Dangerous Undercurrents CHAPTER 2 Title: Dangerous Undercurrents Author: Chad Moore E-mail: Chad_Skywalker@webtv.net Feedback: Yes, please. Status: WIP Archive: Yes, please tell me where. Pairing: M/O Fandom: The X-Files Category: Angst Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: None, this is pre-XF Beta Thanks: Bertina Disclaimer: Fox Mulder is only being borrowed for a special adventure. Summary: A night in Oxford Town turns deadly. DANGEROUS UNDERCURRENTS Chapter Two: Look Before You Scream Venturing from the university center, Mulder lead Jamie happily through the streets of Oxford Town. The air had become chillier and the new-found friends laughed as their breath evaporated before their eyes. Mulder marvelled at Jamie's wide-eyed innocence as he paused every so often to taken in the architectural splendor surrounding them. "It's breathtaking!" "Wait until you see this," enthused Mulder, taking Jamie by the shoulders and spinning him round. Jamie's mouth fell open at the magnificent sight of Carfax Tower. "That's just too cool!" Craning his neck, he peered up the length of the tower all the way to its elegant apex. Mulder watched his reaction with gleeful enthusiasm. When he'd first taken in the sights, it was almost like stepping back in time. The historic town was obviously having the same effect on Jamie. "You just don't find buildings like that back home," he observed wonderingly. He'd only glimpsed a blurry, multi-colored view of Oxford from the shuttle bus's windows, and at night, it resembled a giant, gingerbread cake. A sudden, familiar chill ran up Jamie's spine, causing him to shiver involuntarily. Instinctfully turning, his eyes widened in terror. A businessman had stepped off a nearby curb and hurried across the cobbled street. Without checking first, the man did not see the mercedes barrelleing toward him. "Hey!" Jamie shouted. The urgency in his voice made Mulder jump. Alarmed, he found Jamie racing away from him toward a man standing paralyzed in the middle of the street, caught like the proverbial deer in the headlights. "Jamie!" Mulder cried. He broke out into a frantic run, and could only watch helplessly as the driver pushed the car onwards. Jamie leapt from the curb and collided with the frozen man. The pair hit the ground heavily, the momentum sending them rolling onto the sidewalk. Screeching to a halt, the mercedes immediately backed up. Mulder dodged ahead of it and found Jamie kneeling breathlessly beside the hapless man. "Are you all right?" he asked. Nodding, the man's voice was numb with fear. Nearby, the driver -- a younger man -- hurried forward, clearly shaken. As a crowd began to draw in, Jamie felt a pair of strong hands pulling him up and away from the scene. Mulder brushed against the doorway of an antique shop with Jamie falling against his chest. Their bodies crushed together, Mulder could feel the adrenalin rushing through Jamie's heart against the ferocity of his own. Gripping his shoulders, Mulder's feverish eyes stared deep into Jamie's. "Jamie, I..." His mouth suddenly became very dry and he swallowed hard. "Are you okay?" "I-I think so," he managed to stammer. Nearly being run over had quickly become an afterthought the moment his body pressed against Mulder's. "Yes," he added as the shock sank in. Mulder simply could not find the words to express or understand what he was feeling. He hadn't been so afraid for anyone in a very long time. He wrapped a protective arm around Jamie's shaking shoulders as the near-accident victim staggered through the crowd toward them. "Young man," he began, "you saved my life. Thank you." Smiling faintly, Jamie shook the man's hand and felt his knees wobble. Instead of collapsing, he found himself supported by Mulder's arms. It had to be the best feeling in the world. Several more faces started appearing in pubs along the street with exclamations of "Did you see that?" As the man turned back to the ever-growing crowd, Jamie felt himself being gently spirited away. As they rounded a corner, he stopped and looked up into Mulder's face. "Shouldn't we have stayed for the police?" he wondered aloud. Mulder shook his head. "No one was hurt, thanks to you, hero." With a burst of nervous laughter, Jamie replied, "Don't call me that!" "Come on, hero," Mulder winked. "You deserve a drink, and after all that, so do I!" Keeping an arm round Jamie's shoulders, they continued through the town. Jamie tried to still his heart, but found it impossible. Had the near fatal accident been the source of his premonition of doom? 'No,' he thought ostensibly, because the odd feeling remained like an itch at the base of his spine. 'Maybe it's just the after effects,' he reasoned. It didn't matter. Breathing out a cloud of cool air, he luxuriated in the warm arm drapped around him. Looking at him, Mulder continued to question the feelings tingling through his body. Whatever they meant, of one thing he was sure: 'Jamie Grayson, I do believe you're the most extraordinary person I've ever met.' ~oo0oo~ The darkened woods on the outskirts of town had been the hiding place for many secrets. Over the years, stories persisted that the gnarled trees, which hid every trace of sunlight during the day, were the home of ghosts. The legends would find creedence this night as a strange slithering echoed in the wind. ~oo0oo~ Some time later, Mulder and Jamie stood outside of a large, brick building where a driving, thumping bass emanated from within. The queue moved at a snail's pace, but they were getting closer to the entrance. Mulder had explained that some of his friends in psychology had invited them to the nightclub. Jamie stared up at the electric blue neon sign flashing the name RUMOURS like a beacon. Finally passing over the threshold, both of them jumped back in opposite directions as a young woman escorted her drunken boyfriend between them. Jamie raised an eyebrow in Mulder's direction. "That doesn't inspire much confidence!" Mulder laughed and punched him in the arm good-naturedly. "C'mon," he insisted, encouraging Jamie inside. Descending a wide, carpeted staircase, they were assailed by strobing lights and dozens upon dozens of students enjoying drinks. Staring past the bustling bar, Jamie saw another group writhing on the dance floor to The Eurythmics' "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)". Mulder peered over his blonde head to find several hands waving for his attention. He nodded toward them. "There they are!" he shouted above the noise. Moving through the human obstacle course scattered throughout the club, he lead Jamie toward a table situated beside the bar. A handsome, muscular Asian man jumped up and greeted them. "Now the party can start, guys! Animal's here!" "Animal?" Jamie questioned, looking back at Mulder. "Party Animal, love," a cultured female voice answered. Seated at the table were two other strangers, who were obviously familiar to Mulder. He cleared his throat, a little embarrassed by the non de plume and stretched out a hand. "Jamie, I'd like you to meet a few members of the wildest psychology class in Oxford's history: Ryan Harrison," he nodded at the Asian man. "Hey, dude!" Ryan replied. "Ally Breckingham-Smith." A very attractive British woman with dark hair and blue eyes. "Alison," she corrected him. At that moment, the girl beside Alison waved at Jamie. "Carolyn Prentice," she smiled. Jamie thought she looked like a former American highschool cheerleader; long blonde hair tied back in a pony tail and wearing a bright blue pants suit. "Foxy, you didn't tell us your new flatmate was so cute!" Jamie bit his lip and nudged Mulder in the ribs. "Foxy?" he mouthed. Carolyn giggled and Alison rolled her eyes. "Everyone, I'd like for you to meet Jamie Grayson, hero extraodinaire!" "Mulder!" Jamie protested. "Oooo! A hero?" squealed Carolyn. Mulder smiled wickedly and leaned in close. "I'll let Jamie tell you all about it." He turned back to Jamie, who's cheeks had turned a fiery shade of red. "What would you like to drink?" "A coke, please," he said, taking an empty seat at the table. "Are you sure?" "Yes, a soda water will be just fine." While Mulder sauntered off to the bar, Jamie was bombarded with questions from the assembled group. He waved his hands and quickly changed the subject. "No, no, no, I want to hear more about why you called Mulder 'Animal'." Ryan chuckled and sat forward conspiratorially. "Just let him get a couple of drinks in him and you'll see why!" "Yes, dear," Alison added. "Last week he jumped up on a table and nearly gave us a full bodied strip tease!" "You can't be serious!" Jamie looked up as Mulder walked back carrying a couple of glasses. Mulder caught the mischievious smirks on his friends' faces and looked curiously at Jamie. "So, what are you guys talking about?" "Oh, just this and that, Animal," Carolyn smiled. Mulder sighed. "What have you been telling him?" "Don't sweat it," Ryan replied. "He's sure to see your wild side sooner or later." Passing Jamie his coke, Mulder slid into the empty chair beside him. "Wild side? You should talk, Ryan. I seem to recall someone streaking the campus after the last boat race." At this, Ryan laughed heartily and Carolyn blushed. Jamie turned to Mulder quizzically. "Boat race?" "Darling, Ryan is the champion of Oxford's annual race," Alison replied haughtily. Mulder leaned in casually and explained, "Boating in Oxford is the equivalent of American football." Jamie nodded his understanding. Ryan took a sip of beer and smiled proudly. Seated between Alison and Carolyn, he could've been a strutting rooster. "Hey, Mulder," he called. "Your girlfriend's here." Jamie froze on the spot. He didn't like the sound of that at all. He heard Alison groan and watched Mulder turn in his chair. Behind them, a pretty girl with auburn hair sashayed her way through the crowd toward them. "Phoebe," Mulder greeted her. "There you are!" she gushed. "I've been looking for you all night." Alison folded her arms and gave Phoebe a penetrating stare. "Mulder was showing his new flatmate around." "Was he?" She cocked her head and gave Jamie a slight grin. "And you are?" "Enjoying himself," Alison finished. Mulder could sense the explosion brewing between the two women, and he quickly moved to defuse it. "This is Jamie." "Hi." Jamie really, really did not like this. Ignoring him, Phoebe took hold of Mulder's arm and hauled him out of his chair. "Mulder, please buy me a drink." Before he knew what was happening, Mulder was being lead back to the bar. Alison watched with disdain. "No class whatsoever." Jamie sat back and felt a wave of sadness rush over him. "Is she really Mulder's girlfriend?" he asked cautiously. "She likes to think so," Alison answered. Carolyn waved her arms as if signalling a plane. "Oh, enough about her! I wanna hear all about you, Jamie!" Alison shook her head. Why did Carolyn have to make every word sound like a cheer? She had to admit, she was interested in learning more about Mulder's new friend but Jamie had gone distinctly quiet. As the night continued, the trio had managed to get Jamie talking about his life. He looked up from time to time only to find Mulder unable to detatch himself from a clinging Phoebe. After awhile, Alison and Ryan migrated from the table to the chessboard-like dance floor. Now, Jamie sat with Carolyn who turned out to be quite chatty. As it transpired she hailed from Memphis and had indeed been a cheerleader. She paused mid-sentence, noticing Jamie sipping on his coke and not once taking his eyes off Foxy. She waved a hand before his eyes. "Earth to Jamie?" Jamie blinked and sat up. "Oh, I'm sorry." Carolyn propped up her chin. Glancing back at the bar, she sighed. "Yes, he is dreamy, isn't he?" Breaking into a coughing fit, Jamie nearly choked. She patted him firmly on the back. "You okay?" He covered his mouth. "Um, ... yes, it went down the wrong pipe." Geez! Had he been that obvious? A distraction amidst the dance floor drew their attention. A very tall man with brown hair, wearing a loud unbuttoned shirt, swaggered across the room, bumping into a table. Beside him, Carolyn visibly shivered. "Who's that?" "Ugh! Steer clear of him, hon. That Lee will jump on anything that moves!" Not needing a second warning, Jamie swiftly turned back to his drink as Lee caught his eye and began licking his lips. When he looked back up at the bar, his heart sank. Phoebe had insinuated herself between Mulder and the bar. Throwing her arms around his neck, she began whispering in his ear. Biting his bottom lip, Jamie forced back the tears that threatened to flow. Carolyn looked from the bar to Jamie and back again. She was quite startled to find his green eyes had changed to a shade of grey. Recognizing the signs, she reached out and squeezed his hand. "Sweetie, how about a dance?" Jamie nodded, smiling at Carolyn's kindness. "Sure, I'd love to." Pulling back her chair, the two new friends cut a path across to the dance floor. After an hour of non-stop disco and new wave hits, the enthusiastic DJ with his fake Wolfman Jack voice, played a beautiful Olivia Newton-John ballad. Carolyn and Jamie stopped to catch their breath. "That was great," he smiled. "Whew! I need a drink!" she exclaimed. "Me, too!" Breaking away from the slow dancing pairs, Jamie escorted Carolyn back through the crowd. Several paces away from the table, they could see Mulder and Phoebe joined by many others, drinking as if it were going out of style. "Carolyn, I'm going to freshen up," he told her suddenly. "Aww, are you sure? Don't worry about..." she started. "I'll be back in a few minutes," he reassured her. Turning on his heel, Jamie shot straight into the nearest restroom. Leaning back against the door for a few moments, he took a deep cleansing breath. What was wrong with him? Hurrying over to a sink, he splashed cool water onto his face. By the time he emerged from the washroom, a few minutes had come and gone. Standing at the back of the room, Jamie checked his watch. It was now the wee hours of morning and he was both mentally and physically exhausted. Mulder and his friends had quickly indulged themselves and were gyrating wildly throughout the club. He sighed heavily when Phoebe threw herself at Mulder for the umpteenth time. What was it his Grams called it? She was sticking to him like white on rice! He had good a mind to march right over and pry her loose from him! Shaking his head, he tried to rationalize these feelings. In the space of a day, he'd arrived in the UK, met Fox Mulder, had a tour of Oxford, saved a man from being run down by a car, and spent the evening in a nightclub plagued by the green-eyed monster! Jamie Grayson had never been jealous a day in his life; that is, until he met Mulder. Feeling frustrated, he stamped his foot lightly to shock himself back to reality. Mulder was his friend and roommate -- that was all. Tonight was clear proof. He reminded himself that he was here to study, not become lovesick. If he didn't watch it, he could turn into an epidemic. Exasperated, he was about to leave and hail the first taxi when a large shadow blotted out his view of the exit. Jamie gasped as the drunken Lee cornered him. 'Oh, great! Just my luck!' "I don't believe we've ... been introduced," Lee hiccupped. For a moment, Jamie couldn't breathe. The alcohol on Lee's breath was enough to knock out a horse. "You're Muuulllder'ssss new roommate, huh?" Lee slurred. "That's right," Jamie nodded, with every fiber of Southern politeness in his body. Lee made a disgusting sucking sound through his teeth. "Pity." "What?" he countered, trying to look past him to catch Mulder's eye. "A hot thing like you going to waste." He reached forward to fondle Jamie's arm, but Jamie shrank back from his touch. "See, I'd like to give you a welcome." "Look, you creep..." Jamie bristled. "Mmm, fire! You'll beesh wasted bunking up with him," Lee nodded over his shoulder. Jamie felt a tiny fire crackling in his stomach. "We can find some fun together." "Wanna bet?" "Those pretty lips of yours were just made for kissing." "Well, not by you!" Jamie slipped under his arms and scooted away. Lee rounded on him quickly. "Jusht sh'a minute!" "Ah, thanks for the invitation, but I've really got to be going," Jamie replied nervously. "Anytime," Lee smiled, rubbing a hand over his crotch. Jamie made his way quickly toward the exit, putting as much distance between him and Lee as he could. Just as he reached the stairs, another slurred voice made him stop. "Jammmie, where s'you going?" He turned to find a highly intoxicated Mulder moving toward him. Following close behind were Phoebe, Alison, Carolyn, Ryan and half a dozen strangers. "Mulder, are you okay?" he asked worriedly. "He's just had a little too much to drink," Alison told him. Ryan staggered up against her. "See, we told s'you." "He'll be just fine," Phoebe cooed directly at him. Jamie didn't know how much more he could take. "A quick dip'll do the trick," she added. His eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?" Carolyn bounded up to him. "We're all going skinny-dipping in the lake." A fire exploded in Jamie's head; a warning sign brighter than the neon outside the club. "No, you can't!" The rowdy bunch went quiet at his outburst. "Why not?" Phoebe asked, pointedly. Shuffling his feet, Jamie considered what to do. Could he just come out and say that he had a bad feeling about the lake? "It could be dangerous." His response came across weakly. Just as he predicted, the assembled students burst into a fit of laughter. 'No one ever listens to me!' he thought. He understood that taking a naked swim was a college tradition; however, Mulder was in no state to partake in the activity. Stepping forward, he took hold of Mulder's arm. "Besides, Mulder, you have that thing in the morning." "What s'thing?" he wondered. "You know, the thing you told me about that was supposed to happen early in the morning," he continued carefully. "Oh, the thing, thing," Mulder said a little too loudly. "Right." "Guys, it was nice meeting you all but if you'll excuse me, I'll just get Mulder home." Throwing one of Mulder's arms over his shoulder, Jamie lead him out of the club before he could realize that there was no "thing" in the morning. "Well!" Phoebe huffed. Outside, the streets of Oxford Town were almost empty. It gave Jamie a creepy Twilight Zone feeling. Thankfully, the comforting lights of a cab appeared and he flagged it down. Helping Mulder inside, he instructed the driver to take them to the Halls of Residence. Suddenly Mulder looked up. "Jamie!" "Yes?" He ran a hand through his hair. "I've lost my lucky hat!" Jamie smiled, took the baseball cap from his coat pocket, and popped it on his head. ~oo0oo~ Carrying Mulder up three flights of stairs had not been easy. He'd swayed back and forth, repeatedly singing a B-52's song. When room 34-B finally came into sight Jamie heaved a sigh of relief. Propping Mulder against the wall, he opened the door then firmly grabbed him around the waist. "Come on, Animal. We're home." Closing the door behind them with one foot, Jamie held onto him and maneuvered him toward the sofa. Suddenly, Mulder threw his arms into the air. "We're home!" he shouted. Jamie lost his footing and Mulder tumbled forward. "Oh pants!" he exclaimed. Bracing himself for the wooden floor, Jamie was surprised when the bed broke their fall and Mulder fell on top of him. With the wind knocked out of him, Jamie couldn't move. Pinned beneath Mulder, he looked up to find a goofy grin spreading across the other man's face. Then he felt Mulder's hand trail up his face and tickle through his thick hair. "You're so sweet," Mulder whispered. It was then that Jamie's eyes widened as he felt a hard bulge in Mulder's pants pressing against his thigh. "M-Mulder?" he whispered. A sigh escaped his lips, then Mulder's head lolled over his shoulder and a deep snoring resonated through his body. Jamie stared up at the ceiling wishing things could be different. Gathering his strength, he rolled Mulder's unconscious form over. Standing, Jamie bent over to unlace his shoes and position his legs gently under the covers. Taking an extra blanket from the foot of the bed, Jamie spread it out over the couch. He was too tired to even change into his PJs. Relaxing on the cushions, he stared lazily over at the sleeping Mulder. He looked like an angel. If this was what the first day at Oxford was like, what would the rest of the term be like? ~oo0oo~ Out of the misty darkness, the group from RUMOURS ran down a hill toward the lake waiting below. The pale moonlight illuminated its murky blackness. Carolyn shrieked as she nearly fell in. Ahead of her, Ryan had already stripped out of his clothes and was diving in. He hollered from the cold and came up, beckoning for the rest to follow. Phoebe paused grumpily. "I can't believe Mulder didn't come with us." "Oh, Phoebe give it a rest!" Alison chided. Carolyn remembered Jamie's words of warning and decided to sit and watch from the hill. She glanced over her shoulder at the forest. The trees seemed to close in, telling her to turn back. She shivered and thought again of Jamie. He was really nice and would make a good friend. Bless his heart, she'd seen that look on his face before. He was obviously very smitten with Foxy -- and who could blame him? The splashing of bare bodies in the lake attracted her attention. Alison had thrown back her head in laughter after ducking Phoebe under. Another sound made a shiver run down Carolyn's spine. A whispering, slowly growing in volume -- a slithering sound somewhere in the woods. ~oo0oo~ The Leviathan sensed the aura of the Chosen One nearby. Its senses reeled wildly. Whirling its head, the creature smashed a small tree beneath its bulk. ~oo0oo~ Carolyn jumped up and ran down to the lake's edge. She skidded on the mud, righting herself before she fell in. "Hey!" she shouted. "I really think we should be getting out of here." "Don't be a baby!" One of the guys called back. She wrung her hands frantically. "I think Jamie was right." She turned back around at the snapping of branches. A nest of bats took flight from the tree tops, frightened by something. That was enough for Carolyn. Hurrying away, she found the nearest path out of the park. ~oo0oo~ Rearing back, the Leviathan hissed its outrage. The aura had vanished with the utmost speed. It had been created for one purpose and one purpose only -- to find the Chosen One. It would not rest until he was found. A small spark alighted its senses once more. The aura seemed to be detected at three different points. Pulling itself along, the Leviathan signalled in on the strongest source. ~oo0oo~ Vincent Tucker left his meeting at Michael's Pub, feeling confident and refreshed. Despite the harrowing experience earlier -- his rescue from a hit- and-run -- the meeting with Miss Waterfield had gone off without a hitch. Taking care as he crossed the foggy street, he thought of his wife Amanda, and the warm bed waiting for him. He quickened his pace, thinking someone was following him. Every time he looked over his shoulder, the sidewalk was empty. But the strange feeling persisted. He could feel a presence looming up behind him. The chill wind rustled eerily along the empty streets as he hurried on. From somewhere close by, he heard a terrible slithering sound. He stumbled on blindly, running off the curb, crashing onto the cobbles. A deep growl emanated close behind. Panic-stricken, the man tripped and fell. He stared upward in horrified fascination as a figure loomed up out of the darkness. There was an angry roar as the thing swooped down. He gave one last death cry as the life was sucked out of him... [Next Episode: Mulder's lust for life]