The X Files out on Peter Pan 6/8 by Cosmikgirlie Chapter 6 ** They all rushed to the hospital, Krycek tightly clutching Marita in his arms. As soon as they got there, Marita was taken straight into surgery, and the others were forced to sit in the waiting room, sipping cups of coffee. Mulder walked up to Scully who was standing, looking out of the window. "Hey," he said softly, squeezing her shoulder. She looked up and smiled. Krycek and Skinner were busy pacing up and down, immediately quizzing every single doctor who passed them about Marita's condition. The Lone Gunmen were busy doing tests on the laser beam thingy (known as the W.O., short for Watch Out!) as they searched for more clues to how to treat Marita. Marita lay in theatre, her mind going over and over the past events. What was that thing that had blinded her? Where had it come from? Why didn't Krycek tell her he was going to use it? Did he really want to hurt her? The questions whirred around her head, giving her a headache. But it was the only thing which hurt her, as her body was completely numb from the anaesthetic. The doctor had said that if they put her to sleep she may have never woken up again. She stared up at the bright light above her and wondered what heaven looked like. "When is she going to be out of there?" asked Krycek, aggressively. "Eager to get back to rehearsals, are we Krycek?" asked Langly. Scully walked over to the two. "Krycek, I've been meaning to ask. Why didn't you tell us about the laser? You could have killed us all!" "No, Scully you don't understand. Whilst you were kept hostage, we discussed things to do, and we talked about using the laser's just that it wasn't ready yet. So when Mulder and Marita also got taken, the Lone Gunmen got working on the beam, and I just assumed that Mulder would remember what it did, and inform everyone to close their eyes. At least I expected him too...." Krycek drifted off. "Hey that's not fair!" protested Mulder. "I DID tell them, it's just that Marita didn't hear me. It's not my fault..I thought she had heard. Anyway, It was a bit of a risk, assuming that I would remember to tell the others." "Well, risks have to be taken in that sort of a situation. Anyway, the Lone Gunmen made it so that the W.O. wouldn't KILL anyone, just make them unconscious, I truly thought that that was all it did." Scully peered at him. "But, then why is Marita in hospital?" Krycek sighed. "I don't know. I have heard of a side-effect that can happen from that kind of beam, but it was so rare, when I saw Marita lying there, I knew something was wrong." he looked down at the floor. "Anyway, you should all be thanking me, not accusing me! I saved your lives!" Marita felt so tired she thought her whole body was going to collapse. Then finally, a smiling doctor's face looked over her. "We've finished Marita, you can go to sleep now." She opened her mouth to say thank you, but fell asleep instantly. ** Soon the group were back in the theatre, rehearsing. Skinner stood up on the stage. "Right, everyone, I hope you realise that the first performance of Peter Pan is set for tomorrow." Everyone gasped and gaped at him. "Yes, yes, I know you guys think you're not ready, but we have been rehearsing for AGES now and we are more than ready." Krycek sat down on the stage. "You must be kidding. We've just had a kidnapping experience with a psychopath and Marita almost died. You expect us to perform TOMORROW?!?" "Yes Krycek, " said Skinner irritably. "I'm afraid so. This has been booked for a long time now. Oh, and there are two more rehearsals after that one, on consecutive nights." "What?!" protested Mulder. "We can't do it!" "Well maybe the Lone Gunmen can create a F.M robot to play Captain Hook?" said Skinner. Mulder gave him a dirty look. "Please, I think I might be able to manage it." As they all got to practising, Krycek walked out. After getting a coffee from the machine, he went into the props room and walked over to Wendy's bed. "How you feeling?" he asked, sitting on the bed. A very pale looking Marita emerged from the covers. "Better, thanks." She took the coffee. "Listen, Marita, I know things haven't been great for us recently, but when I saw you in there, I was really worried." Marita peered at him. "Krycek, why did you use that beam, when you knew it would almost kill me?" "I didn't realise Mulder was going to be so incompetent did I? And anyway, it's very rare for it to affect you the way it did. Believe me, if I had known, I wouldn’t have even picked up the W.O." Marita smiled. She believed him. He looked so sincere. "So you do care a bit about me then!" she teased. Krycek looked at her seriously. "Yes, I care about you a lot, Marita." There was a pause as he stared into her eyes. Slowly Marita leaned closer to him and smiled. Krycek smiled back. Their faces got closer and closer....... ** Their lips gently touched as they started to embrace in a passionate kiss. But just as they were getting hot, Byers rushed in to tell them that it was their scene. He stopped suddenly, and started to blush, but they had already broken apart. "Sorry...was I interrupting something?" he asked coyly. Now it was the lovers' turn to turn pink. "Of course not! We'll be out in a tick!" said Marita. After Byers had left, Marita laughed shyly. "We'll have to catch up on where we left off after the performance!" Krycek smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Soon they were on the stage and Skinner was busy fussing around with costumes. "Oh bother!" he shouted. "We were so busy with other things, I forgot to measure the new characters up for their costumes!" Krycek walked over and stared at what Skinner was holding. "I jolly well hope those are for Marita or Scully!" he said, nervously chuckling. Skinner slowly shook his head. "I'm afraid that tights go with Peter Pan just like Richard goes with Judy!" Krycek started to steam, much to Skinner's satisfaction. It didn't help when the Lone Gunmen came over and started to snigger at the situation. Krycek decided to put his foot down. "Look, maybe someone like Mulder could get away with wearing some girly tights, but I've got a reputation to protect." Mulder heard and came rushing over. "Hey! I didn't "enjoy" wearing them either, you know, I was forced to!" Scully raised an eyebrow. "Really, Mulder? I saw you wearing them after work hours, flouncing about like a pixie!" she chuckled. "Thanx, Scully! Realy 'ppreciate it!" said Mulder, sarcastically. "LOOK YOU LOT!" shouted Skinner. "Just behave. Tights or no tights, I want this performance to go well, and to be the best of the best. You got that? Now, I don't know if you realised, but we have a guest here now." Skinner smiled and pointed to a figure sitting at the very back of the hall. He stood up, and they could see it was a fairly young man, with shiny blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Marita and Scully stared at him, their mouths slightly open. "Everyone, meet Will, my cousin. He's straight out of Drama school and has come to watch us perform." "Hi!" said Will, walking up to them, smiling. Mulder and Krycek grunted a reply, slightly embarrassed about before. Suddenly Marita and Scully rushed up to Will to introduce themselves, each slightly pushing the other out of the way. "Hi! I'm Scully! But you can call me Dana!" said Scully, twizzling her hair with her little finger. Marita stood closer and said seductively "Hi there. My name's Marita, and you have the most gorgeous eyes, what was your name again?" she asked batting her eyelashes. "Ermm..Will!" he said, slightly taken aback from all the attention. The men looked on, with jealous looks on their faces. "Looks like we have another rival on our hands!" muttered Krycek, with a sour look. ** Skinner frowned at the scene. There were Marita and Scully huddling round something or someone which he assumed was Will and Mulder and Krycek were on the other side of the stage, throwing dirty looks at Will every now and again. Skinner frowned. How on earth are we going to be ready in time for tomorrow? he asked himself, desperately. ** It was the day of the performance. Skinner was frantically rushing about looking for lost costumes and making sure all the props were in place. The Lone Gunmen were busy working on their new invention, the J.I.C (just in case), a machine which produced artificial clapping sounds which vibrated round the hall at the press of a button. Skinner frowned at it, saying it was bad for the cast spirit. Langly just smiled at him, saying, "Just in case!" Mulder was busy going over his lines once more (not like he didn't know them already!) and Krycek had locked himself in the bathroom for an awfully long time. Finally he revealed himself. He was looking very pale and slightly green at the edges. Marita sauntered up to him and said, "Wow, Alex I never would have thought you of all people would get stage fright!" Krycek grunted something about being fine and walked off in search of the medicine cabinet. Meanwhile Scully was sneakily searching in Skinner's coat pocket for a blue ribbon to replace her old one..and clasped her hand around something cold and hard. She frowned and pulled it out. It was a piece of metal, with a few wires sticking out. "I wonder what this is?" she thought. Will was waiting outside, when he caught sight of Skinner. "Hey! Skin! Wait up!" he called. Skinner halted, grudgingly and said "I've got a lot to do, Will!" Will ran up to him. "I know! But I was you think that I could hve a part in the play? It's just that it would be so good for my acting career.." Skinner sighed. "I knew you'd want something else out of this. I'm sorry but we have already assigned all of the parts." Will scratched his head. "Well isn't there anything I can be? Maybe I could give the kiss of life to Scully or Marita?" he suggested with hope. Skinner glared at him when he spoke the last word. "NO! Have you even read Peter Pan?! You can't just make up the script!! I'M the director, remember!" he shouted. Will put his hands up in defence. "O.K, O.K dude! I get the picture!" Suddenly Skinner looked very cunning. "Actually...there is one part..." "Yes?" said Will eagerly. Scully rushed up to the Lone Gunmen. "You guys! I need to show you something! I figured that you would know something about this, seeing as you are experts in machines..." she held out her hand to reveal the piece of metal. Langly, Byers and Frohike stared, with wide eyes at it. "Wha...where on earth!!" they stammered. "Where did you find this?" demanded Byers. Scully looked puzzled. "In Skinner's pocket. Why?" The Lone Gunmen looked at each other. "It's the missing piece of M.F.E.O!!!" ** Everyone stared at Byers. "What do you mean?" stammered Scully. "Why on earth would Skinner want to steal that?" Byers shook his head. "I've no idea." A few hours later everyone gathered at the stage. "Right, "said Skinner. "Now, the performance starts at 7:30, so we just have time now for a quick rehearsal. You might have guessed...we have a new recruit to our performance. Let me present Will!" Skinner drew out his arm towards the curtains. Everyone peered towards a small bump and rustle in the curtain. "What's wrong? Is he shy?" asked Marita, with a cheeky grin. Suddenly the curtains opened slightly and a green head protruded out onto the stage. Langly began to laugh as a long, green body followed it. There was a burst of laughter as the creature waddled its way around the stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the crocodile!!" announced Skinner. "Go on Will, you haven't said your lines yet!" The crocodile stopped at the front of the stage, its long tail sitting on the edge. "Oh do I have to?" came a muffled voice from inside. "YES!!" shouted everyone with glee. A quiet growling sound filled everyone's ears. "Louder!" shouted Skinner. "Tick, tock, tick, tock!" called Will. The mere sight of a ticking crocodile waddling about the stage to Skinner's command reduced everyone to tears of laughter. "How much do I get paid again?" called a muffled voice. ** People were beginning to file into the gigantic hall. Krycek peered round the curtain and started to go green again at the sight of all the strangers coming to watch him! Scully stood, getting changed in the dressing room and Mulder approached her, grinning. "What are you looking so happy about?" inquired Scully, curiously checking out Mulder. "It's just so funny seeing Will crawling around on the floor, like a green fish!" chuckled Mulder. "I don't know..." said Scully, dreamily. "A man in a costume can be quite sexy." At this Mulder ran off to find Will, to inquire about renting his crocodile suit out. Meanwhile Skinner, all dressed up in a tux, made a speech to the audience about the performance and proceeded to gather the actors. No sooner had he entered the props room, when Marita rushed up to him out of breath. "I can't find Alex!" she breathed. "What?!" asked Skinner, starting to panic. "The last I saw of him was when he locked himself in the bathroom, and now he's no-where to be seen!!" Marita looked around, concerned. "Well what are we going to do?" said Skinner, beads of sweat accumulating on his brow. "We can't perform Peter Pan without Peter Pan!!" ** "Right!" said Skinner. "There's only one thing for it. I'LL have to play Peter Pan." With that he proceeded to pick up the green tights and shove them onto his hairy legs. "Erm...Skinner.. don't you think Mulder is a better bet?" asked Scully, grimacing at the sight of Skinner's legs. Skinner paused. "Well..I don't see him anywhere, do you?" "Here I am!!" said a grinning Mulder who suddenly popped out of the curtains. Scully smiled as Skinner reluctantly handed over the tights. "So..let me get this straight..I have to kiss HIM?" said a repulsed Marita, indicating at Mulder. "Well it didn't stop you before!" murmured an annoyed Scully. Skinner started to get angry. "Listen. We only have about 5 I don't want to hear any more whining." "I'm sorry." Marita folded her arms. "I'm not doing it..without Krycek. It's just so cruel how you've just taken over his part like that. Don't any of you care where he is?" Everyone started to look around and whistle. "FINE!" shouted Marita. "I'll just go and look for him myself, shall I?" She them stomped off out of the room, leaving the others to help Mulder with his tights. [:)] "Right, Scully you're Wendy again." said Skinner with a sigh. "Let's just hope you can remember your words..." Scully smiled a large smile. Soon everyone was seated and the show was ready to start. The curtains opened and Byers and a blushing Skinner performed their first scene. When it was Mulder and Scully's turn to come on, they stood back stage, shaking. "It'll be fine!" encouraged Mulder and gave Scully's hand a squeeze. As they came on, all eyes were on the couple. They moved closer together, leant in and....Scully suddenly caught sight of someone she knew in the audience. She couldn't help it and slowly turned her head slightly to see who it was. Her eyes widened in horror as she saw Cancer Man's eyes gleaming back at her. All of a sudden she couldn't remember any of her words. She felt a sickening feeling rise up in her stomach as everyone stared at her. Soon everything was a blur and her eyes gently closed as she fell into blackness. ** Skinner panicked as he watched Scully fall to the ground. Mulder immediately fell to her side to see if she was all right. Skinner ordered the curtains to be pulled and he announced an early interval. Everyone crowded round Scully. Finally she came round, looking extremely pale. "I'm alright!" she stammered, pulling herself up. "The show must go on!" she said. As the others rushed to get everything ready, Scully nudged Mulder. "He's here..Cancer Man...he's in the audience." Mulder looked shocked and pulled Scully close to him. "It's gonna be alright.." he said gently. Marita, who was standing nearby, suddenly ran into the changing room. Krycek was in there, getting changed. "Alex! Alex...I..." Marita stammered, tears of fear streaming down her face. Krycek looked up in amazement. "Marita, what's wrong?" But Marita was speechless. She just broke down into a fit of shivers. "Come here!" said Krycek, pulling a rug off a nearby sofa and wrapping her up in it. "Now, tell me, what's happened?" Marita looked at him and stammered, "It's Cigarette Smoking Man...he's here..he's got something..the thing" Krycek hugged her, looking overwhelmed. "The Cancer What does he want?" "He used it on Scully, the same thing he used on my sister..Alex you have to do something..I'm so scared!" Marita burst into tears again. Krycek thought carefully. He hated seeing Marita in this state. He knew that whatever Cancer Man had, it was powerful, since Marita's sister was dead. "Are you O.K now?" asked Mulder gently. Scully nodded as Mulder kissed the top of her head. "What happened? Why did you faint?" he asked. "I don't know. Something..blinded me..I don't know what it was. I just know he shouldn't be here." Soon they could here the faint chanting coming from the audience. "We want Peter Pan!" they shouted. Scully leant her head close to Mulder's. "Mulder.." she whispered. "Don't worry. I won't let him hurt you." ** Byers took a deep breath, and clutching a piece of metal in his hand, stormed up to Skinner who was standing in the changing room. "What the h*** is this about?!?" he shouted. Skinner looked round, amazed. He had never seen Byers in such a mood before. "It took us about a year to make this and just rip it apart with no concern for us!!" Skinner started to stammer. "I don't know what you are talking about....I've never seen that before!" "We both know that's a lie, Skinner, because everyone saw the M.F.E.O, you all saw the mechanics! And so why did this piece find itself in your coat pocket?!?" Skinner stepped closer to him. "I tell you. I don't know what you’re talking about! Why would I want to mess up your stupid little machine? I have more important things to worry about, like organising this play, so if you'll excuse me..." and with that he threw a death stare at Byers and stormed out of the room. Byers stood, staring at the piece. Maybe Skinner was telling the truth. After all why would he want to do such a thing? Byers remembered Mulder and Scully's worried conversation about Cancer Man, and realised that he was a more likely suspect. The curtains opened. Mulder and Scully resumed their positions. Mulder, shaking slightly, peered out into the audience. He looked everywhere, but there was no sight of Cancer Man. Scully caught his _expression and knew all was well, for the time being anyway. She managed a smile and leant close to her partner. Mulder grinned and put his arm around her waist. It felt natural to her, like this was how it was meant to be, forever. She brushed her lips onto his. Everyone wolf-whistled and cheered when they started to kiss. Mulder held her tighter and never wanted it to end. After, he caressed her hair and whispered, "I love you." *********************************************************