Title: Vengeance

Authors: Creed Cascade and TJ

Fandom: X-Men

Pairing: Logan (Wolverine)/Bobby Drake (Iceman)

Rating: NC-17

Status: new

Archive: If you want it, go ahead. Just knock me upside the head and let me know.

Feedback: creed_cascade@hotmail.com and TazzyJan@aol.com

Other websites: http://insaneasylum.slashfanfiction.com

Disclaimers: We have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. You don't ask where we get these strange plots starring mysteriously familiar characters, and we won't tell you that I make no money, only deliriously happy satisfaction. Very hush-hush.

Notes: Post X2.

Summary: Someone takes vengeance on Bobby.

By Creed Cascade and TJ

Pyro watched as Bobby walked along the garden path. He really should know better than to wander off alone when he wasn't at the school. Summers and the other adults were busy with the rest of the kiddies. They must have thought Bobby could watch out for himself. Pyro planned on showing them just how wrong they were.

He would like nothing else but to fight with Bobby, but Magneto had warned him that Professor Xavier was always monitoring his students on some level. A level of distress an all out fight would case the X-Men to descend upon them. John readied the dart gun and starred at Bobby through the sights. A dart gun with a stunning dart seemed wussy, but one of the lessons Magneto was trying to teach him was that sometimes… less was more.

Bobby had a second to realize something was very wrong as the dart sank into his neck. Then the ground was suddenly rushing up at him. He tried to move but his arms and legs felt leaden. Even his mouth failed to open when he tried to call out. As his vision began to dim, he caught a glimpse of John's face hovering over him and grinning.

“Well done, Pyro,” Magneto praised from behind John. He squeezed Pyro’s shoulder softly, making sure to maintain bodily contact to cover his protégé with his shield. “Now go collect your prize.”

Pyro grinned like a boy and hurried over to Bobby's unconscious form. He quickly hoisted him up onto his shoulders and headed back toward their car. Another thing Magneto had taught him was he didn't have to be flashy to get the job done and a car was much less conspicuous than a helicopter.

“Good boy,” Magneto praised again as they got into the back seat with Bobby. He waved his hand once they were settled and knew that Mystique would start driving without further instruction.

"Think they'll realize he's missing?" Pyro asked as he secured Bobby's arms and legs. He was pretty sure the dart would keep him out for the next few hours but you could never tell with mutants.

“Undoubtedly,” Magneto told Pyro. “But I have taken means to ensure that poor Charles won’t be able to do that. By the time we are concealed in our safeguarded location, it will be too late.”

"Oh good," Pyro said, running his hand over Bobby's still form. "I want some time to play with him before I give him back."

Magneto smiled fondly at Pyro, noting how wonderful the two boys would look together. Complete opposites… fire and ice. They would make beautiful additions to his gallery of pet mutants. “You may not have to give him back, my lad. Would you like to keep him?”

"You think I could? I mean, won't they try to get him back?" Pyro was intrigued by the idea of keeping Bobby for his own person "pet". He had plans for his former friend. By the time he was finished Bobby Drake would be a broken wreck of his former self.

“Try being the operative word,” Magneto told him. He smiled fondly at Pyro as the boy was already starting to touch Bobby. “It would do you good to have someone your own age around to play with.”

"Yeah," Pyro agreed. "Just think of all the things I could do to him."

Magneto ruffled Pyro’s hair. “That’s my boy.”


"Logan, are you sure he's not just hiding out someplace playing one of his jokes?" Scott asked quietly. They had realized Bobby was missing about ten minutes ago and had gone about looking for him as carefully as they could without alerting the rest of the students. What they had found, or more importantly hadn't found, was worrying.

“The boy likes to play pranks, but he wouldn’t do anything to worry us like this,” Logan insisted. “He’s a brat, not mean.”

"Can you pick up his scent?" Scott asked. "Maybe he doesn't realize how far he's gone." Scott was grasping at straws now and they both knew it.

“Yeah… I think so,” Logan answered, starting to sniff at the air. “Marie and him haven’t been getting along lately, so he wouldn’t have gone off with her.”

"Find him, Logan. Find him and bring him back. Once Bobby's safe we can deal with whoever did this. I'm going to tell the others we're taking the kids back to the school. Nobody should miss him right away..."

Logan started to follow the faint scent he had picked up. It got stronger as he rounded a large tree. He found Bobby’s jacket sitting on garden bench and a few flowers were lying on the ground, still encased in ice. Bobby had a bad habit of liking to freeze the odd inanimate object, then leaving them scattered around the school and grounds. Logan smiled briefly when he remembered how Bobby had encased his twelve pack of beer in ice.

Another scent hit Logan then and he frowned. It was familiar but he couldn't quite place it. It was mingled with Bobby's in places, telling him the two had come into contact, if only briefly. As he followed the scent trail, he came to a pressed down area of grass. The area was about the same size as Bobby and had his scent all over it, as well as the scent he couldn't place.

When he walked a few feet away, Logan did pick up a scent he recognized instantly. He smelt Magneto and started to growl. Magneto had taken the boy.


"It's about time you woke up," Pryo said as he paced around the table Bobby Drake was secured to. He'd been waiting for two hours for the other boy to wake up and had grown more and more impatient as time went by. Magneto had helped him strip Bobby before securing him, leaving Pyro with a very vulnerable body to amuse himself on.

“John? W-What happened?” Bobby asked, his foggy brain not remembering Pyro’s betrayal.

"What happened?" Pyro repeated. "What happened was I got bored. So Magneto decided to help me find a playmate. In case you're wondering, that's you."

Bobby blinked his eyes and then tried to move his limbs. “John, you have to let me go.”

"Really? What'll happen if I don't?" Pyro taunted. He was enjoying this. He couldn't wait to see Bobby's reaction when he realized he was not only tied down but naked, too.

Bobby had to keep John talking as he tried to freeze the binding around his wrists and ankles. If he froze them they would get brittle enough to break and he’d be able to escape.

“Oh, not going to answer me?” Pryo teased Bobby and then noticed the ice crystals forming on his bonds. “Magneto is smarter than that. He made sure you bonds were metal.”

"This isn't funny, John. Now let me out of this," Bobby demanded, jerking angrily at the bonds in a futile effort. He was starting to get scared. He and John had always been rivals of a sort and he didn't care for the look on the other boy's face at all. He looked... hungry.

“I don’t think so, Bobby,” Pyro said, letting the other boy’s name roll off of his tongue. “I like you vulnerable like this.”

Bobby stilled at John's words and stared at the other man. Suddenly he realized just how vulnerable he truly was. He was bound hand and foot, unable to use his powers to escape. It was then he also realized that his clothes had been taken from him, leaving him bare to the other boy's stare.

Pyro took out his lighter and started a flame, starting to play with the fireball starting over Bobby’s chest, then holding it over Bobby’s groin. “Do you like fire?”

"N-no," Bobby stammered, trying instinctively to move away from the flame. "John, stop. You're scaring me."

“Pyro, don’t break your new toy before we’ve gotten a chance to get information from him,” Magneto scolded as he stepped into the room.

"Sorry, Erik," Pyro replied, intentionally using Magneto's first name. He wanted Bobby to know just how close the two of them were and that he would find no help there. "He's just so much fun to play with."

Magneto walked up to John and slipped his arms around the younger man’s shoulders. “Always so eager to please. It’s one of the reasons I keep you around.”

"And here I thought it was just the sex," John teased, leaning back into the other man's arms. He nearly laughed at the shocked expression on Bobby's face, knowing he was going to see it quite often over the coming days.

“Cheeky boy, I do think you’re shocking your old school chum,” Magneto laughed, wrapping his arm around John’s waist.

"You'd think an X-man wouldn't be shocked so easily," John replied. "So, what information did you want? I really want to play with my new toy. I promise not to break him. After all, you said I didn't have to give him back."

“No, you don’t have to give him up. He’s my gift to you,” Magneto said, patting John’s stomach affectionately. “I would like to know as much about the X-Men’s plans as possible concerning the White House situation.”

"Go to Hell," Bobby said defiantly. "I'm not telling you anything."

“Now it’s time to teach you about torture in ways that don’t leave psychical marks, my boy,” Magento cooed at Pyro.


Logan hung up the phone with Scott, slamming down the receiver. He'd been searching for the better part of a day and he still hadn't found where Magneto had taken the kid. He knew he was close but he had a feeling that time was running out for Bobby. He remembered all too well what the man had tried to do to Marie. He didn't want to see Bobby facing a similar fate.

That’s when Logan saw Bobby standing across the street. As soon as he locked eyes with the boy, Bobby took off in a dead run down a nearby alley. Logan pushed out of the phone booth quickly and was nearly hit by a car as he ran across the street.

Logan couldn't understand why the kid was running from him but he'd find out soon enough. He knew that particular alley dead-ended, leaving Bobby with nowhere to run. He slowed down as he approached the boy then froze when he realized the scent he smelled wasn't Bobby's.

Suddenly Bobby went from normal looking to be covered in bruises and cuts. “Want to kiss me and make it all better?” Mystique said in Bobby’s voice. “Because this is what your little wannabe boyfriend looks like now.”

"Where is he?" Logan snarled, his claws extending as he moved in on Mystique. He tried not to think about the battered form she showed him. At least she hadn't said he was dead.

“He told us about you…” Mystique taunted, the façade she was projecting starting to ripple. “He told us how he broke up with his little girlfriend over you.”

"I'm only gonna ask this one more time," Logan said menacingly. "Where is he?" He knew she was just trying to rattle him and he wasn't going to let her. He also knew she knew where the kid was.

“He’s with Pyro,” Magneto answered, descending down from over top of the tall brick wall.

"If you hurt him, you're a dead man," Logan threatened. He didn't have a chance against Magneto but he would find a way to get the kid out of this.

“We are all dead men in this world,” Magneto answered cryptically. “As long as the humans think this is their domain, we are all the walking dead.”

"Just give me the kid back and we'll call it a day." Logan edged closer to Mystique, thinking of using her as a bargaining chip if he had to. He knew Magneto cared for the woman as a valuable ally, if nothing else.

Magneto reached his hand out and immobilized Logan using the adamantium that was his strength against any other foe. “How about I deliver you to the young man you seek personally?”

Logan opened his mouth to throw back an insult, then closed it. He'd been looking for the kid and Magneto was offering to take him to him. Logan was confident he could get them both out once he had found Bobby.


Bobby’s vision was blurry, but he was awaken by Pyro flicking flames against his feet. “Wakey, wakey, Robert,” John hissed.

"John, please," Bobby pleaded softly. "Why do you hate me so much? I thought we were friends."

“You knew, Bobby,” Pyro hissed, showing a glimpse of the young man Bobby remember. “You knew I loved you and you chose her.”

"No," Bobby tried to deny. The truth was he had known that John had a bit of a crush on him. Bobby hadn't minded but he hadn't returned the other boy's feelings either. He had hoped, once he started seeing Marie, that John would find someone of his own. Apparently he had.

“I don’t need you or the X-Men now,” John spat. “I have Magneto. He has told me the truth.”

"Fine, you don't need us," Bobby said, growing desperate as John increased the intensity of the flame at his feet. All too soon he knew that flame would be moved to other places. "Just let me go and you can forget you ever knew me."

“Pyro, stop toasting your new toy!” Magneto called out as he walked into the room. Behind him he was pulling Logan through the air.

Pryo let the flame dissipate. He smiled at Magneto, pleased that he had managed to capture Logan so easily. He had hoped Logan would be the one to come after Bobby. It made things so much easier. "I was just keeping him warm," Pyro replied.

“I’m sure you were, my boy, but I have bought a new play thing,” Magento told him.

"Oh good," Pyro grinned. "I was hoping to get a chance to play with this one. He thinks he's such a tough shit. I wanna show him he's not."

“What did you have in mind?” Magneto asked, testing Pyro.

“I want to see Wolverine rape Bobby,” Pyro answered a moment.

"Not gonna happen," Logan snarled, enraged at what the boy was suggesting. He could see Bobby struggling against the bonds holding him in place and he tried once more to break free of Magneto's hold on him.

“Oh very well,” Magneto said. He also added a long-suffering sigh that was obviously sarcastic in nature. “Since Wolverine wishes to do this the hard way, then we will. Pyro, I think it’s time you learned about torture.”

"I don't care what you do to me, you'll never get me to hurt him," Logan told the pair. He had lived through having adamantium grafted to every bone in his body. He doubted if anything could top that.

“I wasn’t talking about you,” Magneto told Logan with an evil smile.

Logan's eyes widened then flashed to Bobby. He looked back at Magneto, unable to believe that even *he* would torture a kid. "You can't mean that," Logan said. "He's just a kid."

“There are no children in times of war,” Magneto spat. Then he walked over to Pyro and traced his finger along the younger man’s jaw line. “My Pyro is the same age as your brat and by my experience, he is certainly not a child. Young perhaps, but very much a man.”

"So what'd he have to offer you to get you to spread your legs for him?" Logan asked, trying to goad them into concentrating on him rather than Bobby.

“Love,” Pyro spat out, glaring back at Bobby. “More than *anyone* else has given me. Love… understanding… but most importantly, the promise of *power*.”

"Love?" Logan laughed. "You don't know the first thing about love. If you did, you wouldn't be doing this. What the hell's in this for you, anyway?"

“He’s trying to impress me,” Magneto laughed, then tweaked Pyro’s cheek. “Impressive, isn’t he? And revenge, no doubt.”

"Then why don't you take it out on me?" Logan asked. "After all, I'm the one that ruined your plans the first time around. You wanna play with someone, play with me."

“Too easy,” Pyro said, shaking his head. He turned adoring eyes on Magneto and asked, “If that bastard doesn’t want him, can I take him, Sir?”

"No!" Logan roared, straining futily to break Magneto's hold. He wasn't going to stand there and watch Bobby being raped. He had to find a way to stop him.

Magneto smiled at Logan’s reaction. “Yes, I think that should be our first lesson. Go ahead and enjoy yourself while I make sure Mr. Logan watches the fun.”

"No!" Logan cried out again. "Don't do this. He's just a kid, damn it! Don't do this to him!" He was helpless to do more than yell as Magneto manoeuvred him into position. With his head held in place the only way he could keep from witnessing the ordeal was to close his eyes. As terrified blue eyes locked onto his, he knew he couldn't do that. He couldn't leave Bobby to go through this alone, even if all he could do was watch impotently.

The final straw was Bobby’s soft plea. “Please, Logan… not him.”

"I'll do it," Logan said softly.

“If you do, please realized that Mr. Drake is wearing a metal collar,” Magneto pointed out. “If you do something idiotic, such as trying to escape, I will constrict that collar so tight his eyeballs with pop out.”

"I won't try to run," Logan said, admitting for the first time that they were well and truly trapped. "Now tell your boy to untie him."

“But, Sir!” Bobby protested. “Can’t I have him first?”

"You can have him later," Magneto replied. "He's yours, after all. But we want Logan to take him first. Let the boy's first time be at the hands of someone he trusted. As for untying him, he stays bound to the table. We didn't tell you to make love to him. Pyro wants to see him raped."

Logan felt when Magneto returned control over his body to him. He looked over at Bobby who was strapped face down on the table now that Magento had used his power to rotate him. He could smell singed body hair and see soot marks left by Pyro.

He started to say something, then shook his head. There would be no reasoning with the man. He considered other people's lives expendable, especially the lives of Xavier's X-Men. He approached the table slowly, looking around the room for something to use as lube as he did.

“There will be nothing to ease the way for him,” Magneto said. “Where would be the fund in that?”

"I'll tear him apart," Logan tried in vain. He knew that was what they wanted. They wanted to see him tearing the boy apart as he forced his way inside him. He reached the table and the fear scent coming off the boy nearly overwhelmed him. Bobby was shaking in his restraints and Logan could see that his jaw was clenched tightly shut. "I'm sorry," he whispered just loud enough for Bobby to hear.

“Not your fault,” Bobby answered in a shaky voice. Tears where already streaming down his face and he knew Logan would be able to smell them. “Don’t blame you.”

Logan was surprised by the boy's show of bravery. He knew he was scared to death yet he had tried to make things easier on him. Logan was glad. He didn't think he could have done this if Bobby had been begging him to stop. Glancing over his shoulder, he found Magneto and Pyro watching him avidly. He felt sick at the hungry looks on their faces and turned back to Bobby. "Try not to think about what's happening to ya," Logan advised softly as he began to shed his clothes. "Pretend you're someplace else... someplace good."

“Back at the school…” Bobby whispered back. “With you.”

Logan was taken aback by Bobby's words, shocked that the boy would be picturing him at a time like this. His jeans now removed, Logan knew he couldn't delay any longer. He took himself in hand, disgusted by how quickly his body grew hard. He spread Bobby's cheeks with one hand and positioned himself with the other. Steeling himself, Logan shoved in hard and fast, feeling the delicate tissues tear as he wrenched an anguished cry from the boy.

Bobby started to sob openly from the blinding pain. He had envisioned his first time with whomever he chose would’ve been romantic, not rape. “Logan… please don’t…”

"I'm sorry," Logan said as he continued. "If I stop now they'll only hurt ya more." He knew he had to continue or Bobby would pay the price. The young man's pleas for him to stop tore at his heart, though, making it even harder to keep going.

Bobby had wanted to be stoic and brave. He wanted to act like a real X-Men would in the face of torture, but the pain overruled any intentions he previously had. “Please, p-please Logan, s-stop… I’m sorry,” Bobby was pleading mindlessly now.

Logan tried to keep going regardless of Bobby's pleas. He felt more like a monster than he could ever remember. He could feel his body rebelling as Bobby begged him to stop, his mind unable to deny the painful cries. He tried frantically to hold onto his erection, knowing Magneto would punish Bobby severely for Logan's failure to carry out his sickening revenge.

Logan decided he would do everything to shield Bobby and kneeled over the younger man, waiting for the worse. What came instead of Magneto’s revenge, was a loud explosion as the door was blown from its hinges by an optical beam from Cyclops.

Logan used Magento's surprise to his advantage and quickly slit the collar from Bobby's neck before it could be tightened. He cut off the metal restraints holding him prisoner next then carefully rolled the traumatized young man over onto his back.

Magneto had taught Pyro that there were certain times when escape was necessary, because more than anything else was survival. Magneto grabbed Pyro and dragged him out of the back door. He used his power to twist the metal so that it would take several minutes to follow them.

With Magneto dealt with, Scott and Storm turned their attention toward their missing team mates. Both of them froze at the sight before them. Thanks to the Professor, they had known what to expect but seeing it was still heartbreaking. Both men were naked and Logan was leaning over Bobby protectively.

Logan’s protective instincts were in hyper drive and he whirled around. His claws came out and he snarled at both Storm and Cyclops.

"Easy, Logan," Scott said, putting his arm out to keep Storm back. "It's us. Scott and Storm. It's okay now. You're safe."

Logan sniffed at them, making sure they weren’t Mystique. He should get the kid away from himself after what he did. He should hand Bobby right over, but he couldn’t stop himself from protecting Bobby.

"Don't leave me," Bobby pleaded, gripping onto Logan tightly. His rational mind understood that they were being rescued, that Scott and Storm were friends and that he should want to get away from the man that had hurt him. Instinct, however, told him to cling to the man that had done everything he could to protect him.

“Won’t leave ya,” Logan assured him, wrapping his arms around Bobby.

"Storm, get a blanket from the jet," Scott ordered then took a hesitant step toward the pair. "I'm not going to hurt him, Logan. We just want to help you."

Logan growled as Scott stepped closer. He had hoisted Bobby into his arms and didn’t want another man near Bobby right now. “Just Storm. Don’t get any closer.”

"Alright," Scott said. "I won't come near him. Storm, take him the blanket."

Logan grabbed the blanket from Storm with a low growl and wrapped it around Bobby. “Need ta get him back to Hank.” He could trust the new doctor that had joined their ranks shortly after Jean’s death. He was a large looking beast, but he had the heart of a dove.

"Do you want Storm to take him while you get dressed?" Scott asked, trying to sound as calm as possible. He'd dealt with Logan long enough to understand that the calmer he was, the more calm the Wolverine would be.

“No,” Logan snapped, then whispered to Bobby. “Gotta set ya down for just a minute, kid.”

"Just don't leave me," Bobby said, eyeing Scott warily. Right now the only person he truly trusted was Logan.

Logan took the offered uniform from Storm, but stood between Bobby and the others as he dressed. “Did ya bring the jet?” he asked.

"It's right outside," Scott said. He could only imagine how distraught Logan must have been not to have heard it land. "Can you carry him?"

“Stupid question, Slim,” Logan huffed. He had already turned around and was settling Bobby into his arms, with the blanket securely placed around him.

Bobby clung to Logan as he was carried to the jet. He buried his face against Logan's chest, not wanting the others to see him. He knew from the way they were acting that they already knew what had happened.

Logan’s wounds from his fight with Magneto where already healed, but he could smell blood and burnt hair on Bobby. He ran his hands over Bobby’s head and whispered to him, “So sorry, kid. So sorry…”

"Not your fault," Bobby whispered brokenly. "You tr-tried to..."

“Shush now,” Logan cut him off. Obviously it wasn’t a good idea to talk about it right now. “Just know that I’m sorry and it wasn’t your fault.”

"Not yours either," Bobby persisted then settled against Logan. He wanted to curl up in a ball and cry but he couldn't do that with Cyclops and Storm watching. Maybe when they got back to the mansion he and Logan could find someplace to hide for a little while.


Hank was still somewhat awkward in his large body, only having changed into his new mutated state in the last few months, but when it came to handling medical equipment, you couldn’t tell.

“I’ll need to examine the young man,” Hank told Logan.

Logan settled Bobby onto the table and started to move away only to be stopped by Bobby's frantic grab for him. "You promised," he said, his voice breaking in his panic. "You said you wouldn't leave me."

“Would it help if Logan brought his claws out and stayed close?” Hank offered. He would offer anything short of murder to get a look at his young patient right now. Bobby needed immediate treatment.

"I'll only be a couple of feet away," Logan assured him, knowing that Hank needed access to his patient. He hated the look of fear on Bobby's face, though, especially since he was the one to put it there. "If anybody tries anything they'll be dead before they hit the ground. I promise."

Bobby knew it was something he had to submit to so he nodded. He thought he could do it to, right until a fuzzy blue paw settled on his shoulder. He cried out, “Logan!”

Logan's claws were out and he was shoving Hank back before his mind could catch up with him. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he hadn’t gored the startled doctor and he sheathed his claws. "I won't leave ya," Logan assured a now sobbing Bobby. "I promise, I won't. I'll stay right here with ya. He can work around me."

“Storm told me about… certain circumstances,” Hank said gently. “I’ll need to examine him there…”

Logan nodded, still holding onto Bobby. "You gonna be okay with that, Bobby?" he asked. If the boy refused, Logan wouldn't force him. He'd been forced enough already and Logan wouldn't allow any of them to add to that.

“It hurts…” Bobby admitted. If a quick examination could end the pain, then he would have to suffer through it.

"I'm sorry," Logan said again, looking away in shame. "Hank'll make it better, though. You just gotta let him look at ya. Okay?"

Bobby reached out and clutched Logan’s hand he felt Hank lift the sheet to examine him. He whimpered and hide his face when Hank said, “He will need a few stitches.”

"Jesus," Logan breathed, paling at the news. He looked down at Bobby then over at Scott and the Professor. Stitches. He'd torn the kid up bad enough to need stitches. What kind of monster was he that he could do something like that?

“Logan, please stay calm for the boy,” Xavier instructed. Bobby didn’t have the usual reactions of a rape victim, clinging to the man who had “raped” him. But then again, this hadn’t been a typical rape.

Logan stared at the Professor and forced himself to calm down for Bobby's sake. There would be plenty of time later to lose it. Right now, the young man in his arms needed him. "It's gonna be okay, Bobby," Logan tried to assure him. "Hank'll give ya somethin' so it won't hurt. Right, Hank?"

“No, I’ll give you something to numb the pain,” Hank agreed. “Now everyone but Logan please leave the room.”

"Are you sure that's wise?" Scott asked. Logan looked like he'd been slapped and Scott hated himself for asking the question, but he had no choice. There was Bobby to think of and until he was sure Logan wasn't a threat to the boy he wasn't going to leave them alone.

“Get out!” Bobby yelled at Scott. “You like seeing me like this?”

"Bobby..." Scott said, taking a step toward the young man. The Professor's touch on his arm stopped him. "We'll be outside if you need us. Hank, get him fixed up."


Hank had instructed Logan to take Bobby back to his rooms and stay with him. The young man was far too agitated in the medical lab. So now he was free to talk to Xavier about his concerns. “Professor, I know I am relatively new at the school, but I am very concerned about young Mr. Drake.”

"As are we all," Xavier told him as he motioned for him to sit down. Scott was standing by the window, alternating between looking outside and pacing agitatedly. "What is it that concerns you the most?"

“That it was Wolverine who raped him and that it is that same man that Bobby clings to,” Hank said truthfully.

"There are a few... mitigating circumstances," Xavier said. "Logan didn't hurt Bobby willingly. He was trying to protect him. He was given no other choice."

“But you realize this may lead to a mixture of love and hate in Bobby?”

"I don't think we have to worry about Bobby hating him. He seems to be placing the blame where it belongs, with Magneto and Pyro," Xavier replied. "Logan, however, is an entirely different story."

“Hero worship,” Hank decided, already diagnosing Bobby in his mind. “Joined with the beginnings of co-dependency.”

"Possibly," Xavier conceded. "But Bobby knew what was happening. He knew Logan tried everything he could to keep him safe. It was, in fact, Bobby that asked Logan to... be the one. He preferred the hands of a friend, even in violence, than those of an enemy."

“He will need counseling,” Hank insisted. “And then there is the issue of his on and off again girlfriend… Marie, I believe. Sometimes teenagers can be cruel in their lack of understanding.”

"I don't think Marie will be a problem," Scott said, speaking for the first time. "She considers Logan a surrogate father."

“And to see your ex-boyfriend clinging to your surrogate father?” Hank clarified.

"That might be a bit of a shock, but Marie is quite resourceful. I believe with a little guidance she will understand. She is quite a compassionate young woman." Xavier knew there would be difficulties and not just with Marie. He knew word would get out about what had happened and was already working on how he would explain it to the children.

“Wouldn’t it be best to try and get Bobby away from Logan as soon as possible?” Scott asked. “We don’t want him to become too dependent on him.”

"I don't think that would be wise," Xavier warned. "They've both been through a very traumatic experience. They're going to need each other in the coming weeks."

“I still don’t think…” Scott protested again, but this time Xavier cut him off.

“This isn’t something new between them,” Xavier said.

Scott let that little tidbit sink in, frowning a bit as he did so. He didn't appreciate the Professor keeping him in the dark about that. "And what about Logan?" he pressed. "Is Bobby going to be able to handle him when he starts to self-destruct over this?"

“He’s a strong man,” Xavier insisted and then went onto explain further. “When I said it wasn’t something new, I meant that they have had feelings for each other before this incidence. Nothing happened between them when Bobby was younger. Now that he has almost graduated, I can sanction this relationship.”

"I doubt that will matter," Scott replied. "Logan can be... peculiar... sometimes. Especially where honour and duty are concerned. I don't know if he'll be capable of entering into a relationship with Bobby. Not after this."

“After seeing them interact, I don’t think Bobby will give him much of a choice,” Hank added. “Can he not be stubborn in his own right?”

"Very," Scott said, grinning slightly. This was going to be hard on all of them and he was in a very difficult position. At least Bobby was almost graduated, allowing him the right to make his own choice in this.


Since Pyro had left the school, Bobby had been in the room they once shared by himself now. “I’m not going back to my old room,” Bobby said. He didn’t want to go back to the room he had shared with his one time friend who had tortured him.

Logan tightened his grip on the boy in his arms and paused. "Where do you want me to take ya?" he asked. He had been heading for his room, taking Bobby to where he could protect him. But it dawned on him now that Bobby might not appreciate being taken to his rapist's bedroom.

“Your room,” Bobby said. “Maybe Storm could bring my things there?”

"You sure?" Logan asked. "I don't see how you can even stand the sight of me, let alone trust me like this."

“Stop being an idiot,” Bobby huffed. “My head hurts and I don’t wanna argue about this right now. I don’t blame you, so shut up about that, okay?”

Logan snapped his mouth shut and carried Bobby to his room. If the kid didn't want to talk about it then he wouldn't bring it up. Once inside, he set Bobby down on the bed then closed the door. He hesitated a moment, then locked it as well.

“I need something to wear,” Bobby said. He was still naked under the blanket Logan had carried him in.

"A tee-shirt okay or you want me to go get somethin' from yer room?"

“One of your t-shirts?”

"Yeah. Think I got one that'll fit ya." He went to the dresser and pulled out an old t-shirt he wore when he was working in the garage. It was extra soft from age and use and he tossed it to the young man. "You, uh, you need the bathroom or anything?"

“No,” Bobby mumbled, pulling on the over sized shirt. “Hank said I have to stick to liquids for awhile.”

Logan blanched at that, understanding why the doctor had given that order. He felt sick inside whenever he thought about it but he didn't say anything about it. "You gonna be able to sleep?" he asked instead.

Bobby looked even younger in Logan’s t-shirt when he asked, “Maybe if you sleep with me.”

Logan's reply was to sit down on the other side of the bed and start pulling off his boots. That done, he went back to the dresser and grabbed a pair of sweat pants. He didn't normally sleep in anything but he didn't want to scare Bobby by going to bed nude.

“This wasn’t how I thought it would happen,” Bobby said. He was settled on his stomach and his head lying on Logan’s favourite pillow.

"How you thought what would happen?" Logan asked as he laid down beside him. He had a feeling he knew but the kid wouldn't have said it if he didn't want to talk.

“Us,” Bobby answered simply. “At least I hoped someday there would be an us. You know I have a crush on you, right?”

Logan shrugged. "I knew you were attracted. Lots of people are, at least at first. It wears off pretty quick, though."

Bobby outstretched his hand and laid it carefully on Logan’s chest. “I know the feeling.”

Logan covered Bobby's hand with his own, damning Magneto in his mind for what he'd done to them. "I'm sorry," he whispered, not knowing what else to say, but knowing he owed Bobby the truth. "I wish there could'a been an us. Not much chance of that now, though."

“Why not?” Bobby asked in a shaky voice. “I know it was my first time, but… but, it’ll be better next time!”

"Jesus, Bobby. That ain't what I meant," Logan said quickly. "I just meant... I didn't think you'd want that. I forced ya. I tore ya up inside so bad Hank had ta sew you back together. You can't want me."

“I want you!” Bobby snapped, already slipping into sudden mood changes. “I won’t let them take you away from me once I found out you actually want me!”

"Shhhh... it's okay," Logan soothed, pulling the now distraught young man into his arms. It was a natural move to comfort and Logan didn't think twice about it. His body was in no mood to play at the moment anyway so he wasn't worried about an inappropriate response. "Nobody's takin' me away from ya. I ain't leavin' till you tell me to leave."

“Then don’t *ever* leave me,” Bobby demanded and moved to kiss Logan desperately.

Logan let himself be kissed, returning it but not deepening it. A few minutes later he gently pushed Bobby back and laid his head down on his chest. "You need to get some rest now. I'll be here when ya wake up."

“Promise?” Bobby asked in a quiet voice.



Logan was watching over Bobby anxiously as he talked with Marie out in the garden. He didn’t like being outside. Not with Magneto still running loose. Bobby, however, had insisted he wanted to talk to himself, but had also insisted Logan stay within sight. Logan was so intent on watching over Bobby that he didn’t register Scott walk up behind him.

"How is he?" Scott asked softly as he watched Bobby and Marie. He had wanted to talk to Logan alone since their return to the mansion. This was the first time Bobby had left his side long enough for Scott to approach him.

“He’s brave,” Logan answered. He smiled when he saw Bobby and Marie laugh. What they had shared was more friendship than love anyways.

"And strong," Scott agreed. "So how are *you* doing?" That was the real question. He could see that Bobby was coping fairly well, as long as Logan was near. Logan, however, wasn't as easy to read.

“I’m a rapist,” Logan answered. “Of all the things I’ve done…”

"You tried to protect him," Scott interjected. "I know how hard you fought. You had no choice."

“Doesn’t make it any easier,” Logan said. “Kid woke up screaming that first night. Begging me to help him. All I could do was hold him and tell him it was over. But it ain’t ever gonna be over for him.”

"I know. Logan, I know everyone's been concerned with Bobby being around you so much, but how are you handling it? I know it can't be easy having a constant reminder."

“I just have ta remember the panic on his face when I leave his side,” Logan returned. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. “It’s what he needs that’s more important than my guilt.”

"So you're just going to stay with him and let him use you?" Scott asked. He was pushing but he had to know how Logan was truly fairing in all this. "That doesn't sound like you."

“He’s not using me,” Logan snapped. “He’s not the only one affected. I hate it if anyone’s around him, especially a guy.”

"Why? What are you trying to protect him from?" Scott had turned his full attention to Logan. "Are you worried he'll freak or that someone here will hurt him? Or are you jealous?"

“I don’t know!” Logan growled dangerously. “I want to protect him from everything… from everyone that could hurt him. I know those two sick fucks are still out there and it scares me to death.”

"Do you feel that way when I'm near him?" Scott asked calmly, drawing the conversation away from the ever-present threat of Magneto..

“Yeah,” Logan admitted, but then added with a sarcastic smile. “But I wouldn’t likely kill ya.”

Scott grinned back, glad to see a flash of the old Logan. "Why is that, do you think? I mean, you have to know I would never do anything to hurt him. And I'm not attracted to him sexually, so why would you react that way?"

“I don’t know… maybe… maybe I’m just a foolish old man,” Logan answered with a shrug. “Who really cares for that kid.”

Scott nodded. "I know you care for him. I also know you still feel incredibly guilty over what happened. If you need to talk, I want you to know I'm here for you."

Logan laid his hand on Scott’s shoulder. Since Jean’s death, they had become much closer and he now considered the man his friend. “Thanks. I appreciate that.”

Bobby chose that particular moment to come bounding back over to Logan. He stopped when he saw Scott, uncertain if he was interrupting anything. One thing he did know was that he didn't like the way Logan was touching the other man. "Hey, what's up?"

Logan beamed when he saw Bobby and his hand fell from Scott’s shoulder. Instead, he opened his arms to welcome Bobby into his grasp. “Just talkin’ ta Cyke. Did ya have a nice talk with Marie?”

"Yeah," Bobby said as he moved into the embrace, wrapping his own arms around Logan's waist. "She wants to be friends still and she said if I ever needed anyone to talk to she'd be there for me."

“Marie’s a good girl,” Logan confirmed, much happier at Bobby being friends with her than another boy his own age. He rubbed one of his hands over Bobby’s hair affectionately. “Cyke pretty much offered me the same thing, that’s all.”

"Oh," Bobby said, surprised. "I figured he was giving you the speech or something."

“I don’t give speeches,” Scott said. “I just offer good advice.”

"Like the ‘he's too young for you, you're too old for him’ kind of advice?" Bobby had known they would take some flack over their relationship, even what there was of it now. Professor Xavier had said as much. That didn't mean he had to like it, though.

“I never said that,” Scott denied. “You’re legally an adult now, Bobby. No one has the right to make you do anything you don’t want to. Actually, considering that we don’t know how Logan ages, you’ll be a good match for him.”

"You really think so?" Bobby asked, brightening considerably. He hadn't expected open approval, especially from somebody as straight-laced as Scott.

“Sometimes I think you’re more mature than he is,” Scott said with a soft smile.

"*He* is standing right here, you know," Logan mock growled. He was glad that Scott was standing by them, though he had a feeling that the man thought there was more to his and Bobby's relationship than there really was yet.

“*He* does act worse than a child sometimes,” Scott insisted. “Case in point… stealing my motorcycle… again. To buy beer of all things.”

"You know, *he* can dismantle that bike if *he* wants to," Logan said smugly. "Besides, a man's gotta have his beer. I keep it away from the kiddies. And it ain't like you never came and got one from me, Slim."

That made Bobby snicker. “Can I have one, too? I’m legal in Canada.”

Scott sighed. "I'll leave that between you and Logan. Don't brag about it and don't let any of the other kids see you with it. Got it?"

“Don’t think ya could handle Canadian beer, kid,” Logan chuckled. “Cyke sure as hell can’t.”

"Bite me, Logan."

“Only in your dreams,” Bobby added, hugging Logan more tightly. “…Sir.”


It had been over a week since the "incident," as they had come to refer to it. Bobby had gotten his feet back under him more though he still stayed as close to Logan as possible. Logan didn't mind. He was growing used to Bobby's presence and was starting to enjoy having someone to curl up with at night. In fact, his body was starting to enjoy it a little too much.

In his sleep Logan got hard as was only natural with a warm body next to him and lustful dreams running through his mind. When he woke, he felt a hand around his cock. Not stroking him, but just holding him. “Ahhh, Bobby… what ya doin’?”

"I woke up," Bobby said. "And I could feel you against me. I just wanted to... touch you. This is the first time you've been hard since I've been here."

“Okay,” Logan answered, taking a deep breath. If the kid wanted to touch him, then he could touch him. There really was nothing that Logan wouldn’t give him. Logan closed his eyes for a moment and then apologized. “Sorry.”

"For what?" Bobby asked as he continued to hold the organ in his hand. He squeezed it gently, testing the firmness of it. It was big, like he remembered it being, and he stroked up and down it once lightly.

“For gettin’ hard,” Logan groaned. He couldn’t help it when it his hips lifted up off the bed.

"Don't be sorry," Bobby said. He stroked up and down the shaft again, encouraged by Logan's response to his touch. "I like it that you're hard. I like touching you like this."

“Do ya?” Logan managed to choke out and then he swallowed hard.

"Yeah. I like feeling you in my hand, knowing you're hard for me. It is me you're hard for, isn't it?"

“Yeah… it’s you,” Logan admitted after a moment. He’d thought about denying it, but then it might break Bobby’s fragile self-esteem right now.

"Do you like me touching you like this?" Bobby pressed, gripping Logan a little tighter.

The damn kid was seducing him. There was no other way to describe what he was doing. He shouldn’t be giving in, but the slight quiver in Bobby’s voice and the curious grip on his cock was his undoing. “Yeah… I do, but don’t think ya gotta do this,” Logan croaked.

"I know that," Bobby said. "You'd never force me... never make me if I said no. I trust you, Logan. Do you trust me?" Bobby didn't stop touching Logan as he spoke. In fact, he started moving his hand slightly faster over the man's cock.

Logan couldn’t help but shiver and groan more loudly. “Of course, I trust ya. If… If ya don’t stop, I’m gonna… ya know.”

"Will you really cum for me?" Bobby asked, squeezing Logan's cock and stroking even harder. He wanted to make this man cum. He wanted to show Logan that he could give him pleasure and that he wasn't afraid. Maybe then they could move their relationship forward a bit.

Logan couldn’t even speak. He looked into Bobby’s eyes and didn’t see the reflection of a scarred kid looking back at him, but instead the sure eyes of a young man. A young man who knew what he wanted. Logan growled softly in his chest and came in Bobby’s hand.

Bobby milked him slowly, until Logan's cock began to soften. Lifting his hand, he brought it to his face and hesitantly licked at the fluid covering it. "Salty," Bobby remarked.

Logan covered his face with his hands and then groaned heavily. “You’re trying ta kill me, aren’t ya?”

"Nope," Bobby said as he finished licking the cum from his hand. "That would be counterproductive. Can't have a corpse for a lover."

“Are you… hard?” Logan asked carefully.

"Yeah." Bobby reached down and stroked himself though his underwear. "Have been since I started touching you."

Logan swallowed thickly again. “Would ya like me ta touch you?”

"You don't have to," Bobby said. He wanted Logan to touch him more than anything but he understood that the man was still wary. "You can just watch me if you want to."

Logan could smell the pheromones pouring off of Bobby. His hand reached over hesitantly and he touched Bobby’s arm, following it carefully down to his wrist. “If I do anything… anything at all that makes ya uncomfortable. You tell me ta stop…”

"I will," Bobby promised. "But I trust you." He felt Logan's hand touch him through the thin cotton and he arched up slightly. It felt so good to have those big hands on him like this. Bobby knew he'd be able to cum just from Logan doing this.

Logan didn’t dare touch Bobby directly yet with out the mental protection the cotton underwear provided. Bobby mewled softly when Logan started to pump his cock.

"Feels so good," Bobby told him breathlessly. "Wanted to... to use my mouth on you... but I was scared to. Didn't want to freak you out..." He pushed up into Logan's hand, demanding more contact. He knew he wasn't going to last long and wanted Logan to make him cum.

“You can do whatever ya want to me,” Logan told Bobby and increased his touch. No one would believe that the younger, slighter man in this relationship was really running the show.

"Will you... will you let me suck you?" Bobby asked, knowing his words were affecting the older man. He was seconds away from cumming and wanted Logan to give his permission for next time.

“Suck me… fuck me… whatever ya want,” Logan groaned his appreciation. “You’re in control.”

With those words Bobby came, spurting into his underwear as he arched up on the bed. When it was over, he lay panting beside Logan. "Did you really mean that?" he asked. "That I can... fuck you?"

Logan reached over and pulled Bobby so that he was lying on top of him. He ran his hand through Bobby’s hair and then kissed his forehead. “Yeah, anything ya want.”

"What if I said I wanted you to... to do that to me?" Bobby knew this was the important question. He understood Logan was still working through his own guilt over hurting him. Bobby was hoping his show of trust and love would help with that.

“Yeah, when you’re healed up and ready,” Logan said. There was no point in giving into the sinking feeling bubbling in his gut. If Bobby wanted that, then Bobby would get it.

"You really mean that?" Bobby asked. "I don't want you to do it if you don't want to. I know... what happened... it messed us both up."

“Bobby,” Logan said to get his attention. “Bobby… we just gotta live in the now. If it seems right, then we gotta let it happen.”

Bobby smiled down at him, thrilled by what he'd said. "I love you," he whispered softly before leaning in to seal his lips over Logan's. When Logan's mouth parted in surprise, Bobby thrust his tongue in, eager to taste the man completely.

When Bobby pulled away, his eyes were bright and his face flushed. Logan fell in love all over again, but he had trouble expressing feeling. “Yeah, me too,” he muttered.


"Bobby, are you sure he's gonna want to do this?" Marie asked for the third time. She had seen the changes taking place in Logan first hand but she still didn't think he was going to agree to this.

“Yeah,” Bobby assured Marie. “He wants to because I asked him and besides, he says he wants to keep an eye on Colossus.”

Marie rolled her eyes at the last and shook her head. "Petey is a sweet heart. He's even more of a white knight than you, if that's possible. Does he know which one we're going to see?"

“He says I could pick,” Bobby said and then smiled at Marie.

"He is so whipped," Marie said with a grin. "So which one are we seeing? Wait, don't tell me. Freddy vs. Jason, right?"

“Yeah,” Bobby laughed. “I keep telling him that Krugar would have an inferiority complex if he meant the Wolverine.”

"I still can't believe you got him to agree to a double date to the movies," Marie said. "I can't wait to see what he thinks of it."

“He’s threatened to fall asleep,” Bobby told her. “But you wanna hear something funny?”


“I’m not saying he’s whipped…” Bobby hesitated. “But, I can get him to do whatever I want.”

"Just make sure you don't take advantage of it," Marie warned. "You guys care about each other alot and I'm happy for you both, but don't use him, Bobby. I don't think he could take that."

“I wouldn’t!” Bobby denied. “I love him, Marie. I really do.”

"I know you do," Marie said gently. "But sometimes it's easy to take things for granted. Just... be careful. Okay?"

“Yeah, okay,” Bobby agreed and then turned his head to see Pete skulk around the corner, followed by a scowling Wolverine.

"Hey, Logan," Bobby called, brightening at the sight of his lover. "We were just talking about tonight."

“I know, so did Mr. Rasputin and I here,” Logan answered with a grin. “Didn’t we, Peter?”

"Yes," Peter replied, moving to Marie's side and putting an arm around her. "I am a gentleman, Logan. I would never do anything to sully Marie's reputation."

“Better not,” Logan growled. “So what piece of fluff are we seeing?”

"Freddy Vs. Jason," Bobby replied enthusiastically. "I can't wait!"

“Okay,” Logan said without complaining. He couldn’t complain when Bobby was looking at him like that. He was a doomed man.

Marie snickered, covering her mouth with her hand to try to stifle it. "You guys are too cute for words," she managed to get out as she pulled Peter back with her.

“Did she just call the Wolverine… cute?” Logan growled. “Better start running now girl.”

Giggling, Marie ran down the hall with Peter hot on her heels. Logan watched them go, telling himself he'd keep an eye on the big Russian. He trusted the boy but you could never be too careful these days.


“Four tickets to see Freddy vs. Jason,” Bobby said. Logan didn’t deal well with people, so he tended to brood in the background while Bobby dealt with the public.

As Bobby when to pull money out of his wallet, Logan grunted, “Put it back.”

The middle-aged cashier laughed. “Don’t you hate it when your children bleed you dry?”

"He ain't my kid," Logan said. "He's my date. The girl, she's as close to having a kid as I'll ever get." Logan handed the money to cashier and took the tickets.

“Craddle robber,” The cashier mumbled under her breath as she handed back the change.

"Look lady..." Bobby started, but Logan's hand on his arm stopped him.

"Let her be. She ain't worth it," Logan said. "Come on. Let's get our popcorn and go find a seat."

“Logan has a sweet tooth,” Marie whispered to Bobby.

Bobby grinned at her and proceeded to order popcorn with extra butter and several bags of candy. He reached for his wallet again, intending to at least pay for the food but Logan stopped him once again.

“I’ll get it,” Logan said and told the cashier to throw in a few candy bars before paying him.

"I would have paid," Bobby said as they made their way into the theatre. Bobby chose the very last row, knowing Logan would feel more comfortable without someone sitting directly behind him. Besides, being in the back row had added benefits as any teenager could attest.

“We’re on a date, I pay,” Logan told him. He wasn’t treating Bobby like a woman, it was just a matter of manners. He didn’t possess a lot of manners, but this was one of them.

Bobby paused, looking at Logan hard. His face broke into a grin as they sat down with Logan in the isle seat. "We really are on a date, aren't we?" he said, as if realizing it for the first time.

Logan scowled, but it wasn’t an annoyed scowl, but the soft scowl he used when he didn’t want to express his real emotions. “Yeah, we are,” he said gruffly. “Now watch the movie and eat your popcorn.”

Bobby settled into the seat, doing as Logan said. He was getting to understand his reactions more and more and he knew what this one was. He was getting it a lot lately. It seemed the closer they got the more Logan shied away from expressing his feelings. Bobby knew he could push it, but he had a feeling this was one of the things Marie had warned him about taking advantage of. He settled instead for slipping his hand into Logan's and holding it as they watched the film.

“Did you like the movie?” Bobby asked as the credits started to roll.

“Don’t know, didn’t watch it,” Logan said. “Spent most of the time watching you watch it. Ya seemed ta like it, so it works for me.”

"Logan..." Bobby began, then trailed off. On the one hand he was quite pleased that Logan had enjoyed it simply because he had. But on the other, he was upset. He wanted Logan to enjoy the things they did together, not do them simply to placate him. His good mood starting to evaporate, Bobby looked around for Marie and Peter.

“I think they ditched us,” Logan said. Of course, it helped that he had slipped Peter thirty bucks during their “conversation” so that he could take Marie out for supper afterwards.

Bobby nodded, realizing Logan was right. "Logan, I think we need to talk," he said softly, knowing how that sounded but not knowing any other way to say the words.

“Let’s wait ‘til we get outside, kid,” Logan said. He didn’t let go of Bobby’s hand as they walked out of the dark theatre.

Bobby waited until they were back in the car. From Logan's lack of concern over Marie and Peter he knew Logan had helped them make *other* plans. That was fine with Bobby. He didn't want an audience for this conversation, especially Marie.

“Anything else ya wanna do?” Logan asked.

"What would you like to do?" Bobby asked, testing Logan's reaction.

“Anything ya want to do,” Logan insisted.

"Logan... is this... this isn't... this isn't all just because you feel guilty... is it?" Bobby couldn't look at Logan as he said the words. He didn't know what he would do if Logan confirmed his fears.

“No,” Logan said instantly. “Just wanna make ya happy. See ya smile.”

Bobby breathed a sigh of relief, knowing Logan wouldn't lie to him. "Good," he managed to say. "Because I wouldn't want that. I want you to be with me because you want to... not because you feel bad about what happened."

“Bobby…” Logan said. He knew what Bobby wanted and needed to hear. “I-love-you,” he said very quickly and softly, the words melting into one word.

Bobby took Logan's hand and squeezed it. This was the first time Logan had ever said the words to him. "Let's go home," Bobby said, suddenly longing for the privacy of their room.


“Ya had a good time, right?” Logan asked on the threshold of their room.

"I had a great time," Bobby replied. "But the night isn't over yet."

“It isn’t?” Logan asked dumbly as Bobby led him into the room and then turned the lock. Whatever it was about Bobby, he seemed to turn into a damn teenager himself.

"No," Bobby said. "Tonight was great, but do you know the best part?" He led Logan toward their bed as he spoke, hoping Logan would get the hint.

“Umm, sex right? Always liked sex,” Logan mumbled.

"No," Bobby smiled affectionately. "It was when you told me you loved me. Don't get me wrong, I do want the... you know... sex part. That is, if you do."

“I do… love-you-ya-know,” Logan repeated the last part quickly again.

"Yeah, I know." Bobby grabbed the hem of his sweatshirt and pulled it over his head, leaving himself bare to the waist. "Question now is, do you wanna have sex with me?"

Logan moved forward and started to rub his hands over Bobby’s chest. It was nearly hairless, but the muscles where well defined. “Make love,” Logan corrected, using the girly term he’d heard others use, but never applied to himself before.

"Make love," Bobby repeated. "Do you wanna make love to me, Logan, because I want to make love to you? I know we haven't done much other than that one time, but I want this."

“I want you,” Logan confirmed, running his hands over Bobby’s chest, tweaking a nipple. He’d have to talk to Bobby about possibly getting a nipple ring. “Loved the way you smelt from the first… and that trick with my beer… loved that.”

Bobby arched into Logan's hands, moaning softly. He'd never been touched like this before and the feelings went straight to his groin. He had wanted Logan for what felt like forever and now he was finally going to have him.

“This is our first time together,” Logan said, pushing Bobby back down onto the bed.

"This is my first time period," Bobby said. He refused to acknowledge what had happened before. To him, this would always be his first time.

“Gotta warn ya, Bobby,” Logan said. He was already taking off Bobby’s sneakers and then his jeans. “If ya get over me when ya get older, I think it’ll kill me.”

"Won't happen," Bobby told him. "I love you and I trust you. I could never have this with anyone but you."

Logan’s response was to kiss Bobby and then strip himself once Bobby was glassy-eyed. “Logan… please…”

"You sound so sweet when ya beg me like that," Logan said as he laid down beside Bobby. He pulled the younger man onto his side and kissed him hungrily. He could feel Bobby's erection digging into his hip and knew the boy could feel his as well.

“I’m not sweet,” Bobby whined. “And don’t you dare say I’m cute either.”

"How about gorgeous?" Logan asked as he stroked along Bobby's side. "I can see the man you're gonna be one day inside ya. He's just as beautiful as you are now. Damn, boy, you make me talk like a girl sometimes."

“You’re definitely not a girl,” Bobby chuckled. He moved his hips so that his cock was rubbing against Logan’s. “And I’m a man already. I’m eighteen!”

"Don't remind me," Logan groaned, moving with Bobby to heighten the contact. "Tell me what you want, Bobby. Do you wanna take me?"

“Yeah,” Bobby admitted with breathy enthusiasm. Eventually he wanted to bottom for Logan, but he wasn’t ready for that. He wasn’t sure when he would be, but he wanted to be close to Logan… to touch and experience every part of his body. Besides, what young man his age who was an unfortunate virgin didn’t dream about fucking?

"Al-alright," Logan said, stammering slightly. It wasn't as if he hadn't done this before but it had been a very long time and he hadn't been overly fond of the act then. But this was Bobby and he couldn't deny his young lover anything, even his own body. "We got any oil around here?"

“I don’t know,” Bobby said, nearly bouncing on the bed. “It’s not like I’m gonna walk up to Cyclops and ask for lube.”

"Wait here for a second," Logan said. He got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. He rummaged through the medicine chest for a moment before coming up with a small bottle of massage oil. He grinned when he realized where it had come from. He had bought it for Bobby after the boy had complained after a workout in the Danger Room.

“What are you doing, Logan?” Bobby asked. He was on his knees in the middle of the bed, sitting up like an eager puppy. “Do you need any help? You won’t have to leave to get stuff, will you?”

"Relax," Logan chuckled. He tossed the bottle to Bobby as he came back to the bed. "I think that'll work good enough. You know what to do or you need me to tell ya?"

Bobby looked down at the bottle and his forehead crinkled a little. “Give you a massage? I thought we were gonna…”

"We are," Logan said, grinning widely. He had to admit, he liked the fact that Bobby was coming into this a virgin. He would be the one to teach and guide him in this, pleasing the Wolverine in him. He sat down on the bed facing Bobby and began to explain. "Men ain't built like women. Women got their own way of making things slick but a man ain't got that. You... you know how it hurt when... when I just shoved it in. That's what happens when you don't use any lube or get your lover ready first."

“So I use this… okay,” Bobby nodded and then swallowed thickly. “I want to make love to you… I’ve been thinking about it all the time…” Bobby had to stop, look down and then look back up at Logan. “But before… before that happened to us, all I would think about is you… fucking me. Is that normal?”

"There's nothing wrong with that," Logan told him. "A man wants what he wants. It doesn't make you any less of a man just cause you prefer to bottom. Hell, it makes ya more of one. Cause it means you can take what a lot of men can't ever learn to stomach. Taking another man inside you, that ain't the easiest thing in the world. Some men can never do it."

Bobby nodded solemnly and then with the whim of youth, his mind did a complete flip. “Okay, this talking stuff is cool, but my dick hurts.”

"Then why don't I take the edge off for ya?" Logan said. He pulled Bobby to him and kissed him hard and fast then pushed him down onto the bed. Moving quickly, he slid down until his face was at the younger man's groin. He took a second to admire his lover, then he took the hard phallus into his mouth.

It was less than a minute later that Bobby came in Logan’s mouth. His face was flushed with embarrassment that he had cum so quickly. He couldn’t make himself stop though. He had been so excited and Logan’s mouth so skilled, that he had cum with a long moan.

"You taste good, too," Logan said as he sat up. "Been wantin' to taste ya ever since I watched you lick the cum off your hand."

“But I came too soon…” Bobby complained.

"Just cause you were worked up," Logan replied. "Besides, it ain't like you can't get hard again in about five minutes. That'll give you some time to get me ready." With that, he got onto his hands and knees then lowered his head to bed, leaving his ass high in the air. It was the ultimate submission and the Wolverine growled inside him.

But the Wolverine was soon satisfied with how Bobby approached him. There was nothing threatening about the young man as he hesitantly moved towards Logan’s back and in his own act of submission, he laid his head on Logan’s back. Logan could feel the soft kisses down his spine.

"Put... put some of the oil on your fingers," Logan instructed him. "Then slide one of 'em inside me."

Bobby followed Logan’s instructions eagerly, but then stopped before he slide a single slim finger in. “Logan, I can’t hurt you, can I?”

"Nothin' that wouldn't heal in a couple of seconds," Logan assured him. "Don't worry about me. I can handle it."

“But I want to please you,” Bobby said, not knowing the implications behind the choice of his words would have on the Wolverine. “I want to make it good for you.” He started to circle Logan’s hole hesitantly.

The sound that came out of Logan was a cross between a growl and a moan. He had to fight not to simply rear up and grab Bobby. He knew his lover wasn't ready for that yet and he forced the Wolverine back down. "You are," he finally managed to say. "Just bein' with you is gonna make it good for me."

Bobby slowly pushed his finger into Logan and continued to kiss his back. He rubbed his face against Logan’s back, even as he added another finger.

"That's it," Logan encouraged. "Stretch me on 'em. Get me ready for somethin' bigger." He pushed back against Bobby's tentative hand, trying to speed the process along. He knew the boy didn't want to hurt him but the slow pace was driving him mad.

Bobby shivered at Logan’s explicate instructions. He slipped a third finger in and then asked, “Is it time yet?”

"Yeah, baby," Logan said. "Slick yourself up real good. You're gonna have to push hard at first, but don't worry about hurtin' me."

“Logan… please don’t talk like that,” Bobby implored. “I’ll cum if you keep that up.”

Logan chuckled. "You like it when I talk dirty, huh? I'll have to remember that."

“I don’t,” Bobby denied, but he knew he was lying. He was on the edge as he fumbled to slick his cock.

"Bullshit, baby," Logan purred. "You love me talkin' dirty to ya. Tellin' ya to slick your cock and then shove it inside me."

Bobby had to squeeze his balls to keep from cumming in that moment. Even when Logan was supposedly “submitting” to him, he was still in charge and Bobby loved it. “Talk to me then,” Bobby implored as he slowly started to sink into Logan.

"Ah fuck," Logan moaned. "Feel so good slidin' inside me. Feel fuckin' huge, baby. Like you're gonna split me in two. Never liked this with anyone before you. You're the only man I'll ever let take me like this."

Bobby was frozen with the sweet tightness of Logan around him. It was Logan who started to rock his hips first and controlling the rate of penetration.

"C’mon on, lover. Give it to me," Logan urged. He wanted Bobby to enjoy this first time to the fullest and he rocked back even harder.

Bobby shuddered and started to pump into Logan. Even though he had cum only a few minutes ago, the experience was too new and stimulating. He wouldn’t last long and started to beg Logan in broken words, not sure what he was begging for.

Logan could tell how close Bobby was and snaked a hand down to his own neglected cock. He began to stroke in time with Bobby's thrusts, speeding up as the boy grew more frantic. Finally, he felt Bobby slam into him and stiffen, then warm liquid was filling his ass. A few strokes later and Logan began to cum, too, spurting his release onto the bed.

Bobby started to cry uncontrollably as he collapsed onto Logan’s back. He had managed with the rape so well, but this was the final emotional trigger that finally set free all of his pent up emotions.

It took Logan a moment to understand what he was hearing. When he did, he quickly slid out from under Bobby and pulled the now distraught young man into his arms. "It's okay," he crooned over and over again, rocking him back and forth gently.

“It’s not fair… not fair,” Bobby was chanting as he clung to Logan.

"What's not fair?" Logan asked. Fear gripped his stomach, filling it with icy dread. If Bobby told him to get lost now he wasn't sure how he'd survive it.

“Why me?” Bobby asked the question all victims asked at some time. “Why did it happen to me?”

"I don't know, baby," Logan whispered, his eyes prickling with unshed tears. "I'd give anything to make it different. I tried to get 'em to take me instead. I'm so sorry, baby."

“It would’ve been worse if it had been you,” Bobby sobbed. “Couldn’t stand it if they had hurt you.”

"Would have given anything to make them stop. Would'a let Magento turn me into a pretzel if they would'a left you alone," Logan told him. He was unable to stop his own pain from pouring out now that Bobby had unleashed his. All the guilt Logan had tried to bury rushed to the surface as he remembered that horrible day and what he had been forced to do.

“Tell me it’s over, Logan,” Bobby begged. “Just tell me it’s over.”

"It's over," Logan said quickly. "It's over. I promise, baby. It's over."

They just sat and held each other in silence as Bobby cried. As his sobs started to stop, Bobby started to play with Logan’s muttonchops, tugging at them gently. “I’ve been thinking, Logan.”

"Oh yeah?" Logan replied as playfully as he could. He couldn't shake the feeling that Bobby was going to tell him to hit the road.

“I’ve been thinking that this isn’t the ending, but the beginning for us instead,” Bobby said and then added with another tug of Logan’s muttonchops. “And that you’re hairy.”

Logan hugged Bobby to him tighter then brought his mouth down to seal the vow with a kiss. It had hard to trust another with his heart, especially someone so young, but he had no choice. Bobby owned him, body and soul, and Logan wouldn't have it any other way.