Kinney  as
a Classic
I've thought about Brian Kinney's personality and lifestyle for 3 years now, and it didn't strike me until recently that many of the ways he perceives things and he lives his life reflect the attitudes and values of the classic-period ancient Greeks.  See if the following traits don't sound familiar...
1. The Greeks worked hard and played hard.  Everything was a competition.  Physical vigor and high sprits were prized.  They enjoyed themselves.

2. They found the world beautiful…especially the male physique.  They blended  the beauty of Nature with human-created beauty.  Everything fit-together.

3. The lives of the Greeks were filled with joy and sorrow, exaltation and tragedy.

4. There was a strong emphasis on personal freedoms, but they obeyed the Law.  Honor and nobility-of-character were prized.

5. All things were to be examined and called into question.  There were no priest to tell people what to think.

6. Despite the mysterious behaviors of the ancient gods and goddesses, the classic Greeks did not believe in magic.  As Brian Kinney would say, "No bullshit."

7. They had an extraordinary power to endure hardship.  Every life experienced a bit of tragedy which had to be endured stoically.

8. They celebrated achievements.  Deeds did not need ornament.

9. They appreciated the simplicity and harmony of design.  No frills. No clutter. 

10. They revered physical perfection…especially male physical perfection.  Not the extreme musculature of later Roman taste, but the lithe beauty of fit youthfulness.  They followed the cult of youth and the avoidance of aging.

11. They were completely unsentimental.

12. They used mentorship…the older "erastes" supervising and guiding the younger "eromenos"…for the training of youth.  But it was more of a camaraderie than a "love" relationship.

13.  Homosexuality was widespread and a part of normal life.  Even married men had male partners and were often buried together instead of with their wives.  Women were left alone to run the household. Wives were not "property." This society had the most freedoms for women until the present day.

14. Men's behavior was easy, suave, and polished in public.

15. Humor was boisterous and riotous.

16. "The fullness of life was the hazards of life."

17. Nothing in excess.  Extreme wealth was frowned-upon. 

18. But…many Greeks followed the cult of Dionysus…
everything in excess.  Wine, sex, drugs, …   

It is my contention that Brian Kinney would have been very comfortable as an upper-class Greek freeman.  His entire lifestyle is exemplified by the above ancient principles.
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