The Whole Catastrophe By Diehard and Dryad Ambulance Chasers Chapter 9 Calm-eyed, Kris took in the scene before her without saying a word. Cardenas' formerly pristine apartment was wrecked. Furniture had been had been knocked over, magazines lay on the floor in heaps, several throw rugs had been shoved against the walls, all bearing some signs of scorch march. Zigzag burn marks raced across the walls, all the windows were shattered, and though she stepped carefully, glass crunched underfoot. She grimaced at the sound. Cardenas herself was on her back, arms still above her head. Fresh blood trailed from her mouth and her left hand, and it looked liked and there were old blood stains on her chest where Mulder and Scully desperately worked to revive her. Both of them looked tired, the bone-deep exhaustion Kris had seen time and time again on the faces of firemen and beat cops. A certain kind of shell shock that came only from living through trauma, knowledge of certain failure to save a life despite doing everything you could. "Excuse me - " Kris moved out of the way as the evidence tech behind her tapped her arm. The other tech followed the first, setting up the print kit and collection bags. The coroner had came and went, pronounced Alex dead, and the wagon had already taken her to the morgue. Mulder stood up and watched Scully confer with the two men, unintentionally smearing blood across his forehead as he brushed the hair out of his eyes. Christ, what a mess. At least they wouldn't have to write up the reports for Lazarov. Time to tackle what had happened. "Agent Mulder," she called. "Could I speak to you for a moment?" He nodded, circled the trio surrounding Cardenas. "Yeah, sure. Ask away..." His voice trailed off. She shrugged apologetically. "You two okay?" "Cuts and scratches I think." "What happened here?" Kris hoped she sounded calm and collected, like she was trying to help, instead of how she felt, like a sneak thief trying not to get caught. Fuck, she thought, I better tell him now, better get it over with. "Agent Mulder," "Yes, Detective." He had a feeling where this was going after this morning. "Sgt. Lazarov' s instructed me to make the official report in this matter." "On our consult, our case." "He was crystal clear, and uh...he's calling his case as far as the CPD, the Superintendent and the mayor are concerned." Mulder mumbled something she couldn't make out and ground some of the glass on the floor with his heel. "Right. Fine, then." "I'm sorry, Agent Mulder, but I've got to get your statement. Lazarov did say you're free to write up your own report for the Bureau when you get back to D.C." Kris had to throw in her own assessment, "Listen, it's screwed up and we both know my boss is a tool. But this thing is over, and I have to do..." He managed a rueful smile, "...your duty. Then let's get this over with, Detective." "So, what happened?" "I..." Mulder shook his head. "Cardenas was performing a ritual that involved cutting herself. When we tried to stop her, she went after Scully. Someone else was here with her, because I was hauled off, ostensibly to have the shit beat out of me." "Someone else?" she asked quietly, wanting to know who whatever the answer. He licked his lips, staring her directly in the eye. Apparently, like he liked what he saw, because he didn't hesitate, "Gonzales, Detective. Cardenas raised Gonzales from the dead." "From the dead." "Cardenas practiced a bastardized form of Santeria, an arcane ritual that gives the undead the means to essentially become instrument of revenge. All of the victims, Breen, Michaels, Roberts, Coluko and Weinhoft, were in turn killed by the same methods with which they had killed their own victims. Gonzales had a history with all the deceased. One in which he had to witness the guilty go scot free...My guess is that all Alex wanted was Naftali back whatever that meant. " Kris resisted the urge to step back. "You can't be serious" she hissed, mindful of the evidence techs overhearing and running their mouths. "What you want me to believe is impossible...someone read the casefiles...someone..." Mulder smirked and leaned closer, voice equally soft as her own. "Casefiles? The information about this case had been leaked to every major news source. That narrowed the field down to just about anyone who read a paper or watched the news. Your boss didn't like those numbers, that's where we came in. Your version puts you back at square one. Is that what you really want to tell Lazarov?" Shit, he had her there. "Scully tells me you smelled the rum in the bodies yourself, saw the evidence of people doing impossible things to one another, to themselves. How else do you explain it?" She couldn't. She took a deep breath, let it out slowly. "I can't. You're saying Gonzales was here, and attacked you. So where is he now?" He hesitated briefly. "A Santeria priestess who knew Cardenas well. . .took her power away. Once she lost power, Gonzales had no choice but to return to the spirit world... She was bound to him," he glanced at Scully, now sitting back on her heels, and then at the techs, starting to collect additional samples, comparing notes, "and couldn't stay here. For what it's worth, Detective, I don't think she could've lived without him." "And now they're together for eternity?" Kris said. "Not exactly happily ever after, is it?" "I can see how it would appeal to a person, especially if they lost someone they loved greatly." "I guess," she murmured. The only person she loved that much was Hannah, but she wasn't going to dwell on the rest of it. "Well, I think the report will say something to the effect that as you attempted to apprehend the suspect, a struggle ensued, inadvertently Dr. Ruis-Cardenas to experience fatal respiratory distress." She called over to Joe Pettibone, one of the techs. "Doc Garrity said it was respiratory failure, right?" Pettibone laid aside the kit and pivoted toward her, "Yeah, Kris. He said to tell you the autopsy on this one'll be done my mid morning." Looking to Mulder again, "I think you two should head on over to the ER, just to be on the safe side. Mulder grinned, white teeth a shocking contrast to the dark red streak of Cardenas' blood above his eyebrows. "I'll get Scully to check me out. She's a doctor, y'know." He said it a little louder than he needed to. Scully turned to them and gave him a look that told Kris she wasn't all that bothered. She liked Mulder, she liked them both. And clearly, the two of them really liked each other. Like wasn't quite the right word, Jorgensen amended, something a little more...intense. Kris shook off that train of thought. She needed to get the hell out of here and start filling out paperwork before Lazarov had another meltdown. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~~X~X~ Mulder folded his arms and sat back in the hard plastic chair, letting his head rest on the wall. He yawned. A moment later he cracked another one. Jesus Christ, it had to be 5 am. He just wanted to go back to the Burnham, wash off the spectres of the dead detective, his dead lover, crawl into bed with his own lover and sleep for a couple of hours. Tomorrow they could fly back home, write their reports, and maybe have time enough to look for rings. A ring. He was honest enough with himself to realize he wanted to show he was claimed, and for her to be claimed, too. "C'mon, partner - " Something gently nudged his knee and he moaned a half-protest. "Let's get the hell out of Dodge before Dr. Singh finds some other way to poke or prod us. We've been good little patients, had our exams, our X-rays, our CAT scans. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the VIP-head-of-line treatment, but now it's time to go." He opened one eye, taking in the dried blood on her jacket. She looked rumpled, exhausted, but she didn't have a scratch on her. Just like him. She nodded. "I'm fine. You?" "Yup. Just tapped out," Mulder hauled himself to his feet, aware of just how much he wanted to stretch out right here and close his eyes. "How come the undead never have to worry about getting their beauty sleep? It just doesn't seem fair, Scully." The few other people in the waiting room eyed Mulder, surreptitiously leaned to one side, clutched handbags and magazines, and in one case, a child, as he and Scully left the area. "Well, Mulder, I guess you could chalk it up to their not needing food or water. Their bodies don't need to process products into energy, which of course takes energy." He looked down at her in amazement as she mumbled on. "If you're right, Gonzales was getting his strength from Cardenas, through her blood scarifice. Once that was interrupted, Gonzales no longer had a link to the living. So, in the end, it's the cycle of life and death and rebirth. Why are you looking at me like that?" "Ah, you, uh, aren't usually so enthusiastic about my theories." "Don't get used to it," she said. "I'm too tired to come up with anything better. Besides, it was hard enough trying to explain why nothing was wrong with me to Dr. Singh. I think he was personally affronted he couldn't find anything," Mulder chuckled mid-yawn, nearly walking into an empty gurney as they headed towards the ER walk-in exit. "I think Dr. Burrows was in the same frame of mind." "So you think the talisman protected us." "Got a better explanation? " His breath hung frostily in the cold air as they stepped outside the sliding doors. "We've seen stranger things, Scully. Maybe there's someone out there... something else besides random events emerging from chaos, maybe this time someone was watching out for us." Scully smiled up at him, "That almost sounds like faith." "Maybe I'm ready to believe..." Mulder's cel trilled in his pocket. He let it ring several times before he answered. "Yeah." "It's Kris Jorgensen. I just thought you and Agent Scully should know that a member of a Santeria house just confessed as the perp in the Gonzales case. "What?" He knew he was out of it, but he thought he heard correctly. "He walked into 11th and State with his written statement swearing he killed Coluko, Wienhoft, all of them as a favor to Alex Cardenas..." "Did you interview him? What did he say?" "He can't speak...He was brought to the station by a woman who said her name was Iya...she said to tell you the circle's complete now. I don't suppose you're going to explain what that means." "I don't think you really want me to." "No, I don't think I do." On the drive back to the Burham, as daylight began to emerge, Mulder told Scully about Kris' call and Iyalosha's message. She didn't say anything for a long time, then reached for his hand. "I think you're right about what's been at work here..." she whispered. "...and about what's kept us safe." "Are you serious, Scully?" "Maybe we're starting to believe the same things," sliding closer to him. He thought he what he said in the ER, about a force greater than themselves, "Maybe we are." ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~