Krycek screeched as the hooks pulled at his flesh, widening the holes in his flesh. He sucked in breath and put on his best 'AD Skinner' growl. "I'd like to say you were going to miss me when I'm gone, but I'm never going to leave you, Boy. I'm going to be with you every hour of every day. Every pair of green eyes you see for the rest of your life will remind you of me. Every mop of hair, every up-turned nose, every elfin ear, on every man, woman, or child you ever meet from here to fucking eternity! *That's* control, Boy! And I've got it, not you. Because you can't stop thinking about me. I-- aughh!" Alex screamed as Kapustcha thrust the blade into his rectum. Blood gushed from the four cuts. Kapustcha stepped under the bloody stream face first and rubbed it over his body as if it were a refreshing cascade of hot water. "*This* is control, Whore! This is *your* life pouring over me, giving up your strength to me. You have no power over me. *I* have the power, here!" ### Outside, Skinner and Mulder crept closer to the main door of the warehouse, the one that lead out to the fenced, outdoor, storage area. They had the compound surrounded. They had parked their cars a half mile down the road, coming in silent, no lights, no sirens, so as not to alert Kapustcha to their arrival with the noise of their preparations. They had gathered around the tailgate of one of the trucks and made their final plans. Commander Nelson sent his snipers in first, to find vantage points. Inspector Graham ordered a host of uniformed officers to cordon off the perimeter and make sure there were no civilians in the line of fire. A team of paramedics was standing by, drinking coffee from a thermos while Stanley pin-pointed Krycek's position through the use of blue prints and the homing signal. Skinner led the F.B.I. contingent and Lloyd in, on foot, across the weedy sandlot that surrounded the salvage yard. Nelson and his men marched in to the right of them. Once they reached the front gate, Skinner and his people went left, into the salvage yard proper, heading for the warehouse door that opened onto the yard, while Nelson and his men went right to cover the main office entrance. They each sent a group of men on to the back entrance, by the sea gate, to completely surround the building in case there were other, clandestine access ways of which they were ignorant. In the meantime, the coastguard sent a pair of cutters in to block an escape to sea. Their men would storm the sea gate and take possession of the stolen boat once the enemy was engaged. Skinner stepped quietly towards the sheet metal door. He tried the handle. Locked. He pressed his left ear to the metal and strained, he could hear loud voices inside, but no clear words. It could be a TV for all he could tell. He straightened and chewed his lip. They couldn't be sure where their quarry was, but he told himself he didn't care. Freeing Krycek was his primary consideration. That's why he was here, at the yard door, rather than coming in through the connecting door in the office. Stanley had assured him that this approach would get him to 'Val' the fastest. Skinner set his back to the warehouse wall and pressed his hand to the ear-piece in his right ear, which connected him to Commander Nelson. The plan was to wait until all their men were in position before storming the facility, the better to close any gaps that might allow the suspect to escape. All he could do now was wait and wonder. Was Krycek still alive? Was Kapustcha inside? Would he have a clean shot? What would happen if he couldn't kill the son of a bitch? Would he risk his career to make sure the bastard never walked out of here alive? Skinner sighed, ambivalent. He wanted Kapustcha to be with Krycek, because then they'd know where the bastard was, he'd have a good excuse to kill the bastard, there wouldn't be a mad scramble to locate him before he could slip away or lawyer up, there wouldn't be any surprises. But he *didn't* want Kapustcha to be with Krycek because the only reason they would be together is so Kapustcha could torture Krycek, and every minute they spent together meant one less minute Krycek might have to live. Skinner glanced over as Mulder took a position directly to his left. Scully, Graham, and Wong were ambling stealthily toward their location, the last of his team to come into the salvage yard. Scully had one hand on her weapon, the other on her doctor's bag. There might be paramedics standing by, but they weren't doctors, and they couldn't administer drugs without a doctor's orders. Add the medical bag to the high heels that, though sensible, were not the ideal choice of footwear for the sandy/muddy ground surrounding the salvage yard, and it was no wonder Scully had preferred to bring up the rear. Skinner supposed it was host courtesy which prompted the two San Franciscans to hang back with her. Then a screech that shook the sheet metal door sounded from inside. Skinner went cold. //Alex!// That sick fuck was killing Alex! He knew it with preternatural certainty. Without a word of warning, Walter whipped into a roundhouse kick that slammed the sheet metal door clean off its hinges. Mulder jerked in surprise but followed Skinner through the opening, Sig Sauer ram rod straight in his out-stretched arms, like a dowsing rod faithfully tracking the movements of his eyes. Skinner took a step inside and froze, stunned by the eerie tableau illuminated by the light cast from the broken door. Mulder, still to Skinner's left, squeezed his own eyes down to slits as if to fend off the horror of the macabre sight and grimaced. Krycek was suspended from the ceiling, his only clothing an emerald green garter belt with matching fishnet hose, a pair of red stiletto heels, and a vicious looking cock ring. He was wearing a Farrah-Fawcetty type wig, and from the distance between them, a good twenty feet, his make-up, as his body swung on the wires holding him, was immaculate. As was his ass. His beautiful, full moon of an ass. It shone in the light from the doorway like the celestial sphere, a luminous beacon of silver in the gloom of the cavernous warehouse. Walter felt like a deer caught in the enchanting light of that pristine moon. Mulder, unaffected, dutifully drew a bead on Kapustcha and yelled: "F.B.I.! You're under arrest!" at the top of his lungs. Krycek's body spun on its threads of wire, eclipsing the mesmerizing globes of flesh, and allowing him to sight his rescuers. He favored them with a million watt smile. "Skinner!" Then he snorted, "Figures!" as if damning his luck, threw back his head, and laughed hysterically till the pain in his distended breasts made him choke. Then he gasped. "Oh, shit!" His lips twisted, his teeth barred, and he snarled. "Kill him! Kill him! Kill the son of a bitch!" The shouting broke Skinner out of the trance that had enthralled him. He took another step forward, raised his weapon, and set his mouth into a steely line, even as Kapustcha, at first annoyed at their intrusion, laughed at Mulder's declaration. Kapustcha raised his hands over his head, one to either side of Krycek's slowly swinging body, while Krycek's blood continued to pulse onto him through the handle of the knife. Mulder glanced over at Skinner. His boss had his weapon trained on Kapustcha. Satisfied that he was covered, Mulder stowed his weapon and reached for his handcuffs. Skinner noted Mulder's movement and gulped in a steeling breath, then, before Mulder could spoil his shot by stepping into the line of fire in order to secure the 'prisoner,' he pulled the trigger. The bullet caught Kapustcha neatly in the forehead. Kapustcha rocked back, as if shocked at Skinner's effrontery. He looked surprised, then dismayed, then he fell dead at Krycek's feet. Mulder jumped back as if Skinner had been aiming at him and missed, his face a mask of surprise. "What the fuck?!" he yelped. "What'd you do that for?" SWAT Commander Nelson buzzed in Skinner's earpiece like an angry hornet, both demanding to know what was happening and urging his men inside at top speed to deal with whatever situation awaited them. Skinner didn't answer. Keeping his weapon trained on Kapustcha, he strode over to make sure the fiend wasn't playing possum, then he holstered his weapon and stared up at Krycek, afraid to touch him for fear of causing him even more injury. "You OK?" he immediately winced at the stupidity of his own question. "I'd have felt a lot better if you'd gotten here an hour ago," Krycek snorted derisively. "Sorry," Skinner said. "That's gratitude for you," Mulder said sharply. "You're still alive. You shouldn't complain." "Right.... Tell me again once I'm off these hooks," Krycek retorted. Skinner looked around, looking for a way to lower Krycek. He didn't see any. He looked at Mulder, who had backed off to fill their comrades in on the situation. "Mulder? A little help, here?" Mulder sighed noisily but, at Skinner's directive, he wrapped up his report to Nelson and started scanning the rafters for the lines that held Krycek up. Somewhere, presumably attached to one of them, was a control box. Lloyd, Scully, and Wong trotted inside, then, as, all around the building, police flooded through the sea doors and the connecting office door, raiding the warehouse, the boathouse, and the stolen cabin cruiser. The tardy trio, overhearing Skinner's shout for aid, immediately began casting about for likely control devices. Scully found the first control box, and, after a triumphant: "Got it!" hit a button, expecting to lower Krycek down. It did, about one foot, then, as Kapustcha had promised, the secondary cable caught him and his weight shifted from his breasts to his arms. Krycek yelped in agonized relief, then told them about the second winch. Lloyd found those controls and, coordinating with Scully, they unspooled the cables in unison. As Krycek's feet touched the floor, he started to crumple, unable to hold his own weight, so Skinner stepped forward and looped his arms around him to hold him up till there was enough slack to lower him all the way to the floor. At that point, Skinner laid the spy onto his left, and least abused side, and crouched beside him to assess his injuries. Up close, Krycek's make-up looked like a perfect mask fastened over an all too imperfect body. Everywhere one looked blood, scabs, and bruises gave testament to the abuse Krycek had suffered. The entire right side of his torso, from shoulders to hips, was a deep purple clot of subcutaneous blood. Skinner clucked at the purple splotches and the profusion of red welts and scabs that covered Krycek from neck to knees. His goose-egg sized balls made every man in the room wince, while his penis, which had swollen up between the gaps of the five steel rings constricting its length like yeasty bread, made their own members shrivel in sympathy. "How *did* you find me?" Krycek asked as Skinner unthreaded the hooks from his breasts, then set about sawing through the plastic cords binding him to the rebar. "Mulder," Skinner said shortly. "He had Scully put a third homing device in your arm. The transmitter was in the tip of the hypodermic needle. She implanted it when she gave you one of your shots, then gave you a time-released local anesthetic to disguise the discomfort." "Then what the fuck took you so long?!" Krycek demanded, flushing with sudden ire. "Well, the transmitter was so tiny it only had a range of a quarter of a mile, and we'd already scanned this area before you got here, because of your side trip to Oakland, so it wasn't until Mulder heard about the O'Malley's stolen boat that he put two and two together and we rechecked these coordinates and picked up your signal." "I thought I was dead!!" Krycek closed his eyes to hide the relieved tears threatening to spill onto his immaculately made-up face. Wouldn't do to run his mascara, he thought sarcastically, although, of course, Kapustcha used water-proof make-up. He felt the surge of adrenaline that had flooded him when Kapustcha had knifed him, which had then repeaked at Skinner's entrance, and again with his anger at Mulder, fading, leaving him jittery and exhausted and weak from blood loss and too many enemas, and the hollowness of despair that still clutched his guts despite his eleventh hour rescue. "Should have been dead," had he been more resourceful and kept his head, he bleakly realized. He couldn't find it in him to congratulate himself for panicking like a tyro, even if doing so had inadvertently saved his life. Then again, he speculated, he still had a chance to pull defeat from the jaws of victory. He might be breathing, but he was still bleeding. Enough of the red stuff had pooled on the cold concrete around his legs to chill his skin. Suddenly, the entire situation irked him. "Fuck the restraints, Skinner, get this fucking thing out of my ass!" he growled. Skinner reached his hand down to oblige when Scully yelled: "No!" Then, in her best 'do not even dare to disobey me' Doctor voice, she added: "Leave it!" And, to make sure she was obeyed, she crouched at Krycek's other side and batted Skinner's hand away. "Right now the blades are acting as a kind of barrier to the blood loss. If you pull them out, you'll open up the wounds and he'll bleed freely. I've called the paramedics, they're coming in now and they've made sure that there's an OR prepped for his arrival. It won't be long," she reassured them as she began a cursory examination to assess his others injuries. "Damn!" said Wong as he, too, crouched beside Krycek. He took Alex's hand, comfortingly. "Man, Val, are you ever a sight for sore eyes! I'm so glad you're alive. Don't die on us now that we've rescued your sorry ass, huh?" Krycek smiled up at the Oriental fondly. "Maybe. If you promise to buy me a T-shirt that says: 'I survived the San Francisco Slut Slayer.'" Stanley canted his head. "Well, maybe something similar. I'll silk screen it myself, if I have to." "Jesus fucking Christ!" Lloyd exclaimed as he toed the body on the floor behind them. "What the hell happened, Skinner? Why didn't you wait for the signal?" Skinner looked pointedly at Mulder, reading his posture. He was hanging back, stiff and angry, but not righteously so, more baffled than anything else. "I heard Val scream. No doubt when Kapustcha inserted this blade. He sounded like he was dying. I couldn't wait for you guys to get into position, so I went in. Kapustcha saw me. He raised his arms, like he was going to surrender, but he put one of his arms behind Val, out of sight. I figured he was either going to try and finish Val off, or was going for the blade in order to take one of us down with him, so I shot him." Lloyd frowned. "Is that how you saw it, Mulder?" Mulder looked at the corpse, then at Krycek's smirky grin, then at Skinner, then he sighed curtly, belatedly putting the last piece of the puzzle into place: Krycek had intended to kill Kapustcha all along. He just needed someone as unimpeachable as Walter to do the dirty work for him. Unfortunately, the way Skinner had just described the scene made killing Kapustcha sound *so* reasonable, even to *his* ears --and he knew it was total bullshit-- there was no way contesting the account would do any good. He sighed. //Outmaneuvered by that dirty Rat Bastard again.// "Yeah. That's pretty much what happened, alright." //Damnit to Hell.// He glared at his superior accusingly. Skinner nodded at Mulder, more than grateful for the back-up, considering his agent's ire. Mulder snorted and stalked out of the building, looking for something to deface. Lloyd looked from subordinate to superior, to victim, to corpse, and nodded. "Good job, sir. The paperwork will be a bitch, but you've saved the tax-payers a shit-load of money for a trial, at the very least." "Just tell me forensics found something to tie Kapustcha in with the Fiennes murder, so we can close the book on this bastard for once and for all," Skinner said. Lloyd shrugged. "It's too soon to tell. The forensics tests will be back in a week or two, or so they say. We'll know for sure, then. One way or the other." "If they intend to keep working for me, they'll damn well get those results in in eight business days, or I'll haul them up on dereliction charges," Skinner growled. "I won't be on tenterhooks any longer than I have to --oh, sorry, Val. That was thoughtless of me." Krycek shook his head. "You know he's the right guy, Skinner," Krycek said softly. "Don't sweat it. Isn't a situation board in the country wouldn't clear you of this shoot. Now, if you can't make me more comfortable, can you at least get me out of this damned get-up? I do *not* want to go to the hospital looking like a deranged refugee from a drag queen's sex party." All those in hearing range snorted with amusement. "No can do, Butch," Lloyd joked. "We can't clean you up till forensics gets an eyeful and we have to let the doctors strip and bag your clothing so too many hands don't contaminate them. Like it or not, your 'get-up' is evidence of a serial crime." "Then I take it back --I *am* going to die --of mortification. Terminal embarrassment. Talk about fashion victims --who wears this crap?" His audience laughed again. "Could you at least take the cock ring off?" he pleaded. "My dick'll fall off from lack of oxygen. I'd do it myself, but it looks like a two-handed job to me." Stanley and Skinner looked at Scully, who nodded assent. Then they exchanged glances as they tacitly decided who was going to do the deed. After a moment's hesitation, Skinner reached down and cradled Krycek's cock in one hand while he worked the rings off the swollen flesh with the thumbs and index fingers of both. Luckily, since the rings graduated in size the farther back they went, it was easier and easier to force the rings over the swollen flesh as the rings were inched forward, towards the glans. Finally, the fifth ring popped free, leaving Krycek with a badly abused, but still impressively purple hard on. Skinner passed the cock ring to Scully, who bagged it as evidence. "Oh, shit! Oh, damn! Oh, fuck! I wish I had a smaller dick!" Krycek cursed as each ring was worked down his eight inch long shaft by increments. "Oh, holy crap!" He squeaked as the blood began flowing again. "Ooh...oh..., ow!" He gritted his teeth as the numbness of blood constriction wore off. "Oh, man!" he rubbed himself vigorously, hoping to speed the process --and thus his relief-- up. "Better?" Scully asked. Krycek shook his head. "Hurts like fucking hell!" Skinner frowned. "Don't you have some pain medication in your bag, Scully?" "Yeah." Scully delved into her doctor's bag for a pre-prepared hypo and gave Krycek an injection. Krycek smiled as the drug kicked in. " *are* a Saint, Scully." Lloyd toed a bundle of rags on the floor. "Hey, Val, is this your leather jacket?" "Umm...? Yeah. The sick bastard ripped it to shreds to get at some locker keys I had sewn in the lining.... Six of them.... Which I'd like found and returned..., along with my wallet and, uh..., other stuff..., OK?" Krycek asked, mentally fading again now that the pain was ameliorated by the drugs Scully had administered. "Will do," Lloyd promised. The paramedics came through the door, then, closely followed by the Crime Scene team, who started snapping pix of Alex and the environs. Once they got their rollful of film they released Krycek to the medics, who took vitals while Scully detailed what she had found and what she had given him, and made recommendations for treatment. They packed the knife handle carefully with gauze to stem the bloodflow and immobilized it against his right thigh, then strapped his legs together so the blade would remain as immobile as possible during transport. Then they wrapped his neck in a precautionary brace, strapped him onto a Gurney, and headed out the door, with Skinner tagging along. "How's he look?" Skinner asked. "Well, he's going to need surgery to extract that weapon and sew up the rectal lacerations," one of the paramedics answered. "And he'll need x-rays, or an MRI to determine what other injuries he's sustained. Dr. Scully noted a couple broken ribs, but he may have other subtler fractures, and, possibly, a concussion. All in all, I'd say he was pretty lucky you found him when you did. Otherwise, he would have bled to death." "Eh. 'M harder t' kill 'n a cockroach," Krycek slurred dismissively. "Nah, more like a rat," Skinner corrected with gruff affection. "Huh! Vermin is vermin," the paramedic said. "No. Rats have fur," Skinner said. "They can be cuddly when they want to be. Cockroaches may have their fans, but there's not a one you can cozy up to. Furthermore, rats are trainable and sometimes, if they have a good pedigree, they can be helpmeets to mankind. Not to mention they don't chase wild geese like certain species of foxes tend to do," he said pointedly. Alex smiled shyly. "Why, Walter, I do believe that was a compliment." "Say what you will, I'll deny every word," Skinner grinned back. "Listen: I have to wrap up here and hold a debriefing, but after that I'll grab a ride to the hospital and set up a security detail, OK?" he promised. "You're not out of the woods, yet." Krycek smiled wryly. "Not out of the tobacco field, you mean." Skinner nodded. They both knew that, with Kapustcha dead, Skinner had no legitimate reason to place a guard on Krycek, and every reason to think he might need one, especially if the Smoker blamed Kapustcha's loss on his semi-rogue spy. But they couldn't tell Lloyd about Spender without exposing more information about Kapustcha than was healthy. So that left Skinner, Mulder, and Scully to take up the slack and try to not look suspicious doing it. Hopefully, they could get Krycek on a transport back to D.C. without too long a delay, or Skinner would have to explain why he was neglecting his duties as Assistant Director on top of everything else. The ambulance pulled out, code three, taking Krycek off to a waiting OR. It didn't take Skinner long to wrap up the operation, take Krycek's goods, which had been collected from the entire crime scene, boat included, into custody, or, at least, all of those possessions Skinner could legally, safely, and positively identify, and head back to the PD for the anticipated inter-agency debriefing. As an agent of the F.B.I., Skinner was not required to hand over his badge and gun pending a review board hearing of the incident as a policeman would have been. In fact, the incident would not be reviewed by the OPC until he returned to D.C. At least he wouldn't have to explain himself to Kersh. Walter wasn't fond of the OPC, but they didn't *appear* to have an ax to grind with him, unlike the Deputy Director. After the debriefing, Wong accompanied Scully, Mulder, and Skinner to the hospital to retrieve his transmitter from Krycek's stump, and he took the opportunity to check on his condition, as well. And, just as his culture demanded, he bought a bouquet of flowers from the hospital gift shop so he wouldn't show up empty-handed. They stayed at the hospital until Krycek came out of surgery and was assigned a room of his own. Then Skinner sent Wong back to the Federal Building to check the transmitter back into the inventory, and used his influence as an AD to limit the number of hospital personnel allowed inside to treat 'Mr. Tucci.' The fewer new faces Krycek's 'guards' had to memorize, the less likely an assassin could sneak in wearing hospital garb and finish the job Kapustcha had started. Once those personnel had been identified by name or in person, Skinner told Mulder and Scully to go back to the hotel and get some rest before they took their turn guarding their ward. He settled into the only chair, facing the door, and took turns glancing between it and Krycek's sleeping face. Since Alex had no kin available, Skinner took the surgeon's report. There was a concussion, multiple limb and rib fractures, multiple broken ribs, bruised organs, as well as bruised and lacerated flesh, and a sprained wrist. But the worst injury by far was to the rectum and anus, which had been sliced open with the four bladed knife. They had gone in and cleaned out the pelvic area and sutured the lacerations, but they didn't know if the resulting scar tissue would impede the bowel's functioning in the future.