The Life...
A short essay on the similarities between Brian Kinney's lifestyle and that of the ancient Greeks.  The similarities are striking,  ...almost as if the QAF writers were trained in the classics.  Perhaps we can understand him better if we understand his 2500-year-old roots.
Brian as an ancient Greek warrior
The Many Faces of Brian Kinney
With a gorgeous, expressive face and with a variety of hair styles, Brian's appearance changes from Episode-to-episode and season-to-season.  Here's a gallery of some of my favorites...from goofy to grave.
Brian's Wardrobe
A man is often judged by what he wears.  Conversely, a man often makes statements about his own perceptions of himself by making his clothing choices.  Here's a complete listing of Seasons 1 and 2.  See if you remember some of the favorites.
Brian's Color Choices
The colors we choose for our wardrobes, cars, and furnishings say a lot about us.  Personality tests are based upon color choices.  Read Brian's profile based upon a tally of his clothing color frequency.
Brian's Other Favorites
A list of other products and lifestyle choices.
Brian's Resumé
Brian is a successful advertising executive.  Here's why...
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