Paring: Q/O
Rating: G
Category: Um...romance? I'm not really sure.
Archive: Master and Apprentice--anyone else ask please
Summary: Qui-Gon makes a request of the Council.
Comments: I don't know where this one came from. I was on a plane, working on a different story and this just hit me. Thanks to Becky for the quick beta! :)
Disclaimer & Feedback: I don't own anyone, much less these fine characters--although I own a couple of action figures of them, does that count? Probably not. Oh well, I refuse to make any money off them, and crave feedback as much as Obi-Wan craves Qui-Gon and vice versa.

The Request
by Nicole D'Annais

Qui-Gon waited outside the Council Chambers silently, his whole appearance that of calm serenity. Inside, however, he was a mass of chaotic emotions. He had no need to pace--his thoughts were doing enough laps around his mind to take care of that.

He calmed his feelings as best he could as he was ushered into the chamber. He knew his former master would sense the lack of peace in his thoughts, but it couldn't be helped. Qui-Gon would simply have to trust in his Master's understanding of him, and have faith Yoda would know the mere existence of such turmoil truly showed the importance of Qui-Gon's request.

The short walk into the Chamber was a familiar one. He couldn't even begin to count the times he'd alked the same path, stood in the center of the room and patiently waited to report, or to receive orders. But never before had the reason for being there been this important. At least not to him.

"Master Qui-Gon, requested our audience have you?"

"Yes, my Master." He took a deep breath, forcing as much calm into his body as he could. His future depended upon it. "I seek the Council's permission to bond with my padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi."

The members of the Council were too controlled to show shock, but Qui-Gon could feel ripples of surprise from them through the Force. He steeled his features and conjured up the most peaceful images he could.

Mace Windu leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "You realize relationships between Masters and their Apprentices are forbidden?"

"Unless specifically sanctioned by the Council," Qui-Gon added, his face still set in the same serene mask.

"You are aware of the Council's views on the subject?" Ki-Adi Mundi asked, his tone vaguely disapproving.

Qui-Gon nodded. He was painfully aware of the Council's views. Long nights of fighting both his feelings and desires as well as the brush of Obi-Wan's same desires that often flared through their bond. Nights of worrying that giving in would spell the end of his career, but more importantly, it would quell Obi-Wan's life as a Jedi before it truly began.

"And still you request this?" Mace said, eyebrow raised.

"The Council's feelings on the subject are well-known and understandable. Thoughtless relationships between Padawans and Masters would have disastrous effects on the Jedi."

Qui-Gon assessed the air of confusion coming from several members before continuing. "Only a pair who had thought carefully about the relationship, meditated on it, fought it and tried every method to push the feelings aside as something that would not last would dare to make such a request of the Council."

Mace frowned. "Are you suggesting we should approve your request simply because you thought to ask?"

"No. I am simply suggesting that when the Force speaks this strongly through all attempts to thwart it, perhaps accepting it is the only thing to do."

"And you are willing to abide by our decision," Mace challenged, "knowing that we may choose to separate you from each other because this has been brought to our attention?"

"With all due respect, Masters, separating us would remove the obstacle just as easily as allowing our relationship to exist while we continue as Master and Apprentice would. Either would be preferable to this constant denial of our feelings."

Mace's eyes bore into him. "You're saying you wouldn't mind being separated?"

"I would mind very much. But it would at least allow us to stop fighting this and focus on his training."

Adi Galla spoke for the first time. "You do not think that the relationship will cause a distraction?"

"It takes far less effort to flow with the Force than it does to resist it."

Throughout the questioning, Master Yoda had remained silent, but now he voiced his opinion. "Important it is to remember that the Force guides us, we do not guide it. Led you to ask us, it has?"

Qui-Gon nodded. "It is the will of the Force, my Master. I am sure of it. I would not have made the request otherwise."

"And your apprentice?" Ki-Adi Mundi asked. "He is certain as well?"

"I have not told him I was going to ask this," Qui-Gon admitted. "But he is as anxious to bond as I am."

"If you have not discussed it, then how can you be so sure?"

"We have discussed bonding, among other things, and we both wish for it. I only hoped to avoid getting his hopes up, so I did not mention the possibility of it happening before he was Knighted."

"And yet you are so certain he will want this now?" Ki-Adi persisted.

Qui-Gon's face remained calm as he answered, "I know his heart as well as I know my own."

The Council members exchanged glances, then Yoda quietly told Qui-Gon to wait outside. He sat by the outer door for the longest five minutes of his life before he was again allowed into the room.

"Decided, we have," Yoda informed him. "Bond, you may."

Qui-Gon did not bother to hide the relief that flowed through him. He had not expected the Council to forbid their bonding entirely, but with the Council one learned to expect the unexpected, so the possibility had been there. "And our teaching relationship?"

"Remain your padawan, Obi-Wan will."

"For the time being," Mace added quickly. "If his training should falter, however, other action will have to be taken."

Qui-Gon barely managed to keep the surprise and happiness off his face. He thanked the Council and bowed, making his exit as fast as possible, almost as if he was afraid they would change their minds.

He found Obi-Wan in their quarters studying. His apprentice looked up as he walked in. "Master?" Obi-Wan questioned after one look at Qui-Gon's face.

"I've just come from the Council. They have agreed to allow us to bond."

Obi-Wan's eyes flew open wide. "Now? But I thought it was forbidden until I'd passed my trials."

"Normally it is. However, in this case they've made an exception. Provided your studies do not falter," he warned.

"But how...." Obi-Wan's smile turned into a frown. "You asked them. You knew when you left this afternoon that you were going to ask for this. And you didn't tell me."

"I didn't want to get your hopes up."

"Under normal circumstances I'd stay mad, but in this case...I can't." He smiled again. "Though I can still barely believe it. How did you ever get them to go along with this?"

"The will of a stubborn Jedi Master is a great motivator when backed by the will of the Force."

"I would have loved to be there for that. As I should have been," Obi-Wan reminded sharply. "I'm sure it was one of your finest moments."

"Only one of the few finest moments I hope to see before the day is over," Qui-Gon said, desire darkening his voice.

Obi-Wan shivered. "I supposed there's nothing stopping us now?" His tone matched his master's.

Neither moved for a second, then Qui-Gon reached for his padawan. As their lips met, Qui-Gon made a silent vow to ensure Obi-Wan stayed at the top level in all of his studies. They were together, and he would never let anything change that. No matter what the cost.


This page owned and maintained by Nicole D'Annais. Last updated 10/13/99.