Via Sub Rosa by Scifinerdgrl, part 6 CHAPTER 20 When they arrived at the monastery gate they found Lita waiting just inside, sitting on a stone bench, her hands clasped in her lap placidly. Gibson opened the gate and went to her side. John took a few steps toward the gate, but Monica pulled him aside before they entered. "Give them a minute," she whispered. Gibson sat next to Lita on the bench and they gazed into each others' eyes. The last thing Monica saw was Gibson reaching into his pocket for the locket. "I'd love to know what they're thinking to each other," Monica whispered when they were out of earshot. "Not me," John whispered. As they stood by the stone wall John put his arm around her waist and pulled her toward him. "We want him to respect our privacy..." he nuzzled her neck sensuously. "We should respect his." Monica put her hands to the back of his neck and looked admiringly into his eyes. "How did I get so lucky?" she sighed. He grinned awkwardly, still not entirely comfortable with her compliments despite his comfort with her. "You're just saying that." He leaned forward to kiss her, then something caught his eye and he stepped around her. "Stay here," he ordered. He walked a few steps forward, staying close to the wall, hiding himself in the shadows thrown by its overhang. Monica appeared at his side and he whispered in annoyance, "Get back!" She took one step backward then followed him silently just the same. An SUV pulled to a stop next to the gate, a man and a woman emerging and leaving the doors open. "Gibson," John and Monica heard a low voice say sharply. "Get in the car." Gibson and Lita appeared at the gate and peered at the couple through the bars. They stood motionless in the starlight, their impassive faces hiding their psychic dialogue. The next thing they heard was a woman's loud, sharp voice ordered, "NOW!" John and Monica crept forward as the strangers approached the gate. Gibson's eyes involuntarily looked in their direction, making the strange couple turn their heads to see what he saw. "GUN!" Gibson shouted, then ducked behind the wall next to the gate. The couple turned toward Doggett and Reyes, who were still in the shadows. John turned to check on Monica and was surprised to see she was only a few feet away. "Here!" Doggett ordered. He grabbed her by the ribcage and started lifting her up against the wall. She got the idea then grabbed a handful of ivy to pull herself up. At the top she turned around and, lying on the top, reached down to help her partner. He looked over his shoulder and saw the woman pointing a revolver toward Reyes. "GO!" he cried out, then pushed against her hands, forcing her to fall to the other side. "NO!!!" Gibson shouted. "Mom, Dad... STOP IT!" Doggett gasped and held his hands up. "You're his parents?" "Leave him alone!" Gibson was frantic now. "I'll come with you!" The couple turned and started walking toward Gibson. Doggett took his opportunity and ran up behind them, trying to force each one off-balance with his outstretched arms. To his surprise they barely budged. The woman turned and grabbed his arm. She lifted him up, and his eyes widened in surprise. He looked from her to the man, who continued walking toward the gate, and he noticed a large lump on the man's neck, just above his shirt collar. "Oh sh---" Doggett said just before the woman flung him against the stone wall. He hit it with a loud thud then crumpled to the ground, unconscious. As Gibson's father approached the gate, Gibson and Lita stood wide-eyed with horror as he started to shake, his shuddering growing more violent as he continued to approach. The pair found themselves unable to move as the man convulsed then flew through the air into the gate, smashing against it. The bars of the gate cut through his body, throwing chunks of sizzling flesh hurling toward the teens. The tall, angular woman stood at a distance, rock-steady with no trace of shaking, and shouted to Gibson. "Get in the car," Gibson. "NOW!" Gibson grabbed Lita around the shoulders and shouted "NO!" His mother wheeled and pointed the gun at the unconscious Doggett. "I said, NOW, Gibson," she repeated in a maternal, scolding, tone. "STOP! Don't shoot!" he yelled. "I'll go with you." Gibson's lower lip quivered and he turned to Lita, then he kissed her briefly on the lips and reached for the gate handle. His mother turned to face him, and just then a shot rang out... and a bullet found her forehead. ************* The bullet made a clean entry, but within seconds the skin around the wound began to sizzle, widening the hole and revealing first the bone, and then the brain underneath. Within seconds the woman's head had dissolved, and she was soon a smoking heap of goo. Monica ran to Gibson and pulled him away from the gate, hugging him tightly to her as she watched his mother dissolve. Mother Catherine stood near Lita, her gun still pointing toward the gate until she was sure she'd seen the last of the enemy. When she was satisfied, she lowered her gun and returned it to the holster Monica never knew was under her habit. She put her hands on Lita's shoulders and turned the girl toward her for a grandmotherly hug. Mary rushed to the scene with Martha following behind her. "Oh my," Mary said. "Not another one." Together Mary and Martha pulled the gate open, straining against the weight of what was left of Gibson's father. Catherine stroked Lita's hair and spoke over her head, "Go get John. Take him to the infirmary." At these words, Monica let go of Gibson and rushed through the gate, frantically searching the shadows for any sign of her partner. Her lover's instincts located his form amidst the shrubs and cactus, and she ran to him. "John! John!" she shouted, kneeling at his side. "Wake up!" Mary pulled her aside and soothingly said, "We'll take over from here. He'll be fine." Martha put her hand on John's head, her eyes closed, her face tense with concentration. "He'll be fine," she diagnosed. "Go be with Gibson," she ordered. "He needs you more." Monica hesitated but Martha insisted, "GO!" Mary held Monica's shoulders and urged her toward the gate. "She knows what she's doing," Mary assured her. Monica nodded, but continued looking over her shoulder at the crumpled shadow and the white-clad woman tending to him. The image of an angel, its white wings tucked behind its back, briefly replaced Martha in Monica's minds-eye, and she felt a sense of peace. Yes, she decided. John was in good hands. She found Gibson on the stone bench, hunched over, seemingly studying his hands. "Gibson?" Monica said soothingly as she sat next to him. "Want to talk about it?" She rested her hand lightly on his shoulder, and he took that as his cue to turn toward her. He threw his arms around her waist and buried his head on her shoulder. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around him and bent her head toward his. She rocked him side to side and cooed softly, saying "It's okay. Everything will be okay." Her eyes closed, she focused her mind on peace and security, hoping Gibson would sense it too. After a few minutes, Gibson sighed and pulled away from her. "They were my parents," he said, a catch in his voice. "I know," Monica answered, massaging the back of his neck gently. "And you loved them." He nodded, then sighed, then smiled and looked toward the gate. Monica looked too, and in a moment saw John walking through it, supported by Martha. She rushed to him and supported him from the other side. "John," she breathed. "Are you okay?" John nodded, his eyes half open. "I'm getting there," he growled. Monica continued helping him until they reached the small infirmary. "I'll take over from here," Martha said, shutting the door behind them. Monica turned to see Gibson a few steps behind her. "He'll be fine," she assured him. He nodded to reassure her. They both knew that neither was convinced. Monica forced herself to smile and said, "Now, let's get you cleaned up." She looked down at his shirt and pants, which were smeared with his father's remains. Gibson nodded, and they walked hand-in-hand toward the cottage. While Gibson showered, Monica tried to meditate, but her thoughts returned time and again to Gibson and his parents. Had they been his natural parents? How long had they been supersoldiers? Did Gibson know what they were? And what about his foster parents? Why didn't he feel safe with them? Were they supersoldiers too? And what about Lita's parents? She started her breathing routine again, but instead of a controlled exhale she sighed heavily. And what about John? Was his proposal really about Gibson? He seemed to enjoy having the boy around. Was he just trying to live out his fantasy of what bringing up Luke would have been like? She inhaled again and forced herself to breathe correctly, then did it again. She had to talk to them both, she decided, and on her third breath she found her center. As she descended into her meditative state she lost track of time and space, going deeper into a peaceful place of her own creation, going home... And as her conscious and subconscious merged silently into a deep, almost under-water weightlessness, a sudden thought floated to the surface. 'And what about me?' the thought intruded loudly. 'What do *I* want?' She opened her eyes with a start, and that instant John flung open the door and stood unsteadily before her. CHAPTER 21 "John!" she sighed, watching as he grinned and limped toward her. "Are you okay?" she asked solicitously, patting the seat next to her. "Want to sit down?" He grinned more broadly. "Remember that cactus?" "Actually, I'd forgotten," she smiled. "How is your..." "I'll live," he cut her off. "Their little infirmary is quite a sight. They have everything imaginable there." He leaned over the back of the sofa and bent to kiss her upturned face before announcing, "I think I need a nap," and limping toward their bedroom. He flopped belly-down onto the bed and groaned. Just as he closed his eyes he felt the bed bounce. "What?" he cried out, keeping his eyes closed and hugging his pillow. Monica gently touched the wound she saw at the back of his head, making him flinch. "Do you have a concussion?" she asked. Her hand migrated from the back of his head to the small of his back and traced gentle circles over the muscles. "I don't think so," John's muffled voice answered from the comfort of the pillow. "Because if you do," she continued. "You shouldn't fall asleep. You should stay awake." "Aw Mon..." he moaned, turning his head to look into her face. "Not now... Everything hurts..." Her hand continued its gentle massage as she lay down to face him. "I wasn't thinking of that," she smiled. "What about our appointment with Tomas?" He groaned and buried his face in the pillow. "John," she crooned. "We don't know how much time we have here. We should make the most of it." His head raised up off the pillow and he pushed up with his hands. "You're right," he said, then turned to his side, carefully keeping his cactus wounds safe. "There's a leak somewhere, and the more we know... I mean, how many of these kids are there? Gibson, Lita, maybe William?" Monica's face grew somber at the mention of the infant given up by Scully. "And how did they find him? Where was the leak? Was it someone here? Someone in the communication chain? Child Protective Services?" "Exactly," John agreed, gingerly rising from the bed. He held out his hand to help her up. "We need to find out what happened. If they could find him here..." "I know," Monica finished, standing at his side. They walked slowly into the living room to find Gibson standing thoughtfully at the fireplace. "Gibson?" Monica said with more tenderness than John had heard before. She walked to the boy and put a hand on his shoulder. "Are you ready for your meeting with Martha?" The boy nodded solemnly then suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist. She rubbed his back as John looked on in amazement, and asked in a low, soothing voice, "Are you afraid that someone else will come for you now?" Gibson nodded and squeezed tighter. Monica continued rubbing his back and rocking him gently until she felt his arms relax. After a final hug she pulled away from him. "The next time it happens, we'll be prepared," she assured him. "You'll be able to defend yourself." "After we finish with Tomas and Martha, the three of us should have a talk, okay?" John added. "I want to know more about your parents." "I want some of Catherine's bullets," he announced. John smiled and approached him slowly. Putting his hand on the boy's shoulder, he said, "Me too. We could all use some of her courage, too." "Tonight has taught us that we have to be prepared," Monica said, rubbing Gibson's other shoulder. "There's more to it than magic bullets." "I know," Gibson said, looking into Monica's face then John's. "I haven't changed my mind. I'll do whatever it takes." ******************* On the way to the front gate John and Monica filled each other in on their parts in the nights' events, and when they arrived at the gate they found there was no trace of the two supersoldiers or their SUV. Monica sighed heavily and looked up at the stars. "They're out there," she said thoughtfully. "Ten light-years away? Or maybe closer but just waiting for the right moment?" John squeezed her hand. "They've got one helluva fight ahead of them if they want to invade this planet," he reassured her. He watched her face, reading her desire to believe him and her fear that he may be wrong, sensing her emotions with an accuracy that been honed for many years. "I mean, Monica..." he added brightly. "If little old ladies are blowing holes in peoples' heads..." Monica smiled and returned John's squeeze. "You're right. But what if..." John grabbed her face in his hands and looked into her eyes. "No what if's. We're going to beat them. Whatever it takes." He took a deep breath as she nodded. "And even *if* we don't, we'll go down fighting." He kissed her lips then added, "Together." Lights flashed through the bars of the gate, making the pair step back cautiously, their hands shielding their eyes. When they heard Tomas at the gate ask, "Are you ready?" they exhaled together, then followed Tomas to his SUV. Both were trying to peek at the back of his neck, but the crucial vertebrae were concealed by his white collar. They sat in the rear seat, hoping for another opportunity as Tomas turned the ignition, when they saw Mother Catherine come charging out of the gate. "How did this happen?" she yelled to the Tomas. "Did you do this? Was it you?" She shook a fist as she neared the SUV. Tomas' face paled. He turned the keys in the ignition to "off" and rolled down his window. "No, it wasn't me, I swear!" he yelled plaintively. "I.. I don't know what happened!" The elderly woman grabbed him by the front of his vestment and pulled him partway through his window. She bent his head forward forcefully with her elbow, then grabbed his collar and pulled it away from his neck. She felt his neck then, satisfied, she threw him back into the vehicle. "Well at least you're not one of them," she hmphed. "And you don't have any idea?" she quizzed him. She sighed and looked into the back seat. "Okay," she decided. "You can continue working with them... but I want them *here,* understand?" As if there was no question of his obedience she opened the gate further. She led them to the cottage, filling Tomas in on the events of the evening as they walked. At the door she pulled a small bottle from an inner pocket and handed it to Monica. "Here," she ordered. "It's good for cactus wounds." John blushed and opened the door, turning his back on Catherine as she finished her instructions to Monica. He found a comfortable position on the sofa and sat waiting for the others to join him. Tomas entered first, taking the rocker by the fireplace. He and John smiled awkwardly at each other as they waited, but John felt no invasion of his mental space. He was relieved, considering his mind was mostly on the pain. When Monica still hadn't entered, John felt he had to break the silence. "So... How about them Lakers?" he said with forced casualness. Tomas leaned forward. "What do you really want to ask me, Mr. Doggett?" "You're going to make me say it?" he said with surprise. "That's what you want, isn't it? To have to work up the courage to say what's really..." "Okay, okay," Doggett admitted. He sighed and considered not saying anything more, but Tomas' crack about courage got to him. "I've asked Monica to..." Just then Monica opened the door, cheerily striding into the bedroom with her salves, bandages and another packet John didn't recognize. Tomas leaned further forward and whispered, "Yes, I'd be happy to do that for you." He leaned back and started rocking the chair nonchalantly while John smiled at him. "Sometimes it's best this way, don't you think?" Tomas asked, his smugness not erasing John's relief at not having to speak. When Monica returned she sat at the opposite end of the sofa and smiled serenely at John. He looked puzzled but resolved to continue their instructions and ask her later. Tomas took a lighter from his pocket and lit the candles around the room, then turned out the electric lights. "Today we'll start where we left off last time," he said in a soft, gentle voice. "Monica, we'll repeat the exercise with a visual image from me, then I want to try having you hold a word in your mind. Then I'd like John to try holding that word and allowing me to hear it. Okay?" They both nodded, Monica enthusiastically crossing her legs and assuming her meditative pose, John awkwardly shifting his legs and eyeing Tomas skeptically. "Let's get this over with," Doggett grumbled. Despite his skepticism, John easily found the mental image in Monica's mind: a red rose, the same color as the ones in the courtyard. He smiled in spite of himself, and Tomas got the message. "Okay," Tomas said. "Let's try a more difficult image." Tomas stared into Monica's eyes, then she turned and fixed her eyes on John's. Tomas could see that John was having trouble. "Close your eyes. Both of you," he ordered in a gentle yet commanding voice. "Focus only on thoughts. Not on what you see." John shifted painfully then sighed, unsure whether this psychic stuff was really going to work. 'Focus,' he heard a voice say in his head. 'You need to be able to do this.' He took a deep breath then put all his energy into Monica's mind. Suddenly the image of the Pentagon popped into his mind. "The Pentagon?" he said, like a child guessing on a math question. Monica and Tomas beamed at him. "I think he's getting the hang of this!" Monica exclaimed. John smirked, remembering a time not so long ago when she'd said almost those same words, when she'd taken that first important step forward in their relationship and he responded in kind. It seemed so long ago, but it was only a few months. "Now, John," Tomas instructed. "Place an image in your mind. Try to hold it, and let Monica see it. I promise I won't peek. And Monica, tell us what you see the second you see it." Tomas watched as John struggled to train his mind on an image, and Monica struggled to keep her mind blank and receptive. Suddenly Monica grinned broadly. "I think I saw it," she announced. "Good!" John grinned impishly. He pulled something from his pocket and held it in his outstretched hand for her to see. "Did it look something like this." Monica gasped. It was a diamond engagement ring. "Yes," she sighed, taking it. "And... yes," she added, leaning forward to kiss him. ************************ CHAPTER 22 When their session was over, Tomas said, "I can marry you in the Church. I *am* a real priest, you know." Doggett and Reyes grinned at each other, revealing equal amounts of joy, excitement, and anxiety. "But you wouldn't be *legally* married without a license, and under the circumstances..." "No, you're right," Reyes sighed. "But a church wedding... I'm not religious, well not in the way you think of it." "Neither am I," Doggett volunteered. "Yes, I know," Tomas laughed. "If that bothered us, would you be here?" Chastised, Reyes and Doggett remained silent as Tomas continued more seriously. "After tonight's events, might I suggest sooner rather than later? We have already started preparing for your departure..." "Preparing? How?" Reyes asked, startled. Tomas leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. "We make up something like care packages for the people we help. Things to help you along the road, in case you can't go back home." Doggett's face wrinkled up with worry. "What have you heard?" Tomas sighed. "Your Skinner? He replied with one word: No." The newly engaged couple looked into each others' eyes, communicating all that needed to be said. "So what happens now?" Reyes asked. "We'll give you enough information to find your way to another shelter. But it will be up to you to actually find it. We can't risk another leak. You'll pick your time. You'll pick your place." Tomas started rocking in the rocker, feigning a more relaxed attitude than he felt. "You may decide not to look for others of the Via. It's up to you. We don't want to know." He rocked back and forth a few times as the pair before him sat in silent thought. "It's better that way," he added. They sat in silence for a long moment, then heard a tentative knock on the door. Monica rose to open the door, and found a bashful Gibson. He eyed the diamond on Monica's finger and waited patiently for her to say something. "Yes," Monica answered his silent question. "We've decided to get married." "Congratulations," Gibson said, holding out his hand to shake hers. Monica ignored his polite gesture and reached around his shoulders, hugging him tightly. "Thank you, Gibson," she murmurs. Gibson pulled away and smiled, then turned to John. "Congratulations," he repeated. John waved an acknowledgment and smiled awkwardly. Tomas repeated his own congratulations then excused himself, leaving the little family together in the candlelight. "Did you still want to talk to me?" Gibson asked, a little nervous but steeling himself for the questions. John tried to suppress a grin. "Yes, Gibson. We need to know more about your parents." Gibson's eyes reddened but he stood firm and answered, "Ask me anything. It's okay." Monica put a hand on his shoulder and led him toward the rocker, his favorite seat by now. "You're sure, Gibson," she asked soothingly. "If it's too much..." "He said it's okay," John interrupted testily. "Monica, let him talk. He wants us to know." "He's right. I do," Gibson assured her. "C'mon Mon," John urged. "Sit down over here. Let the boy talk." Gibson winced at the word "boy" but continued looking Monica in the eye. "I'm good," he assured her again. Reluctantly, she returned to the couch, where John was patting the seat next to him. He put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a little squeeze. She responded with a proportionately small smile, then leaned back. "Now, Gibson," John started, his investigative persona coming to the fore. "You were adopted, right? These were your adoptive parents?" "Yes," Gibson replied as he rocked gently, his feet pushing off from the floor. "But they seemed different. Not themselves." Monica nodded. "When you were living with them, did you notice whether they had a bump?" She put her hand to the back of her neck. "Right here? Either of them?" Gibson shook his head. "No, but my foster parents did. Both of them." *************************** John sighed. "I'm so sorry, Gibson," he said sincerely. "I helped set that up." "It's okay," Gibson said bravely. "You couldn't have known. They were very good at fooling people." "But they didn't fool you?" Monica said. "Why?" "I don't know," he said thoughtfully, reflecting back on his short time with them. "They were just ... different. They didn't really think. They were doing all the right things, but there was nothing behind it. Not from within themselves anyway." "They were being controlled by an outside force?" Monica probed, her raised eyebrows showing more curiosity than concern. Gibson somehow felt comforted by this change in her demeanor. "Seemed like it," he concluded. "Like, they would be in the middle of something, then they would suddenly leave the house. As if someone called them, but I couldn't hear anything." John and Monica exchanged glances. "Well, this is something new," John said, sighing. "And you couldn't sense anything different when this happened?" Gibson tried to remember it better, but just shook his head in frustration. "Okay," Monica said, keeping a positive yet inquisitive frame of mind. "Back to your original parents. No bumps on the neck... but did they *seem* different in any way? Were they controlled by an outside force? Did they do anything unusual? Have unusual friends?" He shook his head again. "They were just like other people, but..." Gibson paused, hoping not to have to continue, but both John and Monica looked at him expectantly. "But this man came to visit sometimes. They tried to make me leave the house when he came, but sometimes I could sneak back in." "This man," John questioned, feeling his interrogator's muscles coming back. "What did he look like? Taller than me? Shorter? How old was he?" "He was tall," Gibson said, but then he grinned and added, "But I think everybody is tall." "You're not too old for a growth spurt," Monica said. "And I've been meaning to talk to you about your calcium..." John shot her a glance and she said, "What color was his hair?" "Gray, and his skin was kind of gray too. He smoked. A lot," Gibson said, noting the pair's instant reaction to this detail. "There were always stubs from Moreley's in the ashtray when he'd been there. Monica and John looked at each other significantly. "What?" Gibson asked. "We think we know something about him," Reyes said calmly. "But the last anyone's heard of him he was very ill." "I don't think we have to worry about him," Doggett said thoughtfully, leaning forward and putting his hands on his head and smoothing his hair back. "But he probably wasn't working alone." "There may have been others," Gibson said, rocking faster, his feet slapping against the paving stones. "I can't remember.." he pursed his lips, straining to remember. "It was a long time ago..." "That's okay," Monica said soothingly. "Take your time." John looked at her disapprovingly and she mouthed "What?" He mouthed back "Later," and turned his attention to Gibson. "Think of... think of people in suits. Men in black suits maybe. Or pinstripes..." he urged gently. "They may have had bulges here," he patted his side. "Where they would have had their guns." Gibson shook his head. "Sorry. That one man is all I remember." "It's okay," Monica cooed. "As you remember more things be sure to tell us. We knew that one man, we may know others." "If you don't mind," Gibson said, standing and walking to his room. "I'm tired." He opened the door slowly, turning around to check their expressions. "Goodnight," he said. "Well," John said heavily. "That's our signal. He eyed her mischievously and pushed himself up from the sofa. "Oww!" he groaned. "I'm too old for this sh--" Monica grabbed his arm and helped him right himself. "Nobody feels good after being thrown into a wall," she clucked. "You're not old." She grabbed him around the waist and added, "You're certainly not too old for me." He grinned and kissed her, softly, tenderly. Not the kiss of an old man, she thought. They worked their way toward the bedroom slowly, each step separated by several kisses, until Monica grabbed John by the shoulders and started pushing him onto the bed. He fell backward onto the mattress and yelped. "I have something for that," Monica grinned, pulling at his pants. He cooperated, pushing his jeans down, and when she reached for his underwear he groaned. "Awww," she sighed. "I bet that hurts." "Hmm mmm," he answered, his voice muffled by his pillow. "And I bet you could use a massage, too," she said softly, moving her hands up under his shirt. She reached for one of the vials Catherine had given her, and opened it. A pungent yet oddly sweet aroma wafted out, making her grimace. "I have something for the muscle aches... And something else for this," she said, poking one of his puncture wounds. "Ow!" he shouted. "Just testing," she said, reaching for the other bottle. "We'll start here..." She poured a little of the white fluid onto each cactus wound then gently rubbed it in. "That's okay?" she asked tentatively. He responded with a satisfied moan, and she continued until they were all treated. "And now for the fun part," she said, grabbing the other vial. She poured some of the pungent oil into the palm of one hand and rubbed her hands together. Starting with his neck, she massaged, him, replenishing the oil frequently, until she felt his muscles loosening. "What was it you were going to tell me later?" she asked, still massaging his back. "About Gibson?" "Mon, don't take this the wrong way, but there's something you gotta know about teenage boys." John paused as he chose his words. "I know you're not his mother, but you're the closest thing right now. And, well..." He could sense her steeling herself against hurt feelings, but he felt it needed to be said. "He seems to like you. And that's good. Just don't..." he took a deep breath and finished. "Don't hug him in front of people. You're babying him. Let him have some dignity. Awright?" Monica's lips clenched as she nodded. "Okay. Anything else?" She skipped to his thighs, massaging them with the same oil "No," he smiled reassuringly. "You've been doing a great job." He sighed as she switched thighs. "You're a natural." "Thanks," she sighed. "I got to know a lot of traumatized kids when I worked the Crimes Against Children Division in New York, but not many were teenaged boys. You'll tell me if I mess up again?" He rolled over and smiled up at her. "By that time he'll feel comfortable telling you himself," he said reassuringly. "He's already opened up to you a lot. You're good for him." Monica blushed. "So are you. This isn't making you think of Luke?" She started massaging his shoulders from the front, her hair hanging down and swaying as she moved. "No," he said, watching her hair. "He's his own person. He's not a replacement for Luke, if that's what you mean." He turned his eyes toward hers and she looked down on him. "Yes, that's what I meant," she sighed, moving her hands downward. "And I'm glad to hear it. He deserves that much." A comforting silence came between them as she worked lower. "Thank you, I feel much better," he said huskily, grabbing her hands, then running his own up the length of her arms. He pulled her down and toward him until she was on top of him. Smiling, he whispered, "I think I'm ready for that make-up sex now." "Oh you are?" she smiled coyly and rolled onto her back beside him. He rolled with her and assumed a push-up position over her. "That back rub was supposed to be relaxing!" she laughed. "It was," he said, bending to kiss her cheek, then whispering into her ear, "I'm *all* relaxed except the one place you didn't massage." "Maybe I should massage it, then?" "Gotta be thorough," he said softly, nuzzling her neck. Monica reached between them, her hands sending involuntary spasms through his body as they made their way downward. When they reached their goal he gasped and buried his face in her hair. "Monica..." he growled. "You're so good to me..." He gasped again when she reached still further, gently kneading him as he began to move against her. "I can see you have a problem there," she laughed lightly. She pushed him onto his back, watching his eyes, their lids half-open, his glazed pupils fixed deliriously on hers. She grinned, mirroring his own expectant grin, then buried her face in his neck and started a slow trail of kisses downward, over his chest, his abs, and finally... They were soon making love, and as John felt her body writhing he also *felt* her feelings, her ecstasy, and she in turn sensed his impending release. She whispered, "John, I feel your..." then suddenly threw back her head and squealed from the back of her throat as her body shuddered underneath him. Her orgasm reached deep into his soul, moving to the pit of his stomach then pushing onward to his own ultimate release, linking their bodies in inexorable spiritual union. John collapsed on top of her, then rolled to her side, keeping an arm over her waist. "How did you do that?" John asked, when his breathing approached normal. "Do what?" Monica asked, pushing sweat-dampened strands of hair behind her ear. "I felt you," he sighed. "I felt what you were feeling." She stroked his cheek and smiled knowingly. "You were open to me," she answered. "And I felt you too." After edging closer to her, he shook his head and said in amazement, "That just shouldn't be possible. Any of what happened..." "I know," she pulled him still closer. "But why question it?" She wrapped her arms around him, kissing him tentatively then pulling back. "I want my husband to know what I feel." A gleeful grin crossed his face. "And the future Mrs. Doggett.... I love the feel of her mind inside mine." He kissed her tenderly then whispered into her ear, "That part of her mind anyway." "They do say the mind is the most important sex organ," she teased. "Maybe we should just think about it..." "Oh no...." he mockingly chided. "Tell me what I think of that idea...." And as he held the image in his mind of their bodies writhing, a smile spread over her face. With the tip of his fingers he traced the line of her jaw, stopping at her chin, then he gently ran his thumb over her smiling lips. She captured his thumb and sucked on it seductively, her liquid eyes fixed on him. "I think you know, but I hafta tellya, Mon..." he whispered huskily. "Making love to you is incredible... and it keeps getting better and better." He pulled his thumb from her mouth and kissed her tenderly, keeping his mouth on hers as he slid on top of her and sought entrance to her soul once again. Monica reached her arms around John's neck, then ran her hands through his hair as he started thrusting in slow, sensuous motions that made her whimper. He pulled her legs up, hooking them over his shoulders, and her delighted squeals spurred him to more rigorous pounding below. Just when she thought she couldn't take any more, John paused, and Monica could feel what he wanted to do. "Yes," she whispered, then pulled away from him and got on all fours. Without speaking, they resumed their animalistic dance, each sensing the other's pleasure until their spirits poured out in mutual ecstasy. Later, they lay next to each other, basking in shared comfort and trust, silent except for their breathing. John broke the silence first, saying, "I sure hope Gibson didn't overhear that. If he knew what it was like to link minds that way..." "I'm sure he knows," Monica said nonchalantly, wrapping an arm around his waist. "But we don't have to worry about him and Lita. They're not ready." John brought a hand to her hair and cradled her head. "You're good for all of us. Lita included," he said, kissing her cheek lightly. "You're a good person, Monica." "Good has nothing to do with it," she protested. "I love you, and I love them. How could I do otherwise?" Before he could answer, she turned around, letting him spoon behind her. He leaned forward to whisper into her ear, "That's what I mean." CHAPTER 23 The next morning the future Mrs. Doggett awoke to find herself alone in bed. "John?" she called out, expecting to hear his voice from the bathroom. When she heard nothing, she threw on her bathrobe and grabbed her gun from the night stand. The living room and Gibson's room were both empty, so she opened the front door and peered around the doorjamb. The complex was quiet, and as she scanned the horizon she heard the unmistakable crack of a gun being fired. She cocked her gun and ran toward the ravine, the only direction not blocked by buildings or adobe walls. She heard another gunshot as she approached the garage. John's garage, she couldn't help thinking. She crept alongside the long wall, staying in the shadow cast by the bright morning sun, and when she neared the corner, her gun drawn in front of her, she heard another shot. "That was much better!" she heard John's enthusiastic voice cry out. Monica lowered her gun and tiptoed to the front of the garage. She saw John standing a few steps behind Gibson, sighting over the boy's shoulder as Gibson raised a gun and pointed it toward a line of tin cans atop a wall near the ravine. "Now, this time, try not to let the recoil..." John started, but turned around to follow Gibson's eyes. "Monica!" he jogged toward her, smiling broadly. "What're you doing up so early?" She put the safety on her gun and dropped it into her pocket, making a point of letting Doggett see that she'd been concerned. "I woke up and you weren't there," she said accusingly. "Then I heard shots..." "I'm sorry. I should have left a note," Doggett said contritely, holding her by the shoulders and kissing her gently on the lips. "You were sleeping so peacefully..." "It's my fault," Gibson said. "I wanted to get an early start." "Well," she said a little reluctantly. "I'm just glad you're okay." Gibson and John exchanged guilty glances, and Monica instinctively pulled her bathrobe tighter. After an awkward silence, she forced a smile and said, "So how many tin cans have you killed?" "Four!" Gibson answered excitedly. "The second one almost didn't fall, but I nicked it and it twirled, then..." Monica smiled as Gibson recounted each of his successes, and John looked on proudly. When he'd finished, Monica said, "So let me see you knock another one down." Gibson flashed an anxious glance at John, who led him to his mark and calmly whispered, "You know you can do it. Just remember what I told you." John patted Gibson on the shoulder then backed away and stood next to Monica. Gibson took aim, sighted his target, and shot the center can squarely in the middle. Monica applauded enthusiastically and shouted, "Yay! You did it!" She rushed toward him and grabbed him from behind, her arms around his shoulders as she pulled him into a hug. "That was great, Gibson!" she said. John watched, admiring both Gibson's shot and Monica's reaction. As Monica loosed her hold on Gibson, he turned to look at her, a broad smile across his usually sullen face. Then, as if in slow motion, John saw Gibson lower the gun, its barrel pointed toward Monica's leg, and he remembered in horror that he hadn't given Gibson the safety lesson Monica would have wanted. He knew what would happen next, and as he rushed forward, shouting "Gibson...," the gun went off, and Monica crumpled to the ground. Monica's arm wrapped around her hurt leg as she rolled back and forth, moaning. Gibson bent forward, looking at the blood soaking the ground, then to Monica's face. His own face crumpled in sympathetic anguish, then panic as John rushed forward to be with Monica. "I'm sorry," Gibson said lamely to John. John jerked his head upward and glared at Gibson, but John said nothing, and turned his attention back to Monica. He pulled her robe away from her leg, then used it to wipe away the blood. "You'll live," he said to Monica. "But that's gotta hurt." She nodded tearfully, mustering her strength. "Help me up," she said, and John couldn't help feeling a thrill at her implicit trust in him. Yes, he realized, he would always be there for her if he could help it. He stood up, then reached for her hands and pulled her up by stages, until she could stand on her good leg with his support. "Let's get you to the infirmary," he said, smiling with patient concern. "Gibson... take the other side..." They looked around, and saw Gibson in the distance, running toward the ravine. John brought his crippled partner to the infirmary, where they found Martha and Mary preparing for their arrival. "We can take over here," Martha said officiously as she led Monica toward a bed. "Go find Gibson!" Martha commanded. Monica looked over her shoulder, urging him to obey Martha. Reluctantly, John left, guided by Mary's hand on his arm. Monica winced as Martha cleaned the wound and applied some of her antibacterial ointment. Monica recognized the pungent smell and asked, "Is that good for everything?" "Puncture wounds," Martha said curtly. "They get infected if you're not careful." She made a final wrap on the bandage then clasped it. "We'll take another look just before dinner, but I think it'll be fine. I've seen worse." Martha rose to toss her gloves in the trash. "You've seen worse?" Monica repeated. "How many gunshot wounds have you seen?" Martha and Mary exchanged nervous glances before Martha answered, "Things happen in the desert. And considering the danger our guests are in..." John ran to the edge of the ravine and called out Gibson's name. He ran down the wooden stairway, searching the ground below for footprints but finding none. When he reached the bottom he heard faint sounds that could have been human, could have been something else. Relieved to hear the sound was not coming from the magnetite factory, he followed it until he came to a small cave, obviously carved by human hands, its lower walls jutting out to form parallel benches. Gibson sat at one side, his head in his hands, sobbing and gasping for breath. John put a hand on the boy's shoulder, startling him. "Gibson," John said kindly. "It wasn't your fault." Gibson pulled away from John's hand and put his face close to the cave wall. "Go away," he pleaded. "I mean it," John said to Gibson's shaking shoulders. "It was my fault. I didn't teach you..." "You don't understand," Gibson sobbed. "Just go away!" "Then what?" John asked, pulling on Gibson's shoulders and turning him around. "What don't I understand?" Gibson wiped his nose on the top of his sleeve then removed his glasses and used the top of his T-shirt to dry his eyes. "I'm okay," he said unconvincingly as he replaced his glasses. "You don't have to worry about me." "I don't have to but I do," John sighed. "I'm responsible for what happened. It's my fault Monica got hurt, and it's my fault you're upset." He studied Gibson's face, the puffy eyes and reddened skin belying the boy's claim. "It's understandable. You were holding the gun. But I forgot to teach you about the safety. And Monica knows better than to..." "You don't get it!" Gibson yelled. He stood and moved into the protection of the shaded side of the cave. "Okay, yes," he admitted more quietly. "I feel bad that I hurt Monica. I wish it hadn't happened. But that's not why I came here." He sat on the carved bench and put his head in his hands. "Why do I bother? You'll never understand," he sighed. "Try me," John challenged, sitting down opposite the boy, his legs spread wide apart, supporting his elbows. He clasped his hands and thrust his head forward in a listening posture. "I'm all ears, you may have noticed." Gibson laughed. "I bet you hear everything." "I found you, didn't I?" John smiled. "So if this isn't about Monica, what is it about?" "It's about Monica," Gibson sighed shakily. "It's about the way she felt. And about the way you felt... and feel." He sighed again and wiped a tear from one eye. "It's too much." "Too much?" John took a moment to absorb Gibson's meaning, then said, "Our feelings were too intense?" In the shadows, Gibson nodded, then pushed his back against the cave wall. "She was in so much pain..." Gibson strained to say. "It really hurt..." "Yes, it did," John admitted. "And me? Why were my feelings so upsetting to you?" "You were so scared... you were afraid for her," Gibson tried to control his feelings by remembering it objectively. "You were afraid how badly she was hurt, and you were feeling, well.... bad!" He broke off as the memory became too vivid for him. "Yes, I felt bad," John concurred. "I still do. But you must be used to sensing this kind of feeling. You've never experienced this before?" he asked, genuinely puzzled. "No," Gibson said, crossing his arms. "And I don't like it!" "Bad things happen, it's just part of life," John said, as much to himself as to Gibson. "And people feel badly about them, but they get over it." Gibson sighed. "You still don't get it," he declared. "You just don't get it." "Maybe I'm a little dense, Gibson," John said patiently. "Why don't you spell it out for me?" "I've been aware of other peoples' feelings all my life," Gibson asserted. "But this is the first time I really CARED." Gibson and John sighed simultaneously, and Gibson continued, "I don't like it." "Ahhh," John said after a moment of reflection. "So you weren't really running from our feelings, you were running from your own." It was a statement, not a question, yet it was also a challenge. "And coming here? Did it help?" he asked. Gibson glared at his surrogate father. "What do you know? You don't know anything about it," he said as he stormed toward the cave's interior. "I do know, Gibson," John shouted after him. "And you know I do. That's why you're running away from me, too." His words made Gibson pause, and John continued, "When you love someone you don't have to have special powers to feel their pain. It's part of the price you pay. It's part of being normal." He could barely make out Gibson's form as the boy turned and walked toward him. Lowering his voice, he added, "And you can't block one without blocking the other. You have to accept both." "You haven't always done that," Gibson said accusingly, standing in front of the older man. "How do you do it now?" John stood and put an arm around Gibson's shoulder, leading him toward the mouth of the cave. "It took time," he admitted. "But Monica helped. She can help you, too." He patted the boy on the back then took his hand away. "Now, let's check on her." John took a few steps into the ravine, but Gibson stayed behind. "This way's faster," he said, motioning toward the cave.