Title: Conundrum Author: Chad Moore E-Mail: Chad_Skywalker@webtv.net Feedback: Always welcome! Archive: Yes, please Series/Sequel: This story is a sequel to "Dangerous Undercurrents." Date: July 15th, 2001 Status: WIP Rating: PG Category: M/O Fandom: The X-Files Spoiler: Set after the TV story, "Existence." Disclaimers: All familiar characters belong to CC and 1013; any others were conceived in my warped imagination. Azathoth and the Great Old Ones are creations of HP Lovecraft and are now the property of Arkham House. No infringment intended. Author's Note: Many thanks to my amazing beta Bertina for her encouragement. Chapter Six: Twice Upon A Time 'Just keep breathing,' Mulder reminded himself. All of the incredible things he'd experienced in his life never prepared him for this. For a moment, he thought he might fall backwards, but somehow he steadied himself and remembered to stand up straight. His devilishly handsome face broke out into a wide grin of joy. He hurried forward, unable to control his movements any longer. Jamie stood only a few feet ahead, his eyes wide. His face remained expressionless for several moments as Mulder approached. In seconds, Mulder wrapped his arms around him in a long, slow, molten embrace. Years worth of pent up emotions flowed freely. Carefully he smoothed Jamie's hair and whispered words of comfort into his ear. "Mulder?" Jamie gasped. He pulled back and held his face in his hands. The bright green eyes that had first captivated Mulder searched his face questioningly. "I never thought I'd see you again," Mulder told him, his voice breaking. "How did you know where to find me?" asked Jamie in amazed disbelief. Mulder looked back over his shoulder for an instant and Jamie knew. "Alex?" Mulder nodded yes. "It's incredible." Someone I've hated him for so many years, he thought, I can't believe he actually brought you back to me. Jamie's smile still took Mulder's breath away. He could have been frozen in time, looking almost exactly the same as he had back in 1983; all except for the unhealthy pale skin tone. Mulder held off questioning Jamie about why he looked as if he hadn't aged, too caught up in just the closeness of his lost love. "He took care of me," Jamie explained. "Even before I knew... before I could remember who I really am." "You're here now and that's all that matters." Mulder gripped his neck, and held a hand flat against his chest. He had to be sure this was all real. He felt a reassuring heart beat coming through. Mulder looked into his face, and grinned brightly. Farther up the bank, Alex Krycek tore his eyes from the reunion to stare at Walter Skinner. Alex elbowed him in the ribs. "Come on, I think they deserve some time alone, don't you?" Walter nodded, and glanced back at Mulder holding onto Jamie with a great deal of interest. He was genuinely overjoyed for Mulder. The touching look beaming from Mulder's face caused a tug at his heart -- mainly because he sensed a storm about to erupt. There was a deeper reason Walter was on edge about this reunion. He knew he was being overprotective, and there wasn't anything he could quite put his finger on that explained his feeling. Jamie's initial lack of emotion was odd, not to mention the air of mystery that Walter found unsettling. Pushing the nagging doubts to the back of his mind, he trailed after Krycek. Perhaps he could get more answers from him inside. As the two men headed inside the shaded cabin, Mulder held onto Jamie tightly. "Let's sit down," he suggested. Taking him by the arm, Mulder helped Jamie to sit on a tree stump beside the water. Stroking his soft blonde hair, Mulder murmured, "If I had only known." "How could you?" Jamie asked, shaking his head sadly. Fresh tears flowed down Mulder's face. "I still can't believe it. I thought I'd lost you forever." "You almost did," he replied quietly. Mulder realized that he'd have to tread very carefully. "Jamie, what happened?" Jamie squinted, remembering back. "It was horrible. I was bleeding and rocks were falling all around me. Then there was just darkness. I couldn't move. I just laid there." "You were in shock," Mulder told him gently. "How did you get out? The authorities called off the search, and I thought... I thought..." he choked on the words. "You thought I was dead. What else could you think? I still don't know how I survived. I just blacked out and I woke up in a hospital." "A hospital in Oxford?" Mulder questioned, stunned by his revelation. "They didn't try to find anyone who might know you?" "I didn't even know who I was or where I had been. How could they even guess? They sent word out, but no one ever came." Mulder shook his head, anger and guilt building up in his heart. "Jamie, I'm so sorry," he whispered, holding his hand tightly. It felt so cold. Focusing on the sky above, Jamie went on. "I wandered for such a long time, searching for something... I knew there was something important missing from my life." His voice took on a distant tone. "And then I met Alex." Mulder's eyes glistened with fresh tears thinking of the terrible existence Jamie must've led. "What did he tell you?" He managed to ask. Jamie shrugged a little and brushed a golden strand from his eyes. "He seemed to know me, and he offered to help me rediscover my past. We lived in Oxford for about a year. Then all of a sudden Alex said that it was important that we return to the States," Jamie replied. "Did he say why?" "No, but I've never had any reason to doubt him. He's been very good to me." Mulder found himself speechless. Alex Krycek had done something even he couldn't; he'd found Jamie and kept him safe. "It sounds as if you've been a good influence on him. He said that you were ill." Jamie turned away. "Yes, I've been having dizzy spells and trouble breathing for a long time. I just feel so lost." "Not anymore." Mulder reached for his shoulders and turned Jamie back to face him. "We're going to get through this together." With a gasp, Jamie reached out and gripped Mulder's hand. "Mulder, help me!" he pleaded, his voice desperately weak. "Jamie, what is it?" Mulder asked, full of concern. Jamie closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When next he looked up, his statement was calm, his voice controlled. "Um, could you help me back inside? It's beginning to get dark." "Okay," Mulder replied, not entirely convinced. Taking Jamie by the arm, he helped him up. Shakily, he fell against Mulder, who caught him before he could collapse. "Whew, that was the worst one yet," he said. "Are you all right?" he asked, holding onto him for all the world. "Yeah, if it's not this, it's the nightmares." "Nightmares?" "Yes, they started some time ago. Around the time I began to remember you." Mulder's eyes widened in surprise. "A year ago?" Jamie nodded. "Jamie, I've been having nightmares too!" Mulder told him, excitedly. "Have you ever heard of astral projection? I think that we were trying to communicate with each other through our dreams. To find each other again." Jamie laughed lightly. "Oh, Mulder, I've missed you." "I've missed you, too. If you only knew how much." Tenderly, Mulder ran a finger down his nose and said, "I promise, everything will be all right." ~oo0oo~ Oil lamps cast a warm orange glow across the cabin's living room. From beside the double doors, Walter continued to watch the reunion with a protective scowl. Darkness had started to fall and he could just make out the two figures beside the lake. Nearby, Alex sat in a powder blue recliner with one leg slung over the side. Walter still felt an electric shock seeing Krycek alive. "How has he been?" Walter asked, out of the blue. "Just fine until recently." "With all he's been through..." Alex gave him a dark look. "What are you so worried about?" "Worried? Yes, I suppose I am." "About Mulder?" he teased. "I'm the one who ought to be worried about Jamie. I'm beginning to think it was a bad idea to bring them back together." Walter turned and regarded him suspiciously. Ever since Krycek swept back into their lives, there was an odd proprietory concern about Jamie everytime he was mentioned. Never one to hold back, Walter decided to voice his thoughts. "What I'm worried about is why you didn't turn Jamie over to Avatar when you found him?" he questioned the younger man, scanning his face for a reaction. Alex sat back and pondered Walter's question. There was still a huge part of his story he'd deliberately left out. The silence spoke volumes and Skinner's voice cracked like a shotgun of insinuations. "Maybe it was the same reason Mulder fell in love with him? Is that it, Krycek? Are you trying to keep Jamie for yourself?" Taken aback, Alex stood and walked over to Walter. "I just can't win, can I? I thought I'd made it perfectly clear where my feelings lie," he paused, then took a breath. "It would have been easy to turn Jamie over. I just didn't expect to care for him." Walter was about to speak, but Alex beat him to the punch. "No, and it's not what you're thinking. Yes, I was curious to learn what kind of hold he had over Mulder. I just never expected to care for him. Jamie's the first friend I've had in..." his voice broke off. "Look, I'm risking my life keeping him hidden from Avatar. I should have kept him hidden from Mulder, too. He certainly was in no hurry to find him." "That's because he couldn't remember what happened, Krycek!" Walter blasted. He prepared himself for a verbal onslaught, but Alex's attitude took him completely offguard. Alex jumped from the chair and stood before Walter. "I just don't want Jamie to get hurt," he said. "Or anyone else." Their faces drew in close. Walter tried to steady his breathing. The sound of car doors slamming interrupted the moment. Alex jerked his head up and raced to the large bay window facing out onto the front lawn. Hiding behind a silk drapery, he peered out cautiously. Through the growing darkness, he could see that a black Lexus had driven through the camoflauged path. Vines clung to the windshield wipers. Two men dressed in the style of door-to-door salesmen were investigating Mulder's parked car. Alex swore in Russian under his breath. Skinner hurried up beside him. "What's going on?" "I think our friends from Avatar followed us here. Fuck! I knew I should have come back alone!" With one swift, trained movement Alex reached inside a cabinet and held a nasty looking glock in his hand. Walter, the stronger of the two, wrenched it from his hands and held it aloft. "Just what do you think you're doing?" he demanded. "Do you have any idea what danger we'll be in if they find Jamie?" "No, why don't you enlighten me?" he asked, sternly. Walter knew the sneaky rat had been keeping something from them. At that moment, Mulder escorted Jamie in through the back door. "Walter, there's someone very important I'd like for you to meet." His smile dropped at the sight of Skinner holding a gun out of Krycek's reach. "What the hell is going on in here?" Alex ignored both of them, he hurried across to Jamie's side. "Come on, quick!" He attempted to pull him away from Mulder, but Mulder kept a firm grip on his shoulders. "Why, what's all the fuss?" questioned Mulder. Alex sighed impatiently. He was really in no mood for Mulder's overprotective ballsy attitude. "Our friends from Avatar have tracked us down." "Avatar? Did you tell them where we were?" he snapped. "Would you two stop squabbling?" Walter scolded from his position by the window. "Those two men are just standing out there. Like there waiting on something." ~oo0oo~ Outside, a thick rolling mist appeared out of nowhere, hovering just above the ground. Leaves rustled in the unnatural air. Two figures cut their way through the chill. Augustus Thascales examined the stationary vehicle while his partner, Richard Frazer, kept an eye on the cabin. Everything was going as planned. They'd been watching Fox Mulder's apartment building like a couple of vultures; waiting to swoop at the first sign of action. It hadn't taken long for it to arrive in abundance. Using the surveillance photographs supplied by Avatar, they'd been able to quickly single out each of the three men who entered the complex. Skillfully they followed them from the District to this isolated area in the country. Richard's keen eyes spotted a curtain falling back into place. He nodded and made to head up the winding stone path. Augustus stopped him with a restraining hand. "No, we must wait and watch for them to make the next move," he told him sternly. The impatient zeal in Richard voice made his reply come out as a whine. "But, the Deliverer is near. I can feel it in my bones." "Yes, so can I. The High Priest will be most pleased." Augustus cocked his head to the side. "There's something else in the air. Don't you sense it?" Richard lifted his head as if sniffing the air. His skin tingled at the sound of something large dragging itself along the ground. He glanced back toward Augustus in amazement. The older man nodded with a smirk. Together, they reached inside their collars to reveal silver pentagrams. As one, they pressed the ancient symbol to their foreheads. ~oo0oo~ Mulder and Krycek were at loggerheads, staring daggers at one another from across the room. Jamie stood between the two hot blooded men. He seemed to be torn between them. Walter froze, the hair on his arms prickling. Suddenly, the weapon felt very heavy in his hand. "Shh!" he whispered, trying to gain their attention. "Listen!" "What? I can't hear anything," Alex replied. Walter nodded with his head. "There's something outside, moving this way." The room became stone silent. A harsh slithering, whispering scream sounded from all around. Mulder swallowed hard, his restored memories making him realize all too well what it was. "We've got to get out of here, now!" he hissed. Beside him, Jamie turned and stared around, wide-eyed with nervous anticipation. An icy chill spread through the room, and the lamps flickered in response. A hissing shadow passed behind the back doors. Everyone turned to it, Walter brandishing the glock for a target. An eerie silence followed for a moment. With a tremendous force of energy, the thick oak door smashed inwards. The cabin literally rocked under pressure. An enormous, hideous shape filled the doorway. Alex scrambled backwards from the glistening, sluglike body of the Leviathan. Its five pointed head reared up like a cobra. A mouth full of spitting tentacles roared triumphantly. Jamie took a few steps forward. In an instant, Mulder gripped his shoulders and pulled him back. Mulder had been braced for this encounter. But this was larger, stronger and more vicious than the shoggoth he'd seen so many years ago. "Close your eyes!" he shouted urgently. The horror of the Leviathan seemed to hypnotize Skinner. He simply could not tear his eyes away from the frightening sight. "Use the gun!" Alex exclaimed, wishing that it was still in his hands. "I...I can't." Walter stood paralyzed under the monster's enormous power. "That won't work!" Mulder told them, frantically trying to remember how to deal with such a legendary creature. Roaring until the windows shook, the Leviathan glided slowly nearer. Mulder screwed his eyes tight and smacked himself in the forehead, willing himself to remember. Alex cut his eyes sideways and gasped when he saw that the creature was ignoring Walter and instead fixating on Jamie. "Hey, you! Over here!" cried Alex, waving his arms to gain its attention. The Leviathan swung itself around, its tail striking Walter. Alex tumbled forward and grabbed the glock as the older man fell. In one swift movement, he leveled it up to aim at the horror. It turned round again, hissing angrily, and the gaping mouth lunged down. "Jamie!" Alex warned. But Jamie slid neatly out of the way and the seething creature swept right past him and straight toward Mulder! "Oh, shit!" Mulder ducked and rolled away. Hissing in frustration, it tore round and once more Jamie staggered back, staring in silent awe. The tentacled mouth bore down and then inspiration struck. "Salt!" Mulder declared, jumping up and sliding his long legs over the kitchen counter. The slimy shell of the Leviathan crushed a table beneath its bulk in a frenzied attempt to reach him. Not waiting any longer, Krycek fired the gun. ~oo0oo~ In the misty darkness, the shot echoed from the cabin. Richard glanced at his colleague. Augustus merely smiled. "Do not worry. Their time is running out. The non-believers cannot harm the Leviathan with such a weapon. It will take care of them and bring the Deliverer to us." ~oo0oo~ Mulder slammed down hard onto the linoleum when the bullet ripped across the room. His ears rang from the shot. Gripping the counter, he hauled himself up and found the creature surging back toward Krycek and Walter. Mulder dashed to the cabinets and scattered the contents maniacally until he found the prize he sought. He hurled the cylindrical container. It shattered, showering the Leviathan with salt. An ear piercing screech filled the room and it slithered back. Leaping back over the counter, Mulder slipped past and reached for Jamie. "Jamie? Jamie, come on!" With a roar of pure agony, the creature convulsed and twisted, collapsing into a heap on the floor. Its skin cracked open, emitting a foul vapour. Gagging from the stench, Alex clasped the gun tightly and ran over to join Mulder and Jamie who was staring down at the shattered body. "Jamie? Are you all right?" asked Mulder, deeply troubled. "You killed it," he stated quietly. Mulder nodded grimly. "Yes, I did. There could be more of them on the way." "More?" Krycek repeated. "Come on, let's get our asses out of here." He helped Jamie toward the door. Mulder hurried over and knelt beside Walter. "What about Avatar?" Alex looked back. "Oh, I'll handle them," he said with relish, cocking the gun for good measure. Wrapping an arm around Jamie's shoulders, Alex lead him outside. Anger boiling to the bursting point, Mulder took Walter under the arm and helped him up. Walter spit out a few drops of blood and wiped at his mouth. "Did you see that?" he asked, breathlessly. "I know!" raged Mulder. "That rat bastard's taking over. Jamie needs me, not him!" Infuriated, Walter grasped Mulder's shoulders and twisted him around. "Mulder!" he barked, pointing down at the dissolving remains of the creature. He had to make him understand. "That thing. What the hell is it?" Turning his hazel eyes to the bubbling stench, Mulder had a flash of his Oxford flat back in 1983 when Professor Wickham destroyed a similar horror. "It's called a shoggoth," he explained. Walter shook his head and instantly regretted it. His skull ached terribly. "Mulder, I have to admit that this is a bit beyond me," he confided. Mulder gave him a half-grin. This was getting to be like the good old days. "Lovecraft wrote about them in his works. Seems he was spot on. Its like a servant, seeking out a Chosen One." "Jamie?" he asked. "The second it burst inside, he didn't even flinch." "He was in shock," Mulder sighed as if the weight of the world were resting on his shoulders. "What are you saying?" "I think there's more going on here than either one of them is telling us." "It doesn't mean that Jamie is involved. Does it?" He gazed pleadingly at Walter. "That's possible, isn't it?" To his surprise, Walter's voice was gentle as he replied, "Yes, it's possible, Mulder. And for your sake, I hope it's the truth." ~oo0oo~ Alex walked slowly down the front steps, wincing as the wood creaked ominously beneath his feet. He scanned the darkness for any sign of the Avatar agents. They now knew that he had Jamie, and they would stop at nothing to get him. He whirled round, slightly amazed to find the Lexus missing. "I guess that ball of slime scared them off," he reasoned, making his way back toward Jamie. "He shouldn't have killed it," Jamie told him angrily. Alex looked at him curiously. This tone was unlike Jamie. "Are you all right?" Jamie looked away, refusing to meet his eyes. "Of course I'm all right. Why shouldn't I be?" "Didn't that creature scare you? Mulder killed it to save you." "I heard," he replied coldly. Alex took Jamie's chin in his hand, and forced Jamie to look him in the face. "What's the matter with you?" Jamie stared at him defiantly, then slowly a look of total misery filled his face. "Alex, help me," he whispered. "I made it appear!" [Next Episode: Who's Who?]