Title: Conundrum Author: Chad E-mail: Chad_Skywalker@webtv.net Feedback: Always welcome Archive: Yes, please Category: M/O Rating: PG Series/Sequel: This story is a sequel to "Dangerous Undercurrents" Spoilers: Set after the TV story "Existence." Disclaimers: All familiar characters belong to CC, 1013 and Fox Television; all others were coceived in my warped imagination. Azathoth and the Great Old Ones are creations of HP Lovecraft and are now the property of Arkham House. No infringement intended. Author's note: Special thanks to Bertina and Michele. ===== Interlude One: The Curse of Azathoth ===== THE PROPHECY OF THE CHOSEN ONE from The Necronomicon, translation unknown (published in The Lone Gunman) Beneath the Earth, an ageless evil stirred. Born amongst the stars, he and his brothers were lords in the time before man. Driven into the roots of the world, they strove to return one day. One in their number, Azathoth, desired his freedom and stretched out with his astral influence. His dark power touched those willing to listen. When his followers numbered thirteen, he instructed them to find a strong, youthful body and bring it to the appointed place. For in the sacred city of Rhy'leh they gathered, bringing with them one strong of body and spirit. What Azathoth had not forseen was the strange little man who appeared, bringing with him a box carved from mahogany. Azathoth's dark essence reached up through cracks in the earth, a sacrificial knife swept through the air. But the little man wielded secret magic, and as the thick mist surrounded the chosen one, the stranger leapt forward to capture the essence. Sealed inside the box, Azathoth found himself trapped in a world of shadow. The mysterious stranger rescued the young one and they travelled to many mystical lands. But Azathoth would not be beaten. For the Chosen One left behind a daughter. From within the confines of the box, Azathoth's essence reached out. He sowed the seed of a curse when the daughter came of age. There would be other chosen ones, and other chances of escape, in another time, another place... [The Book of Prophecy, Part One] ~*~*~*~*~ Charles Wickham, renowned for his travels, fell in love with a young Scot named Jeremiah Patterson. Shortly afterward, Charles left for the far east. Always interested in the occult, he came across a strangely carved box in an oriental market. The old stallholder told Charles that a great secret was contained inside and he could not sell it. Distracting the old man, Charles took the ancient box. So Charles returned from the east, thinking this box would make a fine gift for Jeremiah. But what he never knew was that the box was cursed with evil and death. That first night, a dark fog, not unlike anything seen before, crept across the moorland, and in the morning, several men lay dead -- their bodies dry and white. The elders claimed that their souls had been stolen from their bodies. With a heavy heart, Charles gave his love Jeremiah the box. For a while, no more strange deaths occurred. Charles and Jeremiah made plans to leave the village and travel together. Now the dark curse returned, swirling round the highlands in death. Each night, more and more villagers died. In the green forests, cowled figures appeared signalling doom. Charles turned to Jeremiah and said, "A curse is following the box I stole. It will kill everyone in its path. I cannot allow anything to happen to you. I shall hide the box where no one can find it." So Charles and Jeremiah fled the dead village, but the whispering mist followed. They arrived in Oxfordshire, thinking all would be safe in their new refuge. But one night the dark figures took Jeremiah and the box away. Charles followed, determined to save his love. What he witnessed changed his life and those of his descendants forever. For an evil power, older than time itself, reached out from the box to claim Jeremiah. Before him was a stranger, cold and devoid of love. Struggling toward him, Charles kissed Jeremiah farewell. He plunged a dagger into Jeremiah's heart to free him forever. Holding his dead lover close, Charles trapped the black mist once more inside the box. The next day, Charles buried Jeremiah and carved a stone to place on his grave. Then, Charles hid the box where no soul could find it. As night fell, he prayed for Jeremiah and for forgiveness. Charles Wickham vowed that he and all those who followed would protect the Chosen from the touch of evil. In half a century's time, the box would be discovered by the dark god's followers, and the curse reached out once more. [The Book of Prophecy, Part Two] ~*~*~*~*~ "For the one touched by the curse shall bear the mark of the naga. Through a dream he will be revealed. They will call him The Deliverer. He will make the ultimate sacrifice and will be entombed in a pit. But Azathoth will not be complete. The life essence, lost in time, waits. The Great One will find escape, and be joined by one with shining eyes and the cunning of a wolf who has caused much suffering. For this is the one who shall lead The Deliverer to the box." [The Book of Prophecy, Part Three] ===== Interlude Two: The Awakening ===== Oxford, Summer, 2000 Silence. A pair of bright eyes pierced the impenetrable darkness. The power within the host body flexed his muscles. Sleep had overcome him, sleep that had lasted longer than expected. He reached out with his mind, and a faint smile appeared. Sensing traces, like taste, the life essence was not too far away. He would be complete. Hibernation had kept the body intact. He was ready to leave this tomb. Time and shadow would no longer be his prison. Turning his head, he concentrated his power through borrowed eyes. Wind whipped through the chamber, accompanied by a whispering screech. An awesome force shifted the heavy stone. Within moments, it exploded. Slivered fragments rained down as the body of Jamie Grayson stood for the first time in eighteen years. The ground above stirred, folding inwards. With a vast force he was lifted from the tomb and into the world. High above, there was a crack of thunder and gray clouds passed over the moon. Azathoth scanned the dense forest. He stumbled and held onto a tree. Using his power to escape had weakened him. He could feel the presence of the Chosen One within his mind, struggling for release. Sucking in great lungfuls of night air, Azathoth felt control returning. Peering ahead, he could sense the naga box. It still contained the majority of his life essence. Without it, he would surely die. He needed assistance... Raw material to seek out his jailer... The snapping of a twig! Ah! The clinging mist followed the lithe figure. Azathoth moved silently among the undergrowth. 'Yes! There he is... the one I have been waiting for. I can smell it on the wind. He has been touched by my curse.' Stepping forward, Azathoth approached the frightened young man. A smile spreads across Azathoth's ghostly features. He enjoys the succulence of fear. Gathering risidual strength he forces the boy to stare into his glowing eyes, and he cannot resist. The thick, whispering fog surrounded the screaming boy's body. Slowly, painfully, he twisted and transformed into the hideous shape of a shoggoth, an elder thing, the Leviathan. The instrument through which Azathoth shall find the one who holds the box. The newly born shoggoth reared up, its tentacled maw hissing at its master. Azathoth smiled. "You know what to do. Follow me." ~*~*~*~*~ Azathoth stood over the empty husk of Professor Wickham. He'd taken great pleasure in killing the meddling old fool. A satisfying payback for all Wickham's ancestors who had prevented his becoming. The Leviathan, rabid after two fresh kills, tore the flat apart in search of the naga box. Azathoth searched the empty rooms in a frenzy of activity. The box was here! Where had he hidden it? No! Azathoth stopped his obsessive pacing. Wickham had sent the box away, far away. 'I can barely detect it now,' he wailed to himself. Furiously, Azathoth turned and came face to face with the glowing reflection of Jamie Grayson in a wall mirror. A beautiful golden aura swathed Jamie's soul. He stared back in horror at the harsh figure wearing his body. "What's happening to me?" he gasped. "You're just a trapped soul now," Azathoth casually told him, irritated that the Chosen One fought control. Jamie struggled for air. "I can't breathe," he said weakly. "I feel like I'm suffocating." "That's because your soul is dying," Azathoth replied with a hint of pleasure. "It's easier if you don't fight it." Azathoth turned away, not wanting to continue the discussion. But the Chosen One persisted. "Where's Mulder?" he cried. Azathoth cocked his head to the side. "Ah yes, the last link. He also dared to stop my becoming." Azathoth moved close to the mirror. "Don't worry, I'll find him again." "I won't let you hurt him," Jamie threatened. Azathoth simply smiled. "You may have a death wish, but I don't. One will come to help me." ~*~*~*~*~ Several months later, Azathoth stayed close to Oxford. He sent the Leviathan back to the sacrifical chamber. Not only to keep guard of the sacred inscriptions, but to also await his call. The dark god would need the manifestation for future use. Waiting aeons for release, the curse had been fulfilled. His power had touched all through the centuries, wreaking vengeance. Azathoth stretched out with his mind, it was still weak without his complete essence, but strong enough to find the cursed. All that he needed was the wolf... 'Why does he make me wait? I want him here! Now!' On a warm, autumn day the wolf appeared. Clothes suitably tattered and torn, Azathoth concealed himself until the right moment. He closed his eyes, reading the Russian's mind from afar. Smirking, he relished the devious thoughts emanating from within. Jealousy had sent this one searching. "What are you doing?" Jamie's spirit angrily demanded. With frustration, Azathoth glared at the image reflected through the shop window glass. "Not as weak as you seemed after all?" The dark force residing within Jamie's body nodded toward the bustling crowd. "See that handsome man valiantly searching? It seems he has a colorful past with the man you love," Azathoth taunted. A hopeful look filled Jamie's eyes, and Azathoth was quick to dash it. "What are you planning to do? Wave to him? You're just my reflection. Only I can see you," he scorned. "Unh! What are you going to do to him?" Jamie exclaimed, fearful that this stranger would die along with that boy, Inspector Winston and Professor Wickham. "Oh, don't worry. He's too cute to kill." Azathoth turned away, ready to catch the Russian's eye. "At last, another of the cursed arrives to play his part." Alex Krycek hurried through the crowd toward whom he thought was Fox Mulder's long lost love, Jamie Grayson. Avatar had been right, he was alive after all this time! "Jamie," he called, approaching him carefully. Pretending not to know that name, Azathoth allowed weakness to show. Inside, he was privately overjoyed at the suitably confused Krycek. Using the Chosen One's compassion to reach out to this troubled man, Azathoth could feel the dying soul struggle in vain. 'Alex Krycek has a heart filled with hidden depth, something he has rarely let anyone see.' Azathoth decided to use this to his advantage. "I want to help you," Alex told him. Azathoth grinned. How sweet. After a short time, the evil force unleashed its power. Krycek, terrified by the power emanating from Jamie's eyes, cannot resist. An alien voice, tinged with hate, pierced into his innermost thoughts. 'This body is dying. Where have you been?' Krycek could not answer. Azathoth, surprised he is so easily mainpulated for one steeped in blood, continued. 'You still don't understand, do you? Why you are here?' Alex replied back, his voice calm and steady, "To find Jamie." 'Because your great-great grandmother was descended from the first. You are touched by the curse of Azathoth!" Azathoth smiled. 'Through you the chains that bind me to this world shall shatter!' [Next Episode: "Jamie, is that you?"]