The Lust...
"Name of His Game"
A 5-minute music video by Mia Justine, ~JT~, that provides the most impressive visual image of "the Lust" I've seen.  A Windows Media Video file.
Brian's Rules
Hear, in Brian's own voice, the rules by which he lives his life.  A 39-second wav-file about the L-word.
Brian's Taste in Men
All gay men have their preferences...their "type."  Some look for a reminder of a past lover; some look for a dream-figure; and some look for themselves.
The "Guys I'd Fuck" Galleries
I think I can recognize Brian's type when I see it.  We share the same preferences.  So I've "cruised" my own extensive male-porn collection (over 17,000 pictures) for guys who fit the description.  See if you agree.
Places to Cruise in Pittsburgh Brian knows all of these spots.
Glossary for Group Sex
Sometimes you need to ask for something using the right terminology or the appropriate slang.
Bondage Gallery
Brian's use of bondage in Episode 212 and his occasional use of "discipline" on Justin is evidence that there's at least an interest in the danger and in the freedom that bondage provides.