Walk In The Park


Daniel went through the Stargate, marveling, as he always did, at the indescribable rush from the wormhole as it hurled him across the galaxy.  Long ago he'd stopped trying to brace himself for the impact of that first footstep on the other side.  He didn't think it was possible to anticipate the first impression of a new world, no matter how much information the MALP gave them.


In this case the machine hadn't conveyed how sweet and fresh the air was, or how beguiling the fragrance from the many blossoms would be.  Nor did recordings of the local sounds do justice to the melodies pouring from unseen life forms, accompanied by the more common-place liquid music of running water.  And video hadn't warned him that the sunshine was slightly whiter than Earth's, and its warmth was gentle and persuasive, not overwhelming.


Without intending to, Daniel took a deep breath, feeling tension he hadn't been aware of flowing out of his back and neck.  Almost immediately, he tightened up again, Hammond's warning during the briefing echoing in his mind.  "People, do *not* let your guard down just because it *looks* like a walk in the park.  That is a sure recipe for disaster." 


He glanced at his teammates.  If they had had the same reaction to this lovely place, he couldn't see any signs of it.  Instead Jack set off at an angle to the gate, weapon up and moving warily, as if expecting an ambush, with Teal'c moving in the opposite direction with the same attitude.  Hiding a smile at his warrior teammates and their 'protect first,' attitude, he brought put a hand on his sidearm and waited for Sam's lead.


"No paths or trails," Carter murmured, splitting the difference between her team mates and walking straight out from the dais. 


Daniel trailed behind her, walking backwards so that he could cover their rear.  "The grass has been cut and the bushes trimmed," he pointed out, "And I doubt that the vegetation could be this lush without regular watering, too.  Can't see any sign of piping or faucets, though."


"No city sounds, so if this is a park, it's well off the beaten path," Jack said, coming back from his short recon, visually checking out both Sam and Daniel, as if to make absolutely sure nothing had happened while his back was turned. 


"Nature preserve?" Sam questioned, uncertainly.


"Unusually well behaved nature if that's the case," Daniel said, beginning to feel slightly spooked himself, instinctively inching closer to his teammates. 


"Not going to learn anything standing around here. Any idea which way we should go to find the people?"  Jack turned in a small circle, as if expecting to see a road magically appear.


"A superior vantage point may be of use – perhaps that ridge?" Teal'c pointed out. 


"That'll do for a destination right now."  Jack stopped to think, fingers drumming on the stock of his gun, plainly not liking the decision he knew he had to make.  "We'll split and approach from two different sides, meet where those three trees are growing from that rock face.  You see anything resembling civilization, holler."  With a wave to tell Carter to come with him, Jack headed out at a brisk pace, apparently totally unaffected by the pastoral tranquility of the planet.


Daniel had more trouble ignoring their surroundings, despite all his experience in the last few years; whoever had created the garden around the Stargate had an almost human eye for aesthetics.  All the flowering plants and trees had obviously been planted with an eye to beauty; the colors of the blossoms not only harmonized, but they were of different textures and heights, taking advantage of the backdrop of the forest.  Monet would have felt right at home here on PX3-721.


Lagging behind Teal'c, he tried to keep focused on looking for signs of the inhabitants, but kept getting distracted by a particularly vivid flower or how the sunlight shifted through the multi-hued green trees.  Every now and then he spotted animal or insect life, usually as it was moving away at top speed.  Not sure if that meant they were used to human-looking predators or if they were just naturally cautious, he didn't give pursuit, though he did mention them to Teal'c.


"Is it possible this world is uninhabited?" the Jaffar asked.


"Looks too well tended to me.  Maybe we scared everybody away because they've never seen the Gate in operation before," Daniel answered.  "Wonder if the whole planet is like this?  This park, if it is one, doesn't seem to have any borders or boundaries, so far.  If that's the case, perhaps the people live on another world entirely and just visit here when they're in the mood for fresh air."


It wasn't until he bumped into Teal'c's back that Daniel realized that they'd been walking slower and slower while talking, and that the Jaffar was leaning on his staff weapon.  "Teal'c?  What's wrong?"


"I do not know, DanielJackson, save that I am suddenly very fatigued."  With obvious effort, he took another step, then had to stop, head bowed almost to his chest. 


"Tired? That doesn't make any sense."  Without thinking, Daniel moved to his friend's side, wrapping his arm around his waist to help support him as he drew one of Teal'c's arms over his shoulder. 


"Indeed."  Stubbornly, Teal'c started forward again, sweat forming on his brow.


"I think we should go back to the Gate," Daniel said uneasily.  "Suddenly I wouldn't mind sitting down and resting for a few minutes myself."


"That," Teal'c panted, "May be wise."


"Okay, now I'm really worried, if you're willing to abort a mission without an argument."  Daniel thumbed the mike at his shoulder.  "Jackson to O'Neill.  We've got a problem here."   The only answer was a hum and some static, and with uneasiness growing hard and weighty in his stomach, he tried again.  "Jack, this is Daniel.  Do you copy?  Damn." 


Abandoning his attempt to get in touch with the others, Daniel urged Teal'c to turn around, but they hadn't made more than a few yards when the big man buckled, going to one knee.  Daniel went down with him, and almost couldn't get back up, let alone be of much use to his friend.  Somehow both of them struggled to their feet, Teal'c refusing to release his staff, and they staggered on a few more yards before going down again.


This time Teal'c couldn't do more than twitch, his thick fingers digging compulsively into the thick moss covering the ground.  Admitting he couldn’t go much further himself, Daniel scanned the area, looking for a hiding place, or at least shelter of some sort.  About ten feet away he spotted a clump of shrubs that reminded him of lilacs, and he thought he could see a pocket of space underneath where he and Teal’c might fit.  The trick was going to be getting there.


“Teal’c,” he said, gently tapping at his cheek to get his attention.  “See that bush?  I want to get us out of the open.  Think you could make it?”


“I will,” Teal’c whispered.  ”But you must attempt to return to the Gate and tell SGC what has happened.”


“Not leaving you,” Daniel said flatly.  He grabbed the staff weapon and with a burst of energy that left him light-headed, he hurled it into their hoped-for hiding place.


“DanielJackson, leave!”


“Whatever this is, it isn’t affecting me as much as you.  Let me get you under cover, and then I’ll head straight for the Gate,” Daniel lied.


“That may be too late.  Leave now.” Teal’c argued.


“Sooner you’re in hiding, sooner I can do exactly that,” Daniel said with asperity.  “Come on, let’s go.”


Apparently deciding that it was a waste of time and strength to keep protesting – or maybe he didn’t have it to spare - Teal’c bunched every muscle in his body and began inching his way toward the ‘lilac’ bushes.  Daniel did his best to help, but his pulls were too weak to be useful for anything except encouragement.  By some miracle they did finally creep into concealment, and he sagged back against the surprisingly heavy bole of the plant.


“Let me catch my breath,” he muttered, but his head lolled back against the trunk, eyes closing against his will.


“DanielJackson,” Teal’c said sharply.  “Do not rest.  Move.”


Daniel heard him, but couldn’t muster the concentration to answer, though Teal’c repeated his demand several times.  Then, astonishingly the Jaffar hauled himself upright into a sitting position, only to fall solidly into Daniel, half across his lap.  He tried to move away, but seemingly he had used the last of his strength, judging by the slight tremors Daniel felt in the large body.


“It’s okay, I’m awake,” Daniel whispered, trying to reassure him.  Without thinking he tried to pat the broad back, but succeeded only in dropping his arm over it, as if loosely hugging Teal’c.  //Nice,// he thought muzzily, and willingly left it where it was.  He doubted his teammate knew it was there; the Jaffar was breathing the deep slow respirations of a man sound asleep.  That didn’t seem like such a bad idea to Daniel, and he reluctantly relaxed, allowing the fight to fade from his body.


Oddly, once he stopped struggling against the drain, he felt more alert, though his limbs no longer responded at all to demands, even small ones.  He could look around, if he wanted, moving his head in modest increments, and he thought he might be able to talk if he needed to.  With nothing else to do and with the vague notion of guarding his sleeping companion, he studied their surroundings, looking for signs of what had caused their condition.


What he found was a pair of huge dark eyes peeping at him from deeper in the underbrush, and for a second he wondered if hallucinations were part of what was happening to him and Teal’c.  Then the creature shifted from foot to foot, and Daniel was able to make out its outline from the background it had blended into so well.  With the exception of its forest green and brown mottling, it looked much like a bat with very human expression in its eyes.


So human, in fact, that Daniel said tentatively, “Hi.”


It hopped closer, wings spreading for balance and head tilted to one side as it scrutinized Daniel.  He returned the regard, deciding it was about two and a half feet tall, and that its wing span was probably much wider than that, to guess from the folds in the leathery flesh.  The leading edge of them looked vaguely wrong to his Terran eye, though he couldn’t say how, and the slight body between the wings resembled a human child’s despite being covered in soft looking fur.  The face was fur-covered as well, but that didn’t hide the roughly humanoid features framed by large pleated ears. 


The most remarkable thing about it, though, was its feet.  As Daniel watched, it hitched closer, then lifted one leg and groomed the folds of its right ear with appendages that looked very much like hands with opposable thumbs.  Then it bounced forward a bit more, bringing it almost into arm’s reach, tilted its head the other way, then groomed its left ear.


“Hi,” Daniel repeated with a little more assurance.  “I’m Daniel Jackson and this is my friend, Teal’c.”


Ears unfolding and swiveling toward him, the little person said in a breathy voice, “Daniel Jackson and friend Teal’c.”


Startled, unsure it understood and wasn’t parroting the words back, Daniel said, “That’s right.  This is Teal’c and I’m Daniel.”


Reaching out with its hand/foot, the alien spread its fingers over Teal’c’s bare skull and turned it away from Daniel’s chest.  “Not friend, not, not.”  It tapped the brand in the center of the broad forehead.  “Not good, not nice, not friend.”


“You understand this language?” Daniel blurted, instantly worried that the Jaffar had run into an old enemy.


“Few words, few, few.”  With a restless sideways skip, it gave a startlingly graceful dip of wings, ears and knees.  “Be Tovhumm.”


The first sound was more of a click of the tongue than a ‘t’ and Daniel did his best to imitate it.  “Tovhumm.”


Ears and wings unfolded to full extension for a moment; a sign of pleasure or delight, Daniel guessed.  Tovhumm hopped forward a step before folding them again.  “Daniel be friend?”


“I’d like to,” Daniel said cautiously.


“Then fly, Daniel.  Fly, fly.”  Holding up one ped, clearly expecting him to take it, Tovhumm waited patiently, with minute flutters of his ears telling Daniel the invitation to go with him was sincere and possibly important.


“Not without Teal’c,” Daniel said gently, deliberately hugging the Jaffar closer to emphasize his reluctance to leave his teammate.


Folding everything close to his body again, Tovhumm repeated firmly, “Teal’c not friend, not, not.”  He defecated on the ground as if punctuating the statement, then hopped away from his mess and to the other side of Daniel.  He repeated pleadingly, “Fly friend Daniel.  Fly!”


“What kind of friend would I make if I left an injured one for a new one?” Daniel said in hopes Tovhumm’s culture shared that particular belief with his own.


Tovhumm seemed about to argue, but Jack's shout of “Daniel! Teal’c!” echoed through the woods, and Daniel jerked his head toward the sound. 


“Here, here!” he yelled back.


“Daniel!  Stay put!” Jack ordered.


“Actually I think I'll run the 440,” Daniel muttered sarcastically to himself.  He turned to Tovhumm to reassure him that his teammates could be friends, too, and found that the little alien was gone.  Remembering how well camouflaged he’d been, Daniel studied the area around him, trying to find him again, but if Tovhumm was still nearby, he was hiding too well to be spotted. 


Then Sam called from nearby, and he had to forget about his search and concentrate on matters at hand.


“Wait, wait,” he warned.  “Don’t come any closer.   We’re caught in some kind of trap or snare.”


“Trap?” Jack asked, from the other side, but about the same distance away.


“Some kind of field or device that drains energy; I can’t move and Teal’c is out cold because of it.  I don’t know its range, but we went from normal to tired to exhausted within a few hundred yards.”


“Okay, okay,” Jack said.  “Give us a moment to think.”


“No problem.  I’m not going anywhere.”  Much more quietly, he added, “Except maybe to sleep.  Hurry, guys.”  Though he tried to keep alert, Daniel drifted in and out of awareness, rousing only when he heard someone crawling through the underbrush.


“Be careful,” he warned unnecessarily, blinking to get the sleep out of his eyes.


Sam poked her head and shoulders into their little sanctuary.  “So far, I’m not feeling any effect," she reassured him quickly.  I’m going to tie this vine around each of you and see if we can pull you out of range of whatever’s causing this.”


Without giving him a chance to argue, she shimmied out of the noose looped around her waist and began securing it around Teal’c.  “I came in because I’m the smallest, and the colonel could drag me back.  At first I was just going to move forward until I felt the drain so we could map the boundaries of the trap, but when nothing happened, we decided to try this.”


“You’re smaller than me, and Teal’c was hit first and hardest so far,” Daniel mumbled, eyes drifting close again.  “Maybe size is a factor?”


There was no answer and when he forced his eyes back up, he saw that Sam was curled up next to Teal’c, already nearly unconscious.  She made several convulsive movements, trying to finish tying the improvised rope around the Jaffar.  Though Daniel tried very hard to help her, even managing to finish tightening the knot for her, time ran out for both of them.


* * *

When the line went slack the first time, Jack held his breath, letting it out only when faint jerks let him know that Carter had found the others.  If she were following the plan, she’d quickly take off the vine they’d found to use as a rope and give it to either Teal’c or Daniel and begin pulling him out.  If he listened carefully he could hear her talking to their favorite pain-in-the-ass linguist, and he didn’t like the way Daniel sounded at all.  At least he was awake, Jack thought.  Teal’c wasn’t talking at all and it usually took quite a punch to put the big guy out.


Then it became all together too quiet for Jack’s peace of mind, and the rope stopped jiggling.  “Carter?” he called.  “Daniel?”  When he didn’t get an answer after several more yells, he yanked on the line, reassured when there was weight on it.  “Gotta be Teal’c,” he muttered to himself, pulling hard, wrapping the line around his waist, then again around his arm to get leverage.  A few minutes later, feeling tired and not sure if it was because of the snare or because he had hauled one heavy-assed Jaffar out of the brush like a truck caught in the mud, Jack plopped onto his backside and released the rope. 


“Well, that’s one,” he said, rubbing at the rope-burns on his palms.  “Now how the hell do I get the other two out?”  Shaking his head at the question, he decided to try to drag Teal’c a little farther, just in case once he got him far enough away from the trap, he’d wake up on his own.  After that he’d see about sending him back to the Gate and getting help.


He walked over to Teal’c and went down on one knee beside him to free him from the rope, then rolled him to his side to make sure there weren’t any injuries that he needed to know about.  Not sure he could lift him into an over the shoulder carry, Jack experimentally hoisted Teal’c into a sitting position, but before he could try, the ground smacked him in the face and he blacked out.


Coming to was much more pleasant than passing out had been.  For one thing, he was enclosed in something cozy and satiny, cuddled on all sides by warm bodies that he knew instinctively belonged to his teammates.  For another he had a sweet buzz-on, like he’d been given one of drug cocktails that Doc Fraiser reluctantly handed out when the injuries were severe enough.  His muscles were nicely loose and knot-free, as if he’d had a really good massage or maybe even better sex.


But his subconscious was screaming at him that something was wrong, probably because he hated being given that damn cocktail, no matter how badly he needed it.  A former addiction could leave a body with a phobia like that, but even as he considered that explanation, another part of him entirely informed him what was wrong. It stretched lazily, not exactly getting hard yet, but definitely thinking about it.


Alarmed, Jack paid attention to what had it going, and finally realized that the bodies snuggled against him were naked, as was he.


His eyes popped open and he looked around, moving gingerly so that he wouldn't wake anyone until he was ready to deal with the situation.  Not quite ready to face the no clothes part of it yet, he checked out their surroundings, not surprised that there wasn't much to see.  Their container, for lack of a better word, to his mind vaguely resembled the interior of an egg, having that same shell-like translucence, only it was faintly pink instead of white, but had the same general shape.  The floor they were laying on was just one big overstuffed pillow that matched the walls, and white draperies were hung randomly from the ceiling, almost touching the floor.  Not that the roof was that far up; Teal'c would have to bend over if he tried to stand up in here. 


As prison cells went, it was comfy, but it was still a prison, which meant his first duty was escape.  That meant he needed his team, which meant (and he couldn't stop a moan of frustration) dealing with the whole naked thing.  It wasn't like he hadn't been in similar situations; taking away a prisoner's clothes was often the first step to breaking them.  He'd even had to cope with naked female soldiers before; no problem, nothing like imminent torture and death to kill any appreciation of a sexual nature.


But these weren't just any soldiers in here with him, this was his team, his second family for all practical intents and purposes, and part of the reason they worked so well together was because they *were* more to each other than 'buddies.'  It was harder to separate the libido from the naked skin when you cared about the person inside the skin.  In the sanctity of his mind, he admitted he cared way, way more than he should.


He hadn't been able to hide that when it came to Sam; circumstances hadn't allowed it.  All he could do was be grateful as hell it had been her and not Teal'c or Daniel that had been on the other side of that force field.  The military might be willing to overlook a commander that was too emotionally involved with a female officer, but not one who was in over his head for a guy.  Not that he'd done more than admire the packaging and fantasize a little – okay, a lot – and he honestly didn't think either of his friends had caught him at it. 


Still, he'd had a lot of practice at keeping the whole she-bang under wraps, especially the physical part, which should come in handy under the circumstances.  With a silent curse, he made himself look down at himself and at his teammates, already knowing by touch what he would see and dreading his reaction to it.  It couldn't get any worse than anticipating what they looked like, could it?


It could. 


Sam was on his left, her head nestled trustingly into the curve of his shoulder, her arm thrown over his ribs, which brought her chest right against his side.  Trim and compact, she was still completely feminine and completely appealing.  Tasty as she was, though, Teal'c, who was on his right, head pillowed on his own arm, the other thrown over Sam's, was harder to ignore.  Nobody could really overlook a bod that buff and sleek; even though muscles weren't really Jack's cup of tea, he'd be willing to make an exception for the soul and mind commanding them.


Nice as that was, Teal'c wasn't the one Jack couldn't take his eyes away from, though all there really was to see of Daniel was the top of his head and the curve of his back.  Daniel was curled between Jack's spread legs, using his stomach for a head rest, one hand tucked under his chin and the other resting on Teal'c's hip.  Seeing that much-loved face in just that place, as if Daniel had been pleasuring him just moments ago, and had fallen asleep in beautiful aftermath, hit Jack solidly in the gut.


Abruptly deciding that he needed a distraction and needed it now, he beat down his lust and made himself say cheerfully, "Wakey, wakey, people.  We've got a prison break to plan.  Teal'c, Daniel, Carter, move it!"


He didn't get so much as a sigh or groan from any of them, and for a terrifying minute, Jack thought it was too late, that something permanent had been done to his friends and he just hadn't succumbed yet.  Pushing that thought away with a mule-headed stubbornness that had allowed him survive things that had killed every one else, Jack braced himself to put pure volume and command in his voice.


Before he could try again, an inexplicable breeze faintly touched his cheek, lazily stirring the draperies around him.  That was good, very good; if there were air vents there were openings that could potentially be escape routes.  Looking around to find them, Jack saw a small person instead, first hidden, then revealed by the drifting fabric, sitting all bundled up on the cushioned floor.  He blinked, not sure for a moment if it was real, but then it spread wings that were exactly the same washed pink as the walls and hopped forward several feet. 


Up close, it looked less like a person and more like a bat, but Jack had long ago learned that looks didn’t necessarily mean anything.  Which didn’t stop him from feeling like a fool when he said blandly, “Hi.”


“Hi, hi, hi.”  With a comical looking skip, it landed right next to Jack and the others, and without meaning to, he tried to get all of them closer to him.  Eyelids dropped slowly over the huge eyes, and it asked, “Daniel friend?”


Glancing down at the dark-haired head cuddled against his stomach, Jack murmured, “How do you *do* that?”  To the bat person, he said cautiously, “Yes, I’m Daniel’s friend.  Jack’s the name.”


“Jack, Daniel Friend,” it said happily.  Bending from the waist to keep what Jack considered a respectful distance, it bent over Carter, clicked its tongue a few times, then said doubtfully, “Daniel Mate?”


“No,” Jack said, even more cautiously, not sure that it was a good idea to deprive her of the potential protection being Daniel’s wife could give her.  “Another friend.”


Clicking its tongue doubtfully, it finally said in English, “Fertile female.  Jack’s Mate?”


“No one’s mate; she’s waiting to find the right person.”  At its blank look, he added, “You know, someone to love.”


Though he didn’t consider himself a good judge of alien facial expressions, Jack was willing to bet he’d just found the right thing to say.  It did a couple of hopping, bopping jumps, then said contentedly, “Some one to love.  Not here, here, here.  Not good place for one of her to hunt; home, she goes.  Home, home, home.”


Before Jack had time to react, one of the draperies floated over Carter, wrapped itself securely around her, then retreated up to the ceiling, carrying her with it.  Once it reached its goal with its burden, it was simply absorbed into the surface, Carter and all.


Jack stared dumfounded at the spot where she’d been for a moment, then said hastily, “Daniel Friend would like to go home, too.  And it would probably make him a very happy man if Jack Friend and Teal’c Friend could go with him.”


There was no mistaking the little alien’s reaction to that pronouncement.  Anger.  It tightened its wings around itself and made as small a ball of its person as it could, all the while buzzing loudly in a language that seemed to be mostly clicks and hums.  Finally it unfurled itself enough to reach over and gently pat Daniel on the cheek.  “Daniel Friend, home, home, home.”  It did the same to Jack, saying, “Jack Friend, home, home, home.”  Then it fluttered up to stand by Teal’c’s head, and roughly shoved it away from Jack and Daniel.  “Not friend.  Not.  Not.  Sleep forever.”


“Then I stay.  I won’t abandon one of my people.”  Jack took a deep breath, praying that he wasn’t condemning Daniel to Sleeping Beauty’s fate when he could have gone free.  “And neither will Daniel.  Wake him and ask if you don’t believe me.”


Jack didn’t get the reaction he’d hoped for; the alien said thoughtfully, “Daniel said not trade one friend for another.”  It bent closely over Teal’c, its wing tip brushing over the brand on his forehead.  "*This* be friend?”


The doubt in its voice was clear, and, realizing that the Jaffar’s past was catching up with him again, Jack said, “Whatever he’s done in the past, whatever he was forced to do, he’s a good person, exactly the kind of person you need in your corner when you’re in trouble.  Most importantly, he wouldn’t leave us.  So no way am I walking out of here without him. “  Realizing that not only was he shouting, but that if felt pretty good, Jack made himself calm down, and add lightly.  “Or without my pants, either.  I don’t suppose I can convince you that a person without fur really, really needs those?”


The bat person didn’t answer, and, after what could only be called a long, thoughtful look, took to wing, flying up to the ceiling and vanishing into it much the same way Sam had earlier.  “Damn,” Jack muttered.  “Didn’t even get my pants.”  He yawned hugely, then tried to scoot out from under Daniel so see if he could find the source of the draft that kept the draperies in motion.  Before he could do more than mentally formulate a possible search pattern, he was deeply asleep, fighting it ferociously even as he went under.


Waking up the second time, nice as the first had been, was much, much better.  Teal'c was still cuddled against his side, but Daniel was sprawled on top of him, hands locked onto the sides of his head so that they were practically nose-to-nose.  He felt great and smelled just as good, and any chance Jack had of controlling his immediate, intensely physical reaction was lost in the moment of vulnerability of rising through the layers of sleep.


Opening his eyes as Daniel's demands to 'come out of it' faded away uncertainly, Jack caught his friend and teammate in the split second before he could hide his own response.  It was easily as powerful as Jack's.  Daniel's cock lengthened between them as their shared heat doubled, then re-doubled, stealing the air and creating sweat-slick skin for two hard-ons to meet and duel. 


Yet Daniel didn't move, didn't so much as blink, though his confusion was clear to be read in his expression.  For the barest of moments, Jack thought he was somehow totally misunderstanding what was happening between them, that the desire he believed he had seen had been a product of a dream caused by being cradled between Teal'c's strength and Daniel's sweet warmth. Then he saw the little-boy fear deep in Daniel's eyes and understood.  Everyone Daniel had ever cared for in his life had been lost to him, beginning with his parents when he had been only a child. 


Through no fault of his own, despite all he could do to overcome it, for Daniel love was the same as pain and no one sane voluntarily reached out for more of that.  His bewildered air as Sha'uri had literally dragged him into marriage suddenly made a great deal more sense to Jack, as did every other relationship that the linguist had had since they had known each other.  By now it was likely Daniel didn't know how to take freely what he wanted, even when he was sure he wanted it.


But if Daniel didn't, Jack did, and he couldn't stop himself if he tried.  Muttering, "Danny," he angled back his head to find Daniel's lips with his own, sliding up a hand to thread through the silky hair to keep him from pulling away.  He could read a hesitation, a reluctance so faint that he might have believed he was mistaken if he hadn't been looking for it.  So he kept the kiss light, nearly chaste, giving Daniel the chance to think and trying to seduce him with patience and willingness.


It worked; tentatively Daniel returned the kiss, deepening it in slow increments and taking his time exploring Jack's mouth.  He drew away just as gradually, and when they were several inches apart, both panting hard, he groaned, "Jack?"


"Yeah?"  Thinking he sounded dreamy and well-loved, Jack leisurely admired the blossoming happiness on his Danny's face, willing to forget where they were and what was happening, even that Teal'c was beside them. 


Daniel didn't seem to remember what he was going to say, or maybe he couldn't find the right words.  Either way, his eyelids slid close and he drifted back into kissing Jack, this time opening his mouth and coaxing him into taking his turn at exploring.  In no hurry whatsoever, Jack took his time at it, not backing off at all until Daniel was restlessly rocking his hips into him.  Even then he wouldn't have stopped, but he became aware of another hard-on poking at his backside, reminding him of the reality of their situation. 


He drew away slowly, once reconnecting again firmly and hungrily, but finally he tugged Daniel backwards by his grip in his hair.  "Much as I want to keep going," Jack started huskily.


"Yeah," Daniel muttered, fingers restively petting his new lover's face.  "Not here.  Damn."  He took a deep breath and rolled to one side, and Jack snagged a hand as it went past, twining its fingers with his.  "Escape.  Find Sam."


Forcing his mind back to business, Jack said, "I think your bat friend sent her home. 


"Tovhumm was here? When?"


"While you were still snoozing." Quickly Jack briefed him on the alien's visit, ending with, "You could have mentioned meeting him earlier.  I might have been able to make a better impression on him and talked him into letting all of us go."


"I was a bit preoccupied," Daniel said flatly, "Trying to stay conscious can shift your priorities like that.  Besides."  His tone changed, filling with worry.  "I don't think he would let Teal'c go under any circumstances.  Tovhumm obviously knows what a Jaffar is."


"Then we have to do it on our own.  If we can stay awake."


"Not a problem," Daniel said, then leaned up on one elbow, surprise clear on his face.  "It's not a problem.  Jack, I feel like I could run a marathon."


"Now that you mention it....  Usually it takes three days of fishing and naps for me to get this raring to go." Glancing down at a cock that was still standing straight up, head wet, he added, "In more ways than one."


The smile that Daniel gave him for that comment was both rueful and shy, then his expression changed to his best inspired-genius one.  "When Teal'c and I were first affected, he sat up once when he was nearly out cold from exhaustion – because he was frustrated with me."


"With you?" Jack said sardonically, unable to help himself.  "Never.  Let me guess, he wanted you to high tail it back to the Gate."


Shooting him a familiar look of long-suffering, Daniel went on as if uninterrupted.  "I nearly lost it, too, but when I thought you and Sam might get caught, I got worried.  And I stayed awake."


Deciding Daniel wouldn't buy it if he acted too dense, Jack asked, "Emotions can over ride the drugs or whatever."


"Or the adrenaline from them."  Thoughtfully Daniel stared over Jack's shoulder at Teal'c.  "One way to test it."


Knowing exactly what he meant, Jack still said lightly, "Going to scream 'fire' in his ear and scare him awake?"


"Don't know if I could do it long enough convincingly enough."  Daniel nervously flicked his free fingers over his mouth.  "I think we're going to have to try the same thing that worked with us."


"Cuddle close and kiss him, you mean," Jack said, mildly surprised by the tug of renewing desire in his gut.


"If you've got a better plan," Daniel said hopefully.


"Not a one," Jack shot back promptly.  "Go ahead and give it a shot."


"Maybe you should do the honors."


"No way.  I like my face the way it is.  Besides you owe me one, Jackson, from the when Apophis had brainwashed him and you didn't know what to say when we were sitting with him."


"He won't punch you," Daniel said distractedly.  "That's not what they do to molesters on Chulak."  He wormed over Jack to get between him and Teal'c, doing interesting things to Jack's good intentions on the way.


"I do not want to know.  Besides, it isn't molesting.  It's ah, an ancient Tahree custom used to wake people who have been put to sleep against their will."


"Good one, Jack.  I promise I'll keep a straight face when you're trying to sell him that one."  Daniel rubbed his thumb lightly over Teal'c's lower lip and swallowed hard.  "God.... here goes."


Hesitantly he leaned in and kissed him, doing a proper job of it if Jack was any judge of such things.  After a minute Daniel really got into it, too, all but melting into Teal'c and making hungry noises in the back of his throat.  That got to Jack, got to him big time, and he had to fight not to reach down and take care of the ache in his groin that was beginning to dominate his thoughts.


When Daniel drew away, eyes still shut and mouth looking bruised and loved, Jack said, "You've been wanting to do that for a while."


"Forever," Daniel confessed, glancing back at Jack.  "But not as long as I've wanted to do it to you."


Taking a hand full of hair, Jack pulled his head back and kissed him again, this time meaning business.  It was a low, soft moan from Teal'c that broke them apart this time, and at the soul-deep need in the ebony eyes, Jack transferred his mouth to Teal'c's, meeting, then surpassing the hunger in the kiss.  Distantly he was aware of Daniel sprinkling hot, wet licks and nips over whatever flesh he came across as the three of them automatically shifted and flowed until they meshed perfectly.


Daniel's fingers trailed down Jack's torso enticingly, heading southward for obvious reasons as he took the kiss away from Jack and melded his mouth to Teal'c's.  Content to take his turn at gifting random licks and nibbles, Jack started his own trip down, not sure as he did who he was going to pleasure and positive it didn't matter. 


Muttering something indistinctly against Daniel's mouth, Teal'c pushed gently at the top of Jack's head, asking for more than a touch.  More than willing to give it to him, Jack slid lower, taking the crown of the dark cock into his mouth as Daniel worked the shaft.  One hand on Daniel and one on himself, he brought all of them into sync, then deliberately slowed the pace to make the loving last.


For a long, glorious, unbelievable time, they hung suspended at a pinnacle of ecstasy that could only be visited.  Then, with a muffled scream, Daniel came, and a heartbeat later Teal'c did the same, and Jack drank him down as cream bubbled over his fist.  When there was no more for him to drink, he switched hands so that his grip was slippery with Daniel's seed, and came himself, stifling a scream on Teal'c's thigh.  It was so good it nearly hurt, and long after his seed stopped flowing, the crashing shocks of pleasure made it impossible for him to think.


Jack didn’t even have time to catch his breath before the draperies enfolded the three of them, holding them helplessly captive and carrying them to the ceiling.


* * *


For a nightmarish moment when the material wrapped around them, Daniel thought they were all about to be smothered to death, then they hit the ceiling and went into it, like it was made of jello or some other thick, but yielding substance.  The sensation was strange – oily without being liquid or slick like oil – then they were in a dark tunnel dug through the soil.  It was too close for his comfort, not to mention he could see worms and other bugs busily working their way through the dirt, and he stretched his arms over his head, instinctively looking for the surface.


His fingers broke through instantly, and a good jump, like he was climbing out of a swimming pool, brought him into the sunlight.  Teal’c was right beside him and Jack was only a few feet away, slightly in front.  Just as good, he could see a tidy stack of clothing and weapons to one side, and he scrambled for it, dignity forgotten in lieu of getting dressed, *now.*


Jack beat him to it by a hair’s breath, and, much to Daniel’s amusement, he scooped up his weapon before he grabbed his pants.  He didn’t bother to comment, though; Teal’c had done exactly the same thing and he didn’t want to spend twenty minutes explaining to his teammate why he found it funny.  Besides, he felt a lot more secure himself once he had his sidearm strapped into place, and he had never found this place or its people particularly threatening.


Without discussion Jack oriented them and started for the Stargate at a fast trot, calling for Sam once but getting only the same humming static that had disrupted their communications earlier.  Much to his relief, Daniel saw her sitting on the steps leading up the Stargate, looking dazed but essentially unharmed.  When she spotted them, she ran down to meet them, calling, “The DHD is gone.”


“So we dial manually,” Jack said grimly.  “Start thinking about a power source – maybe pirate the MALP.”


Falling into step beside him, Sam said quickly, “Yes, sir.  Already begun; in fact, we recently boosted the power on them just for this contingency.  Did you come out of the ground, too?”


“Explains why we didn’t find any structures,” Daniel said.  “And we didn’t find any paths because they must fly every where they go.”


“Fly?  You’ve seen one?” Sam asked excitedly.


“Made friends with it,” Jack said dryly.  He quickly briefed Teal’c and Sam, ending with, “Saved our asses, I think.”


Feeling absurdly like blushing, Daniel admitted, “I met Tovhumm just before you crawled into the brush with us.  I should have told you.”


“Hey, you were doing good to talk at all, let alone remember what may have seemed like a dream or hallucination.  Just tell me what they’re like,” Sam said eagerly.


A flicker of motion at the Gate a few feet away from them caught Daniel’s eye, and he said, “I think you’re about to find out for yourself.”  He gestured at the small person the exact shade of the steps of the dais bouncing up and down them, then took a closer look himself.  “Odd, I thought for a second that was Tovhumm, but it’s the wrong color.  Tovhumm was had a green and brown mottling that helped him blend into the forest.”


Jack stopped and gestured for them to do the same, eyeing the alien warily.  “The one I met didn’t introduce himself, but he was pale pink, like the egg we were in.  Called you friend, though, like he had met you.”


“Maybe once you’re friends with one, you’re friends with all,” Daniel suggested, doubting it even as he spoke.


“The species is unfamiliar to me, despite their apparent knowledge of the Jaffa and Ga’ould,” Teal’c said.  “But I have been told of species that have a single consciousness shared by all members, no matter how few or how many.”


“Like ants,” Jack suggested helpfully.  “Bees, bugs like that.”  At the surprised looks from his teammates, he added.  “Hey, I watch movies.  Sometimes.”  Before Daniel could voice the comment that all of them were thinking, O’Neill waved toward the alien waiting impatiently for them at the bottom step.  “One way to find out.  Daniel, go do your thing.”


“Actually, I think we should do this together.  Think bats, not bugs, Jack,” Daniel said.  “As in bat colonies.”  To illustrate his point, Daniel took Sam’s hand in his and pulled her toward the steps, then sat down right next to her so that their legs were bumping.  A glance brought Jack as close to his other side, and Teal’c sat in front of him, leaning slightly backwards so that Daniel’s legs were a back rest for him. 


Much to Daniel’s relief, their huddle felt natural and normal, with no trace of awkwardness or self-consciousness from the intimacy he, Teal’c and Jack had shared a short time ago.  Though he didn’t know if they had changed their relationship to each other permanently, or if the sweet interlude was going to be considered a cherished aberration by one or both of his teammates, he did know that it wouldn’t change how they worked together.  SG1 was still Earth best and strongest First Contact Team, and Daniel could honestly say there wasn’t anybody else on any planet he’d rather be with.


“Daniel Friend,” the bat person said quietly, drawing the linguist out of his brief thoughtfulness.  “You claim these for more than Friend? You claim them Kin, kin, kin?”


Uncertain if the alien was basing the question on what happened in the egg chamber or how he and his teammates were sitting with each other now, Daniel carefully answered,  “Kin would be a better word than Friend, but no matter what word you use in what language, they’re important to me.”


It hopped backwards, wings giving it enough boost to move several yards away, then sat tightly wrapped around itself for a moment.  Guessing that the body language was expressing confusion at best, and fear at worst, Daniel asked, “That bothers you?  Is it because Teal’c used to serve a false god?”  He put a great deal of emphasis on ‘used to’ and ‘false,’ hoping to reassure the little person.


When he didn’t get a response right away, Daniel decided to change tactics; if nothing else, he could satisfy his curiosity.  “Will you tell me – are you Kin or Friend to Tovhumm? I’d like to see him again, if that’s possible.”


The alien gave him a long, steady stare, then blinked slowly several times, ears unfolding completely and wings flickering unsteadily.  It made a peculiar noise that wasn’t quite a click, then bounded forward to stand immediately in front of Daniel.  As it did, its color changed, becoming a forest camouflage, and he recognized the small person immediately.  “Tovhumm?”


“Tovhumm in the shelter, too, too, too,” it said, repeating the sound that Daniel realized was laughter.


“Oh, my, god,” Sam breathed.  “Chameleon capabilities.  Natural or technological?”


“Both,” Tovhumm said complacently.  “My kind in natural places, cannot find.  But Ambassadors and others like myself, cannot find every place because of change made on tiniest level.”


“Genetically adapted,” Teal’c said, obliquely glancing at Jack to make sure he understood the implications of what Tovhumm was telling them, as did Sam.


“I got it,” Jack snapped, catching their look.  “This guy knows how to explain something so it makes sense!”


Daniel couldn’t help chuckling, and Tovhumm made his laughing noise, too.  Even Teal’c had to smile, and, noticing that, the bat person inched closer, ears folding completely and timidly patted the Jaffar’s knee with a hand/foot.  “Daniel Kin?”


“Yes, Tovhumm,” Teal’c answered solemnly.


“No god, no battle, no slaves?”


“I serve no Ga’ould, those who call themselves gods and are only parasites on other peoples, though for many years I was slave to one called Apophis,” Teal’c said serenely.  “If I had my will, no being would ever be enslaved by another, and because of that, at times, I do fight beside the Tahree or the Tokra.  But I serve the SGC; we are explorers, seeking only to find new friends and allies during our journeys.  Sometimes we have more to offer; medicine perhaps.  Sometimes we are offered more than friendship from our new allies.”


“Weapons?” Tovhumm said sharply, the edges of his wings fluttering in what seemed to be agitation.


“At times.  The Ga’ould are an overwhelming enemy and every defense we can acquire is necessary.  But it is entirely at the discretion of those we meet, Tovhumm.  If you desire, SG1 will leave your world and erase the coordinates from the computer memory banks so that we can never deliberately return.”


“Could not, if we wished, wished, wished,” Tovhumm said absently, peds restlessly grooming a wing fold. 


Acting on a hunch and wanting to earn trust from the alien, Daniel gingerly stretched out a hand, giving Tovhumm time to dodge, and pleated his fingers through the many layers of the flesh of an extraordinary ear.  It was a fascinating sensation; rather like petting a brand new puppy, the kind with ultra-short fur.  Much warmer than human skin, and much softer, it felt tissue-paper thin, and he used the most delicate touch he could produce, fearful of tearing.


Laughing, Tovhumm angled his head so that Sam could do the same to his other ear.  “Not so fragile, Daniel Friend.  Not so fragile at all, all, all!”


Encouraged by its reaction, or maybe curious himself, Jack stroked through the folds of one wing.  When Tovhumm began murmuring melodically to himself, he grinned and nodded at Teal’c, his eyes saying clearly that it was a good idea to make nice with the bat thing.  Eyebrow up, the Jaffa studied his commander for a moment, then with more hesitation than Daniel had ever seen in him, reached out to pet Tovhumm’s other wing.  Surprise chased over Teal’c’s features, then rapt concentration as he helped groom the alien.


For his part, Tovhumm flicked a wary eyeball the Jaffa’s way, but his singing didn’t fade, and a moment later, both eyes closed in obvious pleasure.  “Now this is the way to negotiate a treaty,” Jack said happily.


“We may be the only team ever to accurately report that our mission was a walk in the park,” Daniel said, smiling to himself, and ducked when three hands and a ped swatted for his head at the same time.


