath, determined to survive this latest atrocity as he had survived all else. Whir-st! A golden arrow flew out of nowhere and sank itself deep in William Scully's left shoulder. The monk screamed, looking around himself frantically. He tried to use his mage powers to stop the attack but the archer seemed to have supernatural powers of his own. The monk despite the pain, despite the fear, he could not make himself withdraw his shaft from the hot, tight opening he wanted to penetrate so badly. William Scully was insane with his own lust and confused by the loss of his magical powers. He was intoxicated with his desire to use this beautiful king for his own pleasure. Whir-st! Another arrow flew past William's shoulder, barely missing his right ear, but still he refused to give up the rape of this man. Whir-st! The final arrow sank deep into the monk's chest. He was dead before he hit the floor. Prince Fox wasn't sure what had happened exactly. He slowly opened his eyes, wondering if William Scully had gone in pursuit of the archer. Hoping against hope that the sexual attack was over. He cautiously rose from his prone position on the table, turning to find his attacker but then stopped wide-eyed, gasping in surprise. Towering before him stood the most breathtaking apparition he had ever seen in his life. She was inconceivably beautiful of face with long flowing tresses of the deepest brown. Her skin, pale and shimmering, her eyes glowing a rich green, her expression one of unconditional love. She wavered before his vision but he wasn't sure if it was her or his own precarious legs that insisted on swaying under him. Her long white gown seemed to float around her body, as if kissed by a warm, gentle breeze. The magnificent creature was flanked on each side by two smaller, but equally lovely beings. One a man with a cherub-like face and twinkling blue eyes. The other was a woman, also dark of hair but with a face so sweet and kind it almost made tears come to the prince's eyes. Both were dressed in white, belted tunics of shimmering silk and carried bows and arrows of the purest gold. "Who . . . who are you?" The prince whispered. "Have I changed so much, dear brother?" "Samantha?" "Yes, Fox." "Are you dead, Samantha? Are you an angel?" "No one is ever truly dead, darling. But yes, I am an angel now. I know that you've missed me terribly but I've never been far from your side." Fox glanced at the other two creatures who merely stood, smiling down at him. "Oh, I'm sorry," Samantha apologized. "I haven't introduced you to your guardians have I? How rude of me. And after all the times they've pulled you out of one scrape or another." She pointed a long elegant finger at the man to her right. "This is Pendril. He's very mild mannered and sweet until he sees an injustice and then he can become the fiercest of warriors." Samantha smiled and turned to the lovely woman. "And this is Margaret. She's so very fond of you, Fox. She's quite good with that bow of hers. It's really too bad about that monk. Margaret did try to warn him but he just wouldn't stop." "Angels have been killing the dark knights when they tried to rape me?" "Warrior angels, Fox, they are a breed unto themselves. Their job is protect their earthly charges. Margaret also guards your precious Dana, as do I and Pendril." "Is Dana all right. Shouldn't one of you be with her now?" "She's fine," Samantha smiled at him. "Margaret and Pendril are more than capable of watching over the both of you, no need to worry yourself about that. And then of course, Alex has his own guardian angel. He's a full time job I'm afraid, and his angel is just as unusual as he is. Of course, that's another story for another day." "And Sir Walter?" "You brave knight is well protected, Fox. But I must tell you, he is a guardian in his own right. His soul is pure and honorable, very old and wise. You really shouldn't give him so much trouble you know?" The prince looked a little sheepish but couldn't think of anything to say to that. She laughed and it sounded like a hundred tinkling bells, making Fox's own face break into a wide smile. "You're right, Fox. He would be seriously worried about you if you changed too much after all this time, and probably even be bored. You'd better just forget what I told you and treat him as you normally do. He loves you just as you are, you know?" "I know." The prince smiled again. "I've missed you, Sam. I tried to look for you but they wouldn't let me out of the castle. I'm sorry." "It wasn't meant for you to find me, Fox. I was fulfilling my destiny. Our father and Sir Spender gave me to the Nuvega in exchange for secrets of enormous value. You could never have gotten me back by yourself. The Nuvega did not know how to take care of human slaves, I died very quickly. And I'm very happy now. I've so enjoyed watching you and Alex grow up in the palace. You're both quite entertaining. And Sir Walter," she giggled. "He certainly knows how to keep you in line." "I suppose that's true," Mulder pouted. Samantha looked sadly around the room. "I have to go now, Fox." "No, Sam, please. Can't you stay with me. I don't want to lose you again." "You have your Dana and Sir Walter. And, of course, there's Alex, although you really should be more reluctant to follow his lead, Fox, kings really shouldn't behave like wild street urchins. You have many friends and loyal subjects, my darling brother. You will be a great and powerful king who will lead our people into a brighter future. And I'll be with you, Fox, every step of the way. Every time you look over your shoulder, just know that I and your guardian angels are there with you." "Uh Sam, what about when Sir Walter and Dana and I are . . .well you know, uh . . ." Mulder flushed a bright red. "In bed together, Fox?" "Well yeah. I don't think I could do that if I thought you were . . .you know." Samantha giggled with delight. "Oh Fox, angels aren't interested in such earthly pursuits. I promise you can enjoy your friends all you want, we won't be watching. Besides, you don't need us then, you're always safe when you're alone with those two." "That's a relief." He smiled at the vision of his beautiful sister. "I promise I'll be the best king ever, just for you, Sam." "I know you will, sweet brother. And if you don't, Margaret here will kick your butt. She's more than capable to doing just that." "Will I see you again, Sam?" "Of course you will, darling. Someday soon." The angel Margaret took a step forward to kiss the prince's cheek. It was the most incredible kiss he had ever received. It caused a ripple of warmth and contentment to flow through his battered body. "Tell my Dana that I love her and that I'm with her every day." The prince cocked his head to one side, studying the woman who stood before him. "You're Dana's mother, aren't you?" "Yes, and I'm very proud of her. In fact, I'm very proud of both of you." And the three angels vanished just as Sir Spender and a legion of his dark followers burst through the door, stopping short at the sight of the prince standing over the body of the fallen William Scully. Fox noticed that the arrows that had pierced his body where no long gold, but merely ordinary looking shafts. "What have you done?" Spender hissed. "You'll pay for this, boy. Killing a DisCol Monk is punishable by torture and death. The torture you will receive then fold, but death will not come to save you." The old man turned to Sir Arnold. "Lock him in the wine cellar, and make sure he is put in hard bondage. I don't want the rats to have to work too hard for their dinner tonight." * * * Royal Palace Wine Cellar Prince Fox gasped for breath as the heavy ropes, that were tied so snugly around his chest, constricted his breathing. He was suspended, bent at the waist, his arms pulled high behind his back and secured to the ceiling. He could take some of his weight off his aching shoulders by pushing down with his toes, the only part of him that was touching the cold, dirty floor. But when he did that, it caused the bindings wrapped so securely around his cock and balls to pull even tighter, sending waves of pain through his body. The same thing happened when he tried to lower his head, the rope around his neck pulling taut until he gagged and choked. He wondered what would happen when his head became to heavy for him to keep it elevated. The wine cellar was a dismal place. A thick coat of grime covering all the shelves and bottles. Long spider webs hanging from the ceiling. The prince didn't even want to think about an eye to eye meeting with one of the creatures who had built such elaborate traps for their prey. And Spender had been right about the rats. They were a brave lot, scampering about his feet. So far, he had successfully kicked them away but it had been done at a high price of pain to his bound genitals. Mulder wondered where his angels were now when he needed them. Was raped by a holy monk really worse than being eaten by rats? The prince valiantly pushed his pain to the side and focused his fuzzy mind on his beloved Dana. He wondered where she was and what had become of her. He had tried to contact her in his mind numerous times but he was just to weak for the kind of concentration such a feat entailed. He concentrated his mind on one of his favorite stories that she had told him about their past lives together. Of course, she didn't have all the details for this one but Mulder's very vivid imagination had filled in all the holes quite nicely, thank you. Maybe that was why this story was one of his favorites. According to the sorceress, they never really strayed far from their true essence in any lifetime. Walter was always the fierce warrior, a man dedicated to honor and the protection of Fox. Fox was always some degree of wild, willing to risk his very life in the pursuit of truth and justice. And Dana, or course, remained the sorceress healer. * * * Realm of Texandria 983 After Time They walked down the rutted road, their sandaled feet kicking up little clouds of dust. Their long tunics were of simple, home-spun fabric but no one would dare argue that the three travelers were still not exceptionally attractive people. "Tell me again," Warrior Walter scowled at the tall, handsome man at his side, "Why we have to travel all the way to Cancadia." Fox sighed with exasperation. "I already told you. A tinker traveling from Cancadia to Eurodia was found dead, drained of blood. Why do you find it so hard to believe that vampires exist, we've certainly seen enough strange beings in our travels. Why not vampires?" "Because if vampires really existed we would have seen one by now." Warrior Walter said emphatically, "End of discussion." "Whatever." Fox breathed another exasperated sigh, wishing he had left his self-proclaimed protector at home." The reached the city of Cancadia just as the last rays of the sun slipped below the horizon. They were met by three men, all bearing torches. The tallest of the men stepped forward and Fox's breath caught in his throat. This was the most beautiful man he had ever seen, even including his gorgeous Walter. The man raised his hand in the universal sign of welcome, "My name is Lucius Harwell, and I'm the town leader. May I ask your business here." The man looked over at Dana and winked, receiving a roll of the eyes in return. "We've . . .we've . . .we've . . ." Mulder stuttered as he gazed at the vision who stood before him. This was the first man with the exception of his Walter that he had ever been attracted to. It was most disconcerting. Warrior Walter pushed Fox behind him and glared at the buck-toothed man in front of him. "We've come to look into the murder of the tinker, Randolf Simms. Do you know anything about it?" "Wild animals." Lucius said as he gazed deeply into the warrior's eyes. "Cut it out, Lucius." Dana scolded causing Walter to turn to her, eyes full of curiosity. "Do you know this man, Dana?" "We've met before. The answer is still no, Lucius." "Ah Dana, that was over nine hundred years ago. Talk about holding a grudge." "Nine hundred . . ." Walter sputtered. "Dana what the hell is he talking about?" Dana rolled her eyes again. "Walter, I told you that we had other lives together before this one." She smiled as Fox's eyes lit up. He loved these stories. "Yes, you did." Walter conceded, "But you were never able to offer solid proof, so therefore . . ." "Well Sliabh, meet my proof. Lucius Harwell, immortal, who nine hundred years ago slipped a sleeping drought in my drink, then took advantage of my partner." She pointed to Mulder's chest. "Leaving me to find Alainn the next morning, laying sprawled in the front seat of our chariot, half dressed and drugged out of his mind." "He was not half dressed." Lucius corrected. "He had a few ties and buttons loose but he also had a big smile on his face, if you will recall, madam." "No, I don't recall that, Lucius. As a matter of fact, all I remember is him looking completely bewildered. He didn't even remember being with you. Doesn't say much about your sexual prowess, now does it?" She held up her hand to stop any comment from the vampire. "And then there was that incident a scant hundred years later, and the one in 434, oh and don't forget 718, now there was an experience to remember. What has it been now, Lucius, eight or is it nine attempts to get in his pants? Why don't you just give up, Fox belongs to Walter and me. You can't have him." Walter may not have completely understood what they were talking about, but he did catch that part with no problem. "No, you can't have him." He glared at the man who would even dare thing of taking Fox. "Would you all just stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Mulder shouted, surprising everyone. Lucius moved to put an arm around Fox. "Of course you're right, little one. How rude of us. Why don't you come into my house, we'll have some dinner, and I'll tell you all about vampires. How would that be?" Dana rolled her eyes yet again as Fox's eyes sparked. A truth to be uncovered. Great Prophet help us all! Warrior Walter reached out to stop the two men as they started to walk away, but Dana put a restraining hand on his forearm. "Don't worry about it. Fox never gives in to him and as I recall, Lucius does make a mean pot of porridge." Walter and Dana might as well have been absent from the table as Lucius and Fox talked incessantly of vampires and other mystical being of the darkness. Walter was becoming even more exasperated with the buck-toothed man hanging all over Fox, when a sudden loud banging at the door had the warrior reaching for his sword. When Lucius opened the door, they were greeted to the sight of a small, rotund man huffing for breath. "Lord Lucius, Stephan Wigman, has been stepped on by his plow horse. We don't know what to do for him. Please help us." Lucius nodded at the little mortal who stood panting before him. "I have something better to offer, Peiter, the famous Sorceress Physician Dana is visiting in my home tonight. I'm sure she won't mind healing Stephan's injuries for us." He turned his attention to Dana who was already rising from the table. As Dana started for the door, Walter stopped her. "We're going with you." "Walter, I'll be fine. I can take . . ." "Yes, I know. I've heard it before." Walter enunciated very carefully. "We're coming with you." "He's right, Dana." Lucius interjected. "You should take the warrior with you. Fox can stay here and finish our discussion. There's no need for all of you to go out in the freezing night." Dana glared a warning at the vampire, while Peiter hopped from foot to foot, obviously anxious to go to his injured friend. "Keep your hands off of him, Lucius. I'm warning you." Walter threw his own dissuading look at Lucius, and hurriedly followed Dana out the door. Fox rubbed his hand together, "So Lucius, where do the vampires live? What do they eat? Do they really stay inside during the day? Do they really hate the smell of garlic, of course most people hate the smell of garlic but I've heard that it is especially repugnant to . . ." "Sh-h-h-h, little one." Lucius ran a slender hand along Mulder's cheek. He looked deeply into sparkling, hazel eyes, his own intense blue stare causing Mulder to become lost in his gaze. "Why don't you take your clothes off and I will tell you all about it." "My clothes? But, Dana . . ." Lucius placed a hand on each side of Mulder's face, forcing their eyes to meet. "I'll keep my promise to Dana. I won't touch you unless you ask me to." Mulder nodded, mesmerized. "I suppose that will be all right then." He slowly undressed, shivering as he stood naked before the vampire. Hazel eyes now wide and vacant. "So beautiful," Lucius whispered. "But you're cold, little one, why don't you lie down on the bed." Mulder turned, placing himself in the center of the large, soft bed. "I thought you guys slept in coffins." "No, my pet, much too stuffy in there." Lucius kissed Mulder on his full lips. It was an unusual sensation, hot and cold at the same time and Fox shivered with the sensation. The vampire fed on his lips for a long time, until Mulder was sure he would pass out from lack of air. Then Lucius moved down, spending several minutes on the pulsing artery in Mulder's neck, then moved down to attend to the small, hardened nipples. Mulder was beyond thinking now. All he could do was feel, and the vampire was making him feel so good. He wished Walter and Dana could be here for this. Finally, Lucius Harwell wrapped his lips around Mulder's engorged shaft and the man nearly came off the bed. Harwell had learned a few things during his thousand years of walking the earth. And among the vampire's many talents was an innate and long-practiced talent for sucking. The door opened abruptly, and Walter stepped into the room, "Fox, Dana said to tell you she was going to be a while. She .. . " his mind finally registering what was happening on that big bed. But when Lucius Harwell looked up at him, Walter wondered why he had ever thought the man plain. He was exceptionally beautiful. Lucius beckoned the big warrior over to the bed with one crooked finger. "Your Fox is most beautiful, my strong warrior, come join us." Walter nodded slowly, his mind a swirl of confused thought. "Yes." And the warrior began to shed his clothing. As Lucius resumed his pleasuring of Fox, Walter moved behind the vampire and prepared to slide himself between, the round smooth buttocks. There was no resistance , none at all. It was so smooth, and so very sensual, as if the vampire had been made to take Walter's huge cock inside his body. Lucius passageway wasn't as hot as Fox's, maybe even a little cool, but still the sensation was totally pleasurable. Walter began to pump into the beautiful vampire, as he wrapped a hand around to stroke Lucius' rock hard erection. It was good, so very good. Walter could hear Fox moaning and making that little squeaking sound deep in his throat that meant that he was very close to coming. Walter increased his efforts, his hand on Lucius' cock in perfect rhythm with his penetrating strokes. And then Dana had walked in and . . . Prince Fox's fantasy was interrupted as he heard shouting, and the sound of swordplay from somewhere close by. He lifted his head, listening intently. It had almost sounded like Sir Walter's voice. The End 10 Chapter 11 Knight Time in the Realm By DiAnn Prince Fox jerked up his head, gasping in pain as the movement caused the ropes holding his body suspended from the ceiling to tighten painfully. He heard the shouts of angry men and the unmistakable sound of the clash of metal against metal. A battle was raging, and from the sounds of it, right outside the entrance to his wine cellar prison. He pushed down with his toes, searching for a measure of traction but quickly relaxed his legs as pain shot through his bound testicles All of his weight came to rest on his strained shoulders once more, and he groaned in misery. Suddenly the door behind him opened with a loud screech of rusting hinges. Without thought, the prince whipped his head around to see who was coming for him. The thoughtless movement caused the rope constricting his throat to tighten, and he began to fight for breath. Instinctively he attempted to relieve the pressure on his throat by pushing down with his feet. Pain screamed through his body. Now unable to breathe, black dots dancing before his eyes pain from his bound genitals racing through his body, the young prince panicked, fighting his bonds wildly. After what seemed like hours of horrifying agony, the prince finally became aware of a soothing voice in his ear and the sweet relief of the ropes falling away. "Sh-h-h-h,! Stop! Stop fighting me, peasant boy." A sob broke from deep in the prince's chest as he filled his lungs with the stale but life giving air of the wine cellar. He felt himself swung up into strong, safe arms, and wrapped his own arms around his savior's neck. Soon, they were moving up and away from his horrible dank prison. Mulder became aware of an unearthly silence as he was carried past a blur of figures, all staring at his naked, abused body. He started to struggle again. "I . . .I can walk." "I'm sure you can, but I can't bear to let go of you," Sir Walter's voice was soft and close to his ear. "Just be quiet for a moment and allow me to offer up prayers of thanks for your safe return to my arms." The prince relaxed as he was carried up a steep flight of stone stairs, while his rescuer kissed the tears from his cheeks. As he was laid gently on the large bed in Sir Walter's palace chambers, he raised his head to look around the room. "We're back home?" The prince managed to finally focus his eyes on the beloved face of Sir Walter. He felt his heart melt a little as he saw the few tears that had managed to slip by his knight protectors stern facade. "Yes, we staged an overthrow of Sir Spender and regained your palace. Unfortunately the evil son-of-a-bitch escaped with a few of his favored dark knights. I fear there will be so quick solution to this war." Rapidly coming back to himself, Mulder remembered the events of the past week. "They think I killed a DisCol Monk." Sir Walter stopped fussing over cleaning up his prince and lay down to hold the young man in his arms. "And did you?" "No, it was . . .someone else. Monk Scully tried to rape me so the archer killed him." "Do you know who the archer is, peasant boy?" "I . . ." the prince looked up at the knight trying to gage just how much the man would be comfortable believing. His mouth dropped open in shock as the knight seemed to read his mind. A scowl forming on his handsome face. "Don't you even think about lying to protect me, peasant boy. I won't spank you at the moment but a delayed trip over my knee would have acquired some added interest by the time the punishment is finally delivered." Mulder looked at his knight protector speculatively. Well, the man certainly had seen enough in the last few months, perhaps he had opened his mind to extreme possibilities. "You're sure you're ready to hear this, Sir Walter?" "Absolutely!" "It was an angel!" "Ang . . .angel?" "Yes! My sister! She's the most beautiful angel now. She wears this long flowing dress and there's a beautiful golden light all around her. She's just breath-taking. But of course, it wasn't really her who shot the arrows, it was her warrior angels. They are her guardians, one on each side of her. And one of them is Dana's mom! She's beautiful just like my Dana but I don't think I'd like to get on the wrong side of her, she looked like she really knew how to use that crossbow of hers. Sir Walter? Why are you banging you head on the wall like that? You're going to hurt yourself! What's wrong? Was it something I said?" * * * Royal Palace Sir Walter's Chambers It had been two weeks since Sir Spender had been driven from the palace. Mulder had been forced to spend much of that time in bed. Some of the time being loved and spoiled by his knight protector, the remainder of the time he had been forced, practically at sword point, to rest. The prince lay awake looking at the palace ceiling, while Sir Walter snored softly beside him. They had as yet, received no word on Dana's whereabouts and it was driving the prince to distraction. Mulder's breath stopped as the door to the chamber slowly opened. He waited, not moving a muscle as a soft wump, wump sounded as something made its way into the room. The prince slowly reached for his sword, preparing to spring from his bed when a soft round ball of wet scales and mottled, prickly fur landed on the foot of the bed. As the prince watched, the ball uncurled a little, and a pair of sharp, beady eyes looked up at him. Mulder released a relived breath and lay his sword back on the floor by the bed. It was only a slime- ball, and although disgusting creatures, not really dangerous in the least. The slime-ball slowly unfurled itself to its full five foot length. With a body similar to a boa constrictor, covered in patches of slimy, green scales intermixed with patches of spiky brown fur. It's face was that of a man. This one rather round with full cheeks and thin lips. Mulder shook his head in loathing, hoping the slime-ball did not leave too much gook on Sir Walter's clean sheets and blankets. "What the hell do you want, Colton?" "Ss-s-s-sh! Is that anyway to greet an old friend, little princ-s-s-s- s-e?" "As I recall you were never my friend, Tom." "Jus-s-s-st because I happen to think you're craz-z-zy doesn't mean we can't be friends, s-s-s-weet princ-c-c-ce!" Colton's long forked tongue slipped out of his mouth vibrating as the creature hissed at the prince. Mulder wiped a hand across his face. "Cut it out, Colton, you're spitting all over me! Now, tell me what you want and then get out of here before you wake up Sir Walter." The prince was gratified to see the slime-ball throw one nervous glance toward the big knight before returning his attention to the prince. "I know where the s-s-s-sorceress is-s-s being held." The prince sat up suddenly, causing the slime-ball to cower back against the high wooden foot rail of the bed. It also caused Sir Walter to mumble under his breath and turn over. The other two occupants of the room remained perfectly still until the knight had settled into deep sleep once more. "Take us to her." The prince whispered. "Only you, little princ-s-s-s-e." "And why is that?" The prince gritted out between clenched teeth. "It's jus-s-st the way it is-s-s." The slime-ball retorted. "Take it or leave it, little princ-c-c-ce." The prince glanced worriedly at the big knight. The man would have his ass, literally, for this but if it got Dana back then it was worth the consequences. "All right Colton, take me to her." * * * Dark Woods 12 Hours Later Sir Walter cupped his hands, bringing the cool water up to his mouth, drinking deeply before splashing yet another handful on his hot and flushed face. He had been riding hard all morning and had seen no sign of his fugitive prince. With a heavy heart he rose from his knees, and called to his loyal and patient war horse to come to the small stream for his own well- deserved drink. He was at his wits ends. Of course, the royal guard had not seen the prince leave the caste. They never did. Dana had said Fox would be the wizard king, Sir Walter was beginning to believe that among his many tricks, the boy could make himself invisible. Sir Walter sat down on the soft forest floor, leaning his back against a fallen tree, trying desperately to come up with a plan that would find Prince Fox before he got in too much trouble. He let his head fall back to lie on the rough bark behind him, couldn't think straight, his mind heavy with despair. In another part of the realm, Prince Fox had halted his horse to run a frustrated hand over his own face. He was lost! In his own kingdom, no less! He had followed that slime-ball Colton's directions to the letter but had found no dark castle holding one small, red-haired sorceress. Now Sir Walter was going to kill him, Dana was still missing, and he had also misplaced the damned slime-ball. It had been tumbling along behind him, leaving great, huge trails of slippery, glistening goo in its wake, and then Mulder had looked back to find it gone. Not that it was any great loss, but it had still been his only companion on this ill-fated journey. Mulder sighed heavily, nudging his horse forward, quickly gaining speed as his desire to return to the castle increased to a sense of panic. He rode hard, careening through the dense forest, hoping to find a road and his way back to the palace. He had just tucked his head down to miss a low hanging branch, when a loud growl sounded from close by. Mulder's head jerked up, throwing himself off balance just as his terrified animal picked up even more speed to escape the danger it sensed. The prince pulled up hard on the reins, trying frantically to regain control of the beast before it killed the both of them. As he ducked his head to miss yet another low hanging branch, suddenly he felt the panicked animal's front hooves leave the ground, and they were air-born over some obstacle that lay in their path. As the horse's hooves touched the ground on the other side, it stumbled. Quickly regaining it's feet the horse bolted forward once more but not before throwing its hapless rider to the ground with a bone-crunching crash. Mulder lay there stunned, hearing the sound of his horse thundering further into the woods without him. Shit! The growl sounded again, closer this time, almost from directly above him. The prince opened wide eyes to stare his own death in the face. He expected a ferocious wood's cat or perhaps a hungry snap dog. But what stood glowered down at him was even worse. The giant, creature stood glaring down at him, the thirst for blood shining from it's beady, threatening eyes. Mulder closed his own eyes once more. Maybe if he just lay here, the horrible apparition would go away. Then he could go on with the much more pleasant possibility of remaining lost in these woods until he was eventually eaten by hungry wolves. A big paw reached down and dragged him to his feet. The prince opened his eyes to stare into dark, angry ones only a fraction of an inch from his face. He quickly closed them again. This was going to be bad, and he just couldn't bring himself to watch. The prince grimaced as a big, blunt finger wiped a smudge of dirt from his right cheek. "So my pretty little peasant boy, it seems we've been here before. Care to tell me what you're doing out here?" "Uh-h-h-h . . ." "Very well said, brat. Perhaps if I were more specific in my question. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE BY YOURSELF . . .YOU ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS!" Mulder all but jumped out of his skin. "Lo .. .looking for Da . . .Dana." Sir Walter moved forward, stopping when the prince backed away from him, eyes wide with fear. The big knight ran an exasperated hand over his scalp. "I see. And what made you look here, of all places? Did you think the sorceress had decided to go camping in the middle of nowhere?" Mulder glanced around at the tall trees and dense undergrowth. "Uh well, you see Tom Colton said . . ." "You followed a lying, thieving slime-ball out to this desolate woods? Are you out of your mind, peasant boy? No one can trust a slime-ball. You, of all people, should know that. Of all the creatures on earth, they are the most self-serving, greedy, egotistical, unreliable parasites that ever lived. Where is he?" "I lost him a ways back." "That's good, let's keep it that way. I have little doubt that this is a trap of some sort. A slime-ball will do anything to further his own desires and ambitions, and Colton is one of the worst. Which way did he tell you to go from here?" "Well, you see . . . the thing is . . . uh, I don't exactly . . .that is . .." "You're lost." "I am not!" The prince straightened his shoulders with injured pride. "Really? Which way is the palace?" Mulder scrunched up his face, trying to look around him without Sir Walter realizing his indecision. He glanced at his angry knight protector, then tentatively pointed his finger in what he thought must be a northerly direction. "Wonderful! Straight into the arms of Sir Spender and his dark knights. Very good, peasant boy. Well, lets get this over with so we can get you back to the castle before you aimlessly wonder into the Nuvega camp to ask them for directions." "Get what over with?" The prince asked in alarm. "As I said, it seems we've come full circle, brat. I mean your spanking of course. Isn't that the way this scenario goes? You try to kill me with your runaway horse, I attempt to talk to you as if you were a sensible adult, I quickly learn that is a lost cause and just turn you over my knee to thoroughly warm your backside. That's the way I remember it anyway." "But why?" "Why am I going to spank your butt? Let's see, could it be for leaving the castle without my permission . . .again! No wait, maybe I should save that for tonight." Sir Walter watched in satisfaction as the prince cringed. "Or maybe for risking you life? You know, runaway horses, following slime-balls, getting lost in the woods, that sort of thing." "You're going to enjoy this!" The prince slitted his eyes in accusation. "Wong, as usual, peasant boy. I don't particularly enjoy punished your naked butt. There are, after all, so many other more enjoyable uses for it. But I won't shirk my responsibility either. You need a good sound spanking and you shall have one. Now and again when we reach the castle." The big knight seated himself on the fall log, patting his right knee. "Over you go." Mulder stomped his foot at the knight, "No! I don't want to get across you knee for a spanking." "Oh, I am sorry, Prince Fox. I certainly wouldn't want to go against the wishes of my rightful king. So," Sir Walter looked around. "You could cut a good switch I suppose." His attention turned back to Mulder just as all the blood drained from his face. "Or perhaps," he reached for his leather belt. "You would prefer a good strapping with your own belt. That is always effective.?" "No!" The prince began to tug his leggings down over his hips. "I'll . ..I'll just take the spanking." "Wise choice, brat." Sir Walter growled as he once again seated himself on the fallen log. "Now get your bare butt over my knees." Sir Walter shifted his knees, arranging the bare bottom now presented up to him for maximum exposure to his punishing hand. He ran said hand over the smooth, unmarked mounds already trembling in anticipation. "And you can save some of your more theatrical crying and begging for later. You'll need them. This is going to be long and hard and I'm not stopping until I'm sure you'll be squirming on that horse's back all the way home." "Please, sir." Mulder looked up over his shoulder, his eyes wide with terror. "What is this spanking for, peasant boy?" "For leaving the palace without telling anyone." Mulder lowered his head miserably back to the ground in front of him. A hard smack landed on his left buttock. Mulder flinched at the sharp sting and scrunched up his face waiting for the next blow. "No. Try again." "No?" Another hard smack. "Yes, I said no. Your bare butt and my strap are going to have a discussion about that little decision before bed tonight." The knight was gratified to feel a shudder run through the young man over his lap. "Now tell me, why is the true King of Meridiem lying face down in the royal forest, in broad daylight, getting his bare, upturned bottom thoroughly blistered?" "Ouch! For risking my life." "For," smack! smack! smack! "risking the life of the king. Yes!" smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! "That's absolutely right." smack! smack! smack! "See, you can be a smart boy, " smack! smack! smack! "when you want to be." smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! smack! "Ouch! Not so hard! Please, Uh-h-h-h, I won't do it again!" "Really?" Smack! Smack! Smack! "I wonder where I've heard that before." Smack! Smack! "Can you save that until later. We have a problem." Sir Walter's eyes snapped up from the bright red bottom his was attending to see Alex Krycek sitting nervously atop his horse, eyes shifting anxiously around the dark woods. Sir Walter immediately pulled up the prince's legging, ignoring his hiss of pain as the fabric rubbed over his tenderized backside. He quickly stood up, pulling the dazed prince with him to stand facing the green-eyed warrior. "What is it Alex?" "The Nuvega are amassing an army on the Mesmeranian Plains about thirty miles north of here. This whole thing was a trap to lure your bratty little prince into their clutches. They planned a public execution of the heir apparent to demoralize the royal army." Alex glared at the now sheepish prince. "It would have worked, too." Sir Walter continued to grip the arm of his errant prince as he made quickly for his horse. Mounting with the prince in his usual position in front of him. He put an arm that felt like a band of steel around the young man's waist, and kicked his horse into a gallop behind Alex. * * * Enorus Mountains Sir Walter, Alex and Prince Fox lay on their bellies behind the last cliffs of the Enorus Mountain Range before it turned into the foothills leading to the Mesmeranian Plain. A wide expanse of flat ground, with little or no shelter to hide spying eyes. "I can't see a damned thing!" Sir Walter complained. "You don't need to. The prince can see what's happening." Sir Walter looked at Krycek in shock. "What are you talking about. It has to be at least a thousand yards. No one can see that far." "The wizard king can, can't you Fox?" "Yeah, it looks like every dark army in the realm is assembling on that plain. There's a least a thousand ghouls, even more dark dwarfs and countless trolls. The bigfoot are the only ones to seem to have diminished in numbers. I have to wonder if they've all been killed in battle or the Nuvega has lost their hold over them." The prince shook his head sadly. "Their spell is losing its effect on our people." Sir Walter rolled over on his back, his sword held out in front of him, as he looked up at the biggest, hairiest creature he had ever had the misfortune to lay his eyes upon. He felt the prince's long, elegant fingers close around his wrist. "It's all right, Sir Walter. Let me talk to him." The prince slithered down the hillside until he could stand in front of the bigfoot, his head barely reaching the beast's chest. Sir Walter stared in stunned amazement as the giant creature fell to one knee and bowed his head to the prince. "My king." "Not quite your king yet, Bremmer, and it will take more than a bent knee for me to trust you again." "I beg forgiveness, your highness, I was ordered to take your sister. If I would have failed, they would have killed me." "I should kill you now." Sir Walter stilled the prince's hand as it reached for his sword. "Who is this . . .uh, man Fox?" This is August Bremmer. He was the first bigfoot to be allowed to enter the royal guard and in return for my father's generosity, he helped to kidnap my sister from the palace." The bigfoot looked up into the prince's angry eyes. "You've never gotten it have you, little prince? I repaid your father's by following his orders. He commanded me to turn your sister to the Nuvega." "No, you lie!" Sir Walter gripped the prince tighter as he made to lunge for the enormous bigfoot who had now risen to tower over the furious prince. "My father loved my sister! He would not have betrayed our family!" Sir Walter pulled the prince around and into his chest, a big hand gently rubbing the back of his neck. "You know what he says is true, Fox. I know you see it in your heart." "How could he? How could my own father have done that to my sister?" "I don't know the answer to that question, peasant boy, but there isn't time right now to be distracted by this creature. You must call your armies to the plain. The battle must be waged here, and it must be waged now. The fate of the realm will be determined on this day." The prince nodded his head, turned without looking at the bigfoot and resumed his place at the top of the rise, Alex's comforting hand firmly on his back. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you where you stand?" Sir Walter hissed at the August Bremmer. "If you came here just to torture that boy, then I'd say your job is done." "He needed to know. You will see soon enough. And I came here to end this war, too many of my people have died." "You can end the war?" Sir Walter scoffed, still determining if he should kill the bigfoot or not. "Yes. I know how to kill the Nuvega. I know their weaknesses. But be warned, as I know them, they also know his." He pointed to the prince, then looked back at the knight. "And yours." "Enough of your cryptic messages. Explain yourself or die under my sword." "The Sorceress Dana waits for you. The Nuvega wish to exchange her for the life of your prince." "Never!" Sir Walter brought his weapon up to bear on the creature's broad chest. "And what would your little prince answer to that demand?" "It isn't his decision. I am the Lord High Protector of the Realm of Meridiem. I defend my royal charge, and no one including the king himself, will prevent me from fulfilling my duty to the full extent of my ability." Bremmer laughed, "Do you really believe a pompous attitude will be enough to defeat the Nuvega and their armies, foolish knight, or to protect your irresistible little prince?" Sir Walter looked over just in time to see Alex Krycek pull Fox into a tight embrace and gently kiss the still dazed prince soundly on his lush lips. Sir Walter rolled his eyes. As soon as he was done with Bremmer, he was going to have to kill Alex as well. Bremmer started as the sound of a heavily loaded wagon could be heard approaching on the road behind them. The bigfoot would have run into the woods, had not Sir Walter placed the well honed edge of his blade against his neck. As the wagon came around the corner, Sir Walter was relieved to recognize Frohike and Mas Fenig upon the seat. "Whoa!" Frohike called to the straining draft horses as the wagon came to a lumbering halt before the two men. Skinner looked around to see if Fox had noticed that his friends had arrived. He sighed again as he saw that Alex had somehow maneuvered the prince into a prone position and had covered him with his own body, obviously still kissing him for all he was worth. "Alex, damnit! At least let him up for some air! Alex stopped long enough to look over his shoulder at the big knight. "I'm comforting him." "Well cut it out or you'll need someone is comfort you! Now get over here, the first of our reinforcements seems to have arrived." Alex sighed and pulled the glassy-eyed prince along behind him as he made his way to the over-loaded wagon. Sir Walter grabbed the prince's chin, turning his head to stare into the dazed hazel eyes. "What the hell did you do to him?" "If you must know, I gave him a shot of Elfin Twilight. He was hurting." "Great Holy Prophet, Krycek! Don't you remember what happened the last time you gave that stuff to him? We need him to be functioning right now. He has to call his armies." "He already did. I reminded him before I gave him the Twilight." Alex said proudly. "How responsible of you," Sir Walter sneered at the smug younger man. "You gave the king one last opportunity to do his duty before you caused him any major brain damage. I'm sure the realm will honor you for your forethought." Alex sat down on the ground, pulling the swaying Fox down with him. The prince grinned up at his knight protector as he listed to his right, ending up clinging to the big knight's leg. "I'm 'kay, sir." Sir Walter ran a hand over his face, then turned to stare at Max. "Well, how can we counteract Elfin Twilight, elf?" "Uh . . .now, let me see. I know there has to be an answer. Yes indeed, an answer for every question, that's what I always say. Oh my, yes." Sir Walter's eyes became mere slits as he glared at the little elf, Prince Fox of Meridiem humming a tuneless little ditty to himself as he lay bonelessly propped against the knight's sturdy leg. Max swallowed hard. "Well, I uh, I suppose we should, you know, just let him sleep it off." Skinner rolled his eyes. It was a wonder they hadn't all been killed already. What a rag tag bunch the royal army really was. He had to wonder when the divine intervention, or perhaps it was just dumb assed luck, anyway, he wondered when it would finally run out. He bent to scoop his totally relaxed prince into his arms, depositing him under a nearby tree. He turned to point a finger at Krycek, "No kissing! Got that?" Alex rolled his eyes but nodded none the less. Sir Walter could take the fun out of anything. Alex sighed again, causing the big knight to give him another glare, and settled himself down to watch the prince sleep. He finally turned to where Sir Walter sat watching for the royal armies to appear in the mountain pass. "You know, I've been thinking." Sir Walter didn't bother looking at him. "That's a first." "No really, just listen for a minute. Why shouldn't I give Elfin Twilight to Prince Fox?" "I don't know, let me think Alex," Skinner finally bothered to look over at him, "Could it be that it might make him a vegetable, or kill him even. Could that be it?" "Says who?" "Excuse me?" "Who says Elfin Twilight is bad for you. We've been told for hundreds of years that it's poisonous, and yet those of us who defy the rules and drink it anyway don't die. We don't even get brain damage." "Don't use yourself as an example of that theory, Alex." "Will you just stop with the insults and listen to me for a minute? Now who would start such rumors about a perfectly innocent beverage except . . ." "Those who it really would harm." Sir Skinner looked up with hope in his eyes for the first time in weeks. "The Nuvega maybe." He whispered as Alex nodded his head. "It's possible." Alex agreed. "Fox told me, that Dana told him that after the Centurian war in the Before Time, that confusion was rampant. After the Nuvega were driven back to their homelands, no one knew which laws had been laid down by the invaders and which had come from our own leaders. They tried to start all over but some of the old laws became . That could be the case with the Twilight." "Could it really be this easy?" Sir Walter asked incredulously. "I think it just might be worth a try, Sir Walter," Alex looked around at his companions. Two hours later, Prince Fox sat holding his head, while Sir Walter fed him mug after mug of willow bark tea. He couldn't remember ever feeling this bad, especially afer just one small sip of Elfin Twilight. "Where the hell did you get that stuff, Alex?" Fox whined as he felt himself being pulled back to lean against his knight's broad chest. "It's concentrated. It's supposed to be mixed with water but I didn't have any." "Damnit Alex!" Sir Walter yelled and then winced in sympathy as Fox whimpered in his arms. "Sorry, brat. Just lie still, you should be feeling better in a little while unless your unsavory friend really has managed to poison you this time." "You know," the prince looked up through his lashes at the knight. "I think Alex may be right about the Twilight. It doesn't really harm us. It was outlawed in the Before Time to protect the Nuvega. I don't know how I know this is true, I just know that it's a fact." Sir Walter closed his eyes in frustration. He knew better than to argue with the prince. In the first place it would do absolutely no good and in the second the little shit was probably right again. "Sure. Fine. Whatever." Sir Walter looked over to Alex. "How much of that stuff do you have?" "Just this one bottle." Krycek held up a small bottle of the bright green liquor. Sir Walter absent mindedly patted Fox's shoulder as he started to gag again when he saw the drink. Sir Walter wasn't sure if it was the beverage itself or the green color. "Close you eyes, peasant boy, and breath deeply. You can't possible be sick again, there's nothing down there now. Just wait it out. Alex, put that stuff away." "Uh . . .mister sir knight, sir." Max held up one small hand as if begging for permission to speak. "What the hell is it, Max. Spit it out!" Sir Walter felt badly as the little man cowered and the rest of his companions gave him a reproachful look. "Sorry, Max. What do you have to share with us, son?" "We have more Twilight." The little man whispered and then for some unexplained reason flushed a bright, hot red. Frohike snapped his fingers. "He's right. I brought it along because I didn't want to leave it in the castle for the royal guard to find. Not a good time to let down their vigilance." He walked over to the wagon and whipped off the heavy cloth covering the contents. Several wooden kegs of Elfin Twilight could be easily seen. "It's the concentrated kind too. The good stuff!" "Good stuff, my ass." The prince moaned, still holding his head. "Watch your language in front of your subjects, peasant boy." "Humph!" Fox grumbled as he lay back down. "So," Sir Walter looked speculatively at the wooden kegs as he again resumed his petting of the miserable prince in his lap. "If this works. And believe me, it is a big , how do we get the Nuvega to drink it." Skinner instantly let go of his prince as the man sat straight up in his arms. "Lusus and Kirsten!" "Who?" Sir Walter tried to pull the prince back into his arms. He knew that Twilight would eventually cause brain damage. "Lusus Hartwell and Kirsten Kilar, the vampires. They and their fellow bloodsuckers live in the caves at Kilary. I'll call them here. We'll wait for nightfall, a good part of my army will be here by that time. Then we'll launch an offensive against the Nuvega camp. The vampires will turn themselves into bats, dip their teeth and claws into the Elfin Twilight and attack during the confusion of battle." "You're assuming a lot, peasant boy. How do you know it will take no more than a scratch of a coated claw to kill a Nuvega?" "The prophesy." The prince whispered. "A King of Truth and Honor, A Woman of power and heat, The dauntless Warrior shall come, The Circle to complete. The evil spreads across the land, The King must right the wrong But all alone he cannot stand, The Circle must hold strong. The king will raise his arms to south, Strange heros heed the call. From poisoned claw and bloody mouth, The impervious foe will fall." "Are you sure, peasant boy. That prophesy could mean anything or anyone. Are you sure it's the, uh . . .vampires?" The prince rose and smiled down at the big knight, causing the man to fall in love with his young sire all over again. "As sure as I am of anything, Sir Walter. The vampires, shunned and despised by every other subject in the realm, will be the saviors of Meridiem. Very befitting, don't you think?" Sir Walter shook his head in amusement. "Yes, peasant boy, exactly what I would expect from a realm with a king such as you. I always expect the unexpected." All eyes followed the prince as he raised his hands to the south, eyes closed in concentration. After a few moments, he lowered his arms, plopping back down in Sir Walter's lap, chuckling softly. "What is it, Fox?" Alex asked concerned for his prince. "Lusus told me it was about time I wised up enough to ask for their help. The vampires will be here at dusk." Saying this, the prince leaned back against Sir Walter's chest, closed his eyes and immediately fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. He awoke several hours later to the last rays of the setting sun and the snores of the men around him. It was time to wake his troops and defeat the enemy of his realm. Just as the sun disappeared behind the Enorus Mountains, the royal army led by Prince Fox the Truth Seeker, rightful heir to the throne of Meridiem and his loyal protector, Sir Walter Skinner, Supreme Royal Guard and Lord High Protector, descended on the unsuspecting Nuvega army. Armed with Nuvega daggers and the conviction of their own beliefs, the royal army cut a wide and bloody path through all of the dark and evil forces assembled for the overthrow of their homeland. Thousands of small green-clad dwarfs, wielding sharped axes and home- made spears, attached without mercy. Cleaving their way through troll and gargoyle without thought to their own safety. The same could be said of the gentle little brownies, healers by nature but driven to desperation by what had been done to their friends and families. As the bloody battle raged, Prince Fox broke away to search the buildings for his beloved Dana. He ignored the cries of Sir Walter to stay by his side. He threw open doors with little or no regard for his own safety. He knew he would pay for his recklessness and defiance later, but at the moment all he cared about was finding Dana. Finally, he threw open a cellar door. The cold stone steps leading down into pitch darkness. "Dana!" "Alainn! I'm down here." He flew down the steps, slipping once on the mold that covered the steps and walls of Dana's dank prison. "Where are you? Are you hurt?" "This way, Alainn. Follow the sound of my voice." He let out a mighty sign of relief as his hands came in contact with the sorceress's chilled skin. "Thank the Great Prophet that you're all right." "Yes, Alainn, I do thank the Great Prophet indeed. I always have." He quickly untied her and led her out into the night. He forced her to stop so he could peer at her in the light of one of the many fires that now burned out of control in the camp. "Are you sure you aren't injured in any way?" "I'm fine, my love. It was you they were after, I was merely a bargaining tool to that purpose. In truth, I think they were a little scared of me." "Smart fellows. I never gave the Nuvega that much credit." "Are you saying that I frighten you, Alainn?" "Oh yeah," the prince pulled her close for a quick hug. "You scare me to death, but in a wonderful way." "And what about me, peasant boy? Do I scare you?" The prince almost jumped out of his skin as a green blood -splattered Sir Walter grabbed him by his collar. "You leave my sight one more time and all your subjects will be wondering just why their king is so adverse to actually on his throne. Now move it, the vampires have started their attack." No hint of the moon could be seen as the vampires filled the night with the rustle of their paper-dry wings. They circled almost lazily overhead, then swooped down lighting fast to bite or claw yet another terrified Nuvega. The ground was littered with the melting bodies of the once impervious invasion army. Sir Walter, the prince and the sorceress lay on their bellies at the top of the rise overlooking the plain below them. The vampires continually circled overhead, one battalion dipping their teeth and claws into the open barrels of Elfin Twilight while their brethren deposited the deadly poison in the blood stream of their enemies. It was all over in less than an hour. The only disappointment was the disappearance of Sir Spender before he could be captured. * * * Realm of Meridiem Royal Palace The crown prince of Meridiem looked balefully over his shoulder as his Lord High Protector made absolutely certain that not one inch of his previously unmarked bottom was spared his diligent attention. "Ouch! Oh, please sir. My coronation is in less than one hour." He closed his eyes as the big palm descended toward his blazing bottom yet again. "What are the people going to think when their newly crowned king isn't able to sit down at his own banquet?" "They're going to think," Smack! Smack! Smack! "That their king is well protected and has just received," Smack! Smack! Smack! "Yet another well-deserved," Smack! Smack! Smack! "Spanking for his carelessness." Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! "I wasn't careless! Ouch! Oh-h-h-h! I just went outside to watch my, Ah-h-h-h! My subjects celebrating! Ouch! Oh please, stop!" "Responsible monarchs," Smack! Smack! "do not don peasant clothing," Smack! Smack! "And go traipsing around," Smack! Smack! "Without his royal guards." Smack! Smack! Smack! "Oh-h-h, I'm so sorry!" The future king looked over his shoulder to see his own bared and elevated bottom glowing like a well-tended fire. "Oh-h-h-h!" The prince moaned miserably as he returned his nose to the carpeted floor. Neither man even looked up as the door opened and Dana came in fussing with her silk and lace sleeves. "Do finish up, Sliabh. Put him over the foot rail of the bed and I'll let my strap finish him off while I help you dress. His bottom should be well-done by that time and we can get him ready." 'Dana, no-o-o-o!" The naked prince begged as he was carried over and laid bare bottom up over the familiar bed rail. He moaned again as he looked over his shoulder to see Dana's strap poised over his ready and waiting butt. A butt already scoured raw by Sir Walter's hand. The prince sobbed broken heartedly as the first lash left a trail of fire across his already sensitized bottom. He grabbed two fist-fulls of the blankets and buried his face as the strap methodically rose and fell on his flaming, upturned butt and legs. His kicking feet and smothered cries a testament to the strap's effectiveness. Sir Walter winced as a hard blow landed once again on that tender patch of skin where bottom met thigh, causing the prince to yelp loudly. "That has to hurt. Why doesn't he ever learn?" Dana stopped adjusting Sir Walter's uniform long enough to look over at her husband's bare dancing bottom. I have absolutely no idea but it's this way in every lifetime." She snickered. "I remember once he was well into his sixties, and you were not too many summers away from your eightieth birthday. I came home to find his bottom dancing to the tune of your belt. You really laid into him, as I recall. I was fearful your heart might give out before his poor butt did." "Did I survive?" "Yes you did. He cried himself to sleep in your arms for at least the thousandth time, and he never went swimming in the ocean by himself again. At least until you were both reborn and he had forgotten all his hard-earned lessons. Then," she sighed happily, "you just started over with him, like always." Dana snapped her fingers and the punishing strap disappeared. The wildly wiggling and very red bottom however, did not stop it's frantic gyrations. "Time to dress, Alainn." Dana called merrily as Sir Walter pulled the well-punished and completely miserable prince to his feet. "Today we fulfill the last of the prophesy. A King of Truth and Honor, A Woman of power and heat, The dauntless Warrior shall come, The Circle to complete. The evil spreads across the land, The King must right the wrong But all alone he cannot stand, The Circle must hold strong. The king will raise his arms to south, Strange heros heed the call. From poisoned claw and bloody mouth, The impervious foe will fall. When all shall find a peaceful season, The king shall bind himself to two, Ancient love that defies all reason, A thousand years of peace to ensue." Dana sighed. "Isn't that the most beautiful thing you ever heard?" "We've already fulfilled that prophesy, Dana. I married both you and Walter in a double ceremony yesterday. I'm as bound to two as any man can get." "And don't you be forgetting it, peasant boy. I can't speak for Dana but I'm not the sharing type." "Even for the fair Alex?" The prince smirked at the big man from under long, dark lashes. "You know my mind has always been completely open, brat." He ignored the disbelieving snort that came from his pretty prince's lips. "I'm certainly not going to rule out that delightful possibility. Not at all." "I just bet you aren't!" The prince yelped as he didn't quite make it out of the knight's way in time to avoid the sharp slap that was applied to his retreating backside. * * * Realm of Meridiem Palace Courtyard The sky shown cloudless and beautiful as a warm sun shown down of the coronation of King Fox, the Truth Seeker, thirty-sixth heir to the House Of Mulder. Bright flags of colored silk gently rippled in the warm breeze, as the realm celebrated the crowning of their beloved king. Jugglers and minstrels performed in every corner of the courtyard while vendors plied the celebrants with delicious mince pies and cool frosted drinks , the ice compliments of Prince Fox's sorceress wife, Dana of the Dark Woods. The trumpets blasted as an ornate open carriage, pulled by four matched white stallions, made its way through the palace grounds. A platform had been set up, as the palace chapel was too small and the future king had decreed that no subject who wished to witness the coronation of the king would be turned away. The religious leaders could not sway him. What need did they have, he asked, for a chapel when they had been provided with such a beautiful and glorious land as Meridiem. It was only proper that its king should be crowned under the open sky with the towering peaks of the Enorus Mountain range just visible on the horizon. No one really wondered why the prince chose to ride into the courtyard standing in the open carriage instead of seated inside. Prince Fox had never been one to stand on ceremony and allow formality to come between he and his subjects. His people all decided that he refused to sit down so they could all see him better. All eyes were on the beautiful prince as he walked with his new bride up the stage steps, his knight protector groom a step behind them as usual. The robed monks stood in place to the left of the alter while the Supreme Reverend Bishop, Samuel Hartley, stood solemnly waiting for the prince to take his place before him. Before moving forward to take his place, Prince Fox received a kiss upon his right cheek from Dana, a kiss upon his left from Sir Walter, he then walked forward to stand in front of the Reverend Bishop Hartley, a man much admired by the future king and his people. The Reverend picked up a small, bejeweled dagger, touching it lightly to the prince's right shoulder. "Fox William, Crown Prince of the Realm of Meridiem, I charge you to defend your subjects with your heart and your life's blood. How d you answer my charge?" "I put the welfare of my people above all things, including my own life." Bishop Hartley smiled at the prince. He then picked up a white feather, touching it to Prince Fox's left shoulder. "Fox William, Heir to the Royal House of Mulder, I charge you to remain pure of heart and honest of deed. How do you answer my charge?" "I promise to remain pure of heart and honest of deep so that I may better serve my people." Lastly Reverend Bishop Hartley picked up a small burning candle. The prince sank to his knees in front of the holy man. The Reverend held the candle at eye level to the kneeling man. "Fox William, Defender of Meridiem, Heart of your people, I charge you to remain true to yourself, to your higher principals and to the truth that burns within you. How do you answer my charge?" "I shall remain true to myself and my people for as long as I shall live." The bishop set the flaming candle aside to raise a golden crown above the dark head bowed before him. "Fox William, I crown you King of Meridiem. Truth-Seeker. Wizard King of Meridiem. Warrior King. Beloved Sovereign of his people. Rise and rejoice with your loyal subjects. King Fox rose and turned to face his triumphant people as a mighty roar rose from the crowd. Ear-splitting whoops and cries of joy sounded from every corner of the realm. King Fox smiled, beckoning forth his queen, Dana and his Lord High Protector, Sir Walter. Who stood on each side of him, both smiling as the people demonstrated their love for their new king. Suddenly a deathly quiet fell over the assembly as three glorious angels arose behind the king. A beautiful dark haired apparition at the center, floating above the ground. The wondrous angel was flanked on each side by warrior angels. One a serene dark haired woman, the other a light-haired, sweet-eyed man. "Mother." Dana whispered as tears formed in her crystal blue eyes. A dome of golden light surrounded the king and his family as they stood on the raised platform, giving them an other-worldly appearance that mesmerized the good people of Meridiem. The people of Meridiem took it as an omen that the kingdom and its ruler were blessed. And in truth, it was so. Blessed by three people whose only desire was to serve and protect the people of Meridiem from the monsters of the world. The Truth Seeker, the Protector and the Sorceress. And what of Sir Spender? It was said that he followed the surviving Nuvega back to their homeland. A barren realm called Nevada where it never rained, where course dark sand sizzled under an unrelenting sun, and strange prickly plants were the only vegetation. It sounded dreadful and a most fitting place for the pretender king. Still others swore that the fairies had captured him and he been forced to become their much used toy-boy. Few believed this rumor however, as none could picture Sir Spender as anyone's object of sexual desire. Even the sex-crazed fairies. But the most popular rumor was that he had been surprised in his sleep by a vile and ugly creature who had once been Lady Diana of Fowley. Around lonely campfires in the dead of night, ghastly stories were told of how she tortured the evil man until he had become a mere shell, a raving lunatic who could do little but scream in mental and physical anguish, begging for rescue. His demented mind expecting a magical creature to descend from heaven and bear him away from his torment. Some said he prayed for a golden unicorn but most agreed he cried instead for a beautiful fox. It was said that Lady Diana grew angry with his incessant wails for the fox, and fed him to her pack of wild snap dogs, before she herself wandered off into The Outland, never to be heard from again. And so it came to pass that the good King Fox and his court led the people of Meridiem into a thousand years of peace and prosperity. He would grow old and weary under the demands of his reign and pass away. During his absence, his immortal Queen Dana would rule wisely in his place, awaiting the reappearance of her heart and her life. Fox would return to her quickly each time, along with his knightly protector and the realm would continue to grow and prosper under their guidance and love. All agreed, the Realm of Meridiem was truly blessed. The End 4/4