Title: Mr. Lee - snippet

Author: Kindli

Pairing: Lyle/Jarod mentioned

Rating: PG-13

Date: 5/03

Feedback: kindli27@hotmail.com

Spoilers: Mr. Lee, Red Rock Jarod

Summary: To put together Jarod's profile, Mr. Lee must get the last piece of the puzzle from Lyle. This begins right after Mr. Lee shows Mr. Lyle that one does not need eyes to see, etc

Notes: This is part of a story I haven't actually written yet. But, it stands on it's own, I think.

Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me, and I'm making no profit from writing this.

Mr. Lee - snippet
by Kindli

"I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?" Mr. Lee asked with false sincerity as Lyle stood up again. "It is not only with sight that one sees. Now...once again," he lifted Lyle's chin with a bony finger pressed warningly against his neck, " Mr. Lyle, go sit down...tell me a story."

Lyle moved to sit down with no more struggle. He had been humiliated enough for the moment and it was quite clear he was at the old blind man's mercy. "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know what motivates Jarod. Why he risks himself to help others. Why he runs but does not vanish."

"Why do you think I can help you?" Lyle tried to sound nonchalant, but wondered if the ancient assassin had somehow found out about his history with the Pretender.

Mr. Lee pointed his finger at Lyle's neck. "Kootchi, kootchi," he mocked, before becoming serious again, "Because you have a very 'unique' relationship with Jarod, do you not?"

Lyle said nothing though he was frantically trying to think of a way to spin this to his advantage.

"You did try to kill him, did you not?" Mr. Lee added.

Lyle relaxed. This he could easily work with, wonderful. "All in the interest of science," he acknowledged, then added in all truthfulness, "It wasn't really even my idea."

"I believe you also kidnapped Jarod, huh?" Mr. Lee asked, sounding gleeful.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." Lyle excused it.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures, Anna." The old man sing-songed to his assistant. Then seriously, he turned back to Lyle. "You weren't content to just kidnap Jarod- were you? You also had to shoot his brother and kill him."

"That was an accident, pure and simple," Lyle retorted. "Not that it wasn't a precipitous accident", he thought, "but still it hadn't been part of the plan."

"There is another part of what drives Jarod that I...I don't understand," Mr. Lee admitted, sounding frustrated.

Lyle looked up at the man and swallowed. "And that is?"

"Why after everything you have done to him, he has not killed you? After all, he is more resourceful and intelligent than you are."

Lyle shrugged. "Maybe he just likes me," he suggested, glancing at Anna with a smirk. He saw a quick flash of something in her eyes, anger or jealousy-- he wasn't sure which. He was suddenly suspicious of her motives in this little game.

Mr. Lee distracted him with a cheerful drawl, "Not?" he stood next to Lyle and pet the back of his head, in what almost appeared to be a soothing action. "Shall we start at the beginning, for real this time?"

Lyle slouched into the chair and rolled his eyes. Evidently the old man did know about his past relationship with Jarod and had just been playing with him, letting him relax by thinking he was putting something over on him.

"Like I said earlier, you have a unique relationship with Jarod, yes?"

"Had," Lyle muttered. "Something which he doesn't remember," he added, knowing he sounded bitter.

"Does he not remember...or is he simply 'pretending' it didn't happen?"

Lyle glared, though he knew it made no impact. "Jarod wouldn't do that. No, his memories were permanently erased... by Damon."

"Damon? Ahh yes, the man Jarod killed. If Jarod would kill him, why would he not kill you?"

"Damon would have caused the death of millions of people if someone didn't stop him. To Jarod, it was a matter of necessity. Killing me would be frivolous, not necessary."

Mr. Lee changed the subject, "Why were his memories erased?"

"They thought I was at fault, when he balked at completing certain sims." Lyle shrugged, letting it sound unimportant.

"Was it your fault?"

"Certainly not. He knew his own mind. He didn't need to be told what was right or wrong."

"It sounds to me that you still have feelings for him," Mr. Lee observed, cheerfully.

"Of course, that's why I kidnapped him and tried to cut off his thumb. It was all for love," Lyle agreed, sarcastically.

"Did I say anything about love?" Mr. Lee asked, an innocent expression on his face.

Mr. Lyle had had enough of this. So, he decided to give the Chinese man what he wanted, and hope to get back to the Centre in time to alert Sydney and his sister of the recent developments. "He has too much honor. He won't disappear until he feels he has atoned for everything he did while at the Centre."

"Ah, honor. Thank you, Mr. Lyle." Then he looked up at Anna, and repeated it. "Honor, Anna."

Anna typed the word into the database, unaware that Lyle had recognized the expression of bafflement on her face.

Mr. Lee moved to stand next to him, distracting him, once again. "Mr. Lyle, what will you do to Jarod, if he ever remembers your past relationship?"

"I have no idea," Lyle admitted, tensing when Mr. Lee slid his hand over his hair again. The hand slipped lower, until it clasped his shoulder. He forced himself to stay still as the strong fingers squeezed, and the world faded to black.