Title: Wild and Wonderful Author: Kelly a.k.a. Foxfire121 Email: foxdana@ntelos.net Distribute: Anywhere as long as I know where it's going. Spoiler: None Rating: NC-17 Classification: MSR Feedback: Yes, of course. Summary: Mulder takes Scully on a trip. That's all I'm saying. Author's Note: There is a place in this story referred to as "Cass Railroad." This is a place I visited in July of 2001. It really is quite an experience and I had the pleasure of spending a night in one of the cottages that was haunted. I'd like to thank my beta Jen for helping me she's a great person. Disclaimer: Not mine. We all know they belong to 1013 productions and CC. I'm just having fun with them. I don't even own the Cass Railroad Company so to put it in I'm way broke. XXXXX Friday 4:55 p.m. J. Edgar Hoover F.B.I. Building Basement Mulder walked through the basement doors with Scully following closely behind. "We have a two-week vacation coming to us, Scully. I have a place in mind but I'm not sure if I'm going yet." Scully walked over to Mulder's desk and sat down on the edge of it. "Just what did you have in mind?" "I don't want to bother you on your vacation, Scully." He looked over at her desk, avoiding her eyes. "Mulder, you can tell me, can't you?" He looked back into her eyes. "It's a place in West Virginia and that's all I'm saying. It's beautiful state." "Yeah, well, I don't want to take up any more of your time unless you're willing to accompany me." He looked up at her with his puppy dog face and pouty bottom lip. "I really don't have anything planned other than to visit my mother." "So, I assume you're willing to go then?" "Well, I don't know where we're going but I've got nothing really special to do, so yes. I'll go with you." Mulder walked Scully to the door and grabbed their coats. He shut the lights off and closed the door behind them. They walked to the elevator when it stopped at the garage. Scully glanced at Mulder and noticed him smiling at her. "What?" "Nothing, it's just you still don't know where we're going." He looked down at her. "It really doesn't matter to me. Surprise me like you always do." "Oh, so that's what I do?" They walked off the elevator when it stopped at the garage. She looked into his eyes and smiled. "Mulder, when have you not surprised me?" "Okay, but you'll be surprised?" "I'll take your word for it, Mulder." Mulder opened the car door for her. "So, I'll pick you up at 6:00 a.m. if that's not too early?" "That's fine with me." "Scully." "What, Mulder?" "Better pack some overnight clothes." "Plan on spending another night in a hotel or something?" "Well, it's not what you'd call a hotel." "You've always got something up your sleeve, Mulder." She got into her car and started the engine. Mulder smiled back at her before heading to his own car. XXXXX Mulder drove up to Scully's apartment and knocked on her door. "Hold on a second," she called from her living room. She opened the door and found a very different Mulder than the one she was used to seeing at work. Mulder in jeans, a gray t-shirt, a leather jacket and sneakers. Scully stood there for a few seconds admiring what was on the other side of the door. Mulder was in a daze himself. Scully in a light blue sundress, sandals and a touch of lipstick which made her glow. "Come on in." He walked into her apartment and looked over at her suitcases beside the couch. "I'll get these." "Thanks," she smiled at him. "No problem." He walked past her and looked over his shoulder. "Are you sure you got everything?" Scully made a quick glance over her apartment. "I think so." "Well, let's get going then." They headed onto the highway. Fortunately the traffic wasn't too bad. The drive was nearly two hours before and they finally got to the West Virginia border. "So, Mulder how long 'til we get there?" "You're not going to annoy me about how long 'til we get there, are you?" He glanced at her and she smiled back at him. "We've been driving for almost two hours and I haven't a clue as to where we're going." "You're in safe hands, don't worry. We're almost there." XXXXX Mulder took the exit off the interstate to a two-lane highway and stopped for gas. He filled the tank as Scully went to get some soda and snacks. Another guy pulled up alongside them. "I see you're not from around here, are you?" The young man asked. "No, I'm not." "Well, did you visit the scenic railroad? It's just down the road a few miles. Just follow the signs. You can't miss it." "You must have read my mind. That's where I'm heading." Just then Scully came out of the little convenience store with the snacks. "Have a good time then. I'm sure you will." He looked over at Scully and back at Mulder, smiling. "Yeah, thanks a lot," Mulder said. "Mulder, what was that about?" "Oh, nothing." "Sure it was nothing." "Did you pay for the gas?" "Yes, I did." Mulder got into the car and they headed back onto the roadway. They passed some billboards advertising different things such as ski resorts and a historic railroad sign. "Mulder, don't even say it." He looked over at her. "What?" "A historic railroad. Come on." "I think it'll be interesting to visit, Scully. If you don't have a good time then I guess I've wasted your time." "Mulder, you never waste my time. It's always an adventure with you." XXXXX Mulder drove down to a fork in the road, at which he had to turn left. "Mulder, where are we going?" "We are almost there." "I am just wondering where the hell we are." He smiled at her as he turned the wheel and headed down the two-lane highway. They passed a gas station and a little store before coming to a ski lodge and a hotel. "Mulder, it's the summer and you brought me down here to see this ski lodge?" "Do I look stupid? No, you'll see in little while where we're going. We're almost there." They were headed up a steep hill that lasted for about two miles. It was nothing but snake turns and sharp curves all the way to the top. Once they began their descent they saw a beautiful valley through the trees. "Mulder, this must be a steep hill. My ears are popping, are yours?" "Yeah, they are." They went further down the hill and at the bottom they passed a few cottages and houses. "It's beautiful once you get to the bottom, don't you think, Mulder?" "Yes, its' quite a sight." Mulder drove the car down past the houses and pulled into a parking lot. "It's beautiful." "I thought you might like it," he smiled at her. They got out of the car and stretched their legs, taking in all the scenery. Scully looked toward an old train station nearby and noticed that it had a restaurant behind it. There was a big building with letters across it reading "Cass Country Store" and beside the store was a restaurant. It was 10:30 a.m. Mulder had a pamphlet that had the train departures on it, 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. "Well, I guess we'd better get our tickets," he said. "Yeah, we'd better hurry if we want a seat. It's getting crowded." She looked over at the cars coming into the parking lot. They walked up the ramp toward the ticket booth and went in. Scully noticed the old tools hanging on the wall. Mulder walked up to the window and paid for the tickets. "I almost forgot something, hold on a minute," he told Scully. He walked over to another stand. "Hi, can you tell me where I should go to get my key for the cottage?" "Sure, just be here at 4:00 p.m. and pick it up in the little black mailbox outside the door," the woman smiled. "Thanks." Scully overheard their conversation and gave him a shocked look. He turned around and smiled. "What's the matter?" he asked. "You expect me to stay in one of those cottages?" "Yes, I paid for it. So, why not?" He looked down at her. "Fine, Mulder." They walked out of the office and up the hill toward the gift shop. "Mulder, do you have any idea how old this place is?" "Yeah, they started logging here back in the 1900's. The logging operation ran until the 60's when it was finally shut down." "You researched this didn't you Mulder?" "No, I looked on the pamphlet." "Can I take a look at it?" "Sure, take it." Scully and Mulder walked around and headed up the road they had come down on in the car. They looked at the houses along the road were all white with black trim. A man was painting a little building that resembled a jail. "Excuse me, sir. Was that by any chance an old jail?" "Why, yes it was." "I bet it's haunted." "You never know around here." The man smiled and continued painting. They walked up a boarded sidewalk and saw a house with a sign indicating chocolate candies and crafts were sold there. "Mulder, let's go in there." She tugged on his arm. "Oh, you're getting the sweet tooth now." Scully smiled at him and they entered the house. The middle-aged woman came into view and told them if they needed anything just to let her know. "So, do you have ghost in this house?" Mulder asked. "Mulder!" "That's okay. People ask that a lot. There is a little girl in this house and a man was murdered here as well but the girl's spirit is here. She died of an illness. The man, on the other hand, came home after working long hours and beat his family. They shot him because they got tired of him mistreating them." "Does the girl bother you at all?" Scully asked looking around. "No, not really just that the stuffed bears you see over on the shelf are always on the floor when I wake up in the morning." "I'll take a bag of your chocolate and one with the mix of vanilla cream." "Okay." "Mulder, I didn't want any candy." "Oh, well you can eat it later if you want." Mulder held the door open for Scully and they began walking down the road back toward the train station. In the distance a train horn blew. Scully looked at Mulder. "I think we'd better hurry." They walked briskly past the gift shop and down to the train station. There were a lot of people waiting and it looked as if Mulder and Scully weren't going to get a seat. The train made its way down the track, blowing its horn as thick black smoke came out of the stack. The tour guide told the people to stand behind the white line to avoid the water coming off the train engine. It was so crowded that people were bumping into each other. Mulder got in behind Scully and as he did a man brushed past him and knocked him into her. She gasped as she felt his strong frame pressing into her backside. She felt something else pressing into her too. She looked back at him. He had a smile on his face. "I'm sorry, Scully." She blushed. "That's all right." The people started getting onto the train and most of them took the middle section of the cars. Mulder and Scully walked to the last car, which was number seven. There were people on it but not a lot. More passengers started boarding after Mulder and Scully. "Over here, Scully," Mulder called. They sat down on the end. "Finally found a seat." "I guess I should let you know that this is a four hour ride to the top." "Oh, Mulder Why didn't you say that earlier. I can't believe you sometimes." "What? If you want to leave go ahead and wait for me here. I'll be back in about six hours." "Well, I guess I'll stay," she shrugged. "Good, now let's enjoy ourselves. You do know how to enjoy yourself, don't you Scully?" "Of course I do, Mulder." She poked him in the ribs, making him laugh. "Oh, now you are going to start picking on me?" He leaned over and starting tickling her, making her laugh to the point of tears. "Mulder, stop it!" she laughed. "Why? You started it." He leaned back against the bench and looked at her. Some people were standing up looking out toward the windows, admiring the view. Scully wanted a closer look so she decided to stand for a while and Mulder sat for a few moments and then joined her. XXXXXX The train blew its horn and smoke started to come from the stack. As its old gears began to move most of the young people stood and admired the scenery as the old sat on the benches. The train passed a water tank. The train would fill up with water before it came back to the station. The tour guide talked about Whitaker's Station, the old logging camp where they would have a rest stop. They were halfway there. "Mulder, could you imagine what those men had to go through?" She looked at the old train that was rusting away. "I couldn't begin to think what they went through. Just look. They had no chainsaws--they had to do all this by hand with horses to pull the logs to the train. In later years they had machines helping them and I do believe that some of the machines are at Whitaker's Station." "Are you sure you didn't research this?" She smiled at him. "No," he grinned at her. As they traveled up the side of the hill the other train that had left about an hour before they did was coming to the switchback, which switched the train's directions. Some people were waving and smiling while others simply looked on. Mulder and Scully were on the right side of the train so they couldn't see much. Their train stopped as the other train switched back to the original track that took the passengers back to the station. The big locomotive jerked as it began its ascent up the hill. Scully rocked back into Mulder as they moved up the hill. "Scully, you okay? He asked looking down at her. "Yeah, I'm fine." An old couple was walking toward them. "Excuse me. Can we sit in your seats for a while?" the old man asked. "Yeah," Mulder said. Scully looked at him in surprise. "Mulder, you just gave our seats away." "That's alright. We'll get a seat." The train went around the bend and smoke poured from its spout, making ash fly back into the train cars. Scully had a small piece on her dress and Mulder brushed it off. She looked to see what he was doing. He held his finger up, revealing a piece of black ash on his fingertip. The tour guide talked on and on about the history. Mulder looked over toward the hills. "Mulder, its beautiful." He looked over to the wooded forest and just beyond that there were hills miles and miles away. "It just takes my breath away," she sighed. "Yeah, it does." He looked down grinning. The train continued on up the hill. They had reached Whitaker's Station. The passengers had a rest stop of thirty to forty minutes. Most of the passengers went to the snack bar and walked around looking at the old buildings and machinery. Mulder stepped off the ladder and Scully was right behind him. He held out his hand for her because the last step was a big one. "Mulder?" "What? I'm trying to behave myself remember?" She smiled at him and took his hand. She stepped off the train and her hair blew in the wind, making it curl around her face. Mulder loved it when it looked like that. "Scully, do you want anything to eat? We're not going to be back at the restaurant 'til five." "Oh, I'm not really hungry." "Okay, but I am." "I'm going to look around while you get something to eat." "Alright, I'll see you in a few minutes." He walked toward the snack bar and stood in line. Scully walked over to the old shanties, which were for the representative, the filer, and the cruisers/surveyors. There was also a dining car and the old machines that took the logs out and loaded them on the train. The bunk was the only car that you could walk into and inside were old cots, soap, and pots. Scully walked out of the car and walked toward the old logging flatcar, the steam skidder and the diesel log loader and the steel skeleton log car. Mulder walked out of the snack shop with two hot dogs and a soda can. He looked for Scully but he couldn't find her. There were so many people. But she was easy to recognize with her bright red hair and that beautiful sundress hugging her hips. He walked over to the steam skidder. "Scully, you want one of these hot dogs?" Scully turned around to see him holding two hot dogs and a soda bottle. "Mulder, I told you. I'm not hungry." "I know you told me. So, do you want one now that I have it?" "I suppose don't want to waste it." She took the hot dog and bit it, almost taking the whole thing in her mouth. Mulder watched her devour it, imagining what else she could wrap her mouth around. He smiled as she caught him staring. "What?" "Oh, umm nothing." He started eating. Scully was done in minutes. "Gee, Scully. I thought you weren't hungry." "Well, I haven't had anything since breakfast." "Scully, you have some mustard right here." He took his index finger and swiped it along her upper lip, grazing her mouth. She took his finger into her mouth and sucked on it lightly. "Oh, Scully. I wouldn't do that." "Why?" she asked in a husky voice. "Because, you shouldn't. I'll lose all control. You make me crazy sometimes." "Well, if you say so," she blushed. "You don't even know what you do to me, Mulder." Scully walked away leaving Mulder stunned. She looked around at the old buildings trying to look into the shanty buildings. Mulder finished his hot dog and walked to where Scully was. He was standing behind her when she looked into the window and noticed him behind her. "So, did you find anything interesting?" "Yeah, there are a lot of old tools and stuff in the dining car," she pointed back behind him. He smiled at her. "What do you mean what I do to you? 'You don't even no what you do to me?'" "So, you can dish it out but you can't take it, Mulder?" "I'm sorry, Scully. I don't know what I was thinking. "I didn't say that just to tease you, Mulder." "So why did you say it then?" "You're a very attractive man, Mulder, and yes, I'm your partner, but it doesn't mean I don't notice that." "I wasn't trying to tease you either, Scully. You know how I feel about you." "Yes, I do. I feel the same way about you." "I don't think you know how I feel then, Scully." "Before he had time to elaborate, the train horn whistled, signaling the passengers to board the train. Mulder threw his trash in the bin and walked toward the train with his hand on Scully's lower back. Scully was in front of him climbing the steps. He meant to grab the chain that was substituted for a handrail but instead he put his hand on her backside. "Mulder?" "Oh, sorry Scully." They sat down on a bench and waited for everyone to board the car. Their car wasn't as crowded as it was earlier. Now they were headed up to the very top of the hill. It was going to be a long ride but a worthwhile one. Scully looked at Mulder. He was looking over into the wooded area. He glanced back at her. "Scully, I wonder if there is a Bigfoot?" "Mulder, I can't believe you sometimes," she laughed. "Why, there are a lot of trees and places for shelter. I don't see why not." He looked at her smiling. "It seems wherever we go you have to bring your imaginary creatures with you," she laughed. "There not imaginary creatures, Scully." He chuckled. XXXXXX The train had two engines pushing the seven cars up the steep grade hill. As the train got closer to the top of the mountain the temperature changed dramatically. The chill in the air was evidence of that. The tour guide mentioned the air change and it didn't go unnoticed by Scully. "Gee, Mulder that was such a blast of cool air. It really is cold," she shivered. "Here, take my jacket." He grabbed his jacket off the bench and put it around her shoulders. "Thanks." "Your welcome." It was another half-hour until they reached the top of Bald Knob. When they finally did reach their destination they had a wonderful view of the mountains. The train came to a slow halt and the passengers were told they would have a thirty-minute rest stop just like they had down at Whitaker's Station. Mulder and Scully climbed down the stairs and walked over toward the overlooking pass, which was already crowded with people. Some people were eating food that they had brought along while others just walked around and took pictures. "Well, you want a closer look?" She asked him. "Why, not? We traveled all this way up here. I am not going to let this pass me by." He started walking toward the plank but she stayed behind. She walked over toward the edge of the grass before it dipped down into the woods. She looked over at the endless sky and admired the beautiful countrysides. Mulder was atop of the plank admiring the scenery as well and he noticed Scully down below. He walked around the crowd of people and made his way down to her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and she started to turn around but he stopped her movements. "Oh, it's you." "Who else did you expect?" Scully smiled and looked out over the horizon. "It's really beautiful, Mulder." "I absolutely agree with you. It's really amazing once you get to the top." He smiled down at her. "So, what's on your mind?" "Why?" "Because you didn't walk on the plank with me." "Oh, just thinking." "I've been thinking myself." "Oh, you have?" She turned around so she could face him. "Yeah, about what you said about us." "Yeah, me too." "I'm not very good at this, Mulder." He waited for her to continue. "I know how you feel about me, Mulder. I love you too." He leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips, taking her by surprise. She returned his kiss, deepening and savoring his taste. Mulder broke the kiss and smiled down at her. "Well, now let's enjoy our two-week vacation." They walked around, fingers entwined, admiring the view and different faces surrounding them. There were also mountain bike trails surrounding the train up and down the hill. Some bikers had made it to the top of the mountain, where Mulder and Scully now were. Mulder was still admiring the view and Scully walked over to talk to one of the bikers. "How long is that trail?" she asked. "It's a long way down into Snowshoe. I think its ten miles or so," the young man said smiling at her. "That trail goes into Snowshoe?" "Yeah." "So, you with someone?" Just then Mulder walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist hugging her to him. She gasped when she felt his strong arms encircle her waist and his strong frame against her back. "Dana, what's going on?" He kissed her on the cheek. "Oh, nothing. I was just talking. You know that trail over there?" She pointed down over the hill. "Yeah, I see it." "It goes back into Snowshoe Ski resort." "That's interesting." "It was nice talking with you," she said to the biker. "Yeah, same here." The young man walked off with his buddy over to the rest area and sat down on one of the benches. "Flirting, are we Scully?" He winked at her. "No, I'm just talking. Why? You getting jealous?" "Of course I am." He kissed her on the mouth and she turned in his arms, encircling his waist. They kissed for the longest time. The train horn blew to let the passengers know that it was boarding time. Scully broke the kiss and he nipped at her bottom lip. "Mulder, we'd better get back and take our seats." "No, I want to stay a little longer." He captured her lips once again she gave in and savored his sweet taste. Most of the passengers had boarded although some lagged behind. "Mmm..." She broke the passionate kiss. "Mulder, as much as I hate to do this we have to get on the train unless you want to walk all the way down the mountain." He looked down into her deep blue depths. She looked back into his dark eyes, admiring the passion in them. "Alright if you say so, G-woman." They walked back toward their train car. She climbed the steps and he followed, getting a nice view of her backside as her hips swayed when she climbed the steps. Scully took her seat on the bench as Mulder trailed behind her. All the passengers were now on board. The train blew its whistle and began tugging the cars back down the steep mountain. "I think that was worthwhile. What do you think?" "It sure was." When they were halfway down the mountain, Mulder stood up and looked back at Scully. "You going to join me?" He held out his hand and pulled her up, putting his arm on her waist as they both looked out the window. The train suddenly stopped. Mulder brushed her backside once again. Scully turned around and smiled. "I didn't know you wanted to rush into this relationship, Mulder?" "No. I actually don't. I don't want to rush into this so fast. Then I'd lose our friendship and I don't want that to happen. But it feels so good to be able to put my arms around you." "I understand what you're saying, Mulder." The tour guide interrupted again and said that the train was taking on some water, refilling the tank at the boiler, which was located on the front of the engine. The brakemen walked around setting the brakes so that they would slow the train down going down the hill. The whistle blew its horn and the train began tugging down the mountain. They were almost to Whitaker's Station when the tour guide said that the mountain that they had climbed was to their left as they rounded the bend. It was very high. "Mulder, we actually went to the very top." "No, really." He looked at her feigning a look of confusion. "Yeah, you're simple sometimes, you know that?" She leaned in a kissed him while he trailed his mouth down her neck, licking and nipping at her neck and earlobe. "Mulder, this isn't the best time to start that." "Oh, and why not?" He kissed her on the neck once again. "Because there are a lot people here and including children." "Yeah, you're right." He kissed her on the cheek and sat down on the bench. She joined him. They talked about a lot things as the train made its way down the hill. The train stopped once again to fill the tank with water before dropping the passengers off at the station. The train once again tugged and jerked the cars but then it started moving everything went smoothly. Once the train stopped at the station all the passengers left the cars. Some people stayed to eat at the restaurant while others left for home or their cottages. Mulder stepped off the train and held his hand out for Scully. Once they were off the train they walked toward the restaurant. Mulder held the door for Scully and they walked in, admiring the old building. It had a wooded floor that creaked under their feet. It was really unique with an old elevator, which was out of order. They sat down at a table for two. Old pictures and maps hung on the walls. They read the old paper clippings off the walls, learning the history of Cass. "So, what do you want to eat?" "I don't know. I suppose a cheeseburger and fries." "I think I'll have the same thing. I'll be right back. I should get the key to the cottage." "You'd better because I'm not sleeping in the car." "I'll be back in a minute. The waitress gave us a number. When our food is ready she'll call it out." Mulder went back to the train station to pick his key up from the black box. There were several envelopes in the box with people's last names written on them. He looked through the envelopes and found one with "Mulder" written on it and took it. He placed the other envelopes back in the box. He walked back to the restaurant. The food was already at the table by time he got back. He joined her and they started eating their meals. Scully stole some from fries from his basket. "Hey, Scully!" "What?" She said with a fry hanging out of her mouth. "That's mine." "Well, I don't have any more. So, share yours." "If I don't what are you going to do about it?" He grinned. She kicked him in the ankle under the table. "Ouch! Scully, you're going to get it. Just wait!" "Oh, G-man is getting angry," she grinned, stealing another fry from his basket. "You just wait," he said with a sly grin on his face. It was getting late. Once they had finished dinner, they drove up to the cottage. They didn't know what was going to happen but that was half the fun. XXXXX The evening sky was setting. It was a beautiful sunset. Mulder pulled the car up to the cottage. They had noticed it wasn't too far from the woman that they had bought the chocolate candies from. "I hope this is the right one." "What does the key say?" He opened the envelope revealing a key that said two twenty-one. "It says two twenty-one." He looked at the key and then at Scully. "This is it then." Mulder pulled off the side of the road and parked the car. He walked around, opened the trunk and grabbed both their bags. Scully walked toward the white gate and opened it for Mulder. The house was old but it had been refurnished recently. The yard wasn't much bigger than an acre and a white fence surrounded all of it. Mulder gave Scully the key to the door as he switched his hands on the bags trying not to drop them. "Isn't this great." "Yeah, G-woman it is." He walked past her and she smiled at him. "Mulder, if you don't stop calling me that I'm going to beat you senseless." She laughed as he dropped the bags and started walking toward her. "What's that I hear? You're going to beat me?" "Yes, that's what I said, G-man." She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply and he returned her kiss. "Mulder, let's take a look around." She kissed him on the bottom lip and he nipped at her neck. "Okay." He let her out of his grasp and she walked around. She walked through the kitchen, which led into the dining room and then into the living room. It was a big circle. The stairs that were at the front of the door led to three bedrooms, each with two beds. The only furniture that was downstairs was a couch, love seat, lamp, television and the kitchen table with six chairs. The whole house was covered in linoleum with no carpet in sight. Scully walked back into the living room, grabbed her bag and headed upstairs. Mulder noticed that she had disappeared. He noticed that her bag was gone also. "Scully?" He started up the stairs and saw that she was in the bedroom across the master bedroom, which faced the stairs. "I'm in here Mulder." "What are you doing?" "I'm unpacking. What does it look like?" "I was wondering what you were up to." She turned around, smiling at him. "You'd better unpack yourself." "Yeah, I know." "I'm going to get a quick shower and then I'll meet you downstairs." "Okay, but don't use all the hot water." He walked back down the stairs, grabbed his backpack and carried it back up stairs. He put the bag down in the master bedroom, which was just across the hall from Scully's room. He went back downstairs and out onto the porch. He sat down in the swing. There were barely any cars on the road so the night would be peaceful, Mulder thought. Scully quickly finished up in the shower and went to look for a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Mulder was relaxing on the porch when he heard Scully say his name. He bolted from the swing and ran right into her as he came through the door. "Scully! What's the matter?" "Mulder, just wanted to ask you if you had an extra shirt I could borrow?" She had the big white fluffy towel wrapped around her but all he saw was creamy white skin and he just wanted to taste every inch of it. "Yeah, there's one in my bag. It's on the bed." She followed him up the stairs and into the bedroom. "Here," He said, producing a blue t-shirt from his bag. "Thanks." "I thought you had everything packed when we left your apartment." "I thought I did." "Oh, well, that's okay," he said. Mulder went toward the shower. Scully slipped his t-shirt on and went downstairs and out on the porch to the swing. Mulder came out of the shower and slipped his boxers on and draped the towel over his shoulders. He dried his hair off, making it spike up everywhere. He went downstairs to find Scully. He looked into the kitchen but she wasn't there so he walked onto the porch. "Hey, Scully." "I'm just taking some fresh air in. What are you doing coming out here half naked?" she smiled. "No one's going to care." He walked toward her and sat down on the swing beside her, draping his arm behind her head. "I see my t-shirt is not exactly a perfect fit." "No, but it'll do for now." "What do you want to do now?" he asked. "I don't know. Maybe watch some television, but most likely there's nothing on." "Well, we can sit here for a while if you want." She answered by snuggling down into his chest. They relaxed into each others arms as the sun set over the mountain. It was about 8:45 p.m. when a car drove up and pulled off the side of the road. It was a couple that had rented the house beside them. Mulder had noticed them and waved at them and they waved back. "Scully, it's getting late. We should go in." "I didn't realize it was this late." She got up and walked toward the screen door and opened it. Mulder walked after her and held the door for her. The hallway light was on and Scully walked over to the couch and turned the lamp on. Mulder reached for the remote control and turned the television on while Scully snuggled into his side. "I don't know about you Scully but I really like it here." "I do too for some reason." "Do you remember what the tour guide said about getting your feet wet in the creek? You know what I'm talking about don't you?" "Yeah, she said something like if you get your feet wet you wouldn't want to leave the area or state. It's just a folktale, Mulder." "I know it is but you never know." "Alright, I'm going upstairs." "Okay. I'll be up later." She walked upstairs and into the bedroom, which was darker than she first thought. Mulder came upstairs about half an hour after she had settled in. He looked into her room and noticed she was already asleep. He went across the hall into his room, pulled the covers back and lay down. It was around 11:00 p.m. when a woman's scream startled Scully out of her sleep. It sounded like it was downstairs or out in the street. She walked downstairs trying not to wake Mulder up, but he had heard the scream too. "Scully, what the hell was that?" "I don't know. It sounded like a woman's scream." "Oh, man, this is so cool." "You would say that, Mulder." "Oh, you're getting scared," he said with a smirk on his face. "No, I'm not." They both walked back upstairs and tried to go back to sleep. Scully was wide-awake now. She thought she heard the back door open and shut but heard no footsteps. She was beginning to feel uneasy. She got up and went back downstairs again to see if she could see anyone but there was nothing there. Mulder was standing in the doorway of his room when she came back upstairs. "Scully, what's the matter?" he asked rubbing his eyes. "I keep hearing things here. Don't you hear anything?" "I heard the woman's scream. That's all I've heard so far. You want to sleep here with me?" He pulled back the covers and patted the left side of the bed. "Well, it is darker in my room. Sure, you don't mind?" "No, I don't mind." She climbed into bed and lay on her side, keeping her distance from Mulder. He was facing the window and Scully was facing the opposite direction. They slept peacefully until Mulder heard someone whistling--he couldn't tell if it was downstairs or upstairs. He rolled over and gently shook Scully's shoulder. "Scully, did you hear that?" She turned and looked at him. "I heard it too. See, I told you that something was down there." "I know you told me. I don't doubt you, Scully." He moved closer to her and she scooted back into him. "Mmm... Scully." "Seems like you're anxious to see me," she said. "Well, if you don't stop what you doing..." he moaned into her ear. He began kissing her neck and she snuggled back into his erection, pressing into him a little more. She rolled onto her back and he took in all her beauty. "God, you're beautiful." He traced his finger along her face and tucked a lone strand of her red hair behind her ear. "You told me, Mulder. Maybe not in words, but you've told me." She put her arms around his neck and brought his mouth to hers in a passionate kiss that lasted for a long time. Finally she broke the kiss and placed her hands on his shoulders and rolled him to his back with her atop him now. She pulled down boxers in one swift motion. "G-woman wants control, does she?" He smiled into her blue depths. "Did I not warn you about calling me that?" She grinned at him. "You going to beat me now?" He traced her rib cage and stroked her arms while looking into her deep baby blue eyes. He ran his hands up her t-shirt and carefully pulled it over her head. "Not right at the moment. There's something else I want to do." She leaned down and kissed his neck, sucking lightly on his earlobe and trailing down his chest to peak each nipple. She went down further and raked her fingers down his rib cage. "Oh, God. If I knew it was going to be like this I would have done this a long time ago, Scully." She didn't answer him but kissed him on his erection, placing small feather light kisses up and down and stroking his balls. She took him into her mouth and sucked him until he was on the edge. "Oh, God Scully." He stroked her hair and gently tugged at it as she continued licking and fondling his balls until he came into her mouth. She climbed her way back up to him, kissing tenderly as she came up his body. "Damn, I don't what to expect with you, do I?" He reached up and touched her face. Scully smiled at him and captured his lips once again. The tables were suddenly turned when he flipped her over and was now atop her, looking down at her and smiling. He pinned her arms down gently. "Tables have turned, haven't they?" He grinned. He leaned down and kissed her deeply, tugging on her bottom lip before he continued his assault down her creamy white flesh. He teased one nipple then the other, lavishing them both as he went down to her belly button. He dipped his tongue into her, making her arch up into him. She brushed his erection with her leg. "You're going to have to lose these." He pulled her shorts off, lightly touching her thighs as he pulled them down along with her panties. "That's much better." He threw her shorts on the floor and kissed her thighs, calves and finally her moist sex. He kissed her entrance and she gasped. Her fingers wrapped in his hair pulling, tugging and smoothing it. He let his tongue dip into her hot core licking, sucking, and teasing her clit. "Mulder.... going to come. Get up here." She moaned. He gave a couple more smooth strokes then climbed back up her body, kissing all over, touching the softest skin he'd every touched. He looked down into her eyes before sinking between her thighs. She gasped at his length. "You alright?" He looked at her with concern. "Yeah, it's just that you're a little bigger than I thought," she smiled up at him. "Scully, have you been checking me out?" "Oh, yeah." "Well, I watch you all the time. Especially when you wear those skirts that show off your legs. It's hard for me to get through the day." Scully tilted her hips and he slid deeper inside her. It was hard for them to not move because it felt so damn good. "Mulder.. move." "Okay. I just don't want to hurt you." "I'll let you know if you do." He moved slowly at first but then began to thrust harder and faster. "Mulder..." She moaned his name and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Damn.. Scully you're so tight and wet." He pumped a few more times and soon they both were coming. He collapsed onto her and she wrapped her arms around him, not wanting to let go just yet. Exhausted, he fell to his side, dragging her with him and she laid her head on his chest. He moved a strand of hair out of her eyes and looked down at her. "Scully, you're amazing." "You're not to bad yourself." She kissed him on the lips. "Mmmm. So I take it there might be more to come?" "If you play your cards right, Mulder." They both fell asleep and morning came too soon. Mulder spooned up against Scully, hugging her to him with his left arm. "Mmmm... morning, Mulder." "Mmm.. Morning sweetheart." "What a night." "I would say so," he chuckled. "Did you hear anything else last night, Scully?" "Nothing but you." She laughed and kissed him on the mouth. "You know what?" "What?" "I thought I heard someone whistling downstairs and then I heard it outside." "Trying to scare me again?" "No, why would I do that?" He rolled her over and pinned her beneath him. "Is that why you brought me, Mulder? To scare me?" "No, I didn't." He laughed and she did as well. "Are you wanting to get some breakfast before we leave, G-woman?" She ran her hands down his chest and pinched his nipple. "Ouch! Why did you do that?" "Because you called me G-woman." "Is that so?" He captured her lips once again in a long, passionate open-mouthed kiss. Then he broke the kiss, smiling down at her. "With all this excitement and pleasure you're giving me I think I'll take you up on breakfast. She kissed him back. "Mmmm... well you'd better get dressed then." "Then let me up," she pushed on his chest making him fall on his back. "Damn, woman. I hate to see you when you plan on beating me," he grinned up at her. "You just wait till we get back home." He grabbed her hand and yanked her down and planted a wet kiss on her mouth, savoring her sweet taste. Scully ruffled his hair, making it stick up everywhere. Then she walked off to the shower with him following her. XXXXX After they showered together they took a walk back down to the restaurant to order breakfast. They walked into the building smelling breakfast. Mulder walked up to the bar and ordered some scrambled eggs and a biscuit while Scully ordered French toast with scrambled eggs. Mulder put his hand on her lower back as they walked toward a seat by the window, which had a very good view of the station. "So, you want to visit the gift shop before we head home?" he asked. "Yeah, why not?" Their order was called and Mulder went to get their plates. He came back with two plates of food and walked back to get the coffee. "Thanks, Mulder." "You're welcome, G-woman." She blushed and smacked him on the arm. "Gee, Scully. Beating me already." "Well, stop calling me G-woman," she winked. "What if I don't?" They started eating breakfast and the question went unanswered so he left it at that. Mulder was done in ten minutes but Scully still had little piece of French toast on her plate. He took his fork and put the piece in his mouth, eating it all. "Mulder!" "What, Scully?" "Stop eating my food." "Well, you weren't eating it." "How can I eat that and my scrambled eggs at the same time?" "You'll think of something, Scully." He winked at her. "Oh, Mulder." They finished breakfast and walked toward the gift shop. He held the door open for her and walked behind her. Mulder went looking at the souvenirs while Scully looked at the crafts on the other side of the aisle. Mulder walked around looking for something for her to remember the trip by and he found something. He looked to see if she was nearby and saw that she was next to the back of the aisle so he had plenty of time to pay for the item and without her seeing it. He quickly walked up to the cashier. "Did you find everything alright, sir?" the young woman asked, smiling. "Yes." Meanwhile Scully had picked out a gift for Mulder as well. She looked around and spotted him outside standing next to the front doors. She quickly paid for the item and joined him outside. "Well, did you find something that sparked your interest?" He looked down at her. "Yes, as I matter of fact I did." "You about ready to leave?" "Yeah, I really would like to stay a little longer but I would like to visit my mother while I have my vacation." "Oh, right. I forgot about that," he frowned. "Why, is something wrong?" "No, nothing's wrong with that." "I guess we'd better start packing then." They headed back up the road, holding hands. "So, what did you get, Mulder?" "Something for you." "Oh, that's so sweet of you. I got you something too." "You did?" "Yeah, but you'll have to wait to see it." He pulled her into his arms as they reached the cottage. "How long you are going to make me wait?" he asked and kissed her on the lips, soothing her lower lip with a lap of his tongue. "Mmmm.... Not too long." She gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with his hair. He lifted her off the ground and she giggled in his ear. "Mulder, put me down," she squealed. "Why should I do that?" he laughed into her ear. "I want to pack and show your gift to you." "Alright." He let her down and she walked toward the gate, holding it open for him. They walked upstairs and packed. Mulder walked into her room. Scully's back was turned to him. He walked quietly up behind her and put his arms around her waist, making her gasp. "Mulder." "Mmm... what?" "Are you always going to sneak up on me?" He let his nose drift into her hair, smelling her strawberry fragrance and gently placing tender kisses on her neck and ear. "If you want me to." He licked and began nipping at her neck. She moaned and turned in his arms, kissing him on the neck and sucking on his earlobe. "So, where's my gift, Mulder?" she whispered into his ear. He looked into her eyes, smiling. "I'll go get it for you, hold on one minute." He gave her a quick kiss on the mouth and walked into the other bedroom. He walked over to pick the small bag up off the bed and returned to Scully's room. "Here my gift to you." "Well, here's yours." They exchanged gifts and she opened the small package, revealing a stuffed fox. "Mulder, that's so sweet of you." She kissed him on the cheek. Mulder opened his gift and to his surprise he got a necklace shaped like an arrowhead. "Scully, thank you. I really like the looks of it. Rugged outdoors type that I am." He smiled at her and embraced her. "As I see it you really liked your gift." "Yes, I do, Mulder. When I look at it makes me think of you." He smiled at her and put the necklace on his neck, tucking it in his gray t-shirt. "I'll keep you close to my heart." He pulled her against him and kissed her passionately. "Umm... you about ready?" he gasped into her mouth. "Yeah, give me a few minutes." "Okay." He picked up her bag and then walked into his room to grab his bag. He walked down the stairs out to the car and placed the bags in the trunk. Scully looked around to see if they had left any valuables behind. "Scully, you ready?" "Yeah, I'm coming." "I have to take this key back to the black box. Do you want to drive or walk?" "Let's walk." He grabbed her hand and they walked down toward the station. Mulder dropped the key off into the black box and they headed home. XXXXX The trip back home was a beautiful one as Mulder and Scully enjoyed each other's company. They arrived at her apartment around 10 p.m. Mulder grabbed her bag from the trunk and handed it to her. "Mulder, thanks for taking me with you on such a lovely trip." She kissed him on the cheek. "Scully, you're welcome. Just thought you would enjoy it as much as I did," he smiled down at her. "Of course I enjoyed it. So, you want to come in for a few minutes?" "Well, if I do that I'll never want to leave." "You're welcome to come in if you want." They walked up to her apartment. Scully opened the door and went inside, but Mulder lingered outside of the doorway. "Mulder, you can come in." She turned and saw him looking around her apartment. "What?" she looked at him with confusion. "I was just taking a look to see if there was anyone else here," he laughed. "Mulder, you should know that you're the only one that comes here." She walked up to him and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. "Mmm... starting that again I see." "Yeah, so what are you going to do about it?" she whispered against his chest, raking her fingertips along his ribs. Mulder stepped into her apartment and shut the door behind him. He grabbed her, lifted her up off her feet and carried her into the bedroom. He then lightly placed her on the bed. They made passionate love into the morning. Scully was lying on Mulder's chest and he hugged her protectively against him. The sun's rays came through the window and Scully turned over on her side, away from the light. As she did he moved up behind her and spooned up against her. "Mmmm... morning." He kissed her on the ear, nipping lightly. "Mmm... good morning Spooky." She giggled and kissed him on the cheek. "I told you that it was going to be hard for me to leave." He pulled her closer to him and she pushed back into his morning erection. "Mulder, anxious to see me?" She turned in his arms and kissed him passionately on the lips. The phone interrupted. "Mulder, I have to answer it." "No, you don't. It might be Skinner or your other boyfriend I don't know about," he teased. "Mulder, it just might be my mother you know," she slapped him on the chest. "Okay," he whined. She turned and answered the phone while Mulder scooted closer to her. "Hello." "Dana, how are you doing?" her mother asked. "I'm fine. I was planning on calling you a little later. I just woke up." "What's the matter, dear?" "Nothing. I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to lunch this afternoon?" "Yeah, sure. I would love to," Mrs. Scully answered. Meanwhile Mulder was tracing her shoulder lightly with his fingertips, making her shudder under his touch. He lightly placed small kisses on her neck, rendering her speechless. "Dana, you alright?" "Yeah, Mom I'm fine." "So, what time do you want to meet?" "Oh, about noon is good for me," Scully said. "Okay. I'll meet you at your apartment, honey." "Alright, see you then." Scully hung up the phone and turned around to see Mulder smiling at her. "Just what do you think you're doing?" "Making my G-woman mad at me," he smiled and kissed her passionately on the lips. "Oh, you think you were making me mad?" she gasped. "Yeah, why? Were you not getting angry?" "Mulder, your crazy." "I know I am. People have been telling me that for years." "I'm going to get cleaned up so I can meet me mother." "Okay." Scully went to shower. When she finally came back into her room she found Mulder still asleep on the bed. She smiled and walked toward the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Mulder started to stir in the bed, the coffee doing wonders on his senses. He got up and walked toward the kitchen to find her back toward him. He leaned over her shoulder and said, "Mmmm... something smells good." "Do you want something to eat?" "I would love that." She fixed some scrambled eggs and pancakes and Mulder devoured the food in front of him. "Mulder, are you sure you don't want anything else?" "No, that's fine. That was delicious." He grabbed the glass of orange juice and swallowed all of it in two gulps. "You'd better slow down before you choke, Mulder." "Oh, and who says I should slow down? Dr. Scully?" He got up from his chair and put the dirty dishes in the sink. Then he walked over to her. "Thanks for breakfast, sunshine." He smiled and kissed her and she returned his kiss. "Your welcome." She stroked his cheek, which already had three-day stubble. "Mulder, you should shave." "What if I don't want to?" "I'll do it for you, but you remember I have to meet me mom in a few hours." She grabbed his hand and led him into the bathroom. She opened the cabinet, retrieved a hand towel and placed it on the countertop while he stood in front of the mirror. Scully hopped up onto the counter with the razor in her hand and Mulder scooted closer to her, standing between her legs. She got the lotion lathered up in her palms, smoothed it over his face and began gently shaving him. He looked at her lovingly as she stroked up and down his face and neck with the razor. "Almost done, Mulder." She finished up and rinsed the razor in the sink. "Thank you, Scully." He kissed her on the lips and she wrapped her legs around him, digging her heals into his back. "MMm.... You're welcome, Mulder." she gasped into his mouth. "So, what are you going to do while I'm with my mother?" "I might go visit the Gunmen. I haven't seen them in a while." "Okay, sounds good to me." She hopped down off the counter and walked into her bedroom, looking in her closet for something decent to wear. Mulder had a change of clothes in his bag he brought from the car. He got dressed and headed out to visit the Gunmen and a few hours later Scully's mother arrived. "Hi, Mom." She hugged her mother as she entered her apartment. "Hi, honey. How are you doing?" "I'm good." "How have you been doing lately?" "Very good." "So, how's work?" "Good." "Anything interesting going on, Dana?" "Well, yeah." She blushed. "Oh, come on already." "Okay. We had a two-week vacation and Mulder asked me if I wanted to go on a trip with him. At the time I didn't have anything to do so I said yes." "And?" "We had a wonderful time and one thing led to another and you know the rest of it." "Dana, that's great. I've known a long time that Fox really cared for you and respected you. I knew he was in love with you even if he didn't. But your brother Bill is another story, isn't he?" "Yeah, mom he's such an asshole at times." "Are you happy, Dana?" "Yes, mom. I'm happier than I have been in years." "If your happy that's all that matters, honey." They decided to go out to lunch. They talked a couple of hours and then said their goodbyes to each other. Meanwhile Mulder was visiting the Gunmen. He left after a couple of hours of catching up on the latest news. He headed towards Scully's apartment but she wasn't there yet. Scully drove up and noticed Mulder's car was parked out front. She walked up the steps and into the building. She unlocked the door and found him lying on her couch asleep. She dropped her purse on the chair and took her jacket off, hanging it up on the coat rack. She walked over to the couch and startled him by touching him on the cheek. "Scully, how did your lunch go?" "It was fine." "So, did you tell your mom about us?" "Yeah." "What did she say?" "She said that she knew that you were in love with me a long time ago." "Oh, she said that." He laughed and pulled her down for a sweet, passionate kiss. "Yeah," she gasped into his mouth. "So, where do we go from here? Weren't you supposed to punish me for calling you G-woman?" "I was thinking about that," she smiled. She got up from the couch and led the way toward the bedroom with him trailing behind her The End.... Author's Note: I would like to thank my beta Jen for working with me. If you liked this story or want to ask me anything about the place mentioned here just drop me a line.