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Archive Warning:
Part 37 of The Switch
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Switch 37: For The Love Of Crichton


FANDOM: "Farscape"
PAIRING: No specific pairing.
ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
SUMMARY: "Back among those that love him, Crichton begins to recover. The others learn slowly that every gift has a price."
The usual disclaimers apply. No infringement of copyright is intended.
Submitted through the AdultFarscape
and Makebelieve_YG mailing list.

Work Text:

The Switch 37: For The Love Of Crichton
A "Farscape" slash story
Written by Alison M. DOBELL
* * * * *

Aeryn could not quite believe it. Chiana's smile underlined what all her senses were telling her but it was still a shock. Ka D'Argo had a stupid smile on his face, his arms cradling the baby while Chiana looked on. Her hand on D'Argo's arm, Aeryn's hand stroking the baby's head as she looked in stunned delight deep into those beautiful blue eyes. Rion was truly priceless. His mental imagery gracing each one of them with fragments of their hearts' desires. Then in a blinding flash he joined them all in a merging that made them gasp aloud with the joy and shock of it. Level upon level. D'Argo's mouth dropped open. Tears came to his eyes. That such a tiny infant could know so much of the Luxan levels. Yet Rion drew the mental landscape not the physical one and somewhere along the way he taught his father the depth of his errors with Crichton. The wonderous possibilities opening before him with Chiana. He was amazed and so moved he could find no words.

Rion had a strength that outpaced anything Ka D'Argo could imagine. Chiana felt such a peace, such a depth of love that her content knew no bounds. Aeryn was stunned. The connection to the baby filling her with images and emotions she had shared with Crichton but added to that was a unique visual and emotional bonding of his feelings for her. Many already expressed in a variety of ways from the non-verbal little actions he engaged in to shower her with love and affection. Efforts in which he tried to show her how much he cared and cherished her. How much she was loved. His odd babbling stories, the endless river of nonsensical words that now flowed through her heart and mind in a melody so beautiful it made her cry. Understanding struck her heart and the puzzle fell into place. She was so stunned. The baby smiled in her mind, touched her heart, and spoke to her soul. Then he showed her something she had never thought she would ever see. The pathways of Crichton's mind, a labyrinth of gentleness, the passage of a caring soul, touching every life along the way with respect unless threatened. She was astounded, seeing the view from his perspective was very moving for her. A revelation.

For so long she had thought of him as weak. Odd. Deficient. Bizarre. Now she knew differently yet the baby taught her she was only scratching the surface of this human. She watched, was immersed in every memory he had shared with the others. His thoughts and feelings when D'Argo had seduced then raped him. The way he still cared about his friend even while he raged against what he had done and feared what he might still do. She found it paradoxical that he could even stand to be in the presence of the Luxan after what he had done. But as she witnessed his feelings and shared his emotions and followed his thought processes she began to understand. A bleeding of wisdom leaked into her consciousness and blinded her with tears at her own harsh nature. How brutal she must seem to him. And yet in response to her thought Rion showed her exactly what Crichton thought, how deeply she moved and touched him. How totally his heart was lost to her and how the more he loved her, the more he was capable of loving them all. It confused her but it no longer frightened her. She no longer felt threatened by Chiana's flirting or Crichton's love for Zhaan. His bonding with Stark had come as a shock but when she saw the how and the why of it she found it touching.

Aeryn wanted to shake herself. The revelations coming thick and fast yet seeming to last for arns. Why are you showing me this, Rion?

Because John loves you. Loves us all. You need to love more, open yourself up and you will see. Understand. Accept him for what he is and be enriched as a result


She felt the baby smile in her mind. Warm washes of love produced a smile from her in response. Loved

* * * * *

It was so bitterly cold he could hardly move yet he managed to drag himself into a half sitting position. His teeth chattering even in the EVA suit. "T...T...Talyn, re...restore h...h...heat."

The gunship began to comply. Understanding that he would need to do so in a gradual manner. As Crais felt himself start to thaw out in the suit he was able to instruct the leviathan more easily. "Restore the environmental controls Talyn once you have confirmed all the intruders are dead."

There was a wave of calm assertion as if the gunship was proud of their success. Crais nodded, happy with his performance. Relieved that the plan had worked. "Okay Talyn, that is good. Very good. You did well."

He paused as Talyn queried him. The bodies? What should I do with them?

"Don't worry, we'll space them then we must contact Moya and get out of here before the Scarran vessel blows us all to hezmana."

Just at that microt Talyn began to become excited, anxious. Distressed. Crais had to work hard to calm the gunship down. "What is it, Talyn? Tell me."

The Scarran Dreadnought

"What about it? Is it about to attack us?"

Before he could pick up Talyn's response an enormous electromagnetic pulse struck them and Crais felt his ears pop painfully as the ship tilted and yawed in an invisible ocean swell. "What in hezmana was that?"

He felt the gunship tremble in response. Frightened. Wary. Wanting to get out of there. Crais agreed but something was happening, it was knocking off all their instrumentation, wiping the navguide with enormous energy signatures that amplified suddenly in a painful peak. The very air sang and vibrated so loud that Crais put his hands over his ears. Then. Suddenly. Inexplicably. The Scarran Dreadnought exploded. The enormous concussive wave rocked the little gunship and spun Talyn in the solar drift, spinning end on end for several microts before equilibrium could be restored. Crais gazed in astonishment at the cascade of bright particles showering space with irradiated motes of dust that had once been the pride of the Scarran fleet.

If he lived to be a thousand cycles old, Crais did not think he would be able to grasp what had just happened or how. He shook his head, it was still ringing, everything he said aloud echoed in his ears and made him feel a little dizzy. "Are you alright, Talyn?"


Crais sighed and sat down heavily as if he had just been winded. "When you are ready Talyn I want you to open a com to Moya."

* * * * *

Scorpius went to his private quarters on his Command Carrier and ordered Lt Braca to ensure he was not disturbed. Once alone he permitted a sly smile to steal across his face. The Aurora Chair was an amazing invention. Appealed on so many levels to his clinical mind but the real prize was one of the smallest. He took the device out of a specially shielded cabinet. It was far too sensitive to keep on display. He looked at it. Such a small piece of crystal, such an intricate mesh of technology embedded in it. He placed it inside the amplifying chamber and listened through the aural implant. His smile grew wider. This was good. Very good. Better even than he had suspected.

He spent a few arns listening, careful to make no contribution, to shield his thoughts and to avoid touching the crystal directly. His imprint on it would ruin everything.

Lt Braca automatically straightened to attention as his commander's voice came over the com. "Lt, you are to proceed immediately to these co-ordinates!"

Braca looked at his screen and fed the co-ordinates directly into his navigation console. "Yes, sir."

"And Braca?"

"Yes, sir?"

"When we arrive out of starburst you are to ensure the cloaking device is activated."

Scorpius shut off his com then tilted his head at a forty-five degree angle, amusement and an assured calm reflected in the death's head mask of his face. He looked at the tiny crystal, listened for a little longer and calculated in his head how long it would take to get to the co-ordinates given. He had a surprise for his human quarry. Oh yes, he was going to see Crichton again. Whatever safety he felt right now was an illusion. All smoke and mirrors. Scorpius threw back his head and laughed, the sound a harsh cacophony that sounded eerily like a death knell.

* * * * *

D'Argo looked at Pilot. "What was that? Are we under attack?"

"No, D'Argo. Moya detects a huge explosion of some kind aboard the Dreadnought."

D'Argo frowned, confused. "An explosion?"


"Pilot, are there any other vessels in the area besides the Dreadnought, us and Talyn?"


A massive shock wave hit them and Moya lurched. Panic showed on Pilot's face, all four hands moving quickly over the console to try to determine what had happened. Aeryn hurried to Pilot's Den to make sure he was alright and to find out what was happening. D'Argo waited impatiently. The look on Aeryn's face made his hearts pause.

"I don't understand this, D'Argo."

"Don't understand what, Aeryn?"

"The Dreadnought," She said, scanning Pilot's controls.

"What about it?"

"It's gone."

"What?" The surprise in D'Argo's voice was echoed in Zhaan and Rygel's faces. They were the only ones with D'Argo in command. Chiana and the baby were in the apothecary with Crichton and the Baniks.

It took Aeryn another few microts to actually believe they had indeed witnessed the destruction of the massive Scarran vessel by means unknown. Aeryn was also alarmed by the readings. The massive amounts of radiation out there, and the feeling that space had become unstable. "I think we should get out of here, Pilot."

Pilot nodded, his expression anxious. "Moya and I agree with you, Aeryn, but Talyn does not want to go yet and Moya will not leave him."

"Talyn? Pilot, put me through to Talyn so I can speak to Crais."

Pilot complied.

"Crais? Talyn? Can you hear me? This is Aeryn."

Crais's deep voice floated back to her almost immediately. "Ah Aeryn, good. I was just about to contact you."

She frowned. "What the yotz happened?"

"We have no idea. Some kind of huge explosion, it wiped off all our navigation for a couple of microts but Talyn's systems are now restored."

"I think we should get out of here."

"Agreed but I want to come aboard first."


He hesitated only a fraction but it was enough to discomfit Aeryn. Something was not right, she could sense it. "I'll explain when I get there."

"Okay Crais. I'll let the others know."

"Thank you."

Aeryn cut the transmission and looked at Pilot. "I don't know what's going on Pilot but something tells me I'm not going to like it."

She could tell by the look on Pilot's face that he felt the same.

* * * * *

Empress Novia was in her private apartments. Her personal retainer was anxious but trying to hide it. Never had she known such a turn in events among the Royal Household. The retainer was careful not to let any of her thoughts show on her face. Novia meanwhile was packing. The visit from Scorpius had chilled her. She did not intend to be around when he flooded the Royal Planet with his vermin.

She had almost finished when a voice stopped her in her tracks. She would know that voice anywhere. Slowly she turned to face the intelligence officer. Schooling her features not to scowl at Jena. At least, not yet.

"Jena! What are you doing here?"

She noticed the spy had several special combat soldiers with her. The elite of the elite. These soldiers would cut their own throats without hesitation if Jena ordered them to do so. The Empress was under no illusions that they would do the same to her without blinking an eye. Royalty had never been so cheap. It was only when Jena moved that the Empress noticed her neck and spine were in a brace. Amazing how little things could cheer a person up. It took an effort of will not to smile openly at her.

"Going somewhere, your majesty?"

If there was a mocking air to her voice, the Empress did not comment on it. Let Jena gloat all she liked. Soon she would have more than a neck and spinal brace to worry about. "What do you want?"

Jena did not pursue the unanswered question. "You will come with us."

Anger flared and swept like a fire across her face. "I will do no such thing."

It was then that Jena smiled. A slow smile of exhultation. "Oh, I think you will. Either that or the news may leak out about your involvement with the Scarrans."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course not," Said Jena calmly. "I'm sure John Crichton would agree with you."

The Empress froze. "The human? What does he have to do with this?"

Jena's eyes sparkled darkly. "You'll find out soon enough."

* * * * *

He was happy. A smile of contentment settled on his lips as Zhaan pronounced he was well enough to get up. Even Aeryn was smiling and that had to be worthy of an entry in the Guinness Book of Records. In fact, everybody looked remarkably happy and serene. Zhaan, he was used to, but this was giving him the creeps.

"Okay guys, you can tell me. My flies are undone, right?"

They looked at each other with blank expressions. Rygel harumphed. "We are happy to see you recovered that is all." Rygel paused a microt and flashed a look at Zhaan. "You *are* recovered I take it?"

Crichton laughed. "Yeah, I'm a hundred per cent again, Sparky. Thanks to all of you."

"We could hardly leave you behind," Said Aeryn. "Who knows what dren you would have got into if we had."

"Yeah like being captured and tortured by Scarrans wasn't bad enough."

For a microt there was an awkward silence then it passed. Chiana gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. "Welcome back."

"Thanks Chi, it's good to be back."

D'Argo hovered behind Chiana. Crichton looked at him, knew he was nervous of saying or doing the wrong thing. "How's it going, D'Argo?"

"How is what going, John?"

Crichton grinned. "You know, *things*?"

He knew it needled the Luxan when he was vague. He liked everything spelt out in black and white. D'Argo cleared his throat. "Things are good. The baby is well, we are all together again. I am glad to see you safe and well."

He nodded. "Thanks, big D."

Everybody wanted to talk to him, tell him how happy they were to have him back. Stark and the other Baniks excused themselves and went to talk with Zhaan. Crichton looked up to see Bialar Crais looking back at him. The former Peace Keeper Captain looked troubled. "Hey, what's up Crais?"

"It is perhaps nothing."

All talking stopped, everybody listening to what Crais had to say. He suddenly became painfully aware that the level of tension had just risen in the room and he was the cause of it.

"Give us the bad news first."

Crais frowned not liking how Crichton had framed things but he could hardly do anything about that now. "It may be nothing but the Scarran Dreadnought..."

"That ugly PK vessel that just exploded? Yeah, what about it?"

Crais paused. "That is what troubles me."

"Troubles you, why?" Asked D'Argo.

"The vessel was the largest most advanced of the fleet yet in microts it blew up with such force and intensity that it virtually vaporised."

Aeryn frowned. "I noticed that. Do you know what would cause an explosion like that?"

Crais shook his head. He had never seen anything like it before. Crichton noticed the looks on their faces. "Hey, cheer up, nobody died. I say one less Scarran vessel is a good thing so why the long faces?"

"Because," Said Rygel with quiet authority. "If something can completely destroy a Scarran Dreadnought and is undetectable to our sensors who is to say we will not be next?"


Series this work belongs to: