Title: World's Worst Myth-Match

Author: Growly

Fandom: The Myth Books

Pairing: Aahz/Skeeve

Rating: PG (fluff)

Status: Complete

Crit: No.

Archive: Yes.

Feedback: If you please

Email: sesshou_maru@yahoo.com

Series/Sequel: No

Other Websites: http://ranmaverse.topcities.com/Slayers.html - The Slayers LOVE page.
http://ranmaverse.topcities.com/main.html - The Ranma Romances Page

Disclaimer: Not mine either, sadly. ;_; I'm so unlucky!

Notes: This little thingy takes place sometime during the events of Sweet Myth-tery of life.

Summary: After much goading, Aahz comes up with a plan to help Skeeve get out of marrying Queen Hemlock.

Warnings: Slight spoilers for Sweet Myth-tery of Life


World's Worst Myth-Match
by Growly
* ~ * ~ * ~ *

"Come on, kid."

I still couldn't believe any of this was happening. How had I let Aahz talk me into this crazy scheme again? Not only wouldn't it work, or so I was convinced, but it would be possibly the most embarrassing venture of my entire career!

Well...maybe not THE most embarrassing. But it was pretty close. "Do I HAVE to wear the dress?"

"Of all the ungrateful…" Aahz growled in annoyance. "Look, kid, do you want to get Queen Hemlock off your back or don't you?"

I hated it when Aahz used that kind of argument, but that only took me down a few notches. "But Aahz… this dress makes me look fat!" Oh god…where did THAT come from? FAT? FAT!? I suddenly felt an insane - but nearly overpowering - urge to bury myself somewhere nice and quiet where no one would find me for the next forty years.

"You have no taste kid. I'll be the judge. Now come on out." From his tone, my partner would soon be storming in here himself if I didn't come out. Hesitantly I pushed open the door and stepped out of the room.

I never saw Aahz get silent so fast before. He cocked his head to the side, yellow eyes appraising. Then he made a slow circle around me, looking me over. "Not too bad…" He sounded very approving. "Not too bad at all, Skeeve. I sure know how to pick `em, huh kid?" He grinned widely. It would have been a truly frightening sight if I hadn't been used to it.

I had no idea what he was talking about, but I nodded, trying to look like I wasn't as clueless as I really was. With a slight grumble I gathered up the folds of the dress, trying to keep myself from tripping. "Why couldn't we just have used the disguise spell?"

To my surprise, Aahz had no quick answer to that question. I peered at him closely, surprised to notice a slight darkening of his scales. My partner was embarrassed? With a sigh, I let the matter

"Were we going to do a run through like you said before?"

For a moment he looked taken aback. Again. I was on my way to a new record, apparently. "Yeah, sure kid." He gestured for me to take my place.

Luckily I had gotten a lot of the basics down from listening to Massha and Badaxe planning their nuptials, so I knew something of what to expect. I carefully made my way down the "aisle", trying my best not to trip over the folds of the white dress. I did pretty good up until the very end.

It wasn't even the dress that got me. It was the shoes. Apparently someone had devised a shoe that was also a truly ingenious form of torture. It was like walking on stilts. I wind-milled my arms,
trying to catch my balance. Before I did though, my partner reached out and steadied me. I looked up at him, still grimacing slightly from my near tumble.

Aahz looked strange in his new outfit… this black suit - Tanda called it a Tux - but as unusual as the sight of a pervect in this formal looking wear was, I had to admit that he didn't look bad. He
looked ok. Maybe even kind of handsome in a green, scaly sort of way.

To my acute embarrassment, I realized I was blushing. I bet it showed a lot more on my pale skin than it would on a pervect's scales. My face must have been nearly as red as my hair, and I couldn't meet Aahz's questioning yellow gaze.

Keeping my gaze on my hands, I cleared my throat. "So… ahem… are we done?" I wanted so badly to hide my face somewhere.

He cleared his throat as well, sounding uncomfortable. "Yeah, kid. That's it. Not hard, is it?" He hesitated for a moment before adding: "But you know during the real thing we'll have to kiss at the end."

Kiss!? I swallowed hard. This was just great… I mean, it wasn't like I had anything against kissing Aahz. If anything I think… well, I think I might like it. But he makes it sound like it's
something terrible. I was about to ask him if that meant I could go and get changed now, but the words that came out of my mouth were a complete shock, even to me.

"Can we practice that too?"

My former mentor froze, and I realized distantly that I had just done it. I had broken my previous record of getting that reaction out of Aahz several times consecutively in a short period. I hastily attempted to stammer out an apology, only to have Aahz's fingers on my lips cut me off. I blinked up at him, eyes wide.

Before I could say anything more, he was leaning towards me. I barely noticed that I was doing the same, leaning down to brush my lips lightly against his. I didn't tower over him, luckily, but I
was about an inch or two taller. It didn't matter.

It lasted for only a few seconds, and I thought that would be it. Just the light touch of lips on lips. Then I felt his tongue slip into my mouth, my lips opening to allow him entrance. His arms
curled around me and pulled me close, with a strength more impressive than that of any human. I made a soft sound in my throat as he ravaged my eager mouth, and it took a few heartbeats before I realized I was doing the same to him.

Finally we broke away, breaths coming in quick pants, our faces still inches from each other. My cheeks were red, and I regretted very thoroughly that it had ended. But before I could voice my
thoughts he was pulling me down and it was happening again. It was like wine… like we just couldn't get enough to satisfy us. His hands wandered across my silk clad body, skillfully teasing. A soft moan bubbled up in my throat.

Then the arousing touch vanished. I slid to the floor as I was suddenly bereft of his steadying embrace. I blinked up at him in astonished hurt.

"Kid…Skeeve." Other than a slight huskiness in his voice, Aahz did not sound affected by what had just happened at all. "I think we should call off the wedding."

"What!?" I couldn't believe my ears. I had the sudden feeling I was about to cry and embarrass myself even further.

"You heard me." Aahz looked down at me, yellow eyes suddenly very serious. "I don't think we should go through with this wedding."

"That's what I thought you said…" I could barely force the words from my rapidly tightening throat. There was a noise like glass breaking, and I knew it had to be my heart. I wondered if he could hear it too…

I nearly yelled in surprise as I felt Aahz's strong arms scoop me off the floor and into his tight embrace. "Let me finish before you get all weepy, kid." He sounded more teasing than scolding. "I
just think it would be a better idea if we elope. That way we can get you out of that dress."

My mouth worked, but for some reason no words were coming out. Was it just me, or was my partner wearing a pleased grin on his face? "Speechless, Skeeve?"

After a pause, I swallowed and tried again. This time the words came out, although they were hesitant and croaking. "I uh…Aahz… you… that is…?"

"I love you too, kid." I swallowed and nodded, relieved that he had voiced my words for me. Then he turned towards the window, still holding me. "So… I don't think we need a ladder, do you?"

"Don't need a….AAHZ!?!?" That last part being screamed in near terror as Aahz jumped out the third story window.

As for what happened after that… well…

All I can say is that it made for a very *interesting* honeymoon.

~The End~