Title: Sexual Myth-Conduct

Author: Growly

Fandom: The Myth Books

Pairing: Aahz/Skeeve

Rating: NC17 (To be safe)

Status: Complete

Crit: No

Archive: As long as I get credit for writing it. (But then again, why would you WANT to?)

Feedback: Would be nice

Email: sesshou_maru@yahoo.com

Series/Sequel: Sequel to World's Worst Myth-Match

Other Websites: http://ranmaverse.topcities.com/Slayers.html - The Slayers LOVE page.
http://ranmaverse.topcities.com/main.html - The Ranma Romances Page

Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. Otherwise there would be a movie. With lots and lots of citrus.

Notes: Arrgh!!! My eyes! My eyes!! I'll never be able to look at the Myth books the same again! Bad Growly! @_@

Summary: After many myth-haps, the pair finally gets down to the dirty business of relieving Skeeve of his virginity. Basically a PWP. My other Myth fic, "World's Worst Myth-Match" comes before this one in my Myth timeline, but you don't need to read it for this to make sense.

Warnings: First time. And um...for the record Aahz is a scaly green demon (dimension traveler) from the dimension of Perv. (that makes him a PerVECT, not a PerVERT. LOL)


Sexual Myth-Conduct
by Growly
~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Nnn…Aahz…" My voice was half-muffled against his shoulder. I still couldn't believe that we hadn't been interrupted yet. This was the furthest we had gotten in days. I guess it's yet another
downside to being one of the hottest magicians at the bazaar. Oh well… at least we'd gotten rid of my bodyguards. I made a mental note to ask Aahz how he managed that one.

After we got through, of course.

Now I'll admit to feeling a bit of guilt at the fact that I was making him do all the work, but it wasn't like I had any real experience myself, right? Besides, he seemed to be enjoying it. I
bit back a yelp as I felt his tongue brush my nipples. He hovered over the right one for a second, and I shuddered slightly in anticipation. What was he up to now?

A gentle nip was answer enough. Now before anyone starts wondering, I'd like to clarify things a bit. Yes, Aahz has very sharp teeth. Luckily for me he knows how to use them properly. Otherwise I'd be missing some… well… vital appendages. Up until this point I think I had been doing rather well at keeping silent, but as soon as his warm mouth clamped down on my chest and started sucking, I couldn't hold back.

"Aahz!" I hoped there wasn't anyone standing outside the door listening. Apparently I said so out loud, because Aahz chuckled softly against my skin.

"Don't worry kid. They're not coming in. They know better." Which meant there WAS someone outside the door - maybe several someone's… I did my best to banish the image from my mind. Up until the point where Aahz added, "Besides, I think they're just a bit jealous and trying to get some kicks. If the sounds they're making is any clue."

Great. Now I had an image of someone standing outside our door doing… well… you know. I know that's what Aahz meant because he was giving me that look again. You know, the one that says, `I want to screw you silly.' His exact words if I remember correctly.

I think my distraction bothered him. He ran clawed hands lightly down my bare sides, then slipped a questing hand into the waistband of my pants when I didn't respond fast enough. That got a response from me, alright. The stroking fingers made my body react of its own accord. Firstly my cheeks became very red, and secondly, my groin became very hot. Personally, I'm of the opinion that the second part was what caused Aahz to give me that knowing chuckle of his.

"Say kid… remember when we first got that unicorn of yours?" Cool, green-scaled hands slid my pants off my hips and slowly down my legs.

"Huh?" Yes, I know. Not the most articulate of answers, but can you really blame me? I had no idea what direction this conversation was heading in.

"And I asked you if you were *sure* you weren't a virgin…" My underwear followed suit as he continued speaking.

"EEP!" I had finally caught on. The realization - and also, Aahz's fingers running up my inner thigh - brought a shaky grin to my face. "Y…yeah… I remember that Aahz…"

"Hmm… and you said you were sure. Now…" Aahz raised his hand to his mouth briefly, slipping a finger into his mouth, then removing it, the scales wet and shimmery in the dim light.

My eyes tried to follow the path of his finger, but they were already held by the unshakable grip of his yellow gaze. I felt my breath coming faster in anticipation, and I didn't even know what he was up to!

His face was only inches away from mine as a devilish grin crossed his face. "Are you *absolutely* sure that you're not a virgin?" I nearly jumped as his finger crept between my legs and kept moving lower. There was a slight whimper in my throat, and my back arched slightly of its own accord, which seemed to please him greatly.

"A…Aahz…" I closed my eyes as I finally admitted the embarrassing truth. "I am a… I'm a virgin." The last word was so quiet that I could barely hear myself say it. He was quiet, his hand no longer stroking, more like probing gently for something. "Aahz?" I opened my eyes as heartbeats went by without a response.

He smiled at me, not his usual toothy grin that is enough to give even strong men the shivers, but a different sort of smile. Gentle, almost reassuring, if such a thing can be said of Aahz. My rapid
heartbeat was settling somewhat when I felt it. Apparently he'd found what he was seeking, and I trembled as I felt his finger push into me.

Suddenly this was all taking on a turn I hadn't expected. I had never been with anyone before, much less a man, and it had somehow never occurred to me to wonder just HOW we were expecting to… well, make love. Now it was all very clear. I swallowed as my gaze traveled down his body. It was very clear I was arousing him, and I felt a shiver of unease. He was so…big, so hard. How could I ever hope to take all of him into myself?

But looking up into his yellowy eyes, so familiar and beautiful in their way, how could I not make the attempt? He had loved me for gods only knew how long, and I had loved him as a mentor, a
partner… I was willing to make the jump.

Digging my fingers into the blankets below me, I raised my lower body into the air, my gaze meeting his steadily. He seemed surprised, but nothing is ever able to shock Aahz for long. I felt
his fingers slip from my body, leaving a strange emptiness in their wake. Then I felt his hard warm length against me. His eyes held mine as he pushed and I felt my body open beneath him.

Yes, he was big… and it hurt a little, at first. But as he slowly rocked against me, his hands fluttering lightly across my skin, I felt the pain giving way to a deeper pleasure. I moaned softly, I
couldn't help it, as my hands clutched tightly at his body. The strokes became faster, pushed deeper, and I was aroused again, trapped against his warm body as we moved together.

I was barely aware that I was writhing helplessly, my breath coming in faster and faster pants against his neck. His arms were pulling me so closely against him that I wasn't sure any longer where I ended and he began as he pounded a rhythm into my eager body.

It felt like we were there forever… Not long enough, for my taste. Before I had gotten anything like my fill of the pleasure he was giving me, the world seemed to explode around me - like a candle bursting into flame. I came back to earth feeling lightheaded. As he slowly removed himself, I made a small sound of protest.

Aahz chuckled softly. "I know how you feel, kid… but you've worn your old mentor out." His hand brushed the sweat-damp hair out of my eyes. He continued to laugh, much to my surprise. "Well, congratulations."

"Huh? For what?" Yup, that was my Aahz all right… leaving me in the dust with his thought processes again.

"You've forgotten our conversation already, kid?" Mock annoyance laced his tone. "Well, I hate to break it to you, but you're not a virgin anymore."

"Oh yeah…" I couldn't bite back a slight yawn as I snuggled closer to his bare body. "I guess so…"

"Hmm…" I felt a sheet being pulled over us. "Hey, kid…"

"Yes, Aahz?"

"Does this mean we can get rid of that stupid unicorn now?"

My eyes fluttered open briefly, and I smiled up at him. "I'll tell you what, Aahz… You know what you did to me today?" He nodded an affirmative. "Well, do it again tomorrow, and I'll *think* about it."

I felt more than heard his laughter as I drifted to sleep. "You've got a deal, ki… Skeeve."


More Notes: So, here it is. A Myth-series lemon fic from me. I really wanted to try something from Aahz's POV, but I already made one attempt and gave up on it. I think I do pretty well in Skeeve's persona, so that's what I'm sticking to, for now. If anyone wants to try a fic centered on what Aahz is thinking during any time in my fics, I'd be very happy to hear their take. Hopefully someone will be inspired by what I'm doing with the series and write a few stories of their own. LOL. At this rate, I'll go down as the only writer of Myth slash. What do you think everyone? Should I keep writing this stuff? Or am I making a grave myth-take?