"Which explains his absence from the club scene," Lloyd said. Mulder nodded. "Yeah. He was too busy setting the snatch up to party. But he can't have known we were going to be jogging up there this morning, so the actual grab was a fluke. Which means he didn't have time to be neat. Anyway, Skinner called Stanley, and he directed us to room 907. Me and AD Skinner and one of the hotel's security men hit the room, but they'd already gone. The secondary signal shows him heading into the warehouse district." Another hotel security man joined them. "Excuse me, Mr. Skinner? Staff witnesses have your suspect leaving the hotel with a big, wheeled suitcase about a minute before they got the alert. His car was parked on the street, instead of the hotel's parking lot, so he wasn't corralled by the blockade. He was driving a panel van, medium blue, no licence noted." "Thank you. What did reception have on our suspect?" Skinner asked as he caught Mulder's eye and tossed his head towards the elevators. Mulder took the hint and dashed off to retrieve Scully and change into his work clothes. Lloyd hauled out his notepad as the security man continued his report. "He registered as one Mikhail Zebruder. Salesman. Address in Long Beach, California, in town for business." "I'll have my boys check it out, but it's probably a dead end," Lloyd said, as Skinner thanked the security man. "So, what's our next move?" "Well, right now Mulder is going upstairs to get Agent Scully, *I* am going to check in with hotel security and pick up the security tapes they set aside for me. Then we are going to the Federal Building, turn the tapes over to Agent Wong, check out a homing device, and start trolling the city for Val. "Agent Wong says the transmitter in the prosthetic has a range of a mile and a half. Last we heard he was still in contact, although that could have changed while we were talking. Needless to say, if he goes to ground we'll call you in before we move on the location." Lloyd nodded. "I've got five cars on call when you need them. Just send me the location. I'll have them there in three minutes! By the way, we using your crime scene guys, or mine? They were having a pissing contest on the way over here." Skinner sighed. "Sic one team on the service elevator and rooftop, let the other have the room. But all the evidence goes with us. Less paperwork, better labs," Skinner said. "Fair enough. Let's get to it, then." With that, they headed off in opposite directions. ### CHAPTER SEVEN # "It is chiefly through the instinct to kill that man achieves intimacy with the life of nature." --Kenneth Clark # Galleria Park Hotel, San Francisco, Ca Sunday, March 12th # Kapustcha had gone home and retrieved his work valise, then bought himself a steamer trunk sized suitcase with built-in handle and wheels, some key blanks, a set of files, and a package of plasticine clay, then returned to the hotel and checked in, paying for one night in advance, taking a suite on the ninth floor. He took advantage of the bellhop's distraction to divest him of his key ring. He pressed each side of each key into blocks of clay, then called the man back to retrieve his 'dropped' keys. He then busied himself with duplicating the entire set of keys. Once that was done and his equipment was back in its carrying case, he went strolling. He found the service elevator and tried the various keys in the lock until one worked. Then he went down to the laundry and snagged a laundry basket, and took it back up to his room and hid it in the bathtub. Then he called room service and had a late supper. The next morning, he got up early and took the laundry cart up to the roof. He had been making a 'dry run' when he'd heard Krycek bantering with someone. Fortunately, he had the vial of chloroform in his pocket. He grabbed his handkerchief and wetted it with the knock-out drug, then crept towards the jogging track. When Krycek tripped, he came up from behind him and pounced. Krycek kicked out, sending the chair skidding across the concrete to smash into a patio table and chairs. But the surprise had been too complete, and Kapustcha's strength too superior for the younger man to overcome. He lapsed into unconsciousness. Kapustcha dragged his captive to the laundry basket, dumped him in, covered him with towels, loaded him onto the service elevator and went down one floor to his room. He got the steamer-sized suitcase out of the closet and zipped it open, ready to accept its cargo. Then he wrestled Krycek's limp body out of the laundry cart. It wasn't as easy getting him out as in, and he ended up dumping him onto the floor where the incongruity of Krycek's attire almost made him laugh. A black leather jacket over a stylish jogging suit? He knew the jacket was Krycek's. In fact, rumor had it that he had sewn a stash of diamonds inside the liner, for a rainy day. Who knew what else he had in the jacket? Kapustcha tugged it off and felt it over. He pulled a switchblade, plam, garrote, opened pack of chewing gum, wallet, ID card folder, sunglasses, comb, and hotel card key out of the various pockets, which he tucked into his own. There were things sewn into the liner, too, but they felt more like keys than jewels. So much for the vaunted grapevine. He tossed the jacket into the suitcase. Krycek's rooftop companion would raise the alarm any moment now, if he hadn't already. He had to get his prize away. He grabbed Krycek's ankles, intending to dump him into the suitcase after the jacket, but the tread caught his eye. Almost white. The tops were brightly white, as well, unscarred, unscuffed. Obviously brand new. He knew the jogging suit had been one of the items Krycek had obtained during their little shopping spree yesterday. The shoes must have been part of the booty as well. Kapustcha thought about Krycek's big, beefy companion and his face screwed up into a scowl. He snatched Krycek's right arm and pulled it up, staring at the 'out of the case' clean watch adorning his wrist. "This looks expensive. Not the sort of thing a punk like you would buy. Did your boyfriend buy it for you, hm? A little love token from your sweet Girly-man?" He stripped it from Krycek's arm and threw it across the room in disgust with such force it clunked against the wall. "He probably bought everything you're wearing. Your big, bald Sugar Daddy." Without a thought for his safety or hesitation in his movements, Kapustcha began tearing Krycek's clothes off and throwing them in the general direction of the watch. When he was done, he studied the body laid bare before him. The prosthesis was hooked onto his stump like a leech, covering the loss with plastic skin. It was as ugly as it was intriguing. He had heard that Krycek had lost the arm. Little snippets of Krycek gossip were always finding their way into his ears. Krycek always wore black leather gloves and long sleeved shirts, these days, so even though they had see each other since, Kapustcha had never had to face the reality of Krycek's maiming. And now was not the best time, either. Kapustcha hoisted Krycek up and folded him into the suitcase, zipped it closed, fixed the zipper lock to secure the load, then pulled out the tow handle and deployed the wheels. He shouldered his other case, made sure the 'do not disturb' sign was on the door, then rolled the trunk to the guest elevators. As he crossed the lobby, he could see a sudden flurry of activity. He tried to hurry his steps without looking as if he was rushing. Thankfully, he had express-paid his room bill, and needn't bother checking out at the desk. He exited the hotel and made his way across the street, to the parking lot of one of the local shops, where he had parked his van the day before. He opened the side door, got in, pulled the suitcase up and into the back, then closed and locked the door. He was safe. He settled himself into the driver's seat and drove out, paying no attention to the covey of security men blocking the exits to the Galleria Park Hotel's parking lot. He drove to the company warehouse, pulling into the back to park. He made sure the place was empty, then draped his 'equipment' bag over his shoulder before pushing out the steamer-sized suitcase and wheeling it into the back of the warehouse, where there was an emergency wash area, in case some volatile chemical spilled and the handlers needed to 'decontaminate' themselves. It consisted of two walls of nozzles and control knobs, the back wall was solid, the other broken into four sections to allow multiple entries and exits from the facility. A metal grating set four inches above the multiple set of drains kept the sloughed off toxins from pooling around flushed skin and clothing, so there would be no effects from recontamination, or prolonged exposure. The shower heads were set at four heights in both walls and from pipes overhead to ensure quick, complete coverage from head to toe. Kapustcha laid the suitcase down and unzipped the lid, considering his prisoner. Out cold. He went into the shower, unslung the other bag from his shoulder, and considered its contents. First a wrench. He unscrewed one of the next to lowest showerheads from its pipe, then replaced it with a metal reenforced plastic hose. He tied a rope to one of the overhead pipes, then tied another rope to the adjacent overhead pipe. Then he went back to the suitcase. Krycek was still unconscious. Still unprotesting, limp and unwieldy weight. Kapustcha hauled Krycek out of the suitcase and dragged him into the showers. He cuffed and fettered him, then secured his ankles to the lowest nozzles on either wall. He attached his right wrist cuff to the rope over his head, and hoisted him upright. Then he pulled his prosthetic over to the adjacent pipe and secured it in place. He stepped outside the shower proper to shed his own clothing, gathered up a shaving razor, soap, shaving lather, and a wash cloth out of his equipment bag, stepped back in to the shower stall, and turned the water on. Water would purify them for the coming activities. Shaving the bitch's hair off would remind him who wore the pants and who the dress in this pairing. When Krycek woke, he thought, for one addled second, that he was still on the rooftop, in a freezing rain, but something besides his pounding head felt wrong. //If I knocked myself out, shouldn't I be laying down? What happened to my clothes?// He jerked, trying to escape the rain, but his limbs were tightly secured. //Hmm? Can't move.// He blinked to focus his eyes on his ankles, then his wrists. //Uht-oh.// His ankles were tied below him, his wrists tied above. The memory of falling, and being grabbed from behind, of the doped cloth pressing against his face, flashed over his mind's eye. He groaned. There was a showerhead directly over him raining cold water onto his naked body. His real arm was attached to the water pipe above the showerhead. His fake arm was secured to a dry pipe outside the showerhead's coverage area. He supposed his captor was afraid the prosthesis wasn't waterproof. He felt no pressing need to tell him that it was. The chloroform had made him nauseous and left him with an undeserved 'hangover,' which made it hard to think straight, and it wasn't helped by the fact that he was shivering so hard his teeth ached. Krycek's survival instinct overcame his initial confusion and he dropped his head so he wouldn't emulate a domesticated turkey, but turning away from the showerhead put him face to face with his captor. Krycek stiffened with surprise and shock. //Kapustcha.// Suddenly, he wasn't so sure that drowning was a bad alternative. Kapustcha was lathering a washcloth. Krycek flinched backwards reflexively, but he was too securely tied for it to make much difference. "Nooo," he moaned. Kapustcha looked up from his task and smiled unpleasantly. "Finally awake, My Pretty? I was beginning to wonder if I'd be enjoying this shower alone." He gripped the back of Krycek's head and scrubbed his face, let the shower-rain rinse the lather off, then moved down Krycek's body, sparing no inch of flesh inside the water's 'footprint' with the exception of the double rings of flesh covered by the cuffs around Krycek's ankles. He was brutally thorough, pinching Krycek's nipples through the cloth, peeling back his foreskin to rasp the foamy cloth over Krycek's sensitive glans with the same intensity as he'd used on the callous-tough soles of his feet. Krycek's flesh felt satiny and yielding to Kapustcha's washcloth and lather insulated hand. His other hand slid slickly over soap and water coated skin, feeling the solidity of muscle, the wiriness of sinew, and the knotty ropes of old scar tissue. His penis flagged its interest when he realized that most of Krycek's scars were souvenirs from his past ministrations. He stood back to let the last of the lather slough off into the drain, then shut the water off. He wrung out the wash cloth then let it drop to the grate in favor of a can of shaving gel. He shook it, and pressed the nozzle, allowing a peach-sized ball of gel to bloom in his palm. Then he spread the foam over Krycek's chest, armpits, and belly. He foamed up again and lathered Krycek's groin, then each leg. Then he picked up a safety razor and began scraping off the foam and the hair entangled in it. Krycek whimpered as Kapustcha circled his nipples, then made a clean sweep of the treasure trail that led to his groin. "Stand still, Bitch," Kapustcha warned him, as he scraped the razor over Krycek's pubes and scrotum, giggling as Krycek's balls shriveled at his touch and tried desperately to crawl back into his body to escape his groping fingers. Krycek watched as Kapustcha continued downward, baring one leg, then the other down to the cuffs. The man had shaved off all his body hair. All of it that he could see. He looked like a baby rat, naked tail and all. Kapustcha moved behind him and he shivered, feeling the man's presence like a fat, deadly spider behind him. Blunt fingers pried his ass cheeks apart. He held his breath as lathered fingers stroked his crack, preparing him. The last thing he wanted was a shaving nick in his ass crack, but he couldn't stop himself from groaning. //Not this shit again.// He wondered if Kapustcha ever stopped to consider how annoyingly itchy sprouting pubic and ass hair could be on tender skin. Not that he'd care. Not that Alex would dare complain. Alex drew a steeling breath. He hadn't expected to get nabbed on the roof of the hotel. He looked at his right wrist again, focusing on another lack: no global positioning watch. He felt a moment's panic clench his guts, then told himself it didn't matter. Whether Kapustcha had taken it off when he put him in the shower or he'd ditched it, Alex still had the transmitter in his prosthetic and he could *see* that *it* was still attached. The good guys just had to find him. Which meant he had to play along with his captor until he was rescued, so he'd have as few injuries as possible. San Francisco wasn't that big a city compared to other modern metropolises. They only had to come within a mile and a half of his position. He just had to stay with Kapustcha long enough for Skinner to shoot the bastard dead. How long could it take? One hour? Two, tops? How long had it been already? //I can do this,// he thought. //Just play it cool.// Kapustcha turned the water back on and let the left-over foam sluice into the drains. "Time for your douche, Cunt." He reached for the hose. Krycek was too familiar with it. It had a five inch long, finger-thick plastic nozzle drilled with holes that fit up his ass. Instant enema. The nozzle was long enough for Kapustcha to play fuck games with him as he filled his bowels with water. Krycek felt his bottom lip begin to quiver. He bit it still. //Just the chill,// he told himself. //I'm just cold, I'm not scared. Not scared at all.// Kapustcha lathered the nozzle up then shoved it up Krycek's rectum till the metal bit kissed his sphincter, then he moved it in and out, in and out, slow and hard, deliberately pressing down to rub Krycek's prostate with each long, agonizing stroke. Krycek squirmed helplessly as the soap stung his tender tissues and cold, forceful water filled his bowels too quickly. Kapustcha tapped Krycek's distending abdomen periodically, to determine when he was well filled, then turned the water off. "That should flush your filthy cunt out, hmm? Fifteen minutes, now. Don't spill a drop or you'll have to do it all over again." He leered as he considered that prospect, then stepped away, off the platform, razor still in hand. "I'll just go set out your make-up, Girl." Alex cringed. //Oh, shit! Hurry up, Skinner, please, hurry up!// It wasn't long before the urgent need to evacuate his bowels and his equally pressing need to keep himself from doing that very thing pushed all other thoughts from his mind. //Hold it! Hold it! Oh, shit! How much more time? Don't let it go. Clench! Clench! Oh, damn! Don't let any go. Oh! Don't cramp. Stop spasming. Hold it! Gotta hold it!// "How are you, Little Pussy? Just about to burst, hmm?" Kapustcha asked as he re-entered the shower, a towel draped over one shoulder. Krycek groaned. Kapustcha chuckled and grabbed the hose. He pushed it in and not quite all the way out, then back in, teasingly, then yanked it out. Krycek almost shrieked as a jet of water shot from his ass before he could regain control of his sphincter. "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" he babbled. "Permission to go. Please. Gotta go really bad." He would have danced in place if his feet weren't tied. Kapustcha smiled. He wiped his spattered wrist on the towel, then gripped Krycek's hips, ensuring that he couldn't twist himself about, not even a bit. "Go on, then, Cunt. Clean your hole for me." Alex shuddered and let the water gush out of him, taking the remnants of yesterday's dinner with it. Kapustcha patted his ass dry with the towel. "Th-thank you, Big Daddy," he said. He knew the drill. He didn't have to fight. There was no point in fighting. Skinner would find him soon. Soon. //Please, make it soon, Skinner. I'll play it cool, try to stay on Kapustcha's good side, just, please, get here soon!// Kapustcha scowled. On the one hand, he and The Slut had played this game before, so he knew that Krycek knew what was expected of him. On the other hand, he knew Krycek. The little bastard liked to play tame --right up until he bit your dick. Simper and betray. It was *every* cunt's game. Even his dear ex-wife had played it. He wasn't fooled. Not one whit. "What are you up to, now, hm, Slit?" he wondered aloud. Krycek's face smoothed out as if the drug had claimed his consciousness once more. "I'm just trying to make things easy on myself, Big Daddy," he said. Kapustcha smiled. He had no doubt that what Krycek had said was true. It was what Krycek *hadn't* said that concerned him. And he knew from the way Krycek had tried to smooth his features so he wouldn't give himself away that there was something he was hiding. He tried to think of all the ways Krycek could betray him this early in the game, carefully reviewing everything that had happened so far. Up on the roof the man with Krycek had called him 'Krycek,' but he had also called him 'Percival.' A sort of half alias. What could that mean? He rubbed his wrist --and froze. He was right-handed, and he wore his watch on the left wrist. The band of white skin where he usually wore it bore silent testament to that. Krycek was right-handed, too. So why had he been wearing his watch on his right wrist? He reached up and grabbed Krycek's wrists, unbuckling the cuffs one by one to check the skin and plasti-skin beneath. They were above the showerheads, so they hadn't been washed. As he suspected. There was a noticeably clean band of plastic on the prosthetic wrist, but no such band of whiter skin around the right wrist. Krycek, like himself, habitually wore his watch on the left. Why the change? "What's your game, Slit?" "I'm not playing games, Big Daddy," Krycek denied. Kapustcha back-handed Krycek's face. "Don't lie to me, Cunt!" The little bastard rolled with the blow as much as his restraints allowed and went impassively silent once more. It unnerved Kapustcha. //He's too calm, too confident. He's naked, so it can't be anything he had in his clothes. Think!// He'd cleaned out his bowels.... He pinched Krycek's jaw and checked his mouth. //No new dental work. Then what-- the prosthetic!// Kapustcha uncuffed the plasti-skinned prosthetic once more and began tugging on it. "Hey! Wha'd'ya think you're doing?" Krycek squeaked as much with surprise as alarm. Kapustcha back-handed him again, this time sending him into a half-spin, which was braked by his tethered ankles, which only allowed his hips to swivel so far. "I want this off, Hole!" "It's vacuum-sealed, damn-it! It doesn't pull off!" Krycek protested. "You don't have the right equipment! You're gonna break my arm! Stop it!" He wrested his arm free of Kapustcha's grasp, but he had no way to keep Kapustcha from capturing it again. Kapustcha abruptly quit trying and stalked out of the stall, only to return with a foot long, flat metal rod. He wrapped an arm around Krycek's prosthetic to hold it still, and, with the other hand, shoved the rod between the cuff and Krycek's stump, then twisted it, to break the seal. Air wooshed from the join, the cuff loosened, and Kapustcha was able to tug the arm free and look inside the cuff. He spotted the transmitter at once. Kapustcha let loose an inarticulate bellow and began beating Krycek with his own prosthetic. "No games? You set me up, you Brazen Hussy!" Alex felt ribs pop and crack and teeth loosen even as they cut his battered lips open. The blows to his abdomen made him retch and convulse helplessly in his bonds. Then, when Kapustcha tired, he threw down the unwieldy bat and grabbed his balls and squeezed hard. Alex shrieked and spasmed, wriggling like a worm on a hook. His screams ripped his throat raw, but Kapustcha refused to relent till the ends of his fingernails tore through the thin skin of Alex's scrotum and blood oozed through his fingers.