This Moment In Time By Jolee Patkai Story: Completely in my own words, and told through the mind of Scully. Her feelings as I imagine they must have been when Mulder returned. My own imagination working overtime. All characters property of FOX and 1013. ....... I had never been so scared in my life. Not when my life was threatened, not when Mulder's life hung in the balance, not when he was abducted, nor when he died. But those seconds upon his first waking from coma, when he looked into my eyes, and had whispered "Who are you?"......this was the most terrifying moment, for me. My whole world started shattering when he spoke. How could life be so cruel, how could God play such a trick on us? To have taken him away from me, to have returned him, only for his memory of me to be gone? This would have been too much for this woman to live through. Touching him and feeling his blue eyes on me, had made my heart swell with love and promise. Had he really not known me, had it been true, then my life would surely have ended. Even with this child growing inside me, I would have been only a shell, empty and barren. But then he smiled...he smiled and joy seared my heart. My eyes overflowed and my breath left my body. My head fell and then I looked into his eyes and begged him not to do that to me. Didn't he know..couldn't he sense how much I have needed him alive and whole...body and mind? He is my life, my reason for living. Without him, these past months have been black, lacking any resemblance of the here and now. I lived in limbo, afraid to remember our past, and completely terrified to even think of the world without him in it. __________ Mulder has returned and each and every day, he is getting stronger. He is healing in body, but I fear, not in mind. I try to feel him out, trying to share his pain and fear, but he resists me. I know it will take time, and to this end, I handle him gently. Still, it is so hard not to touch love him. He seems unsure of his place in the world, of his place in my world. How could he ever doubt this? That day I took him home from the hospital. As we walked into his apartment, I could feel tension building. He seemed occupied with trivial things. How clean the apartment was, the death of his fish. He sat on his desk and looked everywhere but at me. I felt lost as I had ever been. My body was one enormous ache, just wanting so much to feel his arms around me and his mouth covering mine. But he was not going to touch me, or even look at me. I just stood there, across the coffee table from him, my arms hanging limply at me sides. My swollen stomach seeming to throb with the life growing inside me, a life wanting to be recognized by him, as I wanted to be. I tried to explain to him how hard it had been after learning of his abduction, then searching for him and finally finding him dead. Burying him had been such an unreal experience and soul crushing for me. And yet, he sat there staring blankly, and had uttered those words. "I don't mean to sound cold, but....". God, don't do this to me again. Don't close me out...I wanted to shout. I need you, Mulder, and you need me! But I said nothing...only stood there meeting his gaze. Then I left him there, alone. I needed to be alone and keep myself from falling apart. He will change...he will want me! This I had to believe! _______________ Well, here I stand. In my silk PJ's staring at the man again. Only this time, he seems more like the Mulder I knew. He is joking with me, teasing me, and his eyes are full of warmth. I try to seem uncaring, almost, but I don't quite pull it off. I have felt unwell most of the day. During the past weeks, I have been remaining at home more and more often. This pregnancy has been strange, and being a doctor I recognize things are not as they should be. But I am uncertain of the cause of my unease. When the first pains swept my abdomen, I thought labor had begun, but soon I realized this was not the case. Something was wrong. Mulder was there for me, and has continued to be by my side through the weeks in the hospital. I struggle not to let my happiness make me vulnerable. Knowing how this man can break my heart, scares the hell out of me. I can't help but feel that as he is feeling his way back to life, so to is he feeling his way back into my heart. My apartment has never felt more homey, nor more welcoming. I love the feel of comfort that just being here, snuggled on my couch, brings me. Mulder brought me home, and insisted I eat pizza with him, but I really have no appetite for it. All I really want to do is drink in the sight of him. He looks wonderful, his scars all but faded. His eyes are not haunted now, and he is reaching out to me more and more these days. He sits down beside me, a whole cushion away, but I feel him close. He is like a little boy, wanting approval for the gift he has given me, and although I wonder at his choice of gift, a hand made doll belonging to his sister, I sense how much it means to him for me to have it. My heart feels like it will burst, as I hold this treasure in my hands. I try to express to him how much I cherish this, how much I cherish him, but all I can do is stroke the beautiful dress and laugh softly. As I look at him, my heart in my eyes, I reach out to touch his face. Such a beautiful face, such a wonderful man. And then I do what I have wanted to do for six long months. I pull his face close to mine and breathe his name, grazing my lips over his. My whole body is shaking, and I realize he is trembling. He tastes so good, and his mouth turns hard on mine. Careful not to hurt me...he thinks I will break...he pulls me into his arms. Not an easy thing to do, with my belly in the way. But he manages quite nicely. I am dizzy with emotion and sensation. His mouth is driving me crazy with wanting and knowing that at this time, what we desire is not possible. I must be very careful now, the baby will soon come. But still, he carries me to my bed, and undresses me...oh so slowly. My body has changed so much, it seems he cannot get enough of it. Touching and tasting, he rediscovers me, and in doing so, sends me over the edge. I cry out when the first waves of pleasure wash over me, and I beg him not to stop. He doesn't disappoint me, like he ever would. I have never felt so alive. Being with him like this is a revelation. Still dizzy, I begin my own journey of rediscovery. I kiss my way down his chest, stopping at the scars still visible. I cry for the pain he has suffered and with my hands and mouth I cleanse him. He quivers and shudders as he finds his pleasure and I hold him tightly, holding him in place with my legs entwined in his. We are both so breathless, talking is impossible. But the feeling flowing between us, as we snuggle in my bed, is such, that talking is not necessary. My blue eyes meet his blue eyes, and our hands cling to each other. We have never been so close, never felt so complete as we do at this moment . In this precious moment in time. The End